Night Watchman


As soon as Dazhi and Hua Zi ran, a strange squeaking sound came from the entrance of the ancestral hall, as if there were two rats crying out to each other. I, on the other hand, immediately tensed up!

Although this Ghost Tree Forest seemed to be full of vitality on the surface, it was filled with a strange feeling that no one could understand. Although the thing behind me sounded like a mouse, I didn't think that it was just two mice. Thus, I simply hid behind the rock without moving, holding my breath as I waited for the thing to leave.

The shadow of Big Board and Hua Zi went further and further away. Although the moonlight was bright, I could only vaguely see their shadows under the cover of the lush leaves. As for the terrifying thing behind them, it seemed as if it had no interest in them at all. After they left, it did not chase up to them from behind.

This was not something I had expected. Could it be that that thing was only here for the weasel? You have no interest in us at all?

Just when I was frowning as I was thinking about all kinds of possibilities, something strange suddenly happened in the dark forest.

It sounded as if something was dragging a dead branch along, and the branch was scratching at the dead leaves on the ground, creating a strange rustling sound.

Following the direction of the weird sound, there seemed to be a pair of dark green eyes flickering in the depths of the forest. Furthermore, the aura emitted from those eyes was the same as the eyes of the weasel I saw in the ancestral hall.

Seeing this, I squeezed out from the rock and turned my head to look at the entrance of the ancestral hall. Indeed, it was not bad. That thing was no longer at the entrance of the ancestral hall. The unusual movement in the forest must have been caused by that unknown thing.

This was strange! If the item that appeared at the entrance of the ancestral hall wasn't big, then no matter how terrifying its appearance was, it shouldn't have scared the big board and Hua Zhai to such an extent! But if that thing's size was not small, how could it leave a complete corpse on this weasel? Or could it be that what was in the forest was just the remaining head of that yellow-skinned man?

For the sake of both Da Gang and Hua Zi's safety, as well as to figure out what was going on, I used the wooden cow in my hand to force myself to follow the pair of dark green eyes.

However, before I could get far, Broad and Hua Zee grumbled at each other as they walked back in my direction.

Due to the distance, I didn't hear what they said clearly. I just vaguely saw that they seemed to be quarrelling and looked rather anxious.

Just when Big Board and Hua Zhe reappeared in front of me, those dark green eyes in the distance suddenly stood up from the ground and turned towards them!

Almost at the same time, Dazhi and Hua Zi's actions turned strange again! Although the two of them seemed to be blaming each other, they had already started walking in separate directions, heading in different directions. It was as if they did not even realize that the other person was no longer by their side!

Seeing this, my heart began to feel a chill!

This was because their current situation was the same as the one in the ancestral hall, where they had been bewitched by the weasel's [Circle Light Technique]!

What the hell was that thing that was dragging that weasel's head? It could even use the head of the yellow-skinned man to cast the Circular Light Technique! Furthermore, it could confuse two people at the same time!

Even though I am a little weak in my heart, in order to prevent any mishap from happening to Big Board and Hua Zhai, I mustered up my courage to raise the handgun in my hands and shot towards the sky!


As soon as the gunshot rang out, both Dazhi and Hua Zhe were stunned. They soon realized that something was wrong and turned around to look at the other, their eyes full of confusion.

At the same time, two pairs of green eyes suddenly appeared where the yellow skin was! After looking in my direction, he disappeared from where he was!

Upon seeing this, my heart immediately cleared up.

F * ck, it seems like only by obtaining the heads of those two yellow furs did he manage to control two people simultaneously with illusion! Furthermore, from my guess, that thing itself isn't very dangerous. Otherwise, the wooden cow in my hand would have warned me a long time ago! When I was at the entrance of the ancestral hall, that damn thing probably used yellow leather's circle of light to scare them away. Otherwise, if they left me and ran away, that wouldn't be justified!

As I thought of this, Hua Zi started running in my direction. As for Da Gang, after he reached my side, he immediately frowned as he looked towards the place where some unknown monster had appeared.

"Brother Zhou, there seems to be a fresh smell of blood over there!" I wonder what it is! "

What I said proved my guess once again. From the looks of it, the thing that appeared in the forest was indeed only there for the weasel. However, he did not know what ability that damned thing had. It was actually able to use the Yellow Skin's head to perform the Circular Light Technique!

However, since that thing was also afraid of gunfire, it was much easier to deal with! As soon as one of us discovers that the other two are acting wrongly, we can fire at once, so that we won't be confused by the circle of light again.

In order to not leave any hidden dangers, we have to find that damn thing! Otherwise, the road ahead is a long one. Heaven knows when we might accidentally fall into his trap!

"Lead the way, lead the way in the direction of the stench of blood!" Hua Zhe and I will each take a gun. As long as we find out that the other two are doing something wrong, we will immediately shoot to warn the sky! If Dazhou discovered that we were in the wrong, he would immediately snatch the gun in my hand! Hua Zi also paid attention to the nearby movements! "

After arranging the tasks for each of them, the three of them headed straight for the forest.

When they arrived at the place where the ghost had stopped at, there was indeed a pool of fresh blood on the ground. There were also some white fur that had fallen off from the yellow skin on the ground! In other words, my guess is right!

After that, with the guidance from the bloodstain, our speed of follow-up also increased significantly. In addition, the previous few gunshots had already dispersed all the wild beasts nearby. We were able to catch up to the place where I saw Spiritshadow without any obstruction!

Upon arriving, Hua Zi pointed to a rock to the east and said: "Brother Zhou, that rock! When I first saw Spiritshadow, it was from that rock that the sound of his fingernails scratching at rocks could be heard! "

Judging by the height of the moon, it should be around ten o'clock at night. From our vantage point, we could see that the moon was hanging right above that huge rock. Moreover, I don't know if it was due to the refraction of light rays or something, but I could faintly see that the huge rock was emitting a faint green light!