Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

239 They persuaded me.

As a matter of fact, Lianya didn\'t really trust the word Lona of Zion to convince herself.

Because I am one of them, the only place I have said that it has nothing to do with being a demon or a human being is to let go and praise Lianya for being brilliant in making her predictions look big.

But when it came to why Scion suddenly excelled, it didn\'t seem that way to Lianya.

Even if that\'s the case, there\'s a stack that\'s been there.

The possibility of just not thinking deeply about things really sticks to Zion.

Whatever the path, of course, Lotus Ya made me try to reach the optimal solution that Lotus Ya couldn\'t take, so I think Lotus Ya has to appreciate it there.

The fact remains that the fool sometimes transcends the wise.

Given that, it must be said that Zion\'s words and actions are unreasonable, and that it is very difficult to persuade others to do so without reason.

The opponent is Lorna.

He is Zion\'s guide and is in a position to greet Zion\'s words and actions.

In addition, there are some highly calculated parts, so there is no way I agree with the action of exploring demonic tribes that seem to have many disadvantages.

More recently I had even gotten the title of Virgin, so there\'s no way I can tolerate anything like cooperating with the Demons.

Lianya thought it would be out of Zion\'s control because it seemed difficult to talk to her quite well.

"I was persuaded by Theon"

With a slightly darker look, Lorna, who dropped her shoulder only slightly, visited Lotus Ya\'s office at noon the day after Lotus Ya revealed to Theon who Emil was.

While I can\'t even ask for Meilia\'s help this time just because, at worst, I think about going looking for Emil by myself and Zion alone, Lianya thinks about arranging supplies while sitting at the desk in the office, or if she did it and was vast enough to explore Emil alone, and on top of that, crossing the grumpy forest, which is too far away to go to the demonic country, Lianya stares at Lorna\'s face, who was a little dissatisfied and seemingly resentful, without immediately knowing what she was told by Lorna\'s first voice, who has abruptly stepped into the room.

The first thing I thought about was when the hell did Lorna come into the room, and you didn\'t lock the door to the room.

When you are conscious, etc., you are also sensitive to the signs of a few people, but when you are not, there are times when you are so insecure that your surroundings surprise you.

Sometimes even fierce carnivores have a faint reaction, especially when their stomachs are full, etc., but I wonder if it resembles it, as Lorna looks at Lotus Yaya, who is confused, apparently as if the situation isn\'t swallowing.

As it were, a few minutes to gaze at each other.

After spending so much time, slowly Lianya\'s face is colored by surprising emotions as to whether thoughts finally come to life.

"Persuaded? Huh? To whom? To Theon? Lorna? Why?"

"Unexpectedly, I\'d like to add that you didn\'t expect it at all."

With one sigh, Lianya replied immediately as Lorna said so.

"\'Cause Rhona\'s Rhona, right?

"Are you sure you want me to stop using people\'s names as if they were synonymous with sexually vicious women who are black and hard headed and don\'t listen to people?

Lianya nods as she tries to pinch it with her right hand and rub it between her eyebrows, while not even trying to hide her grump, thinking that she hasn\'t said anything so terrible and wasn\'t going to say it.

"And I thought you\'d never be convinced?

"It seems strangely catchy, but if you\'re a normal person, you\'ll never be convinced."

"I mean, is Lorna belly-black?

"Are you sure you want me to stop calling people like sociopaths?

Lotus Yaya nods feeling sensitive this time that anger began to mix with Lorna\'s voice.

I\'m not going to be making fun of you, I\'m just pursuing wonder, and I don\'t even want to re-stroke Lorna\'s nerves.

"Even I, when I heard from Theon who Emil was, told me not to get involved any more"

As for the reaction of the people, Lianya thought it would be an extremely decent reaction.

That\'s why I don\'t see the way from there until Lorna is persuaded.

"Theon takes my hand and is hateful and righteous because he does harm to people with the Devil Nation, but Emil is one of us, a friend, and having done harm to people has not been our friend, at least. Then we should treat her as a friend, a companion, and maybe that friend is in trouble, so it\'s natural for us to help her."

"That\'s a moonlight dialogue."

It is a fine word.

It just sounds too splendid to be a title, at least it doesn\'t sound like words that would make Lorna hit her in the chest and change her mind 180 degrees.

"It\'s every moonlit beauty, but I think Theon can say those words now, and his tear glands loosen up unconsciously,"

"Choro, before you..."

"No, that\'s exactly how I can\'t break it either, so I put up with it a lot..."

You remembered that time, Lorna put her hands on her cheek and now exhale briefly and little.

"Um, Lorna would understand, that you agree with me, that you can stare from up close with pure eyes caged in full confidence..."

"You\'re a real chore, you."

"Isn\'t it possible for me to put those eyes in front of you and deny Theon what a ruthless, treacherous, crippling mane he is!

Even if it is claimed loudly, it is Lianya who does not agree.

If it was a man who was pushed into Lorna\'s position, he might still have understood, but when it comes to same-sex talk, Lotus Yaya has no understanding.

"As long as you betray Theon\'s trust, you will die! You just have to let the dog eat the title of Virgin!

"The title of Virgin is cheap, dude!?

I could hear something rolling flashly in the distance in Lianya\'s ear wondering what she would think if she heard it with the gods of the people.

At the same time, I heard screaming that it belonged to the maids who work at Lianya\'s mansion, so apparently I found out that someone or something had flipped inside the building, but Lianya blurred to wonder what it was.

"And there was no use."


"If you don\'t understand, they told me to talk to you with my fists, like they did with Emil."

Apparently the last resort was a physical means in the name of persuasion.

It is unclear whether it was in Zion that he intended to complain about the violence.

Still, from Lorna\'s point of view, the act of talking to Shion with his fists right now can be directly linked to the crisis of life as it is.

"If it\'s enough to be physically broken, I think I made the right decision choosing the mentally broken one first"

"That\'s right, I agree there"


Lorna, who said it for a moment, continues immediately.

"If I don\'t even have information about who I am, I agree with you that I\'m going to help Emil. If you don\'t care about Lenya or Zion about who she is, there\'s no reason I\'m ever against it."

"Sorry, that helps"

When Lianya lowered her head to Rhona, Rhona panicked and waved her hands in front of her own chest as she had to do what she had to say and do properly.

"Never mind. I\'m more convinced than I\'ve been persuaded."

"But let me thank you."

There is no way that there is any danger attached to the act of exploring the demonic side of the country from the forest of temper.

I\'m going to keep up with that, so I couldn\'t help but feel the burden.

"I accept your feelings. Actually, it would have been better if you could borrow one here."

"Greed on the black..."

"It\'s a joke, more than that"

Lorna comes a little closer to Lianya and offers her a flat hand.

Without knowing what was being demanded, Lorna demanded something completely different from Lianya, who wondered if it might be gold heartless.

"Let me borrow Emil\'s hair fastening"

"I don\'t mind, but what do you use it for? A curse?"

The idea of using someone\'s belongings as a catalyst and cursing the owner was also cracking and populist in the world where Lianya was.

Considering the possibility that Emil was actually a dangerous demon tribe and had worn a cat until now, Lianya wondered if she would curse it instead of insurance.

"I am the Virgin, though?

"Isn\'t there a law that says no if the Virgin curses you?

"I don\'t know how to curse in the first place, just lend it to me."

Lotus took out Emil\'s hair clasp so that it would snap and Lorna would slip it into a monk\'s pocket.

"Ever since the Virgin was certified, I\'ve had the opportunity to look through a variety of books, and the number of spells I can use has dramatically increased."

If it was just more knowledge of magic, it shouldn\'t have come to what Rhona says, and it was not until now that Rhona, as a user of magic, probably had one of the best strengths on the continent that the rampage of Zion a while ago triggered it.

The total amount of Lorna\'s powers would not have increased without the reckless treatment for that Scion, and from that point of view Lorna\'s strength is quite far away now, but thanks to Scion, it is not unlikely that anyone will thank Scion, I think.

"There\'s a spell in it that uses objects as a catalyst to find their owners."

"With that, you know where Emil is?

"I only know roughly when the distance is away, but I think if we get closer, we\'ll find out more"

On the other hand, I think it\'s convenient, and Lianya wonders if that\'s actually a form of curse.

Of course, I don\'t have anything to say because I feel like I can do it with Lorna if I say so.

"It will take a little while, in the meantime, Lenya asks you to prepare supplies"

"The same goes for supplies, but my legs are more of a problem. You can\'t just walk across the woods to the Demon Nation, can you?

If that happened, Lianya didn\'t even want to think about how many days it would take to reach her destination, and there was no doubt that the amount of supplies she would carry would be outrageous.

"Leave that to Theon."

"To Theon?

I think Lianya leaves that to unexpected people again.

Regardless of whether it\'s Meyria or not, the anxiety of leaving it to Theon to be okay brings my head up.

"Theon is now going to explain the situation to the brave men and the Klinge soldiers."

"You\'re acting too fast...... or are you preposterous!?

Explaining the circumstances would mean balancing Emil\'s identity as it were.

I\'ll come all the way to the demonic kingdom, hiding Emil\'s identity. Then there\'s no way anyone can convince me.

"I\'ll convince them all," he said.

"Ultimately physics, it"

"Come on, what the hell is that"

It was a cloudy Rhona of words, but there should almost certainly be an annoying solicitation for those who try to stick to the end to talk to each other with their fists.

I hope the dead don\'t come out, Lotus Ya holding his forehead.

Lorna tells Lianya further information.

"When he\'s done persuading you, he\'s going to do you a favor and arrange his legs"

"Grand Duke... wouldn\'t you make a fuss"

The other person is the person in charge of a country.

When the Grand Duke heard the information that the nobility of his country was close to the Demons and so on, it did not seem to me that Lianya would decide that there were no problems.

Lotus Ya is also interested in the things that the Grand Duke asks for and prepares, but now I can\'t help but be more concerned about the Grand Duke\'s trend than its interest.

"In that case, you\'ll convince me, I guess"

"Wouldn\'t it be a light coup, that?

If it were to be like Zion and the Grand Duke talking to each other with their fists, the Grand Duke\'s neck would have changed dramatically almost certainly by the end of the conversation.

In that case, Meilia will probably succeed immediately, but it can be very difficult to deny that the originator, Klinge, and his lord, Lianya, were pulling the thread behind him.

"Aren\'t you okay? It\'s just a parent-child fight."

Lorna laughed when she said that in a very light and irresponsible manner.