Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

266 Sounds like fairies and elves.

"Has it begun"

Drop the seeds of the plants removed from your pockets into the holes you dug with your toes quite nicely, then gently step back into the dug soil even more appropriately.

Kroir shrugged pompously when he noticed that the sound of the blast and the sound of the shock was small but now reaching his ear, as he extended and repeated such work.

The cloir is inside the wind barrier.

While walking all over the city, and to some extent calculating, the majority of them were in the middle of quite a bit of digging holes and continuing the task of implanting plant seeds there.

If he asks me why I\'m doing that, I can only answer to Kroir because Lianya asked me to.

I was going to ask you later slowly from Lianya about what that meant.

"Anyway, it\'s action now, isn\'t it?"

The current Lianya herself stands by in a square in the heart of the city.

It was because of Frau\'s insistence that he had to be there to execute something that Lianya asked Frau to do, and Lorna should be on the escort as an aid to that.

And when it comes to Frau, who told Lianya to be in the center of the city, he keeps writing something down by pulling a line on the city\'s roads and buildings and squares with tons of white ink.

Kroir also found out that he was drawing some kind of law formation.

But Croix has no idea what he\'s writing about as a whole because of what he\'s portraying in a giant thing called a city.

The very act of canvassing one city in the first place and drawing something was a story that was too broad in scope to grasp the whole thing.

Lotus Ya, who proposed the act, probably knows what it depicts, but its Lotus Ya is in the middle of a spiritual concentration of why, when it comes to the central square of the city.

In other words, what we\'re going to do is that much harder for Lianya, but Cloire blurs with a small voice, without resting her working hands.

"Normally if you don\'t think about it... even if you think about it, you don\'t want to move on to execution."

I don\'t think Kroir is so out of common sense because there is a precedent for using the entire city as a legal force.

It wasn\'t explained, but that\'s the case with that city called Klinge, ruled by Lianya.

Apart from the cloir, he is a pretty good operator in the elves, so I can tell if or not he has magical craftsmanship in the city where he lives, apart from the details.

It is Kroir\'s idea that Frau or Emil would have done something anyway, and that if it was something those two had done, they would not have to pursue it because it could be terrible, but it would ultimately be good for the residents.

The very fact that you think so is evidence that you are already stained with that Klinge, but I was going to pretend that you wouldn\'t even hear me mention it.


It was the kind of substitute that managed to move this way by accumulating some strength or aiding it with demonic stones in the finely crafted area applied to Klinge.

We need to create it in such a hurry as this one, and even activate it with the magic of one Lianya, so this story is out of common sense.

Probably an expert with proper witchcraft knowledge.

If a magician like Az, for example, heard it, it should be a story that doubts the sanity or common sense of the person he spoke to, and that Lianya also knew, and AZ didn\'t talk at all about what was about to start, and he didn\'t ask for anything, like Emil or Zion, and when he was ready to wait at Jade\'s with Liaris.

Dra, you are swirling over the sky and devoted to defense.

"In any case..."

Kroir digs another hole and drops the seed there.

The hardest part right now is not Zion and Emil, who have both penetrated into the great army, not himself, who is properly spreading seeds all over the city, not Lianya, who is building up strength in the center of the city, or Rhona, who is accompanying it.

It would even be Flau, who continues to write on the ground with white ink.

That Frau is in the middle of a rapid pitch through the work requested by Lianya.

"The impotence has passed."

That was already closer to a curse word than a blur.

No matter how precise and quick Flau\'s work was and how fast he would not allow other followers, it would be difficult to finish the task of drawing the law on one side of the city in a short amount of time.

If he was a magician like the one around here, Frau had taken on the level of work that would take him to eat and hang up not to be kidding at the time he was told, without complaining.

Considering the reason, two reasons are given: that it is a story that cannot be done, and that Flau himself hated to reply that it cannot be done to Lianya.

Or Frau, who is not irresponsible in imitating stories he can\'t afford.

The neighborhood was talking about his abilities and what he was talking about, but anyway, there was no alternative to taking it on or completing it, and Frau squeezed the white ink with both hands and continued to draw letters and patterns on the ground at such a rate that his hands blurred.

"Frau? How\'s it going over there?

If I looked up at the voice I was called, there was a cloire standing on the roof of a nearby building in such a way that I looked down at myself as to crawl over the road and work.

At the length of that skirt, as much as Flau wonders why, the Cloir skirt is an iron wall, and from an angle what should surely be visible is impossible to capture, even with Flau\'s gaze looking up from a rather low point because of his crawling over the ground.

"... Frau?

If you narrow your eyes, you\'ll see it. I\'m worried that something has happened to Frau, who is staring up at the clower with a look that feels very similar to his face.

That\'s how he looked up for a while, and Frau answered as he returned his gaze from top to ground, letting the work resume, whether he had given up after a while.

"It\'s on schedule. If it stays that way, though."

"We\'re almost done here, aren\'t we?

Sitting on the edge of the roof, Cloire reports with her legs fluttered and shaken.

Flau told that croir as he continued his work of writing in white ink on the ground abruptly.

"Well, don\'t let it get in the way of the law team, so, without some pervasiveness?

"You\'re pretty much right, I think you could have placed it, right?

"Then I want you to try to grow them one by one. If we want to interfere with the law, we need to change it immediately."

"Copy that. Here we go."

The nodded cloire rises gently on the roof where he was sitting.

At that time, Frau was obsessively looking around his thighs from the waist of the clower, looking away as he worked, but the attempt was still over without seeing.

As he did not notice such a frau, Cloire raised his voice from his standing position on the roof, as he spread his hands wide apart, letting his magic pass through the atmosphere.

"< Listen, bury them in the ground, my sons! I am the maiden of the woods! Better with the woods than Tai Gu and descended from blood!

spoken in the words of an elf. That is not, strictly speaking, sorcery.

A race-specific skill that puts magic on words and, although through magic on the atmosphere, cannot be handled by non-elf species.

It is the ability to manage the growth of plants as long as they are scattered, so as to unite them with their thriving forests.

In response to the call, that seed, in which the cloire dug its own holes and sprinkled seeds, sprouts at an unlikely rate that remains natural, and begins to suck up moisture and nutrients from the ground with magic to try to grow rapidly.

"Hey, could this taste bad?

"Is it trouble?

"Yeah, if this was the forest, I wouldn\'t have had a problem..."

As soon as I started using my abilities, Cloire looked difficult.

Croix returns the answer to Flau asking what happened.

"Unlike forests, which are the right soil for plants to thrive, this is a city. It\'s not like there\'s a lot of moisture in the ground... and you tend to lack nutrients."

"I wasn\'t thinking about it."

In forests, leaves and dead and decaying trees, etc. fallen by the originally growing trees, fold together, forming nutritious soils, and the forest itself stores poured rain and the like in its interior.

However, the place where Flau and Croir are now is a city that has been put in place for people to live in, and no one is replenishing them with nutrients when it comes to their soil, and in order to try to be comfortable for residents when it comes to moisture, they were in better drainage and kept from accumulating excess water.

If we sprinkle seeds there and encourage rapid cultivation, everything will be in a state where it is not enough, and it is only natural that we will not be able to cultivate well.

"Sister Kroir, is it possible to stretch the roots a little wider?

"A little?

"Specifically, beyond the wind barrier, near the battlefield where Sister Zion and Sister Emil are fighting."

That\'s all Croix instantly understood what Frau was talking about for.

The significance of the word was not a very pleasant story if you take it from Cloire, who is an elf, but it is also a circumstance you cannot say so now.

If there was a problem, Kroir opened his mouth thinking.

"It\'s possible, but it\'s not possible to get them across the board."

What Frau intended was that if it were possible to spread the roots to the battlefield where Zion and Emil were fighting, the body of the enemy soldiers that would be falling there as much would be a fertilizer with moisture intact.

However, those corpses are neither falling out of the city in full, nor would it have been possible to incorporate them from the roots as far as some plants are concerned, but it is ultimately impossible when it comes to making them go in full.

"Guru...... Mr. Dra! Drakun!

Flau, groaning for a while, eventually looks up and shouts out.

Dora, who was swirling over the sky and dedicated to defense, noticed that voice, rerouted the flight, and stagnated with wings winged at a height that would not have the effect of wind pressure on the ground, even hovering, over the Flaws.

"It\'s an emergency mission! I want you to jump over the wind barrier and take the bodies of enemy soldiers that Sister Zion and Sister Emil are supposed to be mass-producing outside into the city!

I wonder if it\'s certain to nourish the body, Cloire.

Dora tilts her neck cleverly while hovering, not trying to figure out what the instructions mean.

"I\'m wasting my time explaining it! I want the things I carried to fall over the city as much as possible! Avoid places where residents are evacuated."

It\'s quicker to throw it around appropriately than to gently and generously lower it to the ground.

But that would be conditional on disregarding respect for the body.

It is understandable to Kroir, who thinks so, that there will probably be no such thing as respect for Frau, who is ordering him, or for you, Dra, who is ordered.

I tried to figure out if I should be able to get into it, but in the end, Chloe decided to focus on using her elf skills.

I didn\'t have any interest in myself where I tried to penetrate, because I thought it would be difficult to make you understand, even if I tried to explain to you, Dra, or Frau, about your respect for the dead.

"Hurry up! If you know what I mean, I\'m going.

If Frau waved and shouted pointing in the direction that Scion and the others would be fighting, he thought it would be better to do as he was told than to ask for an explanation, it wouldn\'t hurt his mood, and it would save him time, Dra. Once you took altitude as you were told with your wings slowly, you jumped over the wind barrier and disappeared to the other side.

After a while, Dora, who has once again climbed over the wind barrier to the interior of the city, your two hands and legs are gripped by what Flau has designated, and Dora throws it aside from the sky with a slightly earthly hanging without dropping altitude.

For once, I guess I\'m throwing for a place where no people are, but it\'s thrown away from such height that it hits the walls of buildings, breaks through the roof and puts a lot of things around me.

While the residents were evacuating to the lord\'s place and thanking those who saw this sight were none other than themselves, Kroir, feeling slightly ill, held back his mouth.

Subject to such a croir, Frau seems to feel nothing when he sees the sight, and asks the croir on the roof in a normal tone.

"Can this be universal?

"I don\'t really want to agree...... well, yes"

If the damage gets worse, it\'s easier to make the plant root suck it up.

Even if you don\'t have to do anything to break through the skin or anything, it\'s because you can do many places to get the roots in, but it was a story that Croix hesitated to make it easier to work on.

Still, when what he has to do and what is emotional is a different matter, Cloire immediately resumes her elf skills and encourages the plants to grow.

With the help of the elves, the plants began to accelerate their growth again, diving their roots deep into the ground, while also stretching their roots to the punctured ones near the surface, from which they began to grow heavily as they sucked up moisture and nutrients.