Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

356 Sounds like a development from the flag.

"But it\'s quiet."

The ship is as noisy as it has ever been, but it is quiet outside the ship, and I don\'t think it has entered the demonic realm.

It is a condition where my hands are in need of a little for repairs in various parts of the ship, and I think it is a very helpful situation, but too quiet is also a factor that drives me anxiously in the opposite direction.

"I hope we can get to the Imperial Castle without anything."

"One of those dialogues made me even more nervous..."

To a word that Lakes leaked casually, Lianya makes a tannic surface.

I don\'t know what caused Lianya to look like that because of what she said, Lakes looks more like Lianya with a strange face, but Lianya waved troublesome and expressed her will that it was nothing, thinking that she wouldn\'t be understood.

By its side, Flau, who is also making tannic surfaces, held a small white flag in both hands, waving it left or right, but when Lianya makes a light fist grip and makes him flinch, he immediately hides the flag somewhere.

To Lakes, who continues to see such subordinate behavior with a face that he still doesn\'t understand, Lianya said with care to exhale one and then be as flat a voice as possible.

"Be careful what you say and do. There are words in this world that bring in bad reality."

"You don\'t know that."

"Well, it\'s like some kind of promise..."

One report pops into Lianya\'s ear that she didn\'t want from one of her voice tubes.

"Enemy Shadow! More flying objects than starboard!


"Is it my fault!?

Leaving Lakes in a panic, Lianya turns her gaze in the starboard direction as she sits in her chair.

In the vast sky, it is very difficult to find something that flies from afar.

In this world where there is no such thing as binoculars, it is difficult to find distant flying objects without the use of magic or witchcrafted tools.

But Lianya\'s eyes had been able to discover the appearance of something flying in the sky, small as sesame grains in a wide sky, with little time.

"That\'s a lot."

If something flying was dense on me, I would have been able to discover it more easily, Lotus Yakiya, but it\'s only natural that the enemy doesn\'t move as well as he thinks.

If there was anything more dense like flying, it would be reasonable to fly in scattered because it could be dropped all over the grid.

The problem is its quantity.

It\'s not like we were lucky enough to discover a soldier of things.

Lianya sees it as a reality that she happened to be able to discover pounding in the wide sky and one of a fair number of dots flying.

That\'s how many black dots were worn in the sky.

"Like earlier, is it gargoyle?

Did Lakes also notice that point, gazing into his eyes and looking in the same direction as Lianya.

"If you\'re a gargoyle, wouldn\'t you suddenly send me into the closest range over here in the same way you ran into me outside the wall?

Lianya thinks that would be more efficient.

If we can send in the forces without giving them time to be discovered on purpose and to make them ready for interception, it is inconceivable why we do not choose that method.

"How about the magic for the transfer is out?

"Suppose they\'re demon kings, huh? I don\'t like that optimism."

Of course, as Lakes says, if the Demon King\'s magic has been temporarily depleted, it has never gone beyond that.

But optimizing about things without any basis could cause unexpected pain somewhere, and Lakes lays his eyes slightly down on Lianya\'s words, which he said embarrassingly.

"What does the master think?

Flau asks Lianya, who denied Lakes\' words.

"All I can think about is the possibility that the flying one is something that can\'t be transferred... but rather, as far as I\'m concerned, there\'s nothing wrong with being discovered, I think it\'s reasonable to think that something as good as the Demon King thinks is flying"

"That\'s quite a big deal..."

It\'s a flaw with a fed up face and tone, but Lianya also almost agreed with that flaw\'s opinion.

In other words, it shows that something is flying in such a way that the presence of the Demon King thinks it is so powerful that it cannot be discovered, but it has no particular effect on the situation.

The side attacked by such things is not a hoarding one, but the option of escaping now was not left to Lian Yada.

"Prepare for interception. Raise the Dragon Cavalry."

I hardly have time to rest, and it takes the form of a series of fights, but when it comes to flying power that can fathom something so powerful by then, I\'m nothing but a dragon cavalry, except Lianya.

The crew of the bridge hurried to instruct Lianya to fly the voice tube and immediately instructed the bureaucrat to fly the dragon cavalry.

While not much time had passed since the battle in front of the wall, the dragons had nevertheless raised their power to that giant, and by the time they flew off with riders on their backs, the black grains that the soldiers of sight and the lotus masada had discovered had packed quite a distance.

"Can you see what\'s flying?

In Lianya\'s eyes, he was able to identify so much that he seemed to be winging something, but he couldn\'t even recognize what the hell was flying.

Frau, staring at him still next to him, said something in his mouth, then narrowed his eyes even more and stared at a point on the other side of the sky, but after a while he rubbed his own eyes out with a mess and a back of his hand to see if his eyes got tired.

"You see that?

"I guess. It\'s kind of like an evil dragon."

It was a phrase of Frau that seemed like a pompous zero, but one of the words had a considerable impact on the inside of the bridge.

Indeed, on the side of the Expeditionary Army, there is also a force of war using a dragon called the Dragon Cavalry.

Even from the fact that Karen had ridden the Evil Dragon, who had entered only a few moments earlier, it was expected that the enemy would also have the power to use the dragon.

However, that number is too high.

Because of the size of the sesame seed grains, the number of them that were already approaching until they appeared to be about the size of the bean grains was unlikely to be ten or twenty.

Inside the panicking bridge was the emergence of a more formidable enemy force than that of Gargoyle, but Lianya, hearing a word of Frau, had been shocked in a different way.

"Are you sure?


"I also thought when Karen came, I would have dropped quite a few of them."

If the presence of a dragon is so rare, then yes, there is no way that it can come out of the right to the left.

But in fact, as a reality, Lian Yan could not hide his surprise at the fact that there are so many swarms of evil dragons that it seems that if it is as Flau sees it, it will reach exactly the hundreds of ships on which Lian Mita is about to strike now.

"The guy you can drop on this anti-aircraft turret over here?

"I feel like I\'m only harassing you."

The dragon\'s body is very tightly protected.

The scales could not even be pierced with lined weapons, and were so robust that if they were weak sorcery, they would be deactivated without the use of defensive sorcery.

Lianya is an opponent that can be easily dropped, but for normal soldiers, using the army is just not easy to crusade, and if you do poorly, a dragon is powerful enough to show the worry of total annihilation.

The power of anti-aircraft turrets provided on ships is such that if they are enemies like Gargoyle, they will be shattered by a single blow, but their effects will be slightly diminished when a dragon is targeted by a boulder.

Piercing the scale with a single blow, dealing damage to its flesh, etc. is an impossible story, only enough to expect that collectively a few to a dozen shots will pass some decent damage.

"Is it hard for me to be more powerful?"

The great yuan of magic bullets fired by the turret is the magic supplied to the ship by Lianya.

Then Lianya thought that if the source Lianya increased the magic flowing to the ship and increased the output of the turret, it would be able to penetrate with the dragon scale.

But Frau roars low with a difficult face.

"If I put the output up enough to pierce the dragon scale, I don\'t think the shell will hold. I just shot Gargoyle."

If it was in perfect condition, it might have taken some time, even if Lianya had carried out shelling with such an output.

However, the anti-aircraft turret has also gone through a massive battle with Gargoyle, and the damage has accumulated considerably smaller, and Flau decides that there is a risk of immediate collapse if massive amounts of magic and so on are poured into it.

"If you can\'t, you can\'t help it. We\'ll just have to deal with what\'s in our hands right now."

If Lianya squeals to close, the bridge crew rushes to start flying instructions to the turrets set up in various parts of the ship, saying that something easier if used is not so rare that they have to fight in an unusable state.

"Lenya! Don\'t I have to leave?

It was Scion who rushed into the bridge.

Listening to the alarm of "enemy shadow approaching" echoing on the ship, it seems to have come in a hurry, but Lianya slowly shook her head to the side after a blurry look at Sion like that for a while.

"You\'re not gonna make it."

"Why? Even if that\'s not as powerful as Lenya, if I were you now..."

"Well, even an evil dragon opponent might work... you can\'t fly in the first place, can you?

Theon gets stuck in words when told.

Surely Zion cannot fly in the sky.

If I were to say that, it would be possible to consolidate and scaffold the atmosphere, and thus run through the air, although it is not possible to fly apart from Lianya.

It is a Scion that has been quite forged up, but it is not so much more capable when it comes to witchcraft skills, and it is not as if we are at the skill of a single mage if we are going to imitate Lianya.

When asked if there was anything she could do, Lianya thought for a little while about what she had spoken to Shion, and then said what she had come up with.

"It\'s not like there\'s nothing else all the time. If it was the Evil Dragons that were flying in now, and they mounted it on the hull, we\'d have to pull it off. If that\'s the situation, you can join the fight, right?

"That\'s... if that\'s the case, better not be there"

Lotus Yaya is only slightly impressed with Theon\'s response.

Theon took part in the battle. If that\'s the kind of scene that I hope will come, I thought I\'d give him a shot in the fist bone there.

Evil dragons cling to the hull means scratching off the attacks of dragon cavalry and anti-aircraft turrets on our side, and there is no way that such a situation is a favorable situation for Lotus Mita.

If you understand that, there was no way that words could come out of your mouth wishing that had happened, and it was only natural to think that it would not have happened, as Zion\'s answer now does.

"Lenya\'s gaze is kind of raw and warm..."

"Tell me you\'re looking at mercy."

"Is that the kind of eye it is?

It was something that grew up, and I was looking at Shion, but from Shion, he seemed kind of like a raw, warm gaze.

"Cut right through here, and if you arrive at Demon King\'s Castle, you won\'t like it, but you\'ll cut it off with your enemies in ground warfare, so keep your power warm."

With questionable eyes, Lianya told him so against Zion, who had kept his face close, that, for now, he should praise him for not returning a short-circuited answer, and when he put his hand on his head, he stroked Zion\'s head, which closed his eyes in a tickling manner.