Night Watchman


When we walked out from behind the stone door, a canyon that was hundreds of feet deep was right in front of us. The dozens of Gold men stood at the bottom of the canyon, with their heads above the canyon. Over a dozen golden men stood side by side, reflecting a bright light under the morning sun. It was a spectacular scene!

"Brother Zhou, there's so much gold. If we move it back, how much would it be worth?"

When I heard this, I immediately hit him with my fist, "You idiot, I told you to read more, but you just wouldn't listen!" Although the Twelve Golden Men are called Golden Men, they were actually made of bronze, not gold! "

Looking at the dazzling Golden Man, Hua Zi slowly frowned, "Brother Zhou, I remember the historical records say that the 12 Golden Men are all of different shapes and sizes. Why do we see that these Golden Men are all of the same height? Furthermore, from the looks of it, there isn't much difference between their appearances! "

Actually, I noticed this even before he said it, but it was all recorded in the historical records, and no one knew if it was true or not, so I couldn't say anything about it.

Just as we were looking at the Golden Man in a daze, intense gunfire suddenly rang out from the bottom of the canyon.

Seeing this, we immediately rushed to the edge of the canyon.

The bottom of the canyon was abnormally dark. Standing on top of it, one could not clearly see what was inside the canyon. One could only vaguely see the tongue of fire shooting out from the barrel of the gun as well as the road that was suspended on the cliff.

"Brother Zhou, it looks like there's a fight down there. Should we go down and help?"

After hearing what Dazhi said, I immediately made a hand gesture towards them, "It's fine if you help, but it's still possible to create trouble!"

The moment I said that, a vulgar smile immediately appeared on both Dazhi and Hua Zi's face. They snickered as they groped their way towards the dock on the side of the cliff.

Although the surface of the road looked very old, it was unknown what the ancients painted on it. After so many years of erosion, it was still extremely firm. Even after stepping on it, the creaking sound that should have been made by the old wood didn't appear.

Seeing this, although I felt a little strange, I didn't care too much about it. I followed behind Big Board and the rest and touched my way down the mountain stream.

When we were at the top, I felt that this valley was a little strange. When we arrived at a place where the sun couldn't reach, we immediately felt an extremely strong chill. That kind of strange feeling also became even more obvious. At this moment, Hua Zi frowned as he looked at me, as if he also felt the peculiar sensation.

Seeing this, I immediately gestured to Big Board and the others to slow down. The three of them continued to move towards the bottom of the valley vigilantly.

As we moved, the sound of gunfire became more and more obvious. Under the effect of the echoes, gunshots were being fired everywhere. The entire valley had turned into a battlefield!

And as we got closer to the bottom, his frown deepened.

Seeing this, I stretched out my hand to stop everyone else and turned to look at Hua Zi. "What's wrong?" What's wrong? "

At my words, he looked down and then turned back to me and said, "The echo of the shot was too loud. I didn't hear it clearly." But over the din of the shots, I seemed to hear other strange sounds. "

Hearing that, I stuck my head out of the yard.

Although we were quite close to the bottom, I was still unable to see clearly what was at the bottom. It was as if the entire mountain was made of a substance that could absorb light. The area below the valley was completely dark except for a few spots of light that were still shooting out flames!

Just when I stuck my head out to look down the mountain, Dazhi suddenly frowned and came to my side, "Brother Zhou, there seems to be a lot of bugs down there! I smell that horrible stench I had in that wormhole before! "

After hearing these words, I immediately frowned and started searching my body.

"Brother Zhou, what are you looking for?"

"Cold Smoke!" Which one of you has? Hurry up and give me a few! "

Hearing my words, Hua Zi directly took out two Cold Smoke Flames from his pocket and handed them to me.

After receiving Huai Zi's Cold Smoke Flame, I immediately lit one and threw it towards the valley below.

As soon as the Cold Smoke Flames hit the bottom of the canyon, a bunch of brownish-red carapaces were dispersed by the light. After the light from the Cold Smoke Flames gradually weakened, those things started approaching the Cold Smoke Flames. When the true colors of those things were illuminated by the Cold Smoke Flames, a layer of chestnuts immediately appeared on my body!

"Isn't this the kind of large cockroach we met in the wormhole? My God! Why are they here? And there are so many of them! "

Seeing this, the large board's face immediately became pale from fright!

"No, look carefully, that's different from the cockroaches we met in the wormhole! cockroaches have tentacles, but not these things! "

Listening to Hua Zi's words, I took a closer look and saw that there were indeed no tentacles on the head of those cockroach-like creatures.

As those things got closer and closer to the Cold Smoke Bombs, their true colours were finally revealed!

Although there was no difference between a cockroach and all the other animals, there was a baby's head on its head!

"Seeing this, my scalp started to feel numb!" "F * ck, why did those blood infants on Mount Six-Pang come over here?"

Actually, thinking about it wasn't impossible. Back then, when Genghis Khan went on a war with the Western Xia, the Mongol Steel Cavalry had directly massacred the Royal City of the Western Xia. The Blood Infant was a foreign object used by the Western Xia Imperial clan to guard the mausoleum, so it was not impossible for the Mongolian Steel Cavalry to bring some back. However, looking at the number of blood babies at the bottom of the canyon, it was really scary!

The moment I said those words, those giant cockroaches whose bodies were occupied by the blood infant acted as if it had discovered us. It immediately split out a few hundred of them and climbed up the road towards the top of the cliff!

The heck, if he was caught by these damn things, being bitten into a pile of white bones would be a small matter! He was afraid that they would take over his body after he was killed. At that time, he would be truly ashamed of his ancestors!

Seeing this, how could I dare to delay any longer. I immediately called for the big board and they were about to turn around and escape.

However, the moment I turned around, Hua Zhe immediately stopped me, "Brother Zhou, don't move! Something seems to be coming down from above! "