Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN)

111 Clashes with the Gras Vulcus Imperial Navy

"Enemy torpedoes, they are turning to us!!

A screaming report from a water surveyor.

Enemy torpedoes are coming towards us at an estimated high speed of 50 knots.

Battleship Kuwait has been conducting several torpedo evasion exercises since earlier, but enemy torpedoes have also been reorienting and moving forward.

On a sunset, smoke from the landing of anti-ship guided rounds, which took place after a certain amount of time, still rises from all parts of the fleet.

(Did they finally target you!!

A non-standard weapon called a guided torpedo, and impending death.

Second Fleet Commander Aurones' hands trembled rattled.

"No way...... this me!!!

Fear coming from the bottom of my heart.

From the time I worshipped the Imperial Army, I was ready to give up my life for my country.

But the empire was strong, and even when it came to the possibility of death, it was by no means likely because it was a small percentage from the overall soldier.

But before an unreasonably high performance weapon, and a realistic and highly probable death, a true fear that is far from what you might imagine creeps up.

(I don't want to die)

I almost screamed.

But the position of commander pushes the voice of fear away.

Enemy torpedoes approach rapidly and do not give you time to think slowly.

"No!! Inevitable!!

The watchman screams.

"They're all grabbed by something!!


Various voices echoed on the bridge.

The crushing dull sound of iron, the slightly sendable and ear-splitting explosion echoed.

of steel...... the giant battleship Kuwait vibrates violently.

Then a fierce water column rises from the starboard side, and a large amount of seawater rising in the air descends on the ship.

"Starboard lightning!!

"Report the damage!!

"There's a breach on starboard!! I can't stop flooding!!

A fierce amount of sea water flows onto the ship and the ship begins to twitch and lean.

"Port water injection begins!!

The sea water entering the right side upsets the balance and the ship leans to the right.

Try to keep the ship parallel to the sea by also pouring water on the left side.

The inclination of the ship gradually returned.

"Port, water injection limit reached!! No. Starboard flooding will not stop!!

"What the hell!!

Breaks caused by enemy torpedoes fired on the starboard side are too large to even be easily repaired.

Destroy all the partitioned doors, and the sea water keeps coming in.

The damage caused by the flooding exceeded the limits of the damage control of the battleship Kuwait and gradually began to tilt to the right again.

"Gu!! Just one shot!! Enemy torpedoes will mausoleum it in the power of our army!!!

Torpedo speed, range, and an anomalous monster torpedo called induction.

Even the power is isolated, even though that's just amazing.

"Enemy Guided Rocket Flies Again!!!

"Gu!! At times like this!!!

Commander Aurones sees the sky from a leaning battleship bridge.

The fleet in the outer perimeter also sensed an enemy attack and a tracer bomb by anti-aircraft guns filled the sky.

"Ah...... that ha!!

Before Aurones, unlike before...... dozens of guided rounds jump into view.

An enemy attack that has the power to sink a cruiser every shot.

Dozens of shots fly in just as far as I can see that.

There is no way to prevent it.

Despair ruled the whole body.

"Oops!! Whoa!! Yikes!!!!

Anger, fear, despair.

An unspoken emotion wraps up Aurones.

The Empire has yet to grasp even traces of its enemies.

Range distance, no, unilaterally and accurately from a position not even to be detected, and a continuous enemy attack with non-standard destructive power.

Destruction has reached the fleet.

"Cruiser Stars, Morse, Kaiou landed!!

One Imperial Fleet after another... is engulfed in a blast that far exceeds the size of the ship.

"Contoured Exterior, 3rd Destroyer Fleet Continuous Landing!! Eight All Ships Sink!!

"3rd Destroyer Fleet wiped out!! It also sank about the three cruiser stars, Morse and Kaiou that were bombed!!

Aurones trembles and gazes at the sea.

"I can believe this!! I even have bad dreams!! We are the strongest Gras Vulcus Empire Navy!!

Desperate report, not in my head.

Enemy anti-ship guided munitions will increase their number further as far as they can be seen.

"Stupid!! Stupid!! Stupid!

Increasing damage in dozens.

I'm no longer in a situation where I can give a decent command.


One of the guiding bullets up from the sea turns this way.

One missile pointed at the bridge.


Numerous 93-type air-to-ship guided munitions (ASM-2) released from 10 Air Self-Defense F-2 fighters

Forty rounds, one of those rounds, fly a sea level sleigh at over 1150 km/h, and after capturing the enemy ship, it rises once.

Infrared image guidance captured the ship accurately, and the missiles entered the ship from the diagonal top.

The anti-ship guided bomb that pierced the bridge of Kuwait, the second fleet flagship of the Gras Barcus Imperial Advance Fleet, unleashed its power, and those that were on the bridge died instantly.

A fierce explosion blows up the superstructure.

Gras Vulcan Empire Second Fleet Commander Aurones left the world with the light.

◆ ◆ ◆

Gras Vulcan Empire Advance Fleet 1st Advance Flagship Balsar

The first advance fleet of 230 ships will proceed east.

One of the Empire Three generals, Empress Milekenes, was staring at the sea in a restless manner on the flagship, Battleship Balsar Bridge, of the First Advance Fleet.

"Can't we still use the radio and radar?

Radar and radio have been completely unavailable since earlier.

Under the circumstance that the merging waters with the second advance fleet are just a short while away, the phenomenon is that the radio will no longer be available.

Each ship is no longer available at the same time, obviously it is not a fault, and the timing is too good for a natural phenomenon.

Furthermore, a warning statement of unknown origin, which appears to have come from Japan, had raised the possibility that this phenomenon was caused by Japan.

It also closely resembles the phenomenon that preceded the attack by the Japanese army, which was told by the surviving objects at the Army Barcruz base.

"Dear Milekenes, the scouts are returning."

At the same time that anomalies occur on radars and radios, predicting possible enemy attacks, Milekenes immediately dispatches twenty reconnaissance aircraft to each side and flies reconnaissance aircraft to each side to alert them to attacks from enemy skies.

In time, it seemed that the reconnaissance aircraft that flew forward, towards the second fleet, had returned.

Pass over the flagship before arriving at the aircraft carrier.

Because the radio could not be used, in the event of an emergency, the light-emitting signal using light was used to communicate the situation forward to the flagship.

Chickuck, chickuck!!

A light emitting signal is transmitted.

"da i ni ka n ta i ze n me z"

"So... the second fleet is wiped out!?

Captain Huitor screams.

"Stupid!! It's something that wipes out in such a short time!!

It's not a mistake. Indeed, the luminescent signal sends a report that the second fleet has been wiped out.

A highly skilled Imperial soldier can't be wrong about the luminescent signal.

The bridge became noisy on purpose.

◆ ◆ ◆

"That's crazy... it's not supposed to be faulty"

Radar technician Magellan explores the causes of radar becoming imperceptible.

Because the possibility of a malfunction was also considered, we will diligently look for the cause.

It was thought that it would be enemy interference that the radar stopped showing.

But how the hell can you interfere?

The radar is a device that illuminates its own emitted radio waves to the enemy fuselage, picks up bouncing waves and locates them.

"No way...... it is illuminated by determining the same number of waves around it?? Then there is also the possibility that the radar will no longer be available!!

The Magellan, which came to the possibility, once completely powers down, changes the frequency and tries to reboot at the highest output.

◆ ◆ ◆

flagship Balsar Bridge

"All battle placement!! All men battle placement!!

There was a loud buzzer on board, and the soldiers rushed around.

"Aircraft carriers, put up a direct mask!! Thunder strikers stay on lightning and stand by, each ship be on high alert!!

Instructions flew early in the arrow succession, and the fleet moved to combat deployment.

Soldiers move quickly. The level of practice is too high.

Radar engineer Magellan was watching the screen with radar monitors at the bridge.

Restart at the highest output by changing the frequency.

This time I want to do something about the phenomenon of unavailability of radar.

"Now restart"

Calm down and press the switch.

A glimmer of light appears on the screen that had completely disappeared and begins to rotate from 10 o'clock toward 2 o'clock to the right.


One stretching line, an incredible amount of light points do appear near it.

"Enemy planes!!?

I accidentally leaked my voice.

Attack imminent!! Unprecedented fear.

The radar restarted for only a moment immediately turns to a bright white screen.

I was lucky not to have to miss the light point that only showed for a moment.

"What the hell!!!

Commander Milekenes did not miss hearing a leaked voice from radar watchman.

"Why... forward, at eleven o'clock, enemy aircraft approaching!! Distance 200km, speed unknown!! Number...... I can't get the details because the immediate radar is no longer usable, but more than 50!!!

Over fifty enemy planes are on their way!!!

"What the hell!!

A chill runs in our spine at the clear willingness to kill directed at us.

"An air attack!! Raise the interceptor as far as you can! Don't even let one enemy plane get near you!!!

Instructions fly.

The attack I was predicting, and the attack will come as predicted.

The bridge became even more hasty.

"I'm glad you were able to detect it at 200 miles."

Staff member standing beside him, Dernsha speaks to Milekenes.

Wear glasses in a relaxed atmosphere everyday and have a gentle look.

He continued.

"If you have 200 distances, you'll be able to afford an interception in time,"

"If the enemy is the same as our empire.

The distance from the second advance fleet is close. That second advance fleet will be contacting you shortly and it's all gone.

Commander Aurones is excellent. The Great Fleet has been wiped out without even being able to reach them.

I have no idea what kind of battle the enemy is going to fight. "

Reminds me of the material I heard before I left.

The Japanese army may have a future weapon called a guided bomb.

When I saw that supposed performance that seemed absurd. I smiled that there was no way I could do that.

But if the second fleet... and the great fleet is wiped out, the absurd hypothesis of the army headquarters also comes to life.

"Delnsha, instruct all ships that the enemy may use a guided missile. Keep the jamming device for Advanced Technology Laboratory Distribution available!!

"Ha!! Are you going to use that?

"Oh, the advanced technology lab, which is also the brainchild of our army, is excellent. I'm sure it will work. Bridge the staff of the Advanced Technology Laboratory."


Milekenes looks at the center of the ship.

A cylindrical object mounted to the left and right pointed diagonally over the sky.

A while later, the bridge door opened and a goggled, honorable man came in.

"It's finally our turn."

A first-level technician at an advanced technology laboratory, was boarding a second fleet flagship with devices deployed in case.

"Dear Commander Milekenes, Staff Sergeant Delnsha and Captain Huitor, I would like to greet you once again.

My name is Kandal, I'm a first-level engineer at Advanced Technology Laboratory. "

"Lord Kandal, are you listening to the current situation?


"Failure to intercept could expose you to enemy guided bomb attacks.

Interception, plus a leak in anti-aircraft gunfire, would be the turn of the new weapon.

... Are you confident?

"Huh, naturally. Dear Milekenes,"

If you are a soldier, this kind of language will never be tolerated by Milekenes, the Empire 3 general, but by speaking of technicians, no one will complain.

"There is a person named Naguano in the Intelligence Agency's Technical Department. He was a classmate of mine from Imperial College and a very good figure.

He points out the possibility that Japan is deploying a guided bomb.

And even Japanese books sold in Moo have been checked for induction bombs.

How far is deceptive information and from where is true information? He seemed troubled. "

Kandal continues.

"Our Advanced Technology Laboratory and the Intelligence Bureau Technology Department shared information and thoroughly washed out what kind of guidance method it would be if a guided bomb really existed.

Pointing out that it was an application of radar technology, the Intelligence Agency Technology Department thought that our Advanced Technology Laboratory could not discard the possibility of radar, but also of heat source detection type.

Perhaps intermediate will be inertial, and eventually radar or heat source detectable. "

There are many technical terms out there that don't make sense, and there's a mark on the heads of the military.

"If it's a radar induction method, it must be using radar reflected waves from warheads to induce them.

Our country's VT tubes also use radar reflective waves.

If you scatter pieces of metal with high radar reflectance, there is a good chance that enemy guided munitions will lose sight of the ship. Also, assuming it's one of the possibilities derived from advanced technology laboratories… if you're using a heat source induction method, it's good to have a large number of heat sources appear far larger than the ship and defraud the guided bomb.

Our Advanced Technology Laboratory has named the chaff of the guided bullet deception device, the chaff of the chatter device for radio waves, and the chatter device for heat source tracking type as flares, and has deployed it to this first fleet and the main fleet ships. "

Kandal vented hot.

"Well... well, that's dependable. Do me a favor."

"Yes!! I use all the possible means of confrontation in my country today and I am absolutely confident.

The very existence of a guided bomb is phenomenal, but this deception device works absolutely, even if the enemy was using technology from twenty years ago in our country...... no, thirty years away.

We'll take care of the final defense...... we'll take care of it!!

Staff member Dernsha applauds.

"That's great. That's an advanced technology lab that can also be the brainchild of our country...... thank you!!

The air on the bridge is only a little soothing for Kandal, who demonstrates absolute confidence in front of an enemy he never had.

◆ ◆ ◆

Sunset, horizon slightly bright.

A white fuselage flies through the darkening sky.

Twelve F-15J fighters fly to escort the BP3-C70 of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces and forward.

BP3-C has four anti-ship guided rounds per aircraft attached to its wings.

In the far rear, the E-767 Early Warning aircraft was flying.

"A1, A2 from the Aeronautical Command, interceptors from the enemy ship are on their way.

Distance 190 km, speed 260 knots (about 481 km/h) '

Receive information from E-767 in real time and radio command from base to attack unit.

For this operation, the Anti-Ship Attack Squad was called A1 and the F-15J Squad escorting the Anti-Ship Attack Squad was called A2.

Far rear, in the control center of the aviation militia set up in the Kingdom of Nahanat, the Commander Yagami assumes command.

"Commander, why did you lose your position? Why not skip the flight course once, as it could have only been reflected for a moment?

If the enemy's interceptor is not off course, the enemy will not have captured us on the radar. "

My men talk to me.

"It is unclear why the position was misplaced, but it would be reasonable to assume that it was found by the enemy.

The plan to deviate from the course is also good on a humanitarian basis, but if we were to be captured by enemy radar firmly, there would be no damage from the performance difference if we had prior information, but if there were an interceptor that exceeded the maximum speed of BP3-C, there could be damage.

I pity my enemies poorly, and I can't even see this one being damaged.

Now we're in position to attack F-15 in time. "

Commander Yagami meditates only for a moment.

Faithful he apologized to God for the death of many of his enemies by his own decision.

But you can't do damage to your allies just in case.

Determine to shoot down.

"A2 over base commander, A2 over base commander, shoot down enemy aircraft. Repeat. Shoot down the enemy aircraft.

Clearly and clearly wirelessly give instructions.

The proud Japanese anti-aircraft fighter, F-15J12, who was escorting BP3-C, ignites an afterburner and two flames emerge from each fighter j in the darkening night sky.

The rapidly accelerating F-15J air fighter pulled BP3C apart and vanished into the western sky.