
Chapter 118 - You Won’t Believe Me


"You little ingrate," Rael said as she charged at Arya with the drill. However, she changed her mind, shocking even Arya herself. they all had their own ways of getting answers and drilling through someone\'s brains wasn\'t going to be the solution.

Rael had noticed that Arya had the kind of pride that didn\'t come from just knowing Nikita and his weaknesses. it was the kind that showed her that she could do her worst to her and nothing would really matter. everything about Arya was leaving them with so many questions.

"You…You really expect me to…You really…" Rael tried to let out. She was at a complete loss of words. She had never thought there would ever be a day that she realized she was a monster that needed to be locked up, and right now, she was one.

Hopelessly staring at Morgana, Real signed defeatedly. She didn\'t know what was happening to her. She had known that she was having bipolar disorder, but that wasn\'t something she could tell Nikita, especially not at this point in time when he had enemies all over.

There was a lot at stake, and the doctor had trusted her. She would deliver. No matter what happened, she would get him the answers he needed. And maybe then, she would tell him the truth about everything.

Rael didn\'t want to be a danger to her team, but if this continued and became untreated, she was going to be the worst liability that Nikita would ever have to deal with.

"Why? You suddenly grew a conscience?" Arya asked when Rael dropped the nail gun and drill. There had to be more to that, but Arya had expected worse than this. She had expected them to be ritual, and there was nothing brutal about all this so far.

She would survive anything with them in the pathetic state she was seeing them in. All of this was just a waste of time.

However, Arya wanted to know more about Rael\'s try on her.

"You do realize the doc is an underworld don that could kill you?" Rael asked, and Arya just smiled at her. That wasn\'t news. She already knew everything about Nikita before she went in, and that is what a good spy did.


She had been patient for five months and had done her due diligence on Nikita because she hates surprises.

She didn\'t want to be captured and brought to places she had no idea of. She had everything in her mind, and she knew every route into and out of every facility that Nikita and Qiao owned, whether they were off the book or logged into the system.

She knew all of that.

"Oh yeah? Because that would be hard to figure out, right? Who in their right mind would go after a pain doctor that hard? Surely you guys aren\'t stupid, no?" Arya said, her tone making Rael even more pissed. Then again, it was the truth.

If Nikita had been a wealthy doctor, putting him down would have been easier. But he wasn\'t.

He was a man with power in both worlds. He was a master of his art, the underworld, and fought so well, and yet with the same fingers that would sometimes be broken while fighting, with those very fingers, he saved lives.

Maybe it was a good thing that the first and only patient that Nikita lost wasn\'t because of the surgery. They had tried their best to save her, but then the patient had long given up. Besides, she never died on the operating table, and that could have haunted the good doctor forever.

"It seems you know more than you\'re letting on," Rael said to Arya.

"Do I?"

"Tell me something. That day at the hospital, when you went all crazy and even had the audacity to create a diversion by pretending there was a virus in the hospital, what was that about?" Rael asked, and Arya stayed silent.

She didn\'t have a smart mouth for that. Arya knew that if she had made Nikita believe that there was a virus in the hospital, then the people who had the virus meant for Yuri would also show up at the hospital.

They would probably be indifferent and even the doctors themselves, as long as they got the information. She had subconsciously instead the alarm to smoke those people out, and she had seen one of them.

In her quest to divide and conquer and make Nikita about to be the wrong doctor, Arya accomplished her mission. She\'s one of the famous quack doctors of the dark web there in that hospital, and he was disguised as a patient\'s family.

The perfect way for him to get close to the woman that was crazily causing a commotion in the hospital. In all that wild shit, Arya had gotten what she wanted, or at least a hint of who to look for. That had narrowed down her search by a large margin.

If the quack was at the hospital, then it also meant that the virus they were holding wasn\'t sold yet. Three hundred million was a pretty ridiculous virus and very dangerous too.

Sure they all wanted the money, but some things could end humanity as a whole and every life on earth. And such was the virus the quack was having.

Maybe he was waiting to see how the situation was so he could gauge the price ranges or how he could attack Nikita. That would come over time, but Arya Knight will be ready for the quack.

"I ȧssume you realized it was a diversion, right?" Arya said coldly. That night still made her uncomfortable, but she would show them.

"Of course, what do you take us for?" Rael asked.

"Well then, since you guys have the fuċkɨnġ lie detector still hooked on me, Imma tell you this. I need to know who is after Nikita, and I need to find him and deal with him. That is why I was at the hospital. That is why I also sounded the alarms and set the baits that Nikita graciously walked into.

If he was the doctor you all know, we both know Nikita couldn\'t have fallen for such a lame trick, but he did. Which means he is getting more and more vulnerable by the day. Trust me, and once I find who is after the doctor and deal with him, I will be out of your hair even before you know it.

"So are we done with the questioning? Can I go home now?" Arya temptingly asked. That was a far fetch, but she just had to try. Besides, getting on the woman\'s nerves, she was looking at had somewhat become a joy for her.

She loved the way Rael was frustrated and the way Morgana was skeptical about everything Arya was saying or about to say.

All of this could just be hell for them, and whichever way, Arya loved it.