
Chapter 150

The story of a year ago... Xu Qi'an's mood changed from loss to excitement. There is no doubt that the so-called story of Hengyuan is mostly the story of Henghui and Princess Pingyang.

What happened to them is the key to the solution of the Sampo case. So far, the demon clan has not appeared, only one Henghui makes trouble with the seal, which makes people ponder. What does the evil of Wanyao Kingdom want to do?

Sabotage? So far, there is only one case of killing the family of Bofu in Pingyuan, which has a great impact, but the substantial harm is not great. Henghui can kill all sides regardless of everything and bring heavy casualties to the capital. But he didn't.

Seal? If the target is just a seal, Henghui should have left the capital long ago.

"The case between monk Henghui and Princess Pingyang has been over the case of Sangbo by now. I always feel that the person behind is deliberately exposing Henghui to the sun..."

Yang Yan '.

"Henghui has indeed died. He died a year ago, and the only one who survived is the walking dead. He is free. It's not a conspiracy. " Hengyuan looks at the younger martial brother close at hand. It seems that there are dark clouds in his eyes.

In a flash, the clouds in Hengyuan's eyes collapsed, and the past was pouring down like a rainstorm.


at the age of six, Henghui was sent to Qinglong Temple by his parents. As a child with aura in his eyes, he was taken as an apprentice by the abbot Panshu monk.

Henghui's Enlightenment was completed when his elder martial brother Hengyuan sat down. This burly and bitter elder martial brother taught him to read and read, to meditate and chant scriptures, and to be a man.

He has a father like respect for this elder martial brother.

In the twinkling of an eye, many years later, the smart little monk has grown into a handsome monk. He thought that he would spend his life as a Buddhist like his master and elder martial brother.

Until one day, he met a girl....

it was a sunny spring. When he was washing clothes in the stream, he saw a handkerchief descending along the stream. He subconsciously picked it up, and then he heard a voice as clear as a Oriole:

"master, that's my handkerchief. Can you give it back to me?"

Henghui raised her eyes and saw a graceful woman standing by the bluestone in the upper reaches. She was wearing a long dress of lotus color and combing the long hair of a girl who had never been out of the pavilion. She had a plain face and a pretty face in the sun. She had a pair of smiling eyes.

"Benefactor... Is she a pilgrim in the temple?"

"Why, I said it's not pilgrim, so you're not going to return my handkerchief." She pinched her waist and pretended to be coquettish.

"No, no, I just feel the benefactor's face is fresh." As he explained, he offered his handkerchief with both hands.

"Hum, every day there are pilgrims who bow their heads."

"How do you know, benefactor?"

"Because I've been following you for a long time."

It was the first time for them to meet on a sunny afternoon in spring.

It's a natural process for them to get to know each other.

When Henghui meditates, the girl accompanies her and passes the time by looking at her private forbidden books in her boudoir, or gently flapping a fan, holding her cheek and staring at Henghui's focused face in a daze.

Occasionally, he would tease him with Dogtail grass, making him unable to concentrate on meditation, which made monk Jun very upset. Angry said: you are like this, I shut up.

She always spits out the tip of her tongue and apologizes insincerely.

Sometimes we go sightseeing together. The scenery of Baifeng mountain is beautiful. When spring comes, the mountains are full of beautiful flowers. She smiles in the cluster and can't tell whether the flowers are more beautiful or the people are more beautiful.

Gradually, rumors spread among the monks in Qinglong temple that he had six unclean roots, broken the lust precepts and was a prostitute monk.

In front of the Buddha's sculpture, master Panshu asked him three questions: whether he was still devout to the Buddha; whether he was interested in the woman; whether he wanted to return to the secular life.

He firmly said that he is still devout to the Buddha; he has no intention to women; he is willing to accompany the Buddha and not return to the secular life.

In this regard, the abbot has only one requirement: no longer speak to her.

As for why she didn't see her again and let her into the temple, Henghui later learned that the abbot didn't want to, but couldn't do it.

She is Princess Pingyang, the daughter of Yuwang.

From that day on, Henghui did not pay any attention to her. When she came, she closed her eyes and meditated. She was indifferent to her teasing and mischief.

She comes every day full of expectation and leaves alone in disappointment.

"Monk, is this flower beautiful? It matches me very well."


"monk, can I play the piano for you? I brought it from home


"monk, I feel dizzy and ill. Don't you care about me?"


" monk, do you have to cram yourself into loneliness? "

“.....”She finally did not come. She did not set foot in Qinglong temple for a month. She completely withdrew from his life, as if she had never existed.

I can continue to accompany the Buddha, and no one will disturb him any more. He was relieved that his sincerity moved the Buddha.

One day, she came again. She was so lost that her face was thin and gaunt.

"Monk, I'm going to get married."

I don't know why, the Buddhist beads scattered all over the place.

At that time, King Yu was at a critical moment. He served as Minister of the Ministry of war and was expected to enter the cabinet with the support of honourable officials.

In this dynasty, the examples of Xun GUI and imperial clan serving as the first assistant are not rare. Throughout the 600 year history, there are five people who have served as the first assistant.

For the declining xungui group, the rise of Yuwang gives them hope. He was carried forward.

At the top of the storm, Yu Wang made a marriage for Princess Pingyang, not only to find a good home for her daughter, but also to get more support through marriage.

"Monk, would you like to elope with me?"

"... good."

Henghui agrees. He finally sees his heart clearly and chooses to face his true self.

They began to plan for elopement. Princess Pingyang was accompanied by guards when she went in and out. When she disappeared for more than half an hour, the guards would search the mountain, and soon the news would be sent back to Prince Yuqin's residence.

Therefore, if they want to elope successfully, they need a magic weapon that can block the breath to evade the search of the celestial Warlock.

finally, there is a need to prepare new registered residence for them and to help them get out of the capital boundary.

For this reason, Princess Pingyang found a trustworthy friend, hoping that he could help himself.


"is Pingyuan's uncle's son, that friend is Pingyuan's uncle's son?" Xu Qi'an interrupted Hengyuan's story in a deep voice.

All of a sudden, uncle Pingyuan has a Yazi organization under his hand, which is good at identity fraud and illegal immigration. Even if Princess Pingyang doesn't know the existence of Yazi organization, the two families are close friends. It's reasonable to know some of the means of Uncle Pingyuan's office.

King Yu once said that uncle Pingyuan and his literary ministers are looking back and forth, and gradually moving away from xungui group. Uncle Pingyuan definitely has a motive to harm Pingyang.

This leads to the later case of Pingyuan Bofu exterminating the family... I just don't know what role the Ministry of war Shangshu mansion plays in it... Xu Qi'an looks at No. 6 Hengyuan and says to himself, do you think they were abducted just because you know that they have contacted with Yazi organization?

In full view of the public, he did not dare to ask.

After listening to Xu Qian's words, several golden gongs looked at Hengyuan with questioning eyes.

"Yes," Heng Yuan nodded gently, "the pure minded Princess of Pingyang doesn't know the complexity of the situation in the court, let alone the evil of people's heart. At the moment of reciting Buddhist scriptures, a monk decided to elope

"At that time, uncle Pingyuan and xungui group had long been in harmony. When he learned about this through his son, he immediately discussed with Zhang Feng, the Minister of war at that time, and the Ministry of household, to sun Mingzhong, and worked out a plan to send Princess Pingyang out of the capital, so as to fight against King Yu."

"Where is Princess Pingyang now?" Jiang LV said in a deep voice.

Hengyuan didn't seem to hear it. He continued: "people are like snakes and scorpions. After sending people out of the capital, uncle Pingyuan's legitimate son, together with sun Mingzhong and Zhang Feng, the Minister of the Ministry of war, wants to violence Princess Pingyang on the way.

"The two fought to death, the last one was killed, and the other swallowed Chai and killed himself. In order to cover up the crime, they buried the bodies of Henghui and Princess Pingyang in the barren mountain, together with the magic weapon to shield the breath.

"The outside world only knows that Princess Pingyang is missing for no reason. Even if Qinglong temple is found, they will only think that they have eloped. Who would have thought they would have died a year ago. "

Princess Pingyang died... The golden gongs looked at each other in silence, their faces serious and terrible.

Princess Pingyang is the daughter of King Yu and the niece of emperor Jingdi of Yuan Dynasty. It is a great crime to kill the princess.

Nangong qianrou holds the handle of the knife and squints: "since Henghui is dead, why will she appear here a year later?"

This is also the doubt in the hearts of people.

If a man dies like a lamp, he cannot be reborn.

"He's dead." Hengyuan said something that people didn't understand.

"He died a year ago, and was sealed in the flesh with a secret method, becoming a walking corpse without consciousness. In this year, it was revenge that supported him. It's the blood feud of Princess Pingyang.

"If you don't believe it, take it back to the Yamen and let it be tested."

"Who saved him?" A golden gong asked.

Hengyuan shook his head.

The golden gong and Yang Yan looked at each other and said, "where is the body of Princess Pingyang? Take us

After a pause, he ordered the silver gongs around him: "send Henghui's body back to the Yamen."Several golden gongs escorted Hengyuan away from the courtyard, gave him a horse, and the whole party went out of the city.

Xu Qi'an was riding on the horse with a heavy heart. He was speechless for a long time. After a long time, he whispered: "is that Hengyuan? Is it possible to be taken or controlled? "

Lying on his shoulder, the gray cat said lazily: "Hengyuan is right. Oh, although I can't look at Qi, I have my own way to distinguish the true from the false."

"Is Henghui really dead?" Xu Qian didn't believe it.

"His life or death is not the key to the case," gray cat said in a low voice. "He is a puppet, and the devil is gone. For those behind the scenes, his life or death is no longer important. You should be happy. It's easier than you think

"I can't be happy. Henghui and Princess Pingyang are poor people." Xu Qi'an pulled the corners of his mouth, showing a smile without a smile.

He sighed and changed the topic: "there is something wrong with Henghui's case, just like someone behind the scenes deliberately pushed it to the stage."


at the junction of Taikang county and Changle County, there is a barren mountain. Hengyuan trudges and looks at it as if it is looking for something.

The process is inefficient and slow. He tells the gongs that Henghui only tells him the general location. He tells him that Princess Pingyang is buried at the root of an old locust tree that is surrounded by three people.

The golden and silver gongs scattered around Hengyuan and defended him in the center to prevent him from escaping.

half an hour later, they found the old pagoda tree, three silver Gong cut down the shrubs and weeds under the pagoda tree, used a saber as a spade, and planed for a while, and the black soil revealed a white bone.

"Yes, my Lord." Silver Gong cheered and called back.

"Dig it out!" Nangong Qian said softly.

Princess Pingyang's bones are exposed in people's eyes. After more than a year, she finally reappears.

The flesh and blood were rotten. There was only a white bone. It was attached with rags. It should be the clothes that he had worn before he died. In addition, a pale gold hairpin was found between the throat and chest and abdomen of the corpse.

As Hengyuan said, she killed herself by swallowing Chai.

"Amitabha." Hengyuan couldn't bear to look again. He closed his eyes and recited the Buddha's name in pain.

"Nothing else can prove that this corpse must belong to Princess Pingyang." He frowned in the ginger.

"It's normal." In the meditation of the golden gongs, Xu Qi'an went to the pagoda tree and said: "Princess Pingyang eloped with her lover. She definitely needs to dress up. She won't bring valuables to attract others' attention.

"Bury the corpse first, take it back to the yamen, and then send someone to inform King Yuqin's residence. Maybe King Yuqin will recognize this gold hairpin."

After the corpse was buried, the people walked out of the mountain. Jiang LV Zhong patted Xu Qi'an on the shoulder: "well done."

Yang Yan, who didn't like to talk, nodded slightly and said for the first time, "this case is your first merit. Even if the Sangbo case is not found out, your majesty will probably forgive you."

Xu Qi'an was about to speak when he felt as if his back had been cut by a knife.

He didn't have to look back to know that the sharp sight came from Zhu Jinluo.

PS: it's a relief to be able to finish the Sampo case today.

Guys, remember to help me find the wrong word. I'll go on to chapter two.