Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 452

"That's not true!"

In Liu's house, Liu Changqing's angry voice spread, and the servants around him knelt down, trembling, only to feel a terrible evil spirit enveloping the whole Liu family.

"The master of the house will not be angry!"

Liu masters knelt down and called.

Bang Dang.

Open the door, white show led Liu Nuo came in. She looked at Liu Changqing, standing in the middle of the crowd, full of anger and sadness, and sighed slightly: "Master Liu, this is the matter. Bai Xiu thinks that this matter should be put aside for the time being, and should not be continued, otherwise more people will be killed and injured."

"Even if more people are killed and injured, it is also the death of the dragon family. The young master is killed and the young lady is captured. Does Master Yi hope that my Liu family will stand by and do nothing?" Liu's family yelled angrily.

"That's right. We can't just let it go. Otherwise, how can we save the face of the Liu family? What is the prestige of the master Cried the housekeeper.

Yi Bai Xiu shakes her head. Knowing that she can't persuade the Liu family, she turns and leaves.

"Sister Xiu." Liu Nuo, with a pale face, called out in a hurry.

"This is the fight between the Liu family and the dragon family. I'm just an outsider. Naturally, I'm not in a position to intervene. Nuo'er, you can do it yourself." Yi Bai Xiu said and turned away.

Liu Nuo bit his lip and said nothing.

"Master Yi left and left. Can't we take the dragon family without her? Just a master, I still don't pay attention to me

Liu Changqing's face was cold: "immediately call all the family experts together and issue the highest level assembly order. Tomorrow noon, gather in front of the square. After noon, kill the dragon city. If the dragon city doesn't come down and refuses to hand in people, it will wash the dragon city with blood, and no chicken or dog will be left!"


The crowd cried out and the crowd was excited.

Yu Hou Fu.

"Oh? The dragon family and the Liu family have a fight

In the hall, a middle-aged man in a brown robe with a beard and a pair of leopard eyes smiles. He looks funny and looks at people kneeling down.

"I tell you, Lord Hou, dragon city suddenly got the protection of a master. Liu Jiaben wanted to take advantage of the fire when Longcheng was attacked by Tianwang palace people, but he was obstructed by this master. The master shocked the emperor, defeated Yi Baixiu, the master invited by the Liu family, and killed Liu Zhao, the son of Liu Changqing! The method is extremely ferocious. Almost all the people of the Liu family are destroyed. The only Liu Nuo is saved by Yi Baixiu. Otherwise, he will not escape from being killed. " Said the next man respectfully.

"The Liu family and the dragon family appear to be children's and daughters' families, but in fact they are in the same situation. Both sides want to annex each other. However, after the fall of the Dragon British war, the dragon family is left with only self-protection, and even lack of self-protection. It is impossible for both sides to oppose each other any more. At this time, the Liu family will naturally take advantage of the weakness of the dragon family, but no one expected that a master will suddenly appear in the dragon family! Turn it around. " The imperial Marquis above said with a smile.

"According to the data, this person is the one who obstructed Huang Jincheng's action before. His name is Bai Ye, and the mysterious master who ranks the tenth on the list of masters is probably this person." Humanity at the bottom.

"Oh? That's more and more interesting. " There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of the Marquis, which was like a falcon. He said with a cold smile, "this is a good opportunity. If we don't start at this time, we will have no chance again."

"What the Marquis means is..."

"Liu Zhao was killed, so Liu Changqing will not give up. I think he will start tomorrow. You can quickly gather people. Tomorrow, I will lead you to Longcheng. As long as the dragon family is against the Liu family, then we can sit and watch the success or failure. If the Liu family wins, we will take the opportunity to annex the dragon family. If the dragon family wins, we will take the opportunity to annex the Liu family and the two tigers Even if we win, we must win miserably. We are all waiting for our work with ease. How can we fear them? You can also take advantage of this Kung Fu to understand Huang Jincheng's account. "

"The Lord is wise." The people below called in a hurry.

Yu Hou Ye waved his hand: "hurry down and prepare."


Within the dragon city.

The atmosphere became strange.

In the main hall of the dragon family, Longdi, Longmo, longnanli, longliu, liuqinghe, and some aunts and aunts of Longyue all gathered together. People looked at the Dragon moon sitting at the top, and their looks changed.

Long Yue is also uncomfortable. She looks at the white night in the first row on the left, but sees the man sitting quietly with his eyes closed, ignoring all the people in the hall.

"If we had been kind to master Bai, at least we would have done the etiquette, I'm afraid it would not have been so."

The Dragon enemy sighs repeatedly. Long Yue's strength is not strong. Although she is beautiful, she will never be the most beautiful one in the soul land. However, Bai Ye still treats her like this because long Yue has been treating each other sincerely. From this point, we can see that Bai Ye is a person who has gratitude and revenge. If the dragon family is kind to her, I'm afraid things will not become so uncontrollable 。

"Huiru, are we all here?" Long Huiru, who is not far away from the dragon, asks.

"Dad, in addition to those who work outside, all the direct families of the dragon family are here." Long Huiru whispered.

"In that case, I will announce that from now on, the throne of the dragon family will be officially handed over to yue'er. Tomorrow, I will order people to build altars in the city, hold a succession ceremony for yue'er, and announce the whole people of the dragon city."The Dragon enemy said hoarsely.

The dragon family are silent, no one object.

No one dares to oppose it. After all, the one standing behind long Yue is a master.

"If Uncle Yingzhan is still there, how dare you be wild at night." The Dragon stream clenched his teeth secretly.

"I'm afraid my uncle is here, and he may not surrender. After all, uncle can't kill the master to be with one sword." Next to Longnan from the shaking head road.

Long Liu's face changed.

The atmosphere became more and more different.

"I know you don't agree."

At the moment when everyone was silent, he opened his mouth at night.

People looked at him in unison.

He stood up and glanced at the crowd: "I also know that you look down on yue'er in your heart and never take her as a thing! Now you are still patient, but if I leave, I'm afraid the moon will eventually be overhead. What should the dragon city do, right? "

People looked at each other and felt uncomfortable.

White night's words, in fact, said in their hearts.

Although Long Yue left and won the support of a master, her condition was not good. In addition to her outstanding appearance, she was worthless. Her talent was not high, and her accomplishments were not high. Otherwise, how could Longmo marry her to Xiao Liu, a member of the Xiao family of the heavenly king palace?

The elders of the dragon family are not optimistic about Longyue, and those younger generation of the dragon family are even more unconvinced. However, due to the white night, people can only appear obedient.

However, both the Dragon enemy and the white night all know that this is not a long-term plan. If Longyue has no skills, he can never lead the dragon city.

White night naturally took a close look at these people's obscure expressions. He sneered: "you can look down on yue'er, but I hope you don't underestimate her determination. From today on, I will teach her in person and teach her superior spiritology. After I leave, you may impeach her as the master of the house. At that time, if you can overthrow Yueer, I will lose!"

"White night..." dragon month a listen, immediately anxious. Can not continue to say, it was blocked by the white night.

"Don't worry, Yueer. You don't have to worry about anything with me."

Long Yue a listen, a warm heart, eyes slightly red, she nodded, no longer voice.

When she was regarded as a commodity by the family, she was forced to marry, even to say, marriage. When she was abandoned in vain, her parents, uncles and grandparents were indifferent to it. At the time when she was almost desperate, the white night appeared.

Master, a powerful family! In the face of these giants, he did not fear, still stood up for himself.

"I'll listen to you."

Long Yue whispered. Small hand drag dead, heart secretly make a decision.

"Son in law, why are you still here? Come on, let's drink. The banquet is ready, and Yan'er has arrived. Since the last separation with Xian son-in-law, she often mentions you to me, which makes my ears almost calloused. Now you come, I can relax and walk... "

at this time, the emperor came in with a smile and beckoned the people to leave, which can be regarded as a temporary relief of the strange atmosphere.

The dragon family went with a stiff face.

White night heart hair smile, the emperor would be good to get close to.

The banquet is boring, but the emperor, the flower is not cherry, these people want to climb up with the white night.

However, the white night is also happy to respond. If he makes friends with the emperor, the dragon family will see that no one dares to move the Dragon moon in the future even if the white night leaves. After all, the heavenly king palace is not far away from here.

"Brother Bai, long time no see. How are you doing

Xiao Yan'er is full of peach blossoms and comes with a smile. Her bright eyes are bent into crescent moon. Her beauty and appearance are not inferior to Longyue's, and even cover her up. She attracts the descendants of the dragon family to look at her frequently.

"Miss Xiao." Nodding in the daytime is a response.

"Why do you have to be so outspoken? You and I have been engaged. We will be our own family soon. You can call me Yan'er. " Xiao Yan'er's cheeks are reddish, drooping to the first.

"Engagement? What does Miss Xiao mean by that White night's eyes moved and asked lightly.

"Brother Bai, have you forgotten? When I was in midtown, I said that if anyone could beat me, I would marry him, and you defeated me. Therefore, you are my fiance

"It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously." The white night frowned and said.

"Master Bai is a man of heaven. His talent is unparalleled and his talent is incomparable. His achievements in the future will certainly not be limited to this. Naturally, Yan'er is not worthy of his respect. At the moment, my heavenly king palace has been able to climb up to master Bai. However, which one is not a wife and four concubines? Yan'er has already told me that if you don't marry a master, even if the master doesn't like it, he will take her as a concubine and stay around to serve. I will not object to it. "

The emperor came with his glass in his hand.

"It's strange that you oppose it. It's very profitable to use a daughter as a master." Others secretly despise.

The emperor's children don't know how many, how can he be distressed.How can the white night not know the emperor's mind, gently smile, but drink, also no longer speak.

If you talk too much, it's more troublesome.

"By the way, elder brother Bai, I heard that there is a treasure in such a big dragon city. If you get it, it is expected to pry into the supreme realm and even impact it. This treasure is called dragon vein, which is a rare thing. Everyone of the dragon family, master Bai defeated the strong enemy of the Liu family today and saved the dragon family. Don't you offer it to master Bai

At this time, Xiao Yan'er suddenly laughed and said aloud. , the fastest update of the webnovel!