Night Watchman


When Big Board rushed out, I thought he was here for Hua Zi. I originally wanted to stop him, but I didn't expect that he would directly stab me in the shoulder!

Furthermore, Hua Zi's actions had greatly exceeded my expectations. I instantly lost my will to resist and could only watch helplessly as the large saber flew towards me without the slightest intention of resisting!

A sharp pain came from my body, causing me to feel much more clear-headed. When Dazhi raised his dagger high for the second time, I realized from his words that we were fooled from the very beginning to the end.

That's right, Hua Zi and Da Gang's consciousness were very clear. If the green light emitted by the huge rock was the primer of the [Circle Light Technique], then the things that happened to Da Gang and Hua Zi afterwards could be explained!

However, what I didn't expect was that the other party would be this smart and would even use the weakness of suspicion to deal with us!

Although the round light technique from before didn't cause them to fall into a complete hallucination, it perfectly led to our respective inner demons! Now that the time was right and the round light technique had been strengthened, even Hua Zi, who came from a criminal investigation background, could not help but fall into a hallucination!

This was the skill of his opponent, and it was hard not to be impressed!

Even though I have made things clear, I can't get rid of the fact that I'm locked in place by Hua Zi! Seeing that the big board's dagger was about to fall, I instinctively lifted my leg and kicked the big board!

What kind of person is a big board? All the scattered experts in the city are no match for him, so what's the point of this kick of mine?

The moment I lifted my foot, he seemed to know what I was going to do. The moment I kicked out, he dodged to the side and grabbed my ankle. Without saying a word, he stabbed at my thigh!

After a sharp pain passed, despair reached its peak. I didn't even feel like resisting anymore. On the other hand, it seems as though Big Board's eyes were bloodshot from killing. After pulling out his dagger and shouting loudly, he stabs towards my heart!

They had originally wanted to become friends who could give up their lives for each other. However, in the end, they died at the hands of their own brothers! The greatest sorrow in his life could not be any more.

Frustrated, I simply closed my eyes and silently waited for death to befall me.

However, the heavens didn't seem to be willing to take me in. I closed my eyes and waited for a long time, but I didn't make a move. Instead, my hands gradually relaxed.

I opened my eyes again due to my confusion. The large board in front of me was holding onto his head with one hand, shaking his head as though he was drunk. Even Hua Zi, who was behind me, was blinking both his eyes vigorously.

In just a short moment, Hua Zi had already released my hands. He, on the other hand, squatted on the ground with a splitting headache. Even the large board was crouching down with its head in its hands.

Seeing this, I let out a long sigh. However, just when I was rejoicing over my narrow escape from death and was prepared to sit down to bandage my wounds, I suddenly realized that there was another person's shadow behind me!

That shadow was like a rootless duckweed, completely grown on the ground! Furthermore, the movements of the shadow were extremely strange. It looked like a person, but it also gave off an extremely incongruous feeling!

This damned thing had made me suffer a great loss. Although I didn't know what it was, but after seeing it, my heart couldn't help but burn. Without saying anything further, I snatched the gun from Hua Zi's hands and aimed it at the figure, wanting to shoot!

However, just as I was about to aim at the shadow, Hua Zi suddenly raised his hand and grabbed my wrist.

Although his head still hurt, he insisted on grabbing my wrist, "Brother Zhou, that shadow is just a projection. The real culprit is over there!"

With that, he raised his hand and pointed at the rock, "Don't startle it!" One would need to hit the target in order to be able to get rid of any future troubles! "

After saying that, Hua Zi fell to the ground in a daze. On top of that rock, I saw two snow-white weasels!

That's right, other than the weasel that we met in the ancestral hall, there was also a bloody weasel that was dying on the rock!

These two weasels seemed to be a pair. After one of them passed out with a faint trace of life left in its wake, the other began to shake the other with its two front paws.

Upon seeing this, I immediately understood what happened. I understood everything from the beginning to the end!

Based on the current situation, the faith of the Manchus was not without reason. Once this kind of damned thing had lived for a long time, it could really cause trouble!

From the looks of the dying Yellow Book Wolf, it seemed that the bloodstain under the tree had originated from it.

They must have been alarmed when the tree fell to the ground, and the weasel had climbed up to check the situation. Perhaps it was because the bear's claw had left a gaping wound on its chest the moment it reached the ground!

Afterwards, the other weasel, in order to save his partner's life, drilled into the giant bear's body in an attempt to dig out its heart, only to be smashed apart by us later on. The source of her heartache was the Divine Seal Decree. In order to save herself, she had designed the Prime Minister's heart to compete with her heart, and the life after her was better than death.)

As we were delayed, the Bearheart lost its medicinal properties, and the yellow skin became so preoccupied with us that it followed us all the way to the ancestral hall.

He had no idea what was going on with that rock, but it did not leave a shadow on the ground under the moonlight! It is also because of this that I mistook the weasel's projection as a ghost when we were passing by. And the ghostly shadow that Hua Zi saw was probably the heavily injured weasel that had followed them from behind.

This also explains why even though Zhang Zi Kong was the one who led us here, we encountered all kinds of strange events after arriving.

At this point, everything finally had a reasonable explanation. For the safety of us and to avenge my injuries, I had no choice but to destroy these two evil spirits!

"Blame it on your lives!"

I muttered as I slowly raised the gun in my hand to aim at the weasel that was on the giant rock.


After a gunshot, the weasel that was pushing its companion fell from the rock. Due to my injuries, I collapsed limply onto the ground, unconscious.

I don't know how long I slept, but in my half-conscious state, I felt the wooden cow in my hands start to heat up!

The Wooden Ox had never lost a grip on me. Thus, after sensing the abnormal behavior of the Wooden Ox, I forced myself to open my eyes. The moment I opened my eyes, a figure appeared before me.