Night Watchman


Although the carving skills of the many wooden oxen were all different, the ghost faces of the wooden oxen were much the same. It was as if the carpenters had copied the faces from the same painting.

Looking at the different chisels and the different wooden oxen in my hands, I had an indescribable feeling in my heart.

When he finishes his call, he tells me that the police will be here in about five minutes. Then, just say we're here with him, and that'll save us a lot of trouble.

My day police were working pretty well, and after five minutes of talking, and it was only a little over five, we heard the siren. Since this matter was related to the Japanese invasion, other than the civilian police and firefighters, there were also a few experts who came along.

The firefighters got off the car and ran towards the house with a lot of guys. Not long after, there was a strong burnt smell coming from the house.

Since the relevant personnel had arrived, those wooden oxen and chisels naturally had to be filed with them. But in order to find any other clues, I was prepared to capture them first.

However, just as I took out my phone, I saw a text message from Zhang Shimin.

The instant I opened the text message, I was immediately stunned. I hurriedly got Bian Tou to help me take pictures of those things while I, on the other hand, went to the side to make a call.

The text said that her father had discovered something fishy about her uncle's death. Although they rarely came into contact with each other, they still had blood relatives. So to find out, her father planned to make a trip himself. Although her father was not very old, because her brother was not by her side, she would follow and take care of her father's daily meals.

At the end of the text message, she attached a picture of a strange bird carved out of stone standing on top of a mountain. That strange bird is exactly the same as the one in my dreams!

What was going on? Elder Miao told me to take the crescent to where it was supposed to go, but it disappeared before he could finish. Now, that strange stone bird appeared again in the picture that Zhang Shimin sent out. Could it be that this seemingly unremarkable chisel in my hand had something to do with what happened ten years ago?

When I heard the notification that the other party wasn't in the service area, I started to get frustrated.

"Brother Zhou, I have already sent the photo to your email. I'll let you know in time if there's anything on the Bureau's scan. This is the picture you said you were looking for. "

As he said that, he handed the phone to me, "This photo is nothing special, it's just like a map of a certain place drawn on the back. Experts say this could be the next place the Japanese are preparing to invade. "

As soon as I saw the photo on his phone, I frowned. Because that photo was also the strange bird, and it was exactly the same as the one in Elder Miao's dream and Zhang Shimin's text message!

[What the heck is going on? Do I have to go to this place?

When I think about what happened to me recently, I can't help but have a headache. Now, with great difficulty, he thought that he could finally escape, but he discovered that he seemed to have sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss!

It was as though there was a pair of invisible hands pushing me forward. The more I wanted to escape from these mess, the further away from my goal.

"Brother Zhou, I've been here before!"

After seeing the map on the back of the photo, the big board immediately used his phone to find a modern map that was almost exactly the same as the one on the map.

Wenshan, Yunnan, was the hometown of Elder Miao. From the looks of it, this matter might be related to the events from ten years ago.

I vaguely remember Elder Miao's notebook saying that this matter was extremely dangerous, and now that Zhang Shimin had gone back to that place, I had no choice but to go.

Bighead was a rich second-generation, so all I had to do was hand over the money to him. That was why I decided to point out the destination of the next stop.

The moment he heard that he was going out on an adventure, Dazhi immediately became so excited that he looked like he was going out to explore something! He directly made a call and booked a plane ticket.

After hearing my plan, Hua Zi put on a pained face, "Brother Zhou, can we go back later?" Now that this has happened, I probably won't be able to rest for more than a few days. But with such an exciting matter, you shouldn't leave me behind, right? "

My way of thinking towards these two treasures is already familiar, but since it concerns the safety of the one I love, how can I delay it? Thus, under the hopeful gaze of Huazhe, I got on the bus with the bus and headed towards the airport.

I remember the last time before Zhang Zikong appeared, he used a large puppet. Furthermore, the number on my phone that night was indeed a large puppet, but the result was out of my expectations.

So in order to confirm the authenticity of this matter, on the way to the airport, I made a call to Zhang Zikong.

In his words, it was just a trick to use the wrong number on the phone to fool people. However, Zhang Shimin's text message had been verified to be at least half true.

Previously, when we left for Elder Miao's residence, Zhang Shimin had spoken to him over the phone, saying that she wanted to accompany her father on a long journey. As for where she was going and what she was going for, Zhang Shimin did not mention it.

From the looks of it, Zhang Shimin did want to call me when we were in the basement, but she had no signal, so she had no choice but to send a message.

In other words, Zhang Zikong's words indirectly proved the authenticity of the text message on my phone. Zhang Shimin had indeed gone to Wenshan, Yunnan, with Elder Zhang.

It's just that these things are way too coincidental, it makes me feel a little uneasy.

Audi's speed was like the wind, and this son of a rich family didn't care about the fines. Originally, the airport was more than 20 kilometers outside of the city, but after leaving the city, the bus only took about 10 minutes to arrive.

After getting off the plane, a taxi was hailed down.

Originally, the driver had a bright smile on his face when he saw the passengers. However, after hearing our destination, his smile immediately froze.

"What?" "You're going to Shijie County?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"No, no, no. The problem is that there isn't, it's just that …"

Halfway through my words, the driver suddenly stopped. This made me have a strange feeling in my heart.

The words of the driver seemed to know something, but he didn't want to say it, so he took out a few furs and threw them towards the driver, "I'm not afraid to tell you, we're here for a surprise hunt!" "As long as you are satisfied with what you have said, I will still ride in your car when I return, and the car bill will double!"

As the saying goes, money can make a person struggle, not to mention in this era where everything was focused on money.

Upon seeing Grandpa Mao throw out the board, the driver's eyes immediately lit up, "Since the two of you have the guts, then I might as well tell the two of you. Recently, the wild beasts in Shigu County have been rampant, and groups of hyenas have been roaming around the city! I heard that several villages have already been devoured! Even if the nation dispatches their troops, they will still be unable to do anything about it! "