Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

78 They're here for something.

Lianya sums up her thoughts.

The current result was that Rock Dragon didn\'t even get proof of crusade, so there were still results for Wyburn to say fifteen crusades as something that doesn\'t count in numbers.

This one is retrieving demon stones, so the crusade can easily be proven.

If you try to report it all as a Rearis result, you won\'t believe it all, so roughly about seven crusades as a half of the talk can be Rearis\', Lianya is stepping on, but it\'s unclear to what extent the effect of saying seven Wyburn crusades will be a track record.

From Lianya, when I hit the thick armor, I fell, because of the degree of recognition, I don\'t feel a great deal of difficulty in Wyburn\'s crusade.

I\'m even wondering if it won\'t be any achievement where I\'ve tried to defeat a few things so easily.

In fact, both Wyburn and Rock Dragon are demons of such strength that a party of adventurers of about C-rank would somehow be able to defeat them in this way, and not demons that earn numbers.

However, Liaris, the only person who could point out the matter on this occasion, was still in its thick armor, and Cloire, who was trying so hard to rescue it, was not so knowledgeable about the strengths of the adventurers, etc., and was in a situation where he said that there was no one who could point to the mistakes in Lianya\'s mind.

Lianya looks down at the dragon squatting beside her.

Again, the definite thing would be to crusade the dragon.

Whoever crusades the dragon will be bestowed the highest honor.

That probably won\'t make a difference in this world either, Lianya thinks.

But if he asks if he can shrink this giant as much as possible and crusade the desperately begging dragon without mercy, Lianya can only answer no.

If you\'re the one facing me, I was confident that I could trample on you laughing no matter how fragile it is, but if I could point my fist at someone begging you to help me, I\'d like to avoid Lianya.

Well, this dragon hasn\'t done any harm to Mita Lotus for now.

I can\'t say it\'s harmless, but I\'m really hesitant to put a hostile dragon in my hands, no matter how many friends I think about it.

Even if it\'s a dragon with a woman.

Even if it\'s a dragon with a woman.

Even if that\'s...

"Something\'s starting to make me feel like I can hunt properly."

Lotus Yaya, who began to think that there would be no point in being, such as a chatty dragon, said that in a flat voice, slapping the ground as the dragon protested with a pepper at his tail, remaining in an ambush position.

I don\'t like it! I\'ll do anything. Please help me!

"Hmm. Anything..."

Lotus Yakiya thinks that he was able to take his word for it.

I really need demon stones to prove the dragon\'s crusade.

The magic stone is on the heart of the dragon or in the head, so in order to take it out, there is no hand except to open the chest or head.

And Lianya, even if there is a way to open it, has no way of bringing it back together.

Approximate organisms will die if they leave their heads open or their breasts open.

Now you\'re in trouble, and Lianya put on an arm.

When he looked up into the sky to see what was going on and turned his gaze towards the dragon again, Lianya found it.

From Lianya, take the dragon to the place where you meet her face to face.

Suddenly, without any context, it stood.

"Hey, hello"

I\'ve just greeted him with my right hand up. It was dressed like a stuffed animal made of bandages, if you describe it.

Whether the bandage is wrapped fairly thick or whether there is such a thing inside, anyway, the bandage chunk was in the form of a person for once, but exposed to a top-heavy body that has smeared all the information that represents what I said was gender and race.

The question boils down from the next to the next, where even the part that touches my head doesn\'t have eye or mouth exposure and I wonder if I can see it with this, or why my voice doesn\'t creep.

For once, his voice was like that of an elevated woman.

"Is that it? I said hello and you haven\'t heard back?

"What the hell... where did you come from?

I didn\'t feel any signs. It\'s not surprising because there is a precedent for saying that.

But the fact that he said he appeared abruptly without even noticing a cloire with a fairly sharp hearing was too much to surprise Lianya.

Without recovering from that surprise, Lianya asks somewhere flashly, but his hands are naturally attached to the knife of his hips.

To the behavior that was half-conditional reflexes for Lianya, the mass of bandages rushed their hands forward.

"Wait, wait. It\'s nothing suspicious. It\'s a passing bandage."

Lotus Yaya glances at it, wondering there\'s no way the bandage will pass.

"Is there a part of that introduction that isn\'t suspicious?

If necessary, Lianya turns her gaze in the direction of the clower while she intends to slash each dragon in between and throw it away.

Until the bandage appeared, it was a cloir desperately carrying out the decoration of the armor containing the rear squirrel, but I could see him gently asking this way, hiding in the shadow of a rock, whether he had sensed Lianya\'s reaction agile.

Regardless, the armor is left unattended.

With Kroir\'s arm strength, I could naturally say that he can\'t even strain, and as far as the rear squirrel is concerned, whatever the situation is, he can say that it\'s safest to be in the armor.

"Looks like you\'re in trouble, huh? I was wondering if you\'d be willing to talk to one kind passing bandage here?

Lianya laughed with her nose at the words of a chunk of bandage that leaned from her hips to her upper body and asked.

"Whoever talks to you about that way of inviting you is an idiot"

"I wonder? I know a lot of people jump on boiling luck down there."

The bandage pounds the body of the dragon with the hand that was sticking out.

The dragon sees a mass of bandages with the same gaze he directed at Lianya, with no sign of movement.

"Shall I put you in trouble? I wonder if you\'d like to use this dragon somehow?

Lianya does not answer.

Continue that silence in the same tone about what the bandage did.

"It would be easy if I just killed and rose, so is that also why I don\'t want to kill you?


"I could handle it, but what?

A bandage that does not pay any attention to the appearance of Lianya, who reinforces her vigilance, spreads her hands around.

Have you not thought about that behavior full of gaps at all, or do you think there is no need to worry about Lianya being slashed at any time?

"What are you going to do?

Without alarm, Lianya asked, paying attention to the action of the bandage.

The bandage stops turning and pounds the dragon\'s body again.

"It depends on what you want to do. For example, if you just want to take out the Demon Stone..."

A chunk of bandage raises both hands.

From the gap in that bandage, Lianya slightly shifted her body back when she saw various shapes of blades emerge with metal sounds.

Can\'t you see how Lianya looks like that, and the bandage proclaims it exalted?

"I would be able to dismantle this dragon without letting it die."

The dragon let him wield his body once and for all to the noisy proclamation.

Lianya takes a small sigh of relief at the look of it and asks one question.

"You got anesthesia or something?


When Lianya asks about the bandage that allows her to immediately pull in the blade she has just given out, the bandage replies with a missing voice somewhere between them.

"It\'s anesthesia, anesthesia. You can\'t dismantle it without anesthesia, can you?

"Oh, I\'m fine. \'Cause it\'s gonna hurt like hell, but I\'m not gonna die."

Dragon\'s face is drawn to the words of the bandage, which he says are obvious.

Lotus Yaya shook her neck sideways, wondering if maybe now she was looking at something very rare.

"That\'s too miserable for whatever it takes"

In a conscious state, the bandage acts like an arm and roars at Lianya, who says that it would not have accumulated from the side where it is performed, such as undergoing an open chest surgery without anesthesia.

My arm is also a chunk of thick bandage, so I know you want to put it together, but I haven\'t put it together at all.

"Well...... right. If the dragon agrees, I can give it to you so you can serve it."

The servant, Lianya\'s expression moves perfectly in the words.

I crusaded, and in order to show evidence, I needed a demonic stone that I had chosen from the demon, but then I really needed to kill the dragon in front of me.

Or we need to see how dragons can be held without anesthesia.

But I caught him like this, and if I show him the real thing, he shouldn\'t have to deal with it any more, and there shouldn\'t be anything more about persuasion.

However, Lianya is concerned about the suspicion of not having a stuffed animal in front of her.

It would still have been nice if there had been any hostility, but it\'s oddly too friendly.

As for Lianya, I don\'t know her in stuffed animals or bandages.

I mean, even though I don\'t remember being friendly, this chunk of bandage talks intimately, without even worrying about Lianya having her hands on the weapon.

"You, who the hell are you?

"Wouldn\'t that be nice after all that stuff?

It\'s a bandage trying to shelf the problem, but Lianya is unwilling to ride it.

When you pull the knife out in a crisp motion, you stick that cut to where it would be the face of the bandage.

"I don\'t even know who they are. Do me a favor."

It was Lianya, who meant to be mildly intimidated, but it didn\'t seem to fit into the bandage.

"Huh? Oh, is that what you\'re saying about wanting to see my face? Hey, I\'m not waiting. I need to calculate. Come on... because that\'s about it from treatment to fixation... if I can\'t do it, I wonder if I\'ll be okay? If it gets too intense, the distortion... I think it can be corrected."

"What do you bump..."

Without showing any interest in the pierced cut, the chunk of bandage began to whine about something with a bump as he slammed both arms.

In front of Lianya, who is distracted, the chunk of bandage that she has been doing so for a while eventually nods one, okay.

"Whoa. Don\'t unbandage me."

That\'s what I said. I started wandering my body with both arms that were turning into just a barrel wrapped in bandages.

I wonder if it will come off, at the end of Lianya\'s gaze staring at her with a candle of gaze, the lump of bandage, which had been twitching for a while, eventually stopped moving and thought about it for a while before walking around the body of the dragon between Lianya and Lianya to the sight of Lianya.

In that too unprotected action, Lianya accidentally delivers the knife she was poking at to the sheath.


"Apparently, you can\'t take it off yourself. I was wondering if you could take it off?

A chunk of bandage that offers both hands just as much as you ask.

Then how did you wrap the bandage around it? I wanted to say that it was Lianya, but when I said it, I felt like I would be made fun of because I said it, and a strange answer would likely come back.

With some unintelligible thoughts, Lianya unbandaged the offered hand as she was urged.

But this was unexpected, and it became a very cumbersome task, not as Lianya expected.

It is a bandage that is wrapped around until it is quite thick at any rate.

It is in a state where you have no idea what is inside and how thick it is, but it is not a semi-productive amount of bandage.

In other words, the bandages will appear later, whether you unwrap them or not.

Even if the bandage you unlocked starts to build a mountain at your feet, there\'s no sign that you can see what\'s inside.

In fact, there is no one inside or anything, and an amount of bandages that even seem to be bandages to the core accumulates at Lianya\'s feet.

"Hey, I\'m sorry to bother you. But I needed to wrap this around."

A standing bandage raised a bitter laugh as Lianya untied the bandage.

Speaking of which, where the hell did the pile of blades you just said with your face out of the bandage gap?

When Lianya began to have such doubts, a sneaky white arm appeared out of the bandage she was finally unwrapping.