Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

281 They're not very nice.

"First of all, what do you think of this face?"

Waiting for Lianya to take a seat, the Grand Duke cut out the story.

Lianya looks in turn at the faces of the three powerful men sitting opposite her as she is told, and opens her mouth to the contrary.

"Milk, Runaway Lower Body, Arm Fool, No Husband\'s Education"

Lianya just spoke pale, without even focusing on words.

After a moment of blankness, three powerful men stood up in unison.

"Alright, I bought that fight. Get on the surface. Hey!

"O Beast Clan, let us help you"

"Guards, it\'s time to get rid of the Demon King!"

"Wait a minute. No!

Scion that punches fists at the table and makes loud acoustics against the colored Powers.

The table withstood only too much of the impact, but the power shut its mouth and stopped moving, not knowing the magnitude of the sound and impact.

Emil, who was sitting next to Lianya in the meantime, grabbed Lianya\'s shoulder from the side and shook it as far as she could.

"Why are you all of a sudden starting from a fight selling place?!?

"disrespectful, I just answered honestly because they asked me if I had any thoughts..."

"If you think honesty is always a virtue, it\'s because it\'s a big mistake!

In response to Emil shaking Lianya\'s body as she squeezed her voice, the sentiment Lianya had was an admiration for her garment, which could not be broken, even though Emil, who was a demon and a brave man, was squeezing it full of strength.

Ordinary clothes would have torn off and dew Lianya\'s upper body a long time ago, but the boulder is a special Flau garment.

At a time when Lotus Ya had finally admitted to being honest, Emil was also finding out that she was thinking something similar to Lotus Ya just because she didn\'t put it on the table.

"Lenya, maybe my mothers aren\'t asking for that kind of direct balloon feeling, but they\'re asking me if there\'s anything I can think of about the fact that the three of them are here."

I haven\'t noticed that Scion, who silenced the supreme power of the three races just for the act of tapping a desk, begins to say that in a somewhat deceptive tone, but has confessed that Scion was also thinking of something similar.

Looking at the three whose eyes are becoming daunting, Lianya finally mouths another thought as a word after looking back at that gaze without being timid.

"There is no dragon power."

Lotus Yaya thinks it\'s a funny story that someone from the Sage Society, the Dragon Power, hasn\'t come there because they\'ve gathered all the Elves\' emperors, the Kings of the Beasts, and the Grand Duke of the People.

Originally, Lotus Yakiya knew that this idea would be what the Grand Duke was looking for, but she really wanted to put one cushion in it before stating the idea.

"Too bad for bareback, were you hubbed by nature?

It is Lianya who has fully understood that she is a kind of being who has not faced each other for so long, but who cannot get along.

Because I am, I was not inclined to make a short circuit that others would surely be, but it was a word I thought was likely, but the Grand Duke\'s reaction was completely different from Lotus Yayo\'s expectations.

"If it was - I wish it were -"

"What do you mean?

If Lianya asks the Grand Duke\'s, somewhere disappointing or exhausting voice, the Elf Emperor continues to speak to Lianya after the Grand Duke.

"First of all, Lord Alberto, the brave man of the Dragon Nation, has run away"

"Was a brave man something you could run away from?

As well as not being the kind of person who wants to be, Lianya thought it wouldn\'t be the kind of person who can quit because he wants to, but if you think about it, the only person who can effectively stop it is a brave person who can counteract the brave man\'s ability to fight, and say if the brave man can do this kind of work or I\'m going home.

The faces of brave men of other races, such as Kurtz, Leppard and Grune, come to mind behind Lianya\'s brain, but none of them had the personality to force him to stop the opponent from wanting to quit, and only those who could have said that if he wanted to quit, he should take it personally.

In the first place, it was Lianya who was talking about if she wanted to go back to the country before heading out to the realm of the Demons, she could go home.

"Probably went back to the Dragon Nation\'s continent via the transfer gate, but then the Dragon Nation\'s transfer gate to the continent stopped functioning, so we couldn\'t get in touch."

"Did they destroy the portal?

It is the easiest way to stop the transfer gate.

The transfer gate, which functions as a pair of two gates, will lose its function as a gate and will have to be stopped if either one of them is destroyed.

"Probably. And the destruction of the gates cannot be done at the discretion of the brave. I mean..."

A facility called the Transfer Gate is a very important facility for the distribution of information, supplies, and movement of people.

There is no way you can destroy that in a single existence of individuals, even though you are a brave man.

"The Dragons have chosen not to interact with other races, to stand alone against the Demon King, or to turn away from this noise," he said.

Robelia nods at Lianya\'s words.

It represented that a race called the Dragon Nation had fallen out of the battle with the Demon King.

"I don\'t know what else to do."

The emperor of the elves speaks in a harsh tone.

"The Dragon Nation originally hates the Demon Nation much more than we do. Besides, he\'s killed quite a few of his countrymen this time after committing the lethargy of being deprived of a region of power"

"Well, I don\'t have any sympathy."

"The dragon people and the dragon brave men. Even if the nobles of the people were reluctant to adopt a system of cooperation if they were told that they had gone to help the demons, there would be no need."

Elf\'s emperor\'s gaze is off Lianya and poured beside him.

Somehow chasing after the end of that gaze, Lianya noticed that what the emperor of the elves was seeing was Emil sitting next to her.

To be precise, the emperor\'s gaze is poured on Emil\'s hair, not Emil\'s face or body.

"Hey Emil. Hair."


To Lianya\'s point, Emil held her purple hair down with both hands as she raised her loose voice between them.

Of course, even if we do that now, Emil\'s hair color has been firmly seen by the Queen of the Beast Clan and the Emperor of the Elves.

Before we went to explore Emil, Grune and Leppard had been rewarded with Emil\'s identity, but we had no idea how far that information had gone.

If he had mentioned the matter to the jade, Lotus Yaya\'s body would tense to nervousness, but the emperor of the elf immediately removed his gaze from Emil\'s hair, and the Queen of the Beast Clan had not even turned her gaze against Emil as if she were not interested from the beginning.

The Queen of the Beast Nation said this to Lianya, who apparently thinks the worries are going to end in worry.

"It\'s you."

"You\'re a left-hander."

Have you noticed that now, or were you informed beforehand by each of the brave men?

Anyway, the two powerful people don\'t look surprised about Emil\'s identity, and they\'re having a conversation in a throwing way that doesn\'t matter rather than the feeling they gave up.

"Are you sure?

Demons are the enemies of all creatures who live in this world.

Lotus Ya, who has just helped that or is now bringing him right next door in this way, unbelievably asks how the emperor or queen reacts.

"Don\'t do it, there\'s not a guy who can stop you."

"Then let\'s leave it to good, and let Count Knugi take full responsibility for it."

"Honesty isn\'t always a virtue, really."

Lotus Yaya, who stumbles upon me by accident, but neither the emperor nor the queen saw it as a breeze blowing anywhere, and I didn\'t show how I cared.

"Whatever it is, trouble has come up."

You stepped that you would have finished grasping the situation, the Grand Duke pinched your mouth.

"First of all - due to the lack of one brave man who had four - the loss of power"

Whatever the differences in strength, it simply means that if there is one less brave man with four, he has to fight the Demon King with three-quarters of his power, and this loss of power hurts.

But Lianya immediately answered the Grand Duke.

"They say Emil-Raja here is the demonic brave. I think he\'s got enough strength to make up for the hole Alberto lost."

The demonic brave, three powerful men turn to Emil with a simultaneous surprised gaze at the word.

Even from that reaction, it was Lianya who confirms once again that the fact that a brave man still occurs in the devil tribe is something little known.

"Brave to the devil tribe!? Nah, dumb."

"No, but. Certainly, in the past, it\'s not like an unidentified brave man from the past has never participated in a demon king crusade. If it was from the devil tribe, there\'s nothing more to snort about."

"So, Emil, are you going to cooperate?"

Before the surprising fact, Emil asks the Grand Duke if the brave men of that demon clan will cooperate in the crusade of the Demon King, making him snort, though shallow.

"I\'m going to tell Lenya, rather than people, but I owe her. Besides, my partner is a human race, and the Demon King is the one who tried to kill my people and my people. The choice not to help is a little hard to choose."

"Turn around. I\'ll help you, okay?"

"This is still the Devil\'s Clan. I can\'t really tell you how honest I am with you."

Bitter smiling Emil.

The three powerful men who watched it were all breathing a sigh of relief in their chests for now as they tried not to appear on their faces.

Even if we think only of a few, he is a brave man who, after being able to return to the number of brave men before Alberto ran away, gave his heartbeat when Lianya was able to fill Alberto\'s missing hole.

"I don\'t feel like one shoulder has been loaded."

"You still got something?

If Lianya hears the squeal of the emperor of the elf, the Queen of the Beast Nation shrugs her shoulders and tells Lianya.

"It\'s not just about the brave. Originally, when fighting the Demon King, it was customary for the four races on the continent to unite and attack the realm of the Demon Nation, sewing its gaps and brave men to take the Demon King\'s neck, but this time I can\'t do it"

The loss of the means of passage to the realm of the Dragon people meant that not only the brave man named Alberto, but also the force possessed by the Dragon people, could no longer be Ate during the Crusade of the Demon King.

Traditionally, the previous way of fighting against the demonic realm from all sides has been rendered impossible by the fall of the Dragon Nation.

"That\'s not all. I think you\'ve heard that we were in a bit of a civil war. Because of that..."

"You\'ve lost your strength, haven\'t you? How much less?

If there is a civil war, the soldiers fall.

It is natural, and that is no different from the Beast Nation.

"There aren\'t many dead people. An injured person... 10% loss, 30% injury."

Although the queen said so in a mild tone, the content is very heavy.

If 10% of those who can fight within the Beast clan are killed and 30% are in a state where they cannot fight instantly due to injury, etc., they will have lost 40% of their overall fighting power.

"The Elves... were a more populous race than they were, so although they have lost their compatriots in some skirmishes, they can mobilize roughly the largest number of troops"

"People are - honestly, they\'re full of problems."

The Grand Duke says, first of all, that the Holy King\'s kingdom, which is supposed to be the flag, remains devastated.

That furthermore the holy kingdom itself and the forces held by the nations that had alliances with that kingdom remain quite lost in previous wars.

And that there are a large number of soldiers who have survived that war who are no longer able to serve as soldiers because of their physical or mental problems.

In addition, he tells Lianya that the Duchy of Triden, which has become the largest force in the realm of the human race instead of its Holy King, is overburdened with the forces marched to defend the security of all nations.

"It\'s not like we want countries to be anarchic. The march itself is something we can\'t help."

With fewer soldiers, the city will have problems with policing operations, such as villages, anyway.

It seems that the Principality of Triden is to engage in policing activities throughout the human continent as well as in the surrounding countries, in such a way that the Principality of Triden itself is beginning to suffer from a serious shortage of soldiers, the Grand Duke says, due to the use of force in this.

"So you\'re not talking about the Demon King crusade?

"Relax - I know it\'s not a problem to be able to stand by."

"I can\'t give you what you don\'t have, because this is the truth, it\'s hard to override."

"If you fight with the will to die, you\'ll be comparable to your original strength in numbers, but even if you can crusade the Demon King, you won\'t have any trouble talking about the destruction of the Beasts."

After repeatedly understanding that there was no way to defeat the Demon King, it was also a very, but unspoken word that Lianya was prepared to destroy and send forth soldiers.

Even Lianya, who is not very responsible, is so, so from those in power who are in a position to take responsibility for the lives and lives of the people, it is a story that even if they knew that, they could not do so.

"I mean, one way to talk to you is to borrow Count Kunugi\'s wisdom."

It was Lianya who answered immediately.

But the Grand Duke and I shouldn\'t have brought consultation with Lianyi without thinking about it, and if we think about it, we can assume that they are being hunted down as well.

"There\'s something else to talk about."

"You still have it!

"I think it\'s more like this one. I really don\'t know what to do."

The Grand Duke looks up at the ceiling without trying to look at Lianya, who has accidentally roughed up his voice.

Then Lianya looked up at the ceiling, and there was only a flat ceiling, so she remembered the strange discomfort and frowned.