Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 454

When the Liu family rushed to the Dragon City, the scene in front of them made everyone's eyes red and angry.

This is just a plot, a plot to stir up a life and death war between the dragon family and the Liu family.

Dragon enemy suddenly wake up, the other side deliberately at this time to kill Liu Caiyu and others, is not intended to give him the opportunity to clean up the scene.

The man's purpose was to let Liu Changqing see his daughter's tragic death with his own eyes.

"The dragon house!"

Liu Changqing let out a low roar like a wild animal, and the terrifying murderous spirit came towards this side like a huge wave.

"Liu Changqing, if I told you that Liu Caiyu was not killed by my dragon family, would you believe it?" The Dragon enemy sighed and said.

"Do you think you would believe it if it were you?" Liu Changqing stepped toward the Dragon enemy.


the Dragon enemy was dumb, knowing that this war was inevitable, he murmured: "everyone is ready."

"Father, we are afraid that we are not Liu Changqing's opponent. What's more, the former man deliberately framed us. The purpose of that man is to be our dragon city. If we fight with Liu Changqing, how can we deal with him?" Longnan is away from the low voice channel.

"Now, do we have another choice?" Asked the Dragon enemy.

The crowd was silent.


However, hearing Liu Changqing's anger, his body suddenly rose, and a green light burst out on him, turning into two long swords, which were chopped at the Dragon enemy in the air.

"Three changes of dragon chant!"

The Dragon enemy's feet are a little bit, and two powerful and domineering golden lights appear in the body, which is like a dragon flying into the sky and facing the sword.

Bang Dong!

An explosion produced a brilliant light in the void.

And the lower dragon master and Liu master have been fighting together, the scene is extremely hot, hard to give up.

Although the Dragon enemy is old and his strength is not as good as that of long Ying battle, as the Lord of the Dragon City, he is not easy to deal with. His hands become claws, and they are as sharp and hard as the Dragon claws. There is an indestructible spirit between his fingers. One claw can tear Liu Changqing's body protection breath.

However, Liu Changqing's strength is far higher than the Dragon enemy. The Dragon enemy can't reach the peak of the heaven soul state. However, Liu Changqing has already entered the Yang soul realm. His breath has just broken, and then his body overflows with a thick and terrifying soul Qi, which quickly fills the broken defense. The amazing potential pressure falls head-on and shakes the body of the Dragon enemy.

"Those who are just in heaven and soul state dare to be enemies with me? act recklessly and blindly! Today, let you know what you can't offend

Liu Changqing gave a long cry, and the halo behind him burst out. A terrible flying eagle came out and spread its wings in the air and sang for a long time.

In an instant, the void vibrates, the aura hidden in the air all fluctuates, and ripples spread everywhere.

The Dragon enemy's face suddenly changed. He immediately turned around and fled.

However, the void behind him suddenly ripples, and then in the ripples, there is a huge and terrible big gray hand, fiercely patted at him.

"Dragon scale armor!"

The Dragon enemy roared, and a large number of scales condensed by Yuan force appeared all over his body. His arms were raised horizontally to resist the terrible gray big hands.


The strength of the big hand was amazing, and he flew straight away. However, the Dragon enemy had not yet landed, and a number of fists appeared in the void at the other end, which bombarded the Dragon enemy wildly.

The Dragon enemy flung his arms to resist, but there were more and more terrible hands and feet in the empty space around, and they were extremely powerful. Their strength was so terrible that they even shocked people with one blow. It was hard to gather Yuan Li. The Dragon enemy fought hard for dozens of moves, and finally it was hard to resist. If one was careless, he was bombarded on his chest and spat out blood directly,

fell from the air.



Seeing this, the dragon family rushed to the Dragon enemy.


The Dragon enemy smashed a pavilion and fell into the ruins. He got up hard. However, as soon as the man stood up, the general situation suddenly fell. The ruins around the Dragon enemy instantly turned into vermicelli. He bent down directly, his feet sank into the ground, and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood...

"go back!"

Long Mo, long Liu and others rushed to fight against the force of repression.

"A little fly shakes a tree, a mantis is a chariot!"

Liu Changqing hums coldly: "kill! Kill all of them for me, not one of them


The Liu family rushed to the dragon family, and their swords pointed directly at them. The dragon family was unable to resist it, and they were defeated and retreated.

"Leave me alone and try to get out of here! Come on

The Dragon enemy gasped and roared in a low voice.

"Dad, do you want us to give up dragon city?" Long Mo looks unbelievable.

"There is no Yang soul state in our dragon city. No one can fight against it. Liu Changqing, if you stay here, you will only be slaughtered by them. Find a way to leave here, keep the blood of the dragon family, and try to revive the Dragon City in the future." The Dragon enemy's sonorous voice.


The crowd cried.

"Grandfather, we still have master Bai. He must be able to defeat the Liu family and save Longcheng!"At this time, a descendant of the dragon family cried.

Although most of the descendants of the dragon family are not optimistic about the Dragon moon, they worship the white night very much.

"We're afraid we can't wait for master Bai to leave the pass. What's more, even if he appears, he may not be able to defeat Liu Changqing and save the dragon family." The Dragon enemy shook his head and sighed.


The last glimmer of hope was dashed.

"Shock! Shock! Shock

Liu Shaoqing, who came down from the air, yelled out three big words in a row. Each word spat out, and the muddy and domineering pressure was like the giant giant's all-out punch, which hit everyone in the dragon family's chest.


The strong spit blood, while the weak are shocked to death.

Yanghunjing people! So terrible!

The dragon family was frightened, their eyes dim and full of despair.

Today, is it really going to be the day of the dragon family's annihilation?

"Where is the man who killed my son?"

Liu Changqing stood in the air, his hands behind him, his fierce eyes half open, and the voice of turbid hegemony spread.

"No comment!"

The Dragon enemy hummed.


Liu Changqing's eyes were half open, and his intention of killing was awe inspiring.

"Master Bai will leave here with my descendants of Longcheng. As long as the descendants of Longcheng are still there, the Liu family will not be at peace! Even if I told you, you would not let us go, so why should I tell you? Liu Changqing, even if you kill me today, you will not be peaceful, because you have to face the threat of a master! Liu family, sooner or later, I will be buried with Longcheng! "

Dragon enemy laughs.


Several Liu family members were angry and killed with swords.


The dragon family also bloody eyes, fight back in the past, but they have not yet rushed out, they directly burst to death.

Liu Changqing's anger has reached the peak, and he directly exerted all his strength to kill him.

All the Dragon families are afraid.

"Liu Changqing!"

The Dragon enemy roared and shook away the people who had suffered from the dragon family. Staring at the terrible pressure, they rushed into the air.


It seems that there is a dragon in the roar, startling brilliance blooming everywhere.

"Sacrifice of the spirit of heaven?"

Someone cried out.

The Dragon enemy put all his eggs in one basket and fought bloody battles to death!!


Long Mo and other people's ears sounded a dull roar, they all looked at the gorgeous figure in the void, one by one with tears in their eyes.



The dragon family cried bitterly.

The Dragon enemy offered his last strength, and the whole sky was shining like a dragon.

At this moment, his strength has been close to the strength of Yang soul state!

The Liu family retreated one after another, looking at the rebellious shadow with astonishment.

But Liu Changqing had a calm face. He sneered and said, "sacrifice the spirit of heaven? Dragon enemy, do you think I didn't think you had such a move? Look at me! "


A flash of fire rose into the sky, like a waterfall. In the waterfall, a loud and clear sound of the wind sounded. Then the light of the fire opened, and a plume of light was shining everywhere. The Phoenix flew out from behind the fire. The Phoenix covered the sky and covered the sun. It had a broad momentum. The Phoenix's eyes were staring at the incoming dragon enemy, and the fighting spirit was fierce.

"This is the fire phoenix in the sky?" The heart of the Dragon enemy trembled.

"Breaking the flame of fire and Phoenix can restrain your immortal dragon light. In order to get this treasure, I spent three years. Dragon enemy, today is the place where you are buried and when the dragon family is destroyed."

Liu Changqing said indifferently, with the palm of his hand raised, the fire phoenix burst through the air, driving the wings and falling downward.

The dragon family was stunned.

Liu family also forgot to fight, raised their eyes, excited and looked.

The world is startled by the sound of Fengming, and the Dragon light can hardly compete with each other!

"All things are complementary to each other, and I am not afraid of any Phoenix's divine power. Only the variable of breaking through the sky and phoenix is my nemesis."

Today, will our dragon enemies fall here?

The Dragon enemy's face was frozen, but he didn't flinch. He roared, released all the Dragon light, and rushed at it.


The voice that shakes people's hearts.

People can only see the vast Phoenix, instantly engulf the Dragon enemy...

the dragon family is staring at it.

The fire phoenix explodes in the moment of swallowing the Dragon enemy, and a blooming fire lotus appears in the sky.

Liu Changqing looked at the fire lotus indifferently, with no expression.

In the eyes of the dragon family, this is the destruction of hope and the birth of despair.

Fire lotus ripples swing to the four sides, stretching for thousands of miles.

At the Tianwang palace, countless people walked out of the palace and looked into the distance.

"Dragon enemy, dragon enemy..."

the emperor stood in front of the palace, sighed and drank in a low voice: "gather the troops quickly, and go to the dragon city immediately, quick!""Yes

The people of the Imperial Palace in the dark were overjoyed.

"The Dragon enemy is dead, and the dragon family is scattered. Everyone is ready to step down the dragon city and seize the resources of the dragon family!" In front of the mountain, the Marquis on an iron horse held up his sword and cried out.


Nearly a thousand souls from the rear called out.

The flame broke through the sky and lasted for nearly a hundred breaths before it dissipated.

People were staring.

The fireworks disappeared, but he could no longer see the Dragon enemy's shadow. His body had disappeared into the void with the broken fire phoenix.

Dragon enemy, meteorite.

The last pillar of the dragon family collapsed after the Dragon British war.


Longmo, longliu and Longnan kneel down from Qi Qi, crying and roaring with grief and indignation.

"Brother Mo, let's go! If you don't leave, it will be too late. Do you want your father-in-law to die in vain? " Liu Qinghe shouts in a hurry.

"Yes! We must go, preserve the strength of the dragon family and make a comeback in the future

Long Mo endured grief and indignation, stood up and said in a low voice: "everybody, follow me to kill out!"

Long Nanli and longliu look at each other, and also put aside the previous prejudice, stand up, ready to break through.

"Go? At this time, you still want to go? Be obedient. Maybe I won't kill you

Liu Changqing falls from the sky and looks at the dragon family indifferently.

"You killed my father, and you want me to submit? Dream

Longmo gnaws his teeth.

"Looking for death!"

Liu Changqing snorted, the potential pressure again town.


Long Mo mouth spits blood, the whole body skin split, people directly fell on the ground, can not get up.

"Gome!" Liu Qinghe cried sadly.

"If you don't want to submit, then go to death and kill them all." Liu Changqing waved lightly.


The Liu family laughed and rushed to the dragon family. The sharp butcher's knife, with its terrifying Yuan Li, chopped the dragon family fiercely.

One by one, the bodies of the dragon family fell to the ground.

The earth is red with blood.

"Retreat quickly. I'll stop them." The Dragon rush forward.

"Big brother..."

"let's go

Long Liu gnaws his teeth.

People's eyes were flushed with grief and anger.

"Oh, eat me."

A master of the Liu family rushed forward to fight with longliu madly. The two of them had mixed fists and shadows. But long Liu had been injured before. Now, under the general situation of Liu Changqing, he was not an opponent. However, after several moves, he was hit by the other side in the chest, spitting blood and dying.

And the rear, Liu family master also surrounded.

There is no way to return the family.

"Are we going to die today?" Long Mo closed his eyes and whispered.

"Brother Mo, what about yue'er? Moon is still here Liu Qinghe cried in a low voice.

"Don't worry, white night will take her away. Although Liu Changqing is strong, she can't keep a master."

Long Mo sighed: "it's a pity that Yueer has just come back, our family has just reunited, and we are about to leave..."

"brother desert..." Liu Qinghe tightly tugs at the man's arm and cries out sadly.

There is no way to live in Longcheng.


Just then, a colorful light rushed into the sky.

As soon as people's bodies were shaken, Qi Qi looked at them.

"That's the pavilion where Yueer practices." Liu Qinghe was stunned.

But look at a figure, not far away from the moss path, his hands behind the negative, face without joy and sorrow, but in the depths of the pupil, but surging a chill.

"the whole body of white master is shocked!"

Long Mo murmured.

He finally appeared!


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