
Chapter 105 - The Human


"I was going to buy you—" the human said before pausing.

Andrew seemed to be glaring daggers at the human, and he had clearly disturbed the peace. You\'d think that Andrew would be grateful for the interruption, considering it meant that he wasn\'t about to be teased again, but no.

The warrior wolf looked like this human was about to be the greatest pain in their ȧss.

"I mean, hi, my name is Rohit, nice to uhh…nice to meet you," the human said, and no one gave him a response. They were all still staring at him like they wanted more than just a name to work with.

For many werewolves in the human world, the three wolves had the audacity, and that much was evident.

"Well, I was sent by Arya Knight to come to help you guys. She—" Rohit said as he fumbled with something in his bag. The wolves were back to benign alert again, not that they had let their guards down.

They had to be careful around this human, whatever his rank was. They were not going just to accept him just because he knew Arya.

Knowing Arya should have honestly been an excellent way to introduce himself. Still, the three wolves had been looking for the rebellious alpha, and they hadn\'t succeeded because they were all technologically stupid.

That was something that didn\'t sit right with any of them, but what could they do?

"— oh here, I got it. She told me to give you this," Rohit said as he gave Ken a piece of paper with the royal seal of the moonlight pack. Of course, Arya would carry this around. So much for her not being one to subscribe to their culture.

That woman was hell itself.

Carefully Ken took the letter before studying it for any traces of substance that could be harmful to them and their wolves. The humans were wild and stupid, but they were also brave and daring, and nothing could be put past them, especially with the werewolf stories they had been told over time.

There was no doubt some of them would want to try all those that they read in the books about what is harmful to the wolves. Once he was satisfied with the letter\'s exterior, Ken walked towards their dining table to grab his penknife.

He needed to be careful because he wasn\'t sure about what this man was doing here. Andrew and Enrique were still blocking Rohit from making any step as they hopelessly waited for Ken to get open the contents of the letter and read it out to them.

"I opened it," Ken said, and Enrique just rolled his eyes at him. Of course, it was just a piece of paper, but the stupid spotter was treating it like an atomic bomb. Then again, he couldn\'t entirely blame Ken.

They had been trained to be careful with everything they came across. That was the only way they could be good spotters and also the only way they would be able to protect their rebellious alpha, even from herself.

"Will you just tell us what\'s in there instead of playing this out?" Enrique said, tired of Ken\'s theatrics.

Andrew couldn\'t help but agree. He was anxious about his new job, and now his nut job friend was dragging something that could either make his mind at ease or allow him to feast on the hot Indian guy who was just standing right next to him.

How the hell was a person supposed to survive this?

First, it was Qiao, and now, Andrew was admiring Rohit. Sure, they were two different people, and his feelings for Qiao were more significant than the administration he felt towards this human, but he still needed a break.

He was supposed to be the hard-headed wolf, but here he was almost benignly turned into putty by two men who knew nothing about him.

Maybe he needed to go back to the moonlight pack as soon as possible because if this continued, he would lose his aura as the cruel and mighty chief warrior of the moonlight pack. Then again, nothing was easy wherever Arya was.

It was just insane.

"Alright, party pooper. You act like you didn\'t see those humans do this shit on TV," Ken said.

Rohit was about to say something, but he stopped himself. Now he could see what Arya had meant when she told him that her team had fairly regular people, and it doesn\'t matter whether they were human or wolves.

These men were crazy.

"Well, who knew the alpha had such beautiful handwriting? Look At how she draws her L; it\'s almost like a confession—" Ken said, but his friends were not that patient with him.

"I swear to the goddess; if you don\'t read the man later, I will care for you myself," Andrew warned.

"Why do I always get stuck with the weirdos?" Enrique sighed.

"Well, this is interesting—" Rohit began, but they all cast glares at him.

"Shut up!" the trio said. Well, it was comforting to know they were still in sync even though they were becoming useless twerps.

Their lives were about to either be hard, or they would be a whole circus because here in the human world, they were without ranks and new to everything the humans dealt with. From the food, they ate to everything human.

They had complained about it in the past few days, but there was no point. They couldn\'t abandon Arya here anyway.

"Here\'s the letter now. Will you all shut the fuċk up and let me read!" Ken said before opening the piece of paper, but what he was met with shocked him. He read it silently again, wondering if this was some sort of prank. Indeed this had to be a mistake, no?

"What is it now?" Andrew asked tiredly before Ken put the letter in his hands.

"Of course, she would do this. This crazy rebel would just— y\'know what? I\'m hungry, and no before you little human begins panicking, there\'s food in the kitchen, I\'ll just get me some," Andrew complained, making Enrique and Rohit curious.

What the hell had Arya written that had frustrated the warrior so much. Surely it couldn\'t be that bad, no?

"Hand me the paper," Enrique said, and Rohit decided to take a pep before the human began laughing alongside Enrique. At least one of them found this hilarious.

Maybe this was how to break the tension.

On the piece of paper and in Arya\'s handwriting were extraordinary things to expect from an alpha who had gotten her people from their world and into this.

"Booyah Drew! What did you expect? A long letter that confessed my feelings, huh? Anyway, the human, Rohit, will help you with the technology needed for this mission.

"Try not to blow each other\'s heads off. I trust in your teamwork. Yours faithfully, your best friend, the beautiful rebel of the moonlight pack, Arya the great Knight."

Maybe Arya had truly gone crazy.