
Chapter 139 - 038: The Bastard Outside


The evening was okay in Arya\'s apartment. She had already talked to Natalya and convinced the woman that she was getting rest, which of course was a lie. But she had promised to buy Ken, Enrique and Rohit a lot of food if they didn\'t sell her out. Food had made them listen to Arya lie to Natalya. The power that food had over these men was a miracle in itself. but then it always wrecked miracles all over anyways. After Natalya\'s call, the four friends sat to watch formula one, with Arya and Enrique betting on Lewis Hamilton while Rohit and Ken had placed their bets on Max Verstappen. The race was about to start when there was a knock at the door. It was quite weird considering no one in this house ever knocked. It was teor secret code. If anyone ever knocked out the door, then it had to be a stranger and they had to be ready. Of course the surveillance system Rohit had set up was top notch. It could have been considered weird if anyone saw Arya share the same space with four grown up lazy men, but she was lazier than all of them combined and that gave them the confidence to be whoever they wanted to be around her. At the end of the day, they were birds of the same feather anyway.

"Knock," came the sound again from the other side of the door. Any rational person who has asked who was on the other end and even wanted to know what they wanted or even the easiest, they could have looked through the pinhole and seen whoever was on the other end. But Arya was not just any person. She had gotten up and whipped the door open, almost breaking the damn thing off its hinges. From a distance Nikita was watching, waiting to see who it was at the door. He had known that there were only four people who lived in the house. So when ya opened the door, he got curious. From  his view, there was a man wearing an oversized jacket and a hoodie, not to mention a hat and mask that covered his face. He was unrecognizable from a distance, not to mention he had shown up from nowhere.

"What do you want— Drew?!" Arya exclaimed as she looked at her warrior standing at the door. What the hell was he doing here covered like the lord of the rings?

"Shut up lady, I have a werewolf hearing, \'\' Drew said as he scolded his best friend. The Thai woman was always excited for the most mundane of things and that didn\'t tevn surprise him anymore; it was the misfortune of having to be beside her and fight beside her all these years.

"Someone\'s watching us, Arya. He\'s wearing a set of balck clothes and has a camera. He\'s spying on you and forming the look in your eyes, you know him. Should I eliminate him? He won\'t even know I was there in the first palace. All you have to do is give the command alpha. His family won\'t even miss him—" Drew said but Arya cut him short.

"That\'s Mykolajki Pavlenko, the man I am unfortunately mated to. He\'s looking for proof so don\'t look at him or anything, come in brother, I missed you" Arya said as she intentionally hugged Drew, a little too tight and lonegr for anyone\'s liking. Nikita was fiunking o the other end. He wanted to know who that was and wanted to know what his relationship was with the woman who had pretended to be samantha. He wanted answers, but he wanted them because he was possessive of Arya, not that he cared about those twats.

"What are you…Oh" Drew said once he realized what Arya was doing.

"Some things never change. Are you guys going to keep hugging or are we going to watch the game?" Rohit said irritatedly making everyone burst out in laughter, even Drew and Arya. he was always protective of Arya anyway. Of course he already knew the woman wouldn\'t be him but still, that didn\'t mean he liked the way they were exposing themselves out there.

"Someone\'s jealous" Arya said and everyone joined in making Rohit break into a smile. He had gotten used to these crackheads and wasn\'t seven surprised anymore. Drew walked in with Arya before she closed the door behind them.

"Did you guys know the human has been here?" Drew asked again. He didn\'t like the idea of Nikita staining their home. It was like they were being watched and he hated that. He didt wnat anyone to put the alpha in potential danger, not even her mate. He was loyal to his best friend and would always protect her. Given that he was high in rank, the two warriors were bound to submit to wasn\'t his international really, but he needed the ȧssurity that the alpha was safe with the bastard outside.

"Yes sir, he seems to be interstate in the alpha, like a man would a woman. He\'s harmless to h—" Enrique explained.

"Harmless? Are you guys stupid or did the training I put you throguh not enough?" Drew said angrily. How could they forget that fast? A Thai man had kidnapped Arya. Even though she had sent herself there, she had been taKen by him, exposed to terrible scenarios because of him. Turning to Arya, Drew didn\'t need to know what she was talking about to know he didn\'t tell them shit.

"Of course you didn\'t tell them. Oh Arya\'\' Drew said as he brought his best friend in for a hug. Even though Arya was an alpha, she knew when to submit to Drew. He was her best friend and only wanted what was best for her.

"But I will, \'\' Drew added and before Arya could say anything, he told the warriors and Rohit of what she had gone through. Down to the very last detail. He explained to them what the woman had to go through and they were all furious. Ken was even angrier, especially since he had been on a mission with the alpha the morning after she freed herself. Hopelessly, Arya sat on the couch, knowing so well that they wouldn\'t be watching the game tonight.  She watched their expressions change from the happy one to possessive in one go. They wanted to go out there and drag Nikita in here, and teach him about werewolf culture. They were ready to imprison him and force him to learn the culture, word for word, and make sure to remind him of what would happen to him if he hurt their alpha, but they couldn\'t. That was a line they couldn\'t crss. Maybe if Arya was still in captivity, they could have gone after him and warned him, but she wasn\'t.

"I didn\'t want to worry you guys besides, I\'m an alpha, nothing bad can happen to me. No one can make me submit, remember?" Arya said but Drew scolded her at the same time the boys responded in unison.

"The bastard outside."