Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

231 Sounds like he's in the bathroom.

As far as I can tell, it was supposed to have been built with considerable piercing work, but the bathing equipment built on the outskirts of Klinge was one that Lianya surprisingly well built.

From the outside, it just looked like some kind of warehouse or something that just piled up bricks, but the interior was well organized, the entrance was properly separated by men and women, as well as the stripper was equipped with a room of considerable size for men and women, and there were quite a few bathrobes, clean towels, etc. that seemed to be kept for putting in undressed clothes and putting them together after they were lifted out of the bath.

Whatever you think, it was not an equipment to be used alone, but now there are times when Her Majesty the Grand Duke is in women\'s water, and it is only Lian Ya who is in men\'s water because the facility itself is almost rented out.

Diving into something goodwill that says man hot water, passing next to the station where it is installed for some reason, it leads to the stripper, and after taking off his clothes here, it seems that it is the Triden-style for men to change into yukata.

For some reason, it seems that there is no such thing as a lump when it comes to women, and Lianya has been told by Flau that it is a man only lump, and she was tilting her neck tightly, but if it is said to be a lump, there is no objection.

Though I didn\'t really wonder what it was like to have a lump of bath in a nation of people who shouldn\'t have much of a habit of taking a bath.

A yukata for men is simply like a shortbread made of sizes that are quite spare, naturally made of a cloth that is wet but impermeable.

When I saw it, I felt like Lianya somehow figured out why she wouldn\'t wear yukata on a woman.

If you\'re a man, it doesn\'t matter with one of those shorts, but if you\'re a woman, you have to wear a yukata that hides everything from top to bottom.

If that was made of a thick cloth that would be impermeable even if wet, you wouldn\'t be able to wash your body in addition to the fact that it would be too heavy when bathed and wet.

Well, Lianya, wearing a yukata while impressed by the fact that it was right for a reason, dives into the door that separates the stripper from the bathroom and is taken aback by the sight that was ahead.

The bathtub installed there was a substitute for the word "bathtub" in light of the common sense found in Lianya.

If there was to be the closest impression, it was still the word pool.

The hot tub, which runs from the washing area where the body is washed, stretches with a slightly white and cloudy hot water, all the way to the wall where it is exposed to a long and wide hot tub and probably bounded by women\'s water.

The distance is approximately 25 m at the sight of Lianya.

Besides, the vertical and horizontal sides of the hot tub look pretty much the same length.

I didn\'t know if it was to prevent peeking or if there were no windows in the bathroom, whether the lights were some sort of magic craft or whether they were sticking the magic of the light on the ceiling, but the lights were slightly scarce relative to the size of the bathroom, so much so that I felt a little dark.

It\'s huge enough to make you want to ask how many customers you\'re going to put in this huge hot tub, but convince yourself that\'s all the hot water, Lianya pumps hot water into the prepared toilet bucket for now.

I am not familiar with Lianya, such as how to do it when taking a bath, but I know that I need to thoroughly wash off the dirt from my body before going into the hot tub.

Apply hot water to your body thoroughly and warm it up somewhat, then foam the soap provided and rub your body.

Lotus Yaya\'s body, which is rubbed with bubbles, is thinner than you can imagine from that battle.

Muscle doesn\'t look like much from the outside.

Therefore, it is often licked from the looks of the musculoskeletal samurai and others in this world, but this was due to the fact that Lianya\'s body was trained differently from the samurai and others in this world.

At all times, Lotus Ya doesn\'t have a body that claims muscles, and only when you put your strength into it when you need it, does a tough muscle peek up your face as if you twisted up a wire.


I think I heard something strange, and Lianya turns her attention to the hot tub.

The hot air rising from the hot water is quite intense and the bathroom itself does not have that good a view combined with the vastness of it.

However, Lianya is the only one who currently uses male water as female water anyway, and there is no way anyone else, and Lianya focuses on washing her body with her gaze back, wondering if it would have been empty ears.

Even when it comes to washing your body, Lianya has enough baths in her own hall, and even in Baron Goldner\'s territory, the baron\'s hall was properly equipped with baths.

What is installed must be used effectively, and Lianya\'s body was kept clean at all times, so it is not visible and dirty.

Still, sweating something should be on your body, so Lianya firmly rubs it with foam until it\'s between her nails, and then pumps hot water back into the handkerchief and flushes the body that has become full of foam.

The flushing water flows towards the wall opposite the hot tub and into a drain-like hole in the corner of the washroom.

Inspired by what is well thought out, Lianya finally moves on to the hot tub.

The edge of the hot tub was like a staircase, suddenly not deep enough to sit there and enjoy a bath.

Sitting one down the stairs from the edge and putting her foot on the other lower step, she was set to have a hot surface just about below the height of her chest, and if she sat down, she would be somewhat like a half bath, and Lianya exhaled deeply there once.

The hot water was somewhat warm from Lianya, but it still feels good inside, and the cloudy water is interesting with a lukewarm hand that seems somewhat good for the skin if you ask me.

It was Lianya who had enjoyed the hot water in that state for a while, but it was still only until the Japanese soaked the hot water to her shoulders that Lianya sat back and tried to advance her legs further down the steps.

He suddenly disappeared in hot water, as if he had fitted into a pit.


While I was at it, I didn\'t have time to think that Lianya sank into the hot tub.

In other words, it was stair-like from the edge to the second stage, but from there it was deeper than the back length of Lianya as to what design it was designed to be.

If the water was transparent, you would have noticed, but it couldn\'t be seen in cloudy water, and Lianya, who didn\'t think it was suddenly getting deeper, sank decently into its depths.

It was so abrupt that I didn\'t have time to close my eyes, whether it was because of the temperature of the hot water or because of the spring mass, anyway, the dull pain would strike my eyes and I would be unable to open my eyelids.

Still, without panic, Lianya managed to put her face over the hot surface in a standing and swimming state, but now her sense of direction had gone crazy because she couldn\'t secure her sight and because she had gotten somewhat overwhelmed when she sank, and she couldn\'t understand the direction of the edge of the hot tub.

If I hadn\'t had my body sinking in hot water, I would have had a way of grasping the situation, as I did when I fought that Emil split, but with my body sinking in hot water, that wouldn\'t work either.

Differences exist in sound transmission and reflection between hot water and air.

If he was used to it, he might also have been able to modify it around it, but in the case of Lianya, it was only an auxiliary means and not familiar with it.

The feather of drowning in the bath and calling for help is Lianya, who would like you to give her a break for a moment, but there were those who grabbed Lianya\'s hand softly standing and swimming, saying that that was the only bath she was supposed to have, around the beginning to wonder if that would be all she had left in her eyelids that still couldn\'t be opened because of the tingling pain, apart from calling for help aloud if she didn\'t have any other help.

"Lenya, are you okay? Just come here. Once you don\'t flush your eyes with water, it hurts and you can\'t open it, can you?

"... I have something to say... well, yeah"

Even though his eyes could not be opened, Lianya had a verse in the Lord of his voice that came to mind.

But the Lord of that voice is a woman, and even if she is wrong, she is not a good person to be here right now.

While wondering what the hell was going on, Lianya was able to move through the hot tub with her grabbed hand pulled and sit down on the staircase section on the edge.

"Wet towels, please. This water is good for your skin, but I think it\'s a little too irritating."

Receiving a towel that appears to have been somehow offered at the sign, Lianya wipes her face first before opening her mouth.

If I wiped my face with water that contained plenty of moisture, Lianya could finally open her eyes when the unpleasant irritation that was attacking her eyeballs was wiped away.

"It may be a little cold because I\'m wet with some magical water, but it doesn\'t make sense with a wet towel in a hot tub, so be patient"

"No, well. I don\'t mind that..."

"I\'ll have to put it down later by telling Flau that we need regular water arrangements. Do you say, why is the hot tub so deep?

"... before that, why are you here, Cloire?"

If Lianya turns her open eyes to the side, there is a cloire with a decent expression.

Without even trying to hide her thin naked body, she was kneeling on the steps and riding herself out of the hot tub, not even having one of the towels, leaving her spotless, bright white skin exposed at all costs.

And his buttocks, and his breasts, are round from the place of Lotus Yaya.

Lotus Yaya thinks that where long blonde hair is wet and soaked in the hot tub is a lustrous sight inside, but it was supposed to be man water here and there shouldn\'t be croils.

"If it weren\'t for me, Lenya, you might have drowned, right?

"Thank you for that.... Was that weird noise you?

The lord of strange sounds, heard as Lianya washed her body, was apparently a croir.

Croix, who was pointed out, said as he did the trick of wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"It was eye bliss."

"... I\'ll take the money, you bastard"

"How much can I pay to bump it!?

Never dreaming that she would show that kind of eating to the clower who embarks on her, Lianya holds her head with her opposite hand as she pushes that body back against the face of the clower who has embarked on the towel that wiped her face.

"Where the hell did you sneak in from? You can\'t let guests in and out of men\'s and women\'s water so easily."

"You\'ll be fine. Normally, you can\'t."

To Lianya, who wonders if Flau should be allowed to rethink his security plan, Kroir rolled the pressed towel around, sticking it inside the handkerchief he had left outside the hot tub, and then continued pointing to the tip of the hot tub, the wall dividing the male and female water.

"Actually, the wall, the bottom, is more penetrating, and there\'s a connection."

"You can\'t. What\'s that!?

"Was it a hassle to create separate pathways to draw in men\'s and women\'s water? Anyway, if you take hot water from one side, both hot tubs will be filled."

"You can peek all you want. It is!

Lotus Ya, who panicked that the design was fundamentally problematic, was pressed by Cloire as she waved both hands.

"No, there\'s about three meters of water in that area, and the piercing part is slit enough for me to get through."

Lianya casually looks at the nudity of the cloire sitting next to her when she is told.

The weight of the cloir is really elf-like, shoulder-width, and not thick.

As far as what is supposed to be in the chest area is concerned, well put, cautious, or worse, just undecided, that\'s the level.

Cloire smiled and smashed the hot tub water into Lianya\'s eyes, thinking she wouldn\'t shake it at all.

Lianya, who was alarmed, wears it moro, holding her face back to the blunt pain that struck her eyes again.


"Now you\'ve thought about something totally obnoxious, haven\'t you?

While seeping without even trying to hide his displeasure in his voice, Cloire takes out the towel that was stuck in his handkerchief and squeezes it gently before handing it to Lianya, who has his face under control.

Lotus Yaya, who received it, wiped her face with that towel and protested to Cloire as she became a little tearful.

"If you don\'t want to think about it, hide it"

Cloire swells her cheeks to Lianya, who thinks strange things because she can see them.

"It\'s just me and Lenya, but I don\'t know what it means to hide it"

"So if you want a croissant, that\'s fine."

"I... that\'s okay, right?

Cloire narrowed her eyes slightly and pulled her body toward Lotus Yayo, and the words that leaked into her suppressive mood were such that she felt something rushing up Lotus Yayo\'s spine.

I even wonder if Lianya is wondering whether the blood flowing through her body should go up or down, so glossy in her voice and manipulation that the word "it\'s okay" allows her to wonder what the hell she\'s allowed to do.

To the extent that such illusions were remembered, Cloire tried to strike a further push on the wandering Lianya. The act was interrupted by the appearance of a certain intruder.

"Yes, that\'s it for impure deeds"

A voice so distracted that the nervous spirit relaxed at once.

If the glossy expression until then made his face colour with killing, and Lianya also looked at the end of the gaze pointed at him, his mouth would be half-opened without believing his own eyes in the shadow of Jen-royal standing there.

"The largest force in the ethnic power zone - the supreme power of the Principality of Triden - the ascension of the Grand Duke Lydia-Fam-Fatal"

It was the person who should never have done that, and Grand Duke Lydia-Fam-Fatal, who hits Lotus Ya\'s current boss, who came in with a full grin on his face while relentlessly exposing the two hills, which would probably be the highest peak of the human race, to a noisy title for a long time, with no postponed shards of tension.