Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN)

3 Gim's tragedy

Gim, Principality of Qauteine, west, 20 km from the border

Central record April 11, 1639 afternoon ―――――――――――

Principality of Kwatoine, Knights of the West, and the West, First Hiryu Corps, Second Hiryu Corps

Moisi, the commander of the Knights of the West, was frustrated.

Western troops, infantry 2500, archers 200, heavy infantry 500, cavalry 200, light cavalry 100, 24 dragons, 30 mages

It is a quasi-emergency system. Considering the total strength of Quatine, it is a considerable force, but the enemy force stuck along the border far exceeds this force.

In addition, the Kingdom of Louria has been ignoring all communications from here.

Some citizens have already begun evacuation from Gim.

The Principality of Kwatoine also evacuated its citizens.

"Is there any communication from Lauria?"

Moiji asks the magician.

"Your communication should have arrived, but there is no response at this time. We continue to ignore this communication."

If you have a slight difference in troops, you will be able to fight without losing in strategy. However, there is an overwhelming difference this time. What should I do?

"What's the response to the request for reinforcement from HQ?"

"I have repeatedly asked the HQ for a request, but I have received a response only to" Currently very concentrated "and there is no specific response."

"Small! There's no time to relax !!!! If you don't get any reinforcements just for your existing troops, you'll be abandoning your gims !!!! Damn!"

With your own thoughts, time passed indefinitely.

Central History: Early morning on April 12, 1639 ―――――――――

Gim, a town 20 km from the border

Suddenly, red smoke rises from Gim's western border. And at the same time, the communication magic, tense communication comes in.

"Many of Louria's Wyverns invaded Gim, and at the same time tens of thousands of infantry crossed the border and started the invasion. Repeat, ha !!!!!!!!!

Magic communication suddenly stops.

The red curse, a signal that Louria invaded Kwatoine, witnessed Moisi, the commander of the Western Knights, barking.

"The 1st and 2nd wing squadrons are all climbed and hit the enemy Wyvern! Light cavalry is disturbed from the right side! Cavalry 200 is shortstop, waiting until instructed!! Place infantry, then infantry, do not disturb the platoon, and bowmen behind them, support at full range!

The mage doesn't have to attack, let's make the wind direction upwind with everyone. "

Hiryu soars. 24 horses in full power, raise altitude. Divide the squad into two squadrons, fly one squadron horizontally, and let the second squad increase the altitude to the climb limit.

A lot of black spots will appear in the sky in the direction of the Kingdom of Lauria. To that amount, the flying squadron of Quatine is astonished.

Louria kingdom eastern subjugation force advance Hiryu first attack squad the number 75

The quartoine's Hiryu squad bravely rushed into the Louria side Hiryu.

75 Hiryu troops of the Kingdom of Louria captured the Qyutoine Hiryu in sight.

“Skip the space with a fire bomb.”

Aldebaran, the commander of the Knights of the Dragon, commanded him at once.

75 Wyverns line up like a mask and open their mouths.

A fireball is gradually formed in the mouth.

"5 seconds before launch, 4, 3, 2, 1, launch!"

Due to the simultaneous firing of the 75 Wyvern's flame bombs and the rotation direction of the flame bombs, the range of the fireball inside the plane becomes longer than that outside the plane through propulsion.

Using this characteristic, a volley fire is carried out before the dragon of the quatine fires.

It hits the 12 dragons of Kwa Toine directly and falls.

"Did you divide the squad into two? Watch out for the sky."

Forty seconds after Aldebaran's command, twelve Wyverns from the sky rush into the sun against the sun. They fired fire bombs at short intervals.

The three horses hit directly and fall.

They quickly became furious. The Louria side is equal to 5 horses. The fluttering squadron and the flying dragon of the quatine fell, and within a few minutes, the squadron of the principality of the quatine was annihilated.

"Support the ground units. All-Knights, Support Fire Seiyo"

The Wyverns attacked Kwatoine's ground army.

"Chi-chiku! Let's go! The enemy Hiryu has a large amount and a high skill !!"

Moiji, the commander of the Knights of the Western Principality of Quatine, strikes his fist against the wall.

"No way the Dragon Knights will be annihilated so quickly"

The enemy Hiryu narrowed his target to the ground army and shot down fire bombs from the sky.

Damage spreads.

The only way to fight back here is to launch a large bow with wind magic.

However, the technique for retaining magic power is basically difficult, and the number cannot be kept.

At most 10 shots, and non-guided.

The large anti-air bow cuts the sky empty.

Attack on air in this world is hardly hit. It is about feeling.

(It seems that there are some more effective weapons in the three major civilizations ...)

A large amount of Wyvern support to the ground had severely affected the Knights Knights.

One-third of your strength has already been lost. A total of 25,000 people, including Louria's advanced infantry and heavy infantry, will flow there.

In less than 30 minutes, the Kwatine Knights were destroyed and no one was moving.

Moishi, the commander of the Western Knights, was tied behind him and captured. Gim is already besieged by Louria's advance squad.

"That Moiji, too, has no form, it's weak. It wasn't even necessary to throw in a monster."

Adem, the Vice Admiral of Lowlia's advance squad, looks down on Moiji and is proud.

"Speaking of which, your wife and daughter were at Gim."

"What are you doing!"


Adem commands his subordinates.

"Moiji's wife and daughter are here. After the hell, in front of him, let the monsters live."

"Kisama !!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Mohji tries to jump, but is quickly seized.

"It's okay. I'll do it for you, after you've seen everything."

"Ore !!!!!!!!!!"

Adem's horror order is executed that day, robbery, rape, looting, assault, and assault everywhere in the city, and even the Modem clan is tragic.

The 100 people who were alive and unleashed reported the disaster to each city.

However, this act is also passed on to Japan, and gives the cause to save the people of the Principality of Quatine from genocide.

Central History April 22, 1639 Principality of Kwatoine Political Section

Gim, the west city, fell to the kingdom of Louria. Moreover, the catastrophe, which caused the massacre of most of the people in the town, led to a heavy political atmosphere.

"Report the current situation"

A cold sweaty military commander answers Prime Minister Kanata's order.

"Hmm! Currently west of Gim is the territory of the Kingdom of Louria. Their total troops are over 30,000 in advance alone, and according to spy information, the operational force is likely to reach 500,000 There is also unconfirmed information that the Third Civilization, the Great Power of the Philades continent, the Empire of Papaldia, has provided military support to them, and has actually introduced 500 Wyverns this time. It appears that more than one fleet has sailed from the port. "

Speechless ---

Everyone in the meeting breathes in and repeats that information in their heads. The figure is 500,000, which is 10 times the total strength including the quatine reserves, and there are 500 Wyverns.

Furthermore, a fleet of more than 4000 ships who do not know where. They are seriously coming for the country. And they have no power to prevent it.

Despair ...

The venue was quietly wrapped.

At that time, the Foreign Minister raises his hand.

"Is it OK, Prime Minister?"


"Actually, just before the Political Section began, the Japanese embassy contacted me ..."


"Yes, I read the whole sentence. At the request of the government, the Japanese government is prepared to send a Self-Defense Force to Kuwaitine to eliminate the insurgents. "

"?? Does it mean to send reinforcements?"

"It's a whirlwind, but if you request it, I think it means sending reinforcements. They are quite forcible because the constitution prohibits the resolution of conflicts by force, I suppose that he did not admit, and it was written as an insurgent group, and as in the Kingdom of Quila, the self-sufficiency rate of food seems to be low, so it seems troubled if Japanese exports are cut off. "

The venue is noisy.

The morning sun was quietly climbing the edge of despair.

"Okay! Ask Japan for support to eliminate the insurgents immediately! Tell them that you will prepare the food for the reinforcements here. Also, you can freely move between territories, airspace and territorial waters until the insurgents are eliminated. Tell them you will allow traffic, and the Military Lord! "


"Tell the Knights and the Hiryu Unit to cooperate with Japan."
