Night Watchman


Hearing that, Big Board and I were stunned!

Damn, no wonder when he heard Dazhi talk about the Miao Family, he felt a strange feeling in his heart. So that's how it is!

A native should have a good understanding of the customs of this place, but from the beginning to the end, what he displayed was just an ordinary merchant. Even after we entered the Miao Family's village, he didn't tell us anything about the local customs and practices!

But how did he change his appearance, and why did he sneak up on us? Furthermore, he had many opportunities to attack me along the way, so why didn't he attack me? Also, if he wants to leave, he doesn't even need to explain it to us, so why did he come over and tell me that he went to the neighboring village to purchase medicinal ingredients first?

Even though we know it's not much better to barge into the underground tomb of a Second World War ghost, but we still asked Miao De to take care of Hua's son, so we went along with Zhang Zikong.

To put it bluntly, with this super cabbage, there would be no danger no matter where you went.

Towards those words, Zhang Zi Kong didn't care about it at all, and as for me, I could only reserve my own thoughts.

I've seen Zhang Zikong's abilities before, and it wasn't just once either. However, the overall impression he gave me was that of someone who wasn't even close to being comparable to Dong Hao. After all, if I were to compare him to Dong Hao, then it would be obvious that he wouldn't be able to compare to Dong Hao.

Of course, this could also be because Elder Miao had once mentioned that there was an expert in the field of martial arts. Being able to deal with the ghosts on the fourth floor of the construction site did not necessarily mean that Dong Hao was better than Zhang Zikong. Furthermore, in terms of personality, I am extremely impressed with this cabbage.

But soon after we left, I realized how stupid our decision had been. Leaving aside Zhang Zi Kong's curses along the way, shuttling through the rainforest in this dark environment was simply asking for trouble!

I am still slightly better, at most, I have fallen into a terracotta soldier. The big board could be due to the O-type blood, which especially attracted the likes of the mosquitoes here! By the time we could see the strange stone bird in the moonlight, the bare skin of the big board in the air had been bitten by the mosquitoes until it looked like a toad. There were goosebumps everywhere!

Fortunately, Zhang Zi Kong was familiar with this kind of wild environment, and not long after, he found us a type of medicinal herb that could repel mosquitoes as well as stop itching. Otherwise, before we arrived at our destination, we would probably have to return home due to heavy blood loss.

Zhang Zikong seemed to have long been accustomed to living in such an environment, moreover, he was familiar with the movements of all kinds of wild beasts. Under his lead, although the journey is very long, we haven't even met a ferocious beast.

It took us three hours to cover the thirty kilometers. Even though it was moonlight and I was as tired as a dog, I couldn't help but sigh at the wisdom of the ancients when I saw the gigantic strange stone bird standing on top of the mountain.

At this moment, he saw a huge strange stone bird lying on the mountain peak. As for the large bird, its claws were firmly grasping the mountain peak.

To place such a huge statue at such a high height, even using a pagoda would require a great amount of manpower and resources. However, the ancients had actually managed to do it in such a backward age!

"Let's go. According to the rumors, that bronze statue can move. As long as you get close enough, you will be able to easily see it."

When I got close to Shi JIanshan, Zhang Zikong spoke to me in a meaningful manner. However, no matter how I listened to it, it didn't feel good at all.

Damn, even if my physique belongs to the extreme yin constitution, there can't be only one person in this world like me! If I hadn't stumbled to work at the construction site, I wouldn't have gotten involved in all this work!

However, even though I complained, I still followed behind Zhang Zikong and wandered around blindly in the forest.

Although Yunnan was close to the tropics, the night wind and dew in the forest were really uncomfortable.

I was fine, but Big Board could not help but complain, "Oh right, Little Vegetable, Ah Six, ah, no, Liu Jie said that the first group of people who saw the bronze statue had made a fire nearby to sleep, and then the bronze statue came by itself. Can we follow their example? "

"You actually believe Liu Jie's words?"

"No, no, no, of course I don't believe him. But regarding this matter, I think that he has no reason to lie to us! "

Big Board's words were reasonable, after hesitating for a while, Zhang Zi Kong found a clearing and started a fire.

"Let me remind you guys first, although the firelight might be able to attract the bronze statue, it can also attract the nearby wild beasts. Although they did not dare to get too close, it was inevitable that they would make some strange noises. So, if you hear any weird noises later, don't be too scared, and don't stay away from the fire. Otherwise, don't blame me for not being able to save you in time! "

After saying this, Zhang Zi Kong laid on the ground and closed his eyes to rest.

A journey of 30 kilometers was not something that could be traversed easily, especially on mountain roads like this, where one could barely see one's hand in front of one's face. Thus, although this was my first time camping out, I didn't get too excited before falling into a deep sleep.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, a strange sound suddenly woke me up from my dream.

That sound sounded very strange. It did not sound like it was made by a wild beast, but rather, it sounded like it was made by a person! The sound of branches being crushed, and the sound of stones and shoes rubbing together seemed to be quite a number of people heading in our direction!

So many of them were hurrying in the middle of the night? Could it be the ghosts of the people who died in the village?

When thinking about this, I couldn't help but shiver and kick the big board who was sleeping by the side to wake up.

"It seems that the thing we're waiting for hasn't arrived yet, but a guest has arrived first."

Initially, I thought that Zhang Zikong had also fallen asleep, but I didn't expect that he was still awake. After saying this, he turned his back on us, to show that he didn't want to talk about it at all.

The footsteps drew closer and closer, and when the figures of a group of people entered our field of vision, I was immediately shocked speechless!

Because I know all those people, and I even dined in the same canteen with them, and I've also heard a lot of things about the Ancient Kingdom of Yunnan from them. When they met those hyenas, they even directly abandoned me and Bighead to hide on the rooftop!

Not only that, but what I find inconceivable is that the leader of their group is that Xu Man, whom I still have yet to figure out whether he's a human or a ghost!

"Hahahaha!" That old monk is indeed capable. He said that as long as I follow his own route, I will be able to meet you here.

As he spoke, Xu Man headed in our direction.

When Xu Man walked closer, Zhang Zikong, who had been feigning sleep, suddenly said something that had a shocking weight to it!

"Liu Jie, don't you think that deceiving these ignorant people like this is a very boring thing to do?"