Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

283 Sounds preordained.

"For now, start over"


It was Lianya, who had been silent for a while, but mostly opens her mouth and points to the door, which is the entrance to and exit from the room, before telling Gilliel that.

Gilliel, told, raised her bare voice and saw Lianya\'s face.

"It\'s a re-do. Come in through the door of your room with all due respect."

"Holy shit!?

"You want to know why?

Lotus Yashi stares at Gilliel, unconvinced, with a completely overlooking look.

Though Gilliel was frightened for a moment, she remembered her position and presence and aroused herself. She took Lianya\'s gaze from the front and ate and hung it.

"Naturally. I\'m still the administrator of this world, right? How could that be..."

You said you don\'t remember being treated like that, Gilliel.

I wanted to insist that Gilliel was different from her predecessor, except for the reason that Lianya made her do it all over again.

"Whose ass wipe do you think I\'m doing this to?

Keeping low, Gilliel\'s movement stops as frozen by its cold air when a cold voice emanates from Lianya\'s mouth.

If you ask me whose butt wipe it is, it should basically mean the butt wipe of that toddler goddess, because Gilliel thought that I couldn\'t possibly do that if I thought I could claim total irrelevance as a servant of the toddler goddess, who had been sent from there.

Lotus Yay continued ahead as she watched Gilliel\'s eyes, who until then had looked firmly back at Lotus Yay, swimming somewhere away from Lotus Yay as if they were true, taking care to make her voice sound as flat as possible.

"We talked about coming over here and not having to do anything, but that\'s changing, too, and you knew from the start you\'d get involved, right? There\'s no way you\'re gonna feel comfortable doing nothing in a world like the Demon King, is there?

It wasn\'t like there was no way to know about it all and live it right the way it was supposed to be at first, but in a world where you still don\'t know when you\'re going to perish, Lianya isn\'t optimistic enough to live your days with ease.

If there is a problem there, it is naturally Lotus Ya who thinks it should be removed, and if we acted for it, it was natural to get caught up in nature and in the rubbing in this world.

As for the most information about a person named Lianya, both that young lady goddess and Gilliel are stories that they sent into this world and then began to look into, so at the point before sending it, I didn\'t know it, but Gilliel doesn\'t have the courage to mention it to Lianya in this place right now.

"Oh, is that... is there a flaw in the transmission of information..."

Feeling a sweat erupt all at once from his forehead and back, it\'s like Gilliel is about to say something all over the place, but at a time when he admits there was a flaw, he\'s admitting Lianya\'s point of view.

He was Gilliel, who began to create an atmosphere so hunted down that three of the sions, emils, and powerful men watching around him became so obvious, but surprisingly Lianya is calmly spinning words against such Gilliel.

"Well, even if it\'s okay with me, how can it be that the fact that everyone here has been so small and annoyed because of you guys is not a story that I have to admit to as God?

"That\'s... yes, that\'s a story we have to admit"

What is it that the Creator vomits unscrupulous words against the Creator?

The arrogant but godly dialogue of the Lord to all beings, what is it because he annoyed his servant, etc., flowed behind Gilliel\'s brain for only a few moments, but Gilliel immediately overthrew them with the power of his will.

This is because Gilliel decided that there was nothing stupid enough to make her prove herself on this occasion that she could not admit it, not because the other person was Lianya, but because she was stuck with the facts as facts.

We are not omnipotent, which was the word of the toddler goddess, but there is nothing more we can do to make mistakes than not omnipotent, and it is the follow up from there that counts, Gilliel thought.

"Okay, let\'s do it again. Should I come in through the door there and start at the jumping dungeon?

"I haven\'t demanded that much... you want to see it?

Lianya\'s verbal butt was a question for everyone who was in the room, but everyone was aligned and shook their necks sideways to express their intention to deny Lianya\'s question.

The decision as to whether a girl by the name of Gilliel was really a god didn\'t seem to fit on the spot at this time, as she kept aside, wanting a young girl who looked old enough to know what that jumping dungeon was all about, but who probably wanted to do it in a humiliating way.

Lotus Yakiya told Gilliel awaiting instructions, thinking that if this were around Flau, she might be happy to say, "I want to see it".

"It seems normal."

Copy that, sir.

Gilliel nodded, putting her hand on the wall, from there, then through the wall and out of the room.

Too easily, everyone but Lianya renewed the perception that that girl was still not just a girl to the girl who went through the wall without any sign of using witchcraft.

And waiting often.

"Chiwa-su, I\'ve kept you waiting for a cloud of ramen - sorry, I\'ve kept you waiting because the road was crowded!

With the loose voice in between, the fist of Lianya rushed in as a breeze sucked into Gilliel\'s face as she entered the room with a full grin as she lowered her head.

Lotus Yaya\'s blow, with no hesitation or forgiveness, hits from between Gilliel\'s eyebrows around her forehead, pinching meat and bumping bones into each other, making a flashy noise.

"Start over! Mostly, we won\'t be counting enough!

"Lenya, where I get angry, not there..."

Lenya yelled at Gilliel as she blew away screaming.

While I wonder if it would be useless, Theon puts in a penetration.

"I\'m sorry. I was clearing you to come in."

"Dude, I\'m probably wrong to impress you, too."

As if in the audience, where Theon was stuck in Emil laughing as she entered the watching position, Gilliel reappears at the door as she is beaten by Lianya and rubs her bright red face.

In front of Lianya, who now finds herself in what she intends to do, Gilliel leaps off the spot with her legs together as she inhales one big breath.

While drawing a beautiful arc that passes through the rind near the ceiling, let it spin a spin in the air and then make a gorgeous landing without sound on the table, which is right in the center of the room, before moving on to a dugout outfit so that it flows with a broken knee.

"We\'re causing you trouble this time!

"I told you I didn\'t ask for it!?

As he rubs his forehead against the top plate of the table, Lotus Yaya draws Gilliel\'s head toward herself as she eagles her apologies.

Gilliel, dragged on the table by a drag, nevertheless raised her voice desperately.

"Don\'t do it, don\'t do it, sign it!

"Which artist are you? Ha!

It is true that such a promise is Lianya, who does not feel like she existed in the world where she was before, but even if she is now claimed here in a vocal voice, there is no way that it will lead to the Zions, and Lianya herself cannot endorse it.

Gilliel said confidently with a good smile with a thumbs up.

"\'Cause this isn\'t the culture of Lianya\'s world!

"No such culture!

In response to Lotus Yaya, who grabbed Gilliel\'s collar and began to tighten, Gilliel immediately tapped her arm and began to send a signal.

Those were the three powerful men who watched the two of them, but opened their mouths on behalf of the emperor of the elves after they blinded each other and tried to communicate some kind of will.

"God...... I can see underwear round here if you are raging in such an outfit, such as Master Gilliel. It\'s an eye blessing, but it weighs on itself."

The emperor of the elves uttered words of light content in a heavy tone.

As the Grand Duke and Queen aligned and cocked their shoulders, Gilliel returned words to it from under her painful breath.

"Now, in the meantime, yes! Lianya, gibberish! His neck is tight!

Everyone, except Gilliel, wondered whether the existence of God was also normal to breathe and have blood all over his body.

From what I\'ve seen, Gilliel\'s complexion seems to change color as blood goes up and turns red, she can\'t breathe and turns blue, so she\'s doing something that looks like it, but I can\'t tell if Gilliel is suffering in general because the reaction itself is actually a possibility of disguise as well.

Still, the Grand Duke took me to Lianya that I should stop you here.

"I don\'t think Lenya will ever move forward without that."


I thought that too, when Lotus Ya groaned briefly and took her hand off Gilliel, Gilliel, whose face was bright red, took a distance from Lotus Ya and took a rough breath as she descended from the table to the floor as she rolled down.

I asked Gilliel\'s desperate behavior in such a tone that the queen made a little tease of her.

"By and large, will God die as long as he is strangled?

"Yeah, you\'re gonna die with God, aren\'t you?

Let him bring his back to the wall and remain in a crouched position on the floor, the voice that Gilliel uttered was cold, quiet and heavy, as if the joke had been a lie until then.

"To date, dragon and elf administrators, the so-called two-race gods, are believed to have died or confirmed."


The only time Lianya controlled with her gaze that the emperor of the elf, to whom his race was named, could float slightly.

There is no peace in our hearts when we hear that God of our species is dead, but reality does not change where it is so exasperated and aroused.

"Today this world is managed and operated by me and the administrator of the ex-beast tribe, plus the administrator of the ex-beast tribe and the three-pillar God. As for the dragon administrator, confirm his death. We don\'t know where the Elves are going to die, but we believe that they died as well, from the fact that we spent so much time exploring them that we didn\'t find them."

"What\'s the problem with that?

God is dead, even when asked, no waves of fine waves occurred in Lotus Yakiya\'s mind.

Though there is a question as to whether God will die, he is Lianya, who has no interest in the philosophical question, and I guess he is sent by the general director of that God, because he thought that Gilliel had nothing but to understand that it is because he clearly states that he is dead.

It was much more a priority than that to care about the question of whether the loss of those two pillars of God would not in any way affect the world in which we live.

"Nothing in particular at the moment. At best, it takes more effort to manage than ever before, and that\'s enough to increase the burden on the former ethnic administrators and the former ethnic beast administrators who are put in charge of it in two pillars."

It was supposed to include Gilliel there, but during his descent into this world as a follow-up to Lotus Yaya, Gilliel herself was able to escape that annoying process, as most of her consciousness had been taken to that side, leaving only some awareness for surveillance in the realm of administrators.

Regardless, it wasn\'t necessarily that the former administrators of the two pillars in charge of the actual work would not crease in some evil way that Gilliel was not complete, but in that case it was now Gilliel who was going to bump out until he vanished without any shards of mercy.

"It bothers me that the Demon Administrator is not talking about you."

Emil interrupted the conversation between Lianya and Gilliel with sharpness and smoothness as if to insert a needle.

Indeed, there are only four administrators that Gilliel mentioned in the conversation, and only the Demons have been touched among the five forces present in this world.

"Maybe we demons don\'t have a god?

Gilliel shakes her head clearly as she sees a self-derisive grin on Emil\'s mouth.

"That\'s not true. The Demons have their own administrators."

"Then what about that administrator?

"That\'s what I was going to tell you."

Gilliel, who was crouching on the floor, looks around at Mita Lotus as she stands up on the spot, pulling one of the seats at the table where Mita Lotus is sitting and sitting there.

There is no dust left on that expression in the previously decadent atmosphere.

"I don\'t think that would be a very pleasant story, would they ask? I don\'t think you\'d be offended if you didn\'t know."

There was no one to walk away from the scene in the question from Gilliel, who only asked him what he would do.