Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1507: Moyuan (continued)

There is too much soul-eater black mist accumulated in the deep cave, making it impossible for the monks’ spiritual thoughts to penetrate into it. The three great ancestors of the true spirits cast various lightning spells from the mouth of the deep cave and went down together. After the bombardment, the soul-eating black mist pervading the deep cave was wiped out in the light of thunder. m

Although these monks are not as proficient in the magical powers of thunder as the Yuwen family, ordinary lightning spells are also easy to use. Of course, there are also monks who have a deeper study of a certain kind of thunder magical powers like the 6-level Kwaishui divine thunder. , Nearly twenty of today's top great supernatural powers in the cultivation world have joined forces, but in an instant they descended into the deep cave for dozens of feet.

Xiao Baiyu looked around the deep cave with sharp rays of light in his eyes, like sword glow, and said: "This is indeed a hidden cave of the Mo Luo, and it seems that there should be a lot of them!"

The ancestor of Yuanjiu nodded and said: "Yes, it seems that under the sinking of the Thunder Light Lake before, it has killed most of the Mo Luo inside. Otherwise, I am afraid that what I have to face before is the overwhelming army of Mo Luo. Up."

The ancestor Xiang also said: "In this way, the remaining Mo Luo can survive the sinking Leiguang Lake must be extremely powerful, just like the previous few demons and asuras!"

The three true spirit ancestors seemed to confirm each other, but in fact they were reminding the more than ten Pure Yang monks who came down with them to be cautious and not to capsize in the gutter.

But at this time, Liu Ping's attention was on the true spirit monk with the surname Xiang. Although the surname of the monk monks often existed, the surname of Xiang was mostly used in the Tyrant Turtle family.

6 Ping believes that with the power of the three halal pupils, he will definitely be able to see the true body of this ancestor Xiang, but he will definitely be aware of this.

Since 6 Ping got the "Dragon Teng Xinghe Jue" and learned the true effect of the three spirits and five elements leaves, because the five elements tortoises were wary of the Taoist people, since the Taoist people of Peng have been able to leave the Yuwen family since the opening of the sky. , The Turtle Daoist who is most likely to hide his own strength may not have left behind.

And once the six-level guess is true, as the only descendant of the Guidao people left behind, the Tyrant Turtle clan is the most likely executor of the Guidao people's layout.

Three true spirit monks plus seventeen pure suns. Almost half of the power of the great supernatural powers of the two races of shemales and monsters are concentrated here. Although the three true spirits warned everyone to be cautious, they were still sweeping the plow holes all the way down. There are still many high-level demons haunting, but they were blasted into nothingness by the crowd, and many of them existed like heaven demons and asuras.

Although it is pitch black in the deep cave, after breaking the soul-eater black mist, it can't hide the sight of everyone, but at this time, 6 level is estimated that everyone has fallen more than three hundred feet in the deep cave.

The fighting still continues, but it is not a melee, but a one-sided slaughter. The fall of Lei Guanghu has already wiped out most of the low-level moras in the deep cave, and most of the remaining high-level moras have also been eliminated. The damage was not light, and although he was still succeeding, he did not have the "human" sea tactics of the Mo Luo army that were not afraid of death.

Finally, at the depth of five hundred meters deep in the deep cave, everyone saw the faint thunder light still flashing. This was the end of the deep cave. Leiguang Lake had already penetrated into the underground soil beforehand. It was photographed by the ancestor Longhuai. Qibao Leihu never saw a trace, as if disappeared.

Only 6 Ping knows that after the Qibao Thunder Gourd is successfully refined, its body has completely turned into a thunder light. The purple skin gourd I saw before is not so much the real body of the Qibao Thunder Gourd, it is actually the Qibao Thunder Gourd. The cohesion of the origin of thunder light.

The ancestor of Longhuai has actually completely smashed this famous first artifact of the Open Heaven, the origin of thunder has also been turned into more than ten Dao, about half of which splashed into the Yuwen family’s residence and turned into a Leiguang Lake. The seven or eight roads below were scattered between the heavens and the earth, and one of them was collected by the small thunder gourd that was leveled with the core space.

Such a fragile Qibao Thunder Gourd does not seem to have the style of the first divine weapon of the Heavenly Opening. It was forcibly smashed by a Dzogchen true spirit first-level cultivator, but this is the case. Although the Qibao Thunder Gourd is powerfully known as the Heaven-opening Gourd. The artifact is the first, but the body is extremely fragile.

In fact, Qibao Thunder Gourd is not a spiritual treasure specially used for fighting techniques. Its original intention was to condense the origin of thunder and help him advance to the eighth realm of true spirit. That's it.

When the Seven Treasure Thunder Gourd was in the hands of Dao Peng, several other Kaitian ancestors, including Taoist Jiao, were aware of the weakness of Dao Peng, but no one, including Dao Jiao, could strike in the hands of Dao Peng. Since the Seven Treasure Thunder Gourd could not be crushed, the Qi Treasure Thunder Gourd that wielded the powerful and mighty Seven Treasure Thunder Gourd in the hands of Taoist Peng in front of him, the ancestors of the Open Heaven also had to admit that they were the leader of Taoist Peng.

The ancestor of Longhuai was obviously aware of this weakness of Qibao Thunder Gourd, so he dared to sacrifice after Yuwen broke the sky. After Qibao Thunder Gourd summoned the punishment, he still dared to make a move and smashed this first divine weapon in one fell swoop. The thing is to seize the opportunity that no one can manipulate in Qibao Leihu.

The three true spirit monks entered this deep cave together. Although it was to strangle the Mo Luo bred in this deep cave, all Chun Yang, including 6 levels, could see that these three true spirit ancestors were actually It was also to find the Qibao Thunder Gourd, the number one artifact in the open sky.

However, among everyone, only 6 Ping knew that the most prestigious and prestigious Kaitian artifact that had been established since the opening of the sky is actually no longer there!

"Look, what is that!"

The people who have vaguely seen the bottom of the deep cave suddenly now have three light clusters of different colors flashing in the center of the cave bottom, and after these three light clusters, there are three altars that look like they are engraved with formations. .

"No, it's impossible--!"

6 Ping vaguely saw three figures from the three light, and the Yuanjiu ancestor on the side suddenly shouted, full of horror, which shocked everyone.

6 When I looked at the past, I saw Yuanjiu's ancestors look agitated, his eyes gleamed with fear, and his lips were trembling. It seemed that he had seen something extremely incredible, making this person almost the highest in the world. The fear of the existence of combat power has become like this!

Fear, I am indeed afraid! The dignified true ancestor is afraid!

Not only the ancestor of Yuanjiu, 6 Ping glanced over the other two true spirit monks, Xiao Baiyu and that ancestor Xiang's faces at this time were not much better than the ancestor of Yuanjiu!

At this time, not only is it 6 levels, but the other dozen Chunyang faces are also shining with dazed and fearful light at this time. Although they don't know why the three true spirit monks are afraid, they can make all three of them feel scared. Things are enough to make everyone else feel afraid.

what exactly is it?

6 Ping's eyes suddenly shot out three feet of blue light, looking at the three light **** suspended above the three altars in the ground.