Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

354 Looks like a third shot

At the same time that something like a low roar occurs from the ship, a technique is activated to deploy a virtual shell around the bow to build a policy formed by magic.

The enormous amount of magic flowing into the Magic Furnace is converted as a force and poured into the shell through the route on board, waiting for the time of firing.

In contrast, there was nothing like the Demon King\'s side trying to shut up, and the number of gargoyles appearing from the magic formations deployed in front of the battleship increased visibly.

An anti-aircraft turret on the side of the ship erupts against a herd of gargoyles who overwhelm with quantity and somehow try to stop the demon cannon from firing.

That was thanks to the fact that the main one of the ship sat in place, increasing the number of bullets to be launched and their power, as if they had rebounded in strength.

Until then, a few rounds had been hit together and the bullet that had managed to shatter Gargoyle\'s body had increased to such a force that it would disintegrate and blow away just because it had been plundered somewhere in his body.

"Shoot me! I can drop it if I don\'t have to capture it in my true core!

"As long as there\'s a magic supply! We can\'t run out of ammo! Shoot me luckily!

While hearing such an order, Lianya shrugged as she waited for the end of the firing sequence of the demon cannon.

"In my world, big ship cannonism was crushed by the advent of air force."

"Do the ships of the Master\'s world fly in the air?

"No, don\'t fly"

"Then it doesn\'t matter."

If you ask me, it is true that the ship on which Lianya is riding has the same shape as the substitute of a battleship, but the actual ability normally flies through the sky with such a figure.

Such a substitute did not exist in the former world, and then the emergence of bombers and fighters seemed to make no sense compared to past battleships crushed by wood dust.

"I feel weird. He said he wouldn\'t return the information about his memory, but he didn\'t have to."


"Nothing, we\'re talking about this one"

If Lianya replied that way as she shook her head, Frau stared at the Lord\'s face for a while with a worrying face, and eventually realized that she could not just do so, she called out to the crew who were moving indecisively inside the bridge.

"The trigger\'s not coming down! What\'s going on!?

The ship rocked heavily at the same time as Frau screamed.

Maybe he got a strong blow somewhere, and Frau\'s face is heavily distorted.

"We are eating a pool of magic by our air defense capabilities! Too much enemy power than expected!

"Overload Shield on Ship! Shooting is going into the hull!

Not exactly was all the shooting going into the ship.

Gargoyle\'s body is stone, even if it was shot through by anti-aircraft fire and crushed.

Moreover, there is no aversion to death, like the living, and no matter how dense the barrage was stretched, it comes into momentum from the front.

That\'s how the body of the crushed gargoyle descends on the ship this time as a stone shotgun.

If this is about the whole thing or two, it may not have been a big deal, but if dozens or hundreds of gargoyles fall in fragments, it has no different power than it has already been attacked.

"How much power did the Demon King give this ship..."

"There are so many gargoyles I can\'t see the sky!

"Gargoyles in seven minutes, skies in three minutes! I repeat, seven minutes for the enemy and three minutes for the sky!

"Holy crap!!

The screaming voice of the crew suffers from reports that come up one after the other.

Lianya, who had a half-eyed look at that, was caught in the suspicion that these guys would actually be able to afford it if things were bad.

I don\'t know why.

"Damn, the Master\'s output is making it impossible to cover it."

"I don\'t know about this stuff myself, but you\'ve built a lot of capacity."

Even the magic that Lianya is instilling, Lianya can be told that the design that is not enough to demonstrate the full combat capability of the ship really belongs to her.

Regardless of such a Lianya, Frau screamed out loud to open the lid as he grabbed the sound pipe.

"The Demon Stone Transport Squad is on the move! Turn the stone around and spin the furnace!

"Offal or this ship..."

Without a heart or feeling that the vibrations being transmitted throughout the ship are becoming intense, Lianya raises a worrying voice.

I\'m confident that I can do whatever I want, but I couldn\'t even guarantee the safety of the crew if the ship was damaged.

At worst, Lianya realizes that she doesn\'t know where the Scions are right now, thinking that the Scions must be kept safe.

"Frau. What about Theon?

He\'s on deck, engaged with enemy forces.

I can\'t look down on the deck from Lianya\'s seat.

I don\'t know what the situation is, I\'m driven by the urge to inadvertently stand out of my seat and come close to the window, but if I do that, the situation that is just about to fall into a lack of output will be totally out of output, and there is a possibility that the war situation will tilt.

"Are you all right? Isn\'t it dangerous to be there during the shelling?

"Are you safe? No major injuries. Before the shelling, he told me to return to the ship, so I think it\'s okay."

"Is Killier or Emil there, too?

"Sister Emil is. Kirier\'s not coming out? I went away."

"... why isn\'t Kirier the only sister?


I wonder if I can do anything about it, and Lianya waits for that time on the chair holding on to her hurrying thoughts.

I thought it would be better for me to go out, but in that case, I can\'t destroy the attacking gargoyles while protecting the entire ship, no matter how Lianya.

You should really damage the ship one by one, and then eventually the ship will sink.

"Fighting is still a trick. No matter how big a blow you have, it doesn\'t make sense that they couldn\'t shoot you"

At the end of Lianya\'s gaze, who shrugged, he saw Lakes taking a consultation with Flau as he received reports coming up from all over the place or skipping instructions.

"Lord Frau, why don\'t you raise the Dragon Cavalry again? The turret alone has its limits."

"I can\'t help it if this happens. I just wanted to keep it warm if I could."

From Lakes\' voice, you felt that it was in a rather unsavory state, and Frau squirmed so with a ready look and voice, bringing his face closer to the vocal tract that was nearby.


The voice I called upon was so cold that Lianya was startled.

It sounds like he\'s pushing his emotions to death, and Lianya shrugs his ears.

"I wanted you to keep your power warm until the Battle of the Demon King, but you can\'t say that anymore. I\'m sorry, but I\'m begging you."

"... Fine"

Returning from the other side of the tube was the voice of a boy who seemed a little sleepy.

Something like black moya blew up from all over the ship as soon as possible.

That black moya, blown up on such a scale that even from the bridge can tell, stretches up towards the sky as if reaching out, erasing the gargoyles from the touched edge.

That\'s not crushing Gargoyle\'s stone body, like a turret attack.

Truly, the quiet that made you think it was a lie that had a body there, erased the body of the gargoyle that touched the black moya.

If you leave a fragment, it will become a bullet and cause damage to the ship, so it is certainly not clear that it is the most efficient way to reduce the number of Gargoyles while protecting the ship, but it is not clear to the Lakes watching it or the soldiers who continue to intercept it everywhere about how it is happening.

The only thing I could tell was that it was due to the power of Kurtz, one of the brave men, and the reality was that so many gargoyles disappeared just to be stroked by black Moya that they covered the sky.

"This is... awesome. That\'s brave!

"If you have this power, sooner..."

"With this power, I\'m sure the Demon King..."

It was the crew of the bridge who praised the brave men, who said that to their mouths, but only one Frau in such a voice speaks nothing with a sinister look on his face.

Somehow I can see why, Lianya stroked that head slowly as she reached out to the standing flau.

"Don\'t worry. I\'ll do whatever it takes."


The reason Frau has a sinister face was that the power of the brave is not infinite.

Though they have stronger powers than ordinary people, the brave men also usually experience fatigue and can do their best.

Only Kurtz himself can tell how much force Kurtz used against those gargoyles who covered the sky\'s side.

It was, however, a consumption of so much power that it could not be ignored, and it was not something that I could see how the consumption of power here would affect the battle against the Demon King that awaits after this.

That\'s why Frau hesitated to instruct the brave men to intercept him, and eventually became the kind of feather he had no choice but to ask Kurtz, considered the most powerful.

The reason Frau, with powers similar to Kurtz\'s, did not do it himself was in the ship itself.

Frau, the fairy said to defend the house, now recognizes the ship as a home and continues to exercise his power to defend it.

Without that power, the damage suffered by the demon cannon by firing its first shot and the hull exposed to attack from a large group of gargoyles would have been more devastating.

If such a Frau were to concentrate his consciousness on the attack, the ship would have lost its power of protection and the damage it would have suffered might have reached such a point that it would have been more difficult to fly any longer.

"Well, I\'m not a brave man, so I don\'t think the Demon King will let me take a decision. It\'s a common bondage, isn\'t it? Only a brave man can defeat a demon king."

"Master, I\'ve read too much of your book..."

"Let me tell you something, it\'s a world like the one in that book. Here."

Jito, looking up at himself, stroking Frau\'s head around with a little strength before Lianya looks to the front of the bridge.

Beyond that, there are still magic formations unfolding that continue to spit out countless gargoyles, which cannot even enter Demonic territory without breaking it down and destroying the walls behind it.

"Give me a little temper"

"Increased supply magic!?

"The Magic Pool reaches the Magic Cannon Launchable Range!

"Magic furnace, overloaded! Shipboard temperature is rising!

"If you think it\'s not enough, now you can burn it out!?

As screams and yells fly, the trigger to fire the demon cannon in front of Lianya comes down from the ceiling.

That was a sign that the shelling was ready, and Lianya put her hand on the trigger that came down in a terribly natural motion and put her finger on it.

"Magic cannon ready to fire! Anyone operating outside the ship must evacuate immediately!

"Anti-shock posture! Vs. Flash Defense!

"Confirm the evacuation of the off-shore operators! Magic cannon on hold! You can always shoot!

The black moya that was erasing the gargoyles disappears scattered all over the air.

Kurtz stops exercising his power, but the Gargoyles, who are still numbered countless in the void that occurred there, try to kill him.

Seeing such a sight, Lianya did not raise her voice in particular, but uttered one word in a pale tone before pulling the trigger without hesitation.


The magic stored on the ship is converted into power, led by a virtual shell and spit out of the bow of the ship.

White brilliance went straight everywhere, first destroying the sorcery formations that had been deployed in front of the ship.

Straight ahead, he crashed into the wall of the force field behind him, shaking the atmosphere violently with the roar.

The gargoyles who were on the rays of the shelling vanish without a single stir, and the gargoyles who were nearby are shattered just by the aftermath, like sand and scattered in the wind.

Further, as the impact of the landing ran through, that alone caused a large crack in the body of that stone for the majority of the gargoyles, continuing those who fell crushed or unable to fly.

The shelling that produced that much impact and the meshing with the wall also seemed to antagonize it for a moment, but the shelling that was fired out even more forcefully than the first would screw down the slightest wall resistance and destroy this by the time it was completely skinless.

"We\'ve got a way! Full ahead!

"Demon Leader in! Attention, everyone!

"Well, here we go"

With her deep back in the chair, Lianya shrugs as she sees the trigger as she is drawn to the ceiling, feeling just a little laziness.

"The Demon King and the Administrator... I want to end this and relax for the rest of my life, but what happens?"

Originally, he said he shouldn\'t have had to do anything in this world, but if he realized that he was at the head of the Demon King\'s War to direct the battle, I don\'t think Lianya figured out how something called reality would fall.

Around Lianya, who is lost in thought that way, successive damage has been reported to the ship caused by the third magic cannon fired to shoot through the wall.

In the meantime, Lianya kept staring forward, a direction of progress, as she deposited her body on her back.