
Chapter 306

Zhong Li has been punished by heaven now. She must not be left outside. Xu Qi'an has always been a man who cherishes fragrance and jade.

But if you take her to the grave, there may be a risk of mass destruction. Therefore, Taoist Jinlian's decision was the safest and was unanimously agreed by all.

That night, accidents occurred frequently.

Zhong Li meditates with her knees crossed, and suddenly a big boar comes out of the grass beside her, giving her a savage attack. The bird passed her head, leaving a lump of gold.

The big tree was suddenly blown down by the wind and banged on her head. The hunter who went up the mountain to hunt at night shot a stream arrow and nearly killed her....

it was so miserable. Several men who witnessed Zhong Li's encounter were silent.

Men's silence and women's tears.

Finally, at daybreak, Zhong Li makes a list of items to control the evil spirit, and lets Qian you buy them in the city.

"I, I take a nap..."

Zhong Li reaches out her little hand and grabs Xu Qi'an's sleeve: "don't leave me."

When Qian You returns, Zhong Li is still sleeping. Xu Qi'an carries her on his back and follows Taoist priest Jinlian and others to the southern mountains.

"Ying..." Zhong Li mumbled.

"You go on sleeping. I'll wake you up when you get to the entrance of the tomb." Xu Qi'an said softly.

Zhong Li continues to sleep soundly.

After two incense sticks, Qian You and his party come to a mountain depression. They are familiar with the way to find the entrance to the tomb, where they cover it with chopped branches.

After Qian You removed the branch, he revealed a narrow corridor that only one person could pass through.

"Let's go in." Jinlian Taoist said.

"Well, yes."

Chu Yuanzhen and Hengyuan nod, and then look at Xu Qian with Taoist Jinlian.

"Give me a reason!" Xu Qi'an said in a deep voice.

"The spirit of those who refine the spirit can sense the crisis ahead of time." Jinlian Taoist priest said with a smile.

"Vajra's magic power is unparalleled in body protection." Chu Yuan Zhen added.

"... well, you convinced me." Xu Qi'an stooped into the cave with Zhong Li on his back.

Jinlian Taoist priest four people follow behind, not too close, maintain a relatively safe distance.

From the mouth into, at the beginning of the very narrow, just know people. After walking dozens of steps, I suddenly became enlightened.

When he got out of the cave, there was a wide space in front of him. When he jumped out of the cave, Xu Qi'an stepped on the bricks and stones, which must have fallen from the wall when the tomb robbers dug the cave.


he beat the flint and lit the prepared torch, which was burning.

this theft opened nearly March, air circulation, tomb oxygen high...... this can not work, it will destroy the relics in the tomb, some things will soon deteriorate once they touch oxygen. Hey, I don't need to examine, I want to make complaints about these strong lines...... Xu Qian heart Tucao.

Footsteps came from behind. Taoist priest Jinlian and others came out of the cave and jumped into the tomb.

Everyone lights up the torch at the same time to illuminate the dark space.

Xu Qi'an lowered his head, picked up a brick and kneaded it. He found that the hardness of the brick was countless times stronger than he expected.

"What brick is this?" He asked.

The Taoist priest of Jinlian moved the torch, illuminated it, and looked at it intently: "Qinggang brick."


Xu Qi'an looks at him.

"It is a relatively rare stone, characterized by strong, not easy to weathering." Chu Yuanzhen explained:

"I've seen this kind of brick in the book, but it's the first time."

Xu Qi'an nodded his head and said, "we should enter the edge of the tomb. According to these bricks, we can infer that the whole tomb should be built with the bricks of Cyclobalanopsis.

"The owner of this tomb is more honorable than we think."

He is worthy of being a genius in solving cases, with flexible thinking and strong analytical ability.

They searched around the tomb and found 12 coffins and 4 corpses. They had been dead for several days, and their bodies smelled of putrefaction.

"Three of them are brothers in the gang, and the other is the master invited." Qian you whispered.

Although in this line of work, the risk is great and he often encounters crisis, his heart is still heavy.

Xu Qi'an put down Zhong Li, handed her the torch, and squatted down to check the body. "His face was blue and black, and his lips were black. He died of severe poison."

"There's no poison in the air." Zhong Li said.

Xu Qi'an nodded and quickly stripped the dead. He found that there were several small wounds on the body's arm, which seemed to have been bitten out by some insect.

"They are in the coffin. These dead must have moved the coffin." Chu Yuan Zhen suddenly said.

Xu Qi'an's ear moved and caught a slight but dense creeping sound from the sarcophagus.

The sarcophagus seems to be a vessel for raising poisonous insects."Would you like to open the coffin?" Hengyuan said and looked at Taoist Jinlian.

Jinlian Taoist priest looks at Chu Yuanzhen.

The number one scholar Lang nodded, pointed and shot a sword at the sarcophagus.

He waved his sleeve, lifted the sarcophagus and smelled.

All the people on the scene were experts, not afraid of the poison. Zhong Li spread out his palm, holding a brown pill, and said to Qian you, "this is the pill for breaking poison."

"Thank you, girl." Qian You took it gratefully and swallowed it.

Four members of the heaven and Earth Society stood by the sarcophagus and examined the inside. The sarcophagus was full of poisonous insects and black brown liquid splashed on the wall of the sarcophagus.

In addition to the poisonous insects killed by Chu Yuan Zhen, there is also a skeleton with serious deformation. We can't judge the specific age, but only know the age is long.

It's a pity that there is no corresponding technology in this world, otherwise we can find out the age of this skeleton.

"There are no funerary objects. The coffin in this tomb should belong to the funerary." The way of Chu Yuan Zhen.

"It seems that Dafeng has no system of burying the living." Xu Qi'an asked Chu Zhuangyuan for advice modestly.

"The system of living people dying for burial has existed since ancient times, and the original age can not be verified. However, it was in the great wing Dynasty of 2123 that the system of martyrdom was really abolished. At that time, the Confucian sage was not born. "

Chu Yuanzhen didn't hesitate, but naturally emerged relevant knowledge and made a reply.

"In other words, the age of this tomb is more than 2000 years." Jinlian Road, long road.

After checking for a while, there was no harvest. They left the tomb with torches and went deep inside. One or two bodies were occasionally encountered along the way, all of them died in traps.

After a short walk, they entered a wider tomb, the top of which was deep in darkness, and the darkness ahead was boundless.

Waving a torch, Xu Qi'an saw many corpses lying on the ground. Some of them were flesh and blood. They died only a few days. Some are haggard bodies, wearing ragged clothes, can not see the original style.

None of these haggard bodies was complete. Some had their heads torn off, some had their limbs torn off, and some had their limbs cut to pieces.

In addition, there is a coffin that has been opened.

As you can imagine, there has just been a fierce fight here.

The grave robbers opened the coffin and alerted the corpses sleeping in it.

"What's the matter with this zombie? I remember it's the voodoo that can manipulate bodies, right? "

Xu Qian, with a very low level of education, took the lead in opening his mouth. His eyes swept over the coffins that had not been opened in the distance.

Zhong Li shook his head: "these zombies have nothing to do with witchcraft. They are nourished by Yin Qi and become stiff for a long time. Fortunately, these zombies have been destroyed, saving us trouble. "

The sound of "bang bang" rang out in the empty tomb. It was the sound of the coffin lid being pushed open and falling to the ground.

In the dark, a shadow stood up. They were haggard in shape, but they had sharp, black nails, green eyes, cold and terrible.


Hengyuan recites the Buddha's name, strides forward, takes the initiative to meet the zombie, and blows a zombie's head with one punch.

After solving the zombies, they found murals on the walls on both sides of the tomb.

The mural on the left wall shows a group of people wearing simple clothes and strange hats. They prostrate on the ground and kneel down to a high platform.

The mural on the right is very unorthodox, depicting countless pairs of men and women, who enjoy the love of men and women in a fixed position. Some of the postures, even Xu Qian, who has experienced his wife's words and deeds, are unheard of.

In the mural, the bodies of men and women are outlined with the diagram of meridians.

"This seems to be the ancient Fang Zhongshu." Jinlian Taoist priest said in a deep voice.

"In ancient times, did you use Chinese medicine?"

Chu Yuanzhen knew a little about it, but he didn't know much about it, while Hengyuan and Xu Qian had never heard of it.

Weilian, the founder of the school of Taoism, was praised by many scholars.

"There is a school that focuses on double cultivation, where Yin and Yang meet and participate in the great road together. At the most glorious time, the momentum was not weaker than that of "heaven, earth and man". Many pilgrims are worshipped as guests of honor by high officials and dignitaries who are eager to practice Taoism for a long time. Some female pilgrims even linger in Taoist temples and volunteer to practice both. According to the records of dizong's ancient books, there are some noble women among them. "

Crouching troughs, this school is very good at playing... No, no, I'm a prostitute. In their eyes, the core purpose is to participate in the road together, and the rest is just floating clouds..... Xu Qi'an was shocked, staring at the mural, trying to write down the posture and the movement of meridians.

Hengyuan shakes his head and stares at the mural with clear eyes, as if all the things above are floating clouds, unable to shake his Buddhist heart.

"This skill is conducive to the improvement of cultivation, but it's too difficult to find double cultivation objects." No. 1 scholar Lang commented.As a double practitioner, it's natural to find a woman who is also proficient in this way. It's not that a woman in the brothel can practice.

"Heaven and earth, yin and Yang, transform the five elements, and double cultivation is the orthodox art that directly points to the main road. However, there is no difference in skills, but there is difference in people. The progress of double cultivation is slow, and it needs to maintain the original mind and not be occupied by desire.

"Gradually, in order to achieve quick success, this school created the art of picking and tonifying in the double cultivation, and thus fell into the evil way. They deceived female pilgrims, imprisoned them in the temple for their supplement, and plundered women everywhere, which caused the public resentment.

"At last, it attracted the anger of the Imperial Army and the swordsmen in the river and lake..... Now it's gone, but there are some fragments of double cultivation in daomen. If it's a fragment, it's useless. I can't imagine that there is a complete double cultivation here. "

Taoist Jinlian sighed.

"Then, why is there a complete double cultivation technique here?" Xu Qian asked questions.

PS: this chapter should be less, otherwise it can't be updated before 12 o'clock.