Nine Revolutions Primal Chaos Art

Chapter 250

"You can also have special circumstances. You\'ve been hiding your power and biding your time for countless years. Are you ready to rise with a high profile? Also, at present, the three top giants have been destroyed, and the cultivation world is in turmoil. It\'s really a good opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity." Xiao Lingyu said in a strange tone as he continued to look at the surrounding situation.

"Oh? Could it be that in your eyes, shuntianmeng is the kind of organization that likes to grab interests?" Anya said with an unchanged expression.

"Don\'t tell me that you are still the organization that pays attention to obedience to heaven." Xiao Lingyu immediately answered.

His words stunned Anya and Xun Lao at the same time. They even stopped their pace at a constant speed and looked at Xiao Lingyu a little unexpectedly.

In today\'s cultivation world, few people know what Shun tianmeng used to be and what organization it was.

Now, I\'m afraid that more than 90% of Shuntian alliance\'s own people know nothing about the purpose of Shuntian\'s life.

"It seems that you did a lot of homework before you came this time." Anya then resumed her normal expression and said again.

"In fact, I only know so much." Xiao Lingyu said calmly.

Xiao Lingyu thinks this conversation is too boring. It\'s not a couple date at all, but in fact, he and Anya already have the reality of husband and wife, but it seems that neither of them knows romance.

This makes Xiao Lingyu feel very uncomfortable, but he can\'t say it directly. He can only express his silent resistance with his face.

"Even know this. I can\'t believe you know little." Anya said with a smile.

"You should believe me," said Xiao Lingyu.

Anya listened to this, Liu Mei picked up slightly and didn\'t speak again. She seemed to be thinking about the meaning of Xiao Lingyu\'s sentence.

After walking for about half an hour, Anya stopped at the door of a small yard. In this short time, Xiao Lingyu had seen more than a thousand friars, and these friars were not only human, but also some experts of alien and demon families.

These monks were in a hurry, but their faces were a little excited and nervous, as if they were about to meet a major challenge with great opportunity.

From this, Xiao Lingyu can see that Shuntian alliance is afraid to make some big moves. He picked over the three top giants in the cultivation world, which makes the undercurrent of the cultivation world surging. It seems to give Shuntian alliance a very good opportunity.

Just as Xiao Lingyu was meditating, Anya knocked on the door of the small yard, and an old man dressed in a white robe with white as snow eyebrows hanging down to his chest appeared.

"Yes, miss." the old man glanced at it first, then bowed down with his fists, very respectful.

To Xiao Lingyu\'s surprise, the old man didn\'t say hello to a master of nine robbers like Xun. He glanced at it with his mind. The old man was also a cultivation of nine robbers and was a little better than Xun.

What Xiao Lingyu has seen about the Shun Tian alliance is that there are two nine robbers. This alone is enough to despise the big and small forces in the whole cultivation world. You know, even if they were the three top door lords in the past, they all have only one nine robber.

"Weng Lao, is everything all right in the quiet room?" Anya was not polite. She didn\'t forget to ask when she stepped into the yard.

Xiao Lingyu followed him into the yard, but old Xun stood outside the yard, looking like he was afraid or unqualified to come in.

"Everything is fine. Soon, the alliance leader will wake up." Weng replied calmly and kindly.

The yard is not big. There is a path paved with blue stones leading to the only two-story stone building in the yard. On both sides of the path are planted with all kinds of spiritual flowers and different grasses, which makes the yard look quiet, pleasant and comfortable. As long as you step into the yard, you will have a feeling of physical and mental comfort, and all worries seem to disappear from your eyes.

The stone door of the stone building was tightly closed. After Weng pushed the stone door open one step earlier, he turned to the yard and found a stone to squat down. Unexpectedly, he had never asked about Xiao Lingyu from beginning to end.

"What\'s your relationship with the reclusive alliance leader?"

The layout of the first floor of the stone building is very simple. There is only a long stone table and a circle of stone piers. There is nothing else. Xiao Lingyu asked after glancing at it.

"Didn\'t you find out?" Anya asked with a smile and walked back to the stone stairs on the wall.

"You shun tianmeng are so well organized. Do you think I can hear it?" Xiao Lingyu didn\'t answer.

"The leader of the alliance is my father. He closed the gate before I was born. Until now, he was about to leave the gate." Anya stepped up and said slowly.

"Your father?!"

Although Xiao Lingyu guessed it, he was still a little unbelievable. He had known that Anya was extraordinary in the Shuntian alliance, but he didn\'t expect that she would be the daughter of the leader of the Shuntian alliance.

Many strong people in the cultivation world know that the successive alliance leaders of Shun Tian alliance are people with unfathomable strength. Even the son of heaven Yan believes in it and is a little afraid... Xiao Lingyu didn\'t expect that Anya has such a big background. No wonder that old Xun will always follow, and old Weng will be so polite.

"Why, are you afraid?" Anya also stopped, stood at the door of the second floor, turned and asked.

Xiao Lingyu didn\'t like others to talk to him condescending. Therefore, he also went to the door on the second floor and replied, "it\'s not fear, but a little uneasy. After all, it\'s the first time to see his father-in-law."

"It sounds good now, but my father may not promise to be your father-in-law." Anya said and turned around, but the joy on her face made Xiao Lingyu see it.

"Originally she also likes to listen to nice." Xiao Lingyu thought so, and followed up with a wry smile.

There is no living room on the second floor, only one aisle and two secret rooms.

One of the doors of the two secret rooms has strong prohibition and protection, and the other has no breath of energy fluctuation.

"My father is closed in this secret room."

Anya first pointed to the forbidden secret room and introduced it. Then she pushed open the stone door of the secret room without any defense and said, "this is where I usually practice. Do you think we should meet my father first or visit my boudoir first?"

"I\'d better meet my uncle first. However, my uncle is still closed. It\'s a little inappropriate for us to disturb him rashly?" Xiao Lingyu gave the result without thinking.

"You\'re very polite, but you were still calling your father-in-law, and now you\'re an uncle. You\'ve become a little too fast."

Anya Bai glanced at Xiao Lingyu and began to pinch the Yin formula. With her Yin formula, she continued to break into the prohibition of the stone gate. The prohibition of the stone gate slowly dissipated. Even when she knew the Yin formula, it took her a full cup of tea to open the door of the secret room.

What Xiao Lingyu didn\'t expect was that in the secret room, there was only a huge light cocoon suspended in the air, and in the light cocoon, there was a seemingly middle-aged man sitting cross legged with his upper body bare.

The man is plump and handsome, with long black hair and shawl, but his skin exudes bronze luster. With an open sky, he also has a pair of long and thick eyebrows and a straight nose. Even if he is closed, he also gives people a very dignified feeling.

"No wonder the girl didn\'t have a shy expression when she brought me in. I dare say her father is still closed, but this kind of closed situation is a little strange." Xiao Lingyu thought in his heart.

As soon as Xiao Lingyu\'s thought flashed, he found that the fingers of Anya\'s father in the light cocoon trembled slightly.

Anya also found this situation, and her face showed some joy.

"Is this a sign of the end of closed door cultivation?" Xiao Lingyu was a little suspicious.