Nine Revolutions Primal Chaos Art

Chapter 314

"It turned out to be the best pill. No wonder the old guy has a little meat pain."

After a little examination, Xiao Lingyu swallowed the pill.

The power of the medicine was distributed in the body, and Xiao Lingyu\'s bones, flesh and blood and abdomen were recovering rapidly. After all, it was the best magic pill, and the efficacy was not bad.

Xiao Lingyu\'s physical quality is close to that of the best magic weapon. After being seriously damaged, the effect of using the best magic pill to recover is not obvious, and the speed is very slow. Only the best magic pill can recover it in a short time.

Half a month later, Xiao Lingyu suddenly woke up from sitting. Instead of his body recovering, he noticed that his messenger bead was trembling.

The idea sank into the messenger bead and checked it. Xiao Lingyu got up calmly. Then he went out of the valley of the Royal beast hall and went all the way to the gate of the East pole demon sect.

Different from the previous East pole demon clan residence, the Warcraft that can be seen everywhere can\'t feel the unique smell of East pole demon clan on Xiao Lingyu. They all look up at him and shout at him.

Xiao Lingyu directly released his thoughts and let those Warcraft with low cultivation fall into deep sleep.

Out of the East pole demon clan\'s residence, Xiao Lingyu flew to scorpion demon Valley at full speed.

At the gate of scorpion devil Valley, Zhu Jin and Gong he were waiting quietly. When they saw Xiao Lingyu flying, they all welcomed him.

"You\'re back at last," Xiao Lingyu said to Gong He after falling.

"Blood moon city is not close to here, but I didn\'t stop for a moment. I went back to the branch, released your task, and rushed back." Gong he scratched his head and explained.

"You summoned that the Mongolian family was going to attack the heaven robber group. Why? Was it the last time that the news leaked out?" Xiao Lingyu asked.

"Not because of what happened last time, but because someone found that Zhu Jin was here, and the man went to Meng\'s house to tell the news." Gong He shook his head.

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Lingyu asked.

"How else can we deal with it? With the current strength of our heaven robbing bandit group, the Mongolian family can easily kill us by sending some elite disciples. I have let all the heaven robbing bandit group transfer." Zhu Jin was depressed.

"It\'s right to move all the time, but it\'s not a way to hide all the time. How should we deal with the sudden killing of Meng family one day when you don\'t know?" Xiao Lingyu said anxiously.

"We seem to have no choice but to hide. I investigated the Meng family. Although I can\'t find out their specific strength, at least one thing is certain. They don\'t lack masters in the spirit and devil period, and their contemporary parents seem to be masters in the later spirit and devil period." Gong he said with a bitter smile.

"Is there any good way to be in charge?" Zhu Jinyu asked with a small face.

"Hehe, now it has been noticed by Meng\'s family. It\'s impossible for us to make a long-distance transfer. We can only find an absolutely safe place to hide nearby." Xiao Lingyu thought about it and replied.

"But where is there an absolutely safe place around here? The Meng family has been operating around the city for many years. They can find where we hide, unless we don\'t do any work in the future." Gong he frowned and cried.

"I really can\'t, just give me to Meng\'s family." Zhu Jin seems to be helpless.

"That\'s a good idea."

Xiao Lingyu replied without thinking. When Gong He and Zhu Jin stared at him in a daze, he said, "if this can solve the problem, I\'m likely to choose this way. However, even if you give you to the Mongolian family, they won\'t give up."

"Why?" Gong he didn\'t understand the tunnel.

"Because the boy has a treasure, and even if he goes to the Mongolian family, he probably won\'t give the treasure to the Mongolian family. Then the Mongolian family will certainly believe that the boy gave the treasure to the heaven robbers. Do you think the Mongolian family can let go of the heaven robbers?" Xiao Lingyu seems to analyze it seriously.

"That\'s true."

Gong He nodded immediately, then blinked again and asked, "is there really a treasure?"

Xiao Lingyu smiled and said nothing.

Zhu Jin nodded and said, "there is a treasure, but if there is no master of the spirit and magic period to lead us, we can only die."

"We\'ll talk about the treasure later. Now the most important thing is how to keep our lives under the pursuit of the Meng family. Are there any enemies of the Meng family nearby, or the existence that the Meng family dare not provoke?" Xiao Lingyu changed the topic.

Zhu Jin and Gong He both fell into thinking. After a long time, Gong he said, "there is a third rate sect called" blood soul sect "about 200000 miles west. Where can we actually hide?"

"Although 200000 Li is not far away, it\'s only a third rate sect. The Meng family should not have much scruples." Xiao Lingyu shook his head and said.

"I heard that the blood soul sect is attached to the chibo demon sect, which is a first-class sect in the blood moon mainland. I don\'t dare to go wild on the territory of the blood soul sect if I want to come to Mongolia," Gong He explained.

"Chibo demon sect?"

Xiao Lingyu thought the name was a little familiar. When he recalled it carefully, he thought that he had just seen the transmission hall built by chibo demon sect.

"Is this news reliable?" Zhu Jin asked brightly.

"I just heard that I don\'t know whether it is reliable or not," Gong he said.

"Although this is difficult to verify, it can also be inferred from the intersection between the Meng family and the blood soul sect for many years. For example, whether the Meng family took the initiative to find fault with the blood soul sect and, if so, whether it took advantage of it." Xiao Lingyu said.

"You can really check it. After all, the blood soul sect is not far from the Mongolian city. For so many years, the Mongolian family should have some intersection with the blood soul sect." Zhu Jin added.

"If the blood soul sect really has a good relationship with chibo demon sect, in fact, you can also think of ways to provoke or create misunderstandings between them, so as to make the blood soul sect conflict with Meng family, which will lead chibo demon sect to suppress or even destroy Meng family." Xiao Lingyu touched his chin and said.

"This is a plan to drive away tigers and swallow wolves, but teasing tigers and wolves is also a very dangerous thing." Zhu Jin was a little worried.

"But it\'s better than waiting to die. In our case, we will not be able to deal with Meng\'s family for a long time, so we can only ask others to do it for us." Xiao Lingyu smiled.

After the matter was settled, Xiao Lingyu returned to the valley of the imperial beast Hall of the East pole demon sect and continued to close the door to recover.

Although he is also very concerned about whether the heaven robber group will be destroyed by the Meng family, Xiao Lingyu has no time to separate himself. It is urgent to solve the plan of the old man surnamed Li first.

Besides, even if Xiao Lingyu personally led the heaven robber group, it would not play a great role, and it would make him more dangerous.

People are selfish. Xiao Lingyu doesn\'t have a deep relationship with everyone in the heaven robber group. To put it bluntly, he just wants this bandit group to develop and help him earn more magic stones. At least now, he won\'t work hard for the heaven robber group.

Six months later, Xiao Lingyu woke up from meditation again. It was not someone knocking, but he noticed something in his spirit animal bag.

The strange young beast with chaotic magic like Xiao Lingyu finally woke up from his deep sleep, flashed a pair of bleary eyes, looked around for a few times, and began to swallow the flesh of the Warcraft animals Xiao Lingyu collected in the East pole demon cave.

Although the strange cub now has the skill level of the true magic period, it is still very small, only half a foot long, and the shell on its back has a more metallic texture.

To Xiao Lingyu\'s surprise, there was no lack of true magic period in the Warcraft he sent in. The little guy swallowed all of it without a cup of tea, and it just patted his little belly with a naive attitude, without any discomfort.