Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

233 They want to talk about something important.

"Oh, I\'ve got a terrible eye."

Lotus Yao, who watched the sights of Zion and the others preparing to bathe while wrapping something like a towel around her body in the striptease, gave a slight expression after seeing the Grand Duke swoop up his body as he raised an extended voice not at all different from normal times.

I know because I experienced it, the pain and its duration when that hot water that Lianya is now using caught my eye was not such that I could recover in such a short time.

Lianya wondered whether it was just a stimulant or whether it was because of the lack of work, but anyway, Her Majesty the Grand Duke\'s return time is short well beyond Lianya\'s expected time.

Nor did he seem concerned about Lianya\'s gaze staring at what the hell was going on, and the Grand Duke slowly immersed his body in the hot tub while rubbing his mess and eyes.

Just in case, Lianya checks with Kroir, but there\'s no sign that you\'re completely out of strength because of the pain in your eyes and rolling around, and you\'re going to come up lying down with a rough breath.

"Count, you can\'t look at a woman with such an obnoxious eye."

The Grand Duke, soaked in hot water to his shoulders, laughs at how he finally notices Lianya\'s gaze.

The eyes were a little red and congested as far as Lianya could see, but the pain seemed to have completely slipped out, and Lianya, without knowing what to say, kept her mouth shut with the words that came to mind as she looked at the huge chunks floating puffy in the hot tub.

"Why don\'t they hide the front for a moment, Grand Duke?"

"Nothing - I don\'t have anything poor to be ashamed of when I\'m seen."

If the Grand Duke says as he rocks it in the hot water of Tapu, the cloire still falls reacts tingly, but still doesn\'t seem to recover enough strength to come up, and the tiny toothed sound has also reached Lianya\'s ears, but not any more.

"Besides, there\'s not enough fabric to hide it."

Once again, Lianya, said, turns her gaze to the stripper, who is in full sight because the door is open.

There, Lorna managed, and was in the midst of covering her body with a cloth and cloth.

Of course it was Frau who prepared those cloths, etc., but Lianya thinks that the largest size in her was probably Rhona.

Then it was taken for granted that the Grand Duke\'s body, which boasted volumes above that rona, would not hide with those cloths.

"The Count too - would you be happy to see it?"

"Because I prefer to hide a little more than be flattered."

When Lianya answered soberly to the Grand Duke, who smiled slightly, without moving his expression, was very dissatisfied with the answer, and the Grand Duke began to fly the bath water towards Lianya with a rather dazzling look.

With it in his hand, Shion and his men, who had finished their preparation, crept in where Lianya was preventing them.

"Lenya, I kept you waiting"

"No... I\'m not waiting..."

Then in a very natural motion, Shion slipped in next to Lotus Yaya as he raised his hair.

I wrap the cloth around my body properly and guard where I shouldn\'t see it, but the only part I\'m showing is enough, enough to jump up Lianya\'s heart beat, plus that body has slipped right next to me, so I succeed in sewing the gap in the guard of my hand that I accidentally lowered and the Grand Duke sprays hot water on Lianya\'s face.

For the second time, even with considerable pain, Lianya is ready to wash her eyes with the water in the toilet bowl that she had prepared in advance outside the hot tub while experiencing the pain of coming to her senses.

Kirier tried to interrupt between Lianya and Zion while Lianya\'s sight was snatched away for a moment, but there was a scene where Lorna grabbed her roots and slammed her into a hot tub unconstructively away from Lianya.

But it was done promptly and quietly while Lianya was washing her eyes with water, so Lianya never knew it.

When Lianya\'s vision returns, there is only the figure of Lorna, who sits down next to Zion with a stranger\'s face, and the figure of Kirier, who, hastily clinging across it to the edge of the hot tub, is punching the water made of witchcraft in her own face.

"What are you doing, you guys..."

"No, nothing. By the way, Grand Duke, I wonder how much Lenya would like to be barebacked in because she\'s bathing?

Something\'s wrong with the prerequisite, Lotus Yakiya thinks, but you can\'t go in there.

Because the moment I went in, I felt like I\'d get an answer back that I shouldn\'t ask you anything.

"Did something more important happen to the Count than worshipping him naked?"

Lianya sighed when she heard the answer she shouldn\'t have to ask without going in.

"Mother... I can\'t get that response in front of my real daughter"

Theon protests while gently attaching his hand to Lianya\'s arm.

In the meantime, the Grand Duke replied to the protest of Zion with utmost openness when Lianya tried to caution that the way to accompany that hand in that outfit in the bathroom was too dangerous in many ways.

"Actually - I do - an important story"


To an unexpected answer, Lianya asks back if I heard wrong.

"So I need to talk to you about something important."

There is no tension or other shards, the Grand Duke insists so in an extended voice, but even if I try to listen back, I still only feel misheard, and Lianya turns back to Zion, who is still with her hands on her arms.

Before facing back, Shion\'s face, a little upbeat, was nearer than I thought, so I asked Shion while trying not to put it on his face here, although it was Lotus Ya who called me by any chance.

"Did you hear that important story?

"Oh, did you hear that?

After confirming that he had apparently not misheard, Lianya turns her gaze toward the Grand Duke again.

"Important story?

"Count - How many times do you ask back?"

No matter how many times he heard it back, Lianya decided to keep her mouth shut because she couldn\'t help but feel the atmosphere from which she was going to tell the important story.

I also thought it might be a good thing to have an even more important story in the bathroom, but this one pierces the silence as well.

I couldn\'t help but feel like there was no point in doing all this over and over again, and for once the other person is his own boss by making him the supreme power in this country.

"So, what\'s the important story?

Then even if there was something somewhat difficult to swallow here, the Grand Duke said with a childlike look that somehow plotted mischief when Lianya urged him to talk, thinking that he should cooperate with the Grand Duke to move on.

"Which is better if it\'s serious or if it\'s not serious?

"Seriously, please"

Lianya thought it would not be an important story at an unserious point, but it was obvious that "I guess so" would be made fun of where I pointed it out.

"Eh - too bad. Let\'s decide on a wedding date or something - there was a story."

"Mother, you can\'t look past using that for nonserious stories."

"By the way, I\'m the bride"

"Will you please come to the table, Mother..."

Lorna grabbed her shoulder behind her back and pulled her up from the hot tub with a fixed eye.

It\'s something I knew the Grand Duke was totally joking about, and furthermore, it\'s unlikely that any sturdy building and deadly destruction would spare me from being ravaged by the present Zion, whose physical abilities jumped in Baron Goldner\'s city.

If it was completely clean, it wasn\'t Scion stopping at that degree of pull back, but it still seemed to leave enough reason to understand that the hand placed on her shoulder belonged to Lorna, soaking her in the hot tub like she reluctantly said, this time not only accompanied but hugged her into Lianya\'s one arm.

From Scion, he\'s going to argue that this is mine.

However, now Scion is just a state of cloth wrapped around him naked, and Lianya, with her arms held in such Scion, can\'t shake off in an evil way, and begins to make an effort to keep the various signals transmitted from that arm to the brain out of consciousness for now.

"It\'s a joke - a joke. There are a few important stories - first of all in the name of the Principality of Triden - I certify Rona as a Virgin."

A magnificent water noise and water column stood behind Zion.

At the end of Sion and Lianya\'s gaze looking back at something, apparently, Rhona, who was about to stand up unexpectedly, slipped her legs and fell into the hot tub, and besides, she had put hot water in her proper eyes, storming into the pain that would be her first experience, in the middle of Killier desperately trying to salvage Rhona to the edge of the hot tub.

Was it because of the weight difference, or on the contrary, Killier, who was about to be dragged into depth, but when he somehow dragged Lorna to the edge of the hot tub, he carefully began to instruct her to sprinkle the magic water from above Lorna\'s head and wash her eyes being attacked by hot water irritation.

"Ha, Grand Duke!? What the hell do you mean I\'m the Virgin!?

Lorna says as she rubs her eyes with the more water she can sprinkle from above her head.

For the first time, Lianya did not understand the meaning of the word Virgin she heard, and saw Zion as she asked for an explanation.

"Ah? Oh, well, you don\'t come to Lenya as a Virgin with a pin."

"Is it like a brave man?

It was Lotus Ya, who spoke plainly from his sense of speech, but Zion shook his neck beside him.

"For once, brave men have status and power to go around. The Virgin... somehow becomes respected and accommodated with all sorts of things, but can you understand with the explanation that there is no power...

I wonder if Lianya is like an honorary position, although she can\'t help but put her own interpretation into the explanation of Zion, who seems to have somehow twisted it out.

"Until before - religion originating in the Holy Kingdom, which was massive, would have been abolished - so new teachings originating in the Principality of Triden spread to the human continent - you know?

Three people nodded at the words of the Grand Duke, except Lotus Ya, but Lotus Ya tilted his neck.

I thought it would have weakened me because I was the total boss of a bad man who devastated a religious group in the Holy King\'s kingdom, but it is my first ear to Lianya that an alternative had come from the Principality of Triden.

"Something about it - on the pillow of some of the monks in our country - a beautiful twin-tailed girl with six pairs of glowing feathers stood - and if she was interested in a new religion, I\'d give her plenty of protection and all that - and she originally touched it around."

Lianya is a drinker-friendly lightness.

Whether such thoughts were on his face, Theon smiled, Lorna had a somewhat complicated look on her face, and Kirier was soaking hot water on Lianya\'s back for some reason.

I wonder what I would do if I put it on my face, but I just hit Kirier\'s face with a chunk of hot water to silence him, and then Lianya turns back to Grand Duke.

"Those monks have been commissioned to certify Rhona-Chevalier, who is now in Klinge, as the Virgin."

"From the same twin-tailed girl?

"Yeah, that\'s the real deal."

"What are the benefits of Virgin Certification?

To Lianya, who asked so, the Grand Duke leaks a smile.

I took it to Lianya and understood that titles etc. did not matter, and furthermore the religious implications derived from it were not worthy of consideration.

"You\'re going to have me come back to the capital once - but you can read all you want about the church secrets and stuff."

"What\'s in it for you?

"The repertoire of magic spreads."

Originally, Lorna is in an apprenticeship position, and not so many spells are published to those in that position.

Unlike witchcraft, it doesn\'t mean that if you pay for it, you can teach it, but you can\'t teach it unless you\'ve built up a lot of track record in publishing magic and gained a lot of standing within the organization.

If it becomes the Virgin, it will be in a position to have it published without restriction.

It was certainly an advantage to put yourself in such a position from an apprenticeship.

"Won\'t you be able to come back from the capital?

When Rhona asks her if she has any idea, the Grand Duke turns her gaze to Rhona and then asks back the other way around.

"Why don\'t you want to go back?"

"There isn\'t. Because my place is always near Scion."

The Grand Duke laughed contentedly at Rhona, who was so clear.

"Then you\'ll have to put it back. It\'s not good to be forced to hold back and buy the Count\'s unhappiness."

"Why don\'t we just let Klinge set up the home of the church?"

To Kirier, who has pinched his mouth, Lianya wonders.

I wonder if it\'s okay to let Killier, who is supposed to be almost an outsider, hear the important stories and things the Grand Duke tells.

Everyone should come up with a natural question, but no one but Lianya thinks of that.

"If that\'s what you say - maybe you can think about it."

Besides, the Grand Duke is honestly nodding at just the words of a traveler.

I really don\'t even try to hide my suspicions about what the hell this guy is. Lianya.

Knowing or not such Lotus Ya\'s thoughts, Kirier returned a full smile that made him feel somewhere frigid when Lotus Ya and his gaze met.