Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

220 Sounds like a directive from Lianya.

"What are you gonna do with us?

It was that dialogue that was first spoken after Leppard, with his arms turned back and roped, was followed between the sights of Lianya\'s hall.

Needless to say, with Leppard\'s powers, it was possible to instantly pull a thousand pieces of rope into chains.

Leppard does it, and he doesn\'t run to escape because before the building, alcohol turns and stays neat, and he shows himself to Kaede, who is sloppy on the sofa installed on the wall between the sights, but it\'s actually different.

"Huh, brave man. Aren\'t you worried about your future? It is."

Flau, still in a black robe, laughs and shows with his nose as he looks down at Leppard from his seat in the upper seat.

While sitting deep in the chair and keeping his back on his back, his legs were kept together as the villain itself, but unfortunately the chair is built to fit Lianya\'s physique, so the length of his legs is not enough in Flau.

The assembled legs also wobbled plainly without ever reaching the floor.

"If Caede is even safe... I don\'t care what happens"

If Leppard says in a strange tone, Frau distorts the edge of his mouth.

"Ha ha! I\'m ready to look up, brave man!

"Dear Frau... Mr. Kurtz is about to wake up"

It was Keith who was holding back behind Frau who calmly penetrated.

If the penetrated Frau glanced at the corner of the wall, Kurtz, who had fallen asleep easily holding two Beastly Witches beside him on the couch there, jumped into his eyes with a slightly murky look on his face.

It sounds faintly like cutting air, and the figure of Frau in the upper seat crumbles over the chair.

Leppard and Keith were almost distracted, but soon realized that only the black robe it had been stripped off was stuck on the chair.

Now, if you circle your neck wondering where the contents went, you can see Flau in an apron dress trying to fall asleep again, gently stroking that head beside a grumpy kurtz.

"That\'s fast..."

"That\'s Lady Frau."

Keith watched as Leppard shouted out and Keith included in his voice an emotion that praised Frau, properly confirming that Kurtz\'s expression had finally turned into something to sleep peacefully, and when he returned to the chair at the same speed as he had gone, he changed into a robe early again.

"Ha-ha-ha... I\'m ready to look up... brave man..."

"Do you want to start over there"

Flau reworded it in such a low voice that it reached Rippard\'s ear.

Disappointed to drop his shoulder, Leppard groaned so with his sigh, noticing Alberto\'s appearance not even tingling as he rolled on the floor and Grune watching the situation with interest as he sat on another couch.

"All four brave men, I thought you said it was Lenya\'s order, but what are you going to let us do?"

"The master. Looks like he negotiated with Katru."

"... ha!?

In front of Leppard, who accidentally raised his voice, instructs Flau to stand his index finger in front of his lips and to be hastily quiet.

It was an instruction for fear that Kurtz, who had fallen asleep in the corner, would wake up, but because he had just fallen asleep, Kurtz slept with a happy sleeping face at the end of Flau and Leppard\'s gaze.

"What are you going to do when you wake up..."

"Wow, no evil... but if you\'re surprised, even I\'ll have a louder voice?

Leppard tries to resist flawlessly, even as he seems sorry for Frau\'s words as he blames them.

The existence of Katru was also known by Leppard, a beast tribe.

Harbour towns also exist on the continent of the Beastman tribe, where the damage of Kathru is not extended, it can be said that it is limited to a determined narrow area, which is like every common decision on every continent.

The warriors of the Beast tribe, with many battle fanatics, also had enough common sense to emphasize avoidance rather than wanting to fight if their opponents were to be world-wide in size on the boulder.

"If I\'m ever surprised by the Master\'s behavior, I don\'t have a liver."

Leppard laughs bitterly at himself when he is so convinced by Frau\'s rhetoric that he dismisses such common sense.

That seems to have been the same thought Keith holding back behind Frau, and I could see it coming from Leppard\'s place with a smile on his mouth.

"Well, sure. That\'s for sure. Was Katru the kind of mon you could negotiate?

"Frau doesn\'t know much about that, and it wasn\'t detailed in the letter."

"Is that a letter... I could just ask you one thing?

Flau tilting his neck at Leppard, who responded to the word letter, wondering what the hell bothered him so much about the letter.

To Flau like that. Leppard tried to bump into the question that came to his mind.

"In that letter. It said to capture the brave?

"It says here, as I offer the following directives to the four brave men:"

When Frau, honest and honest, answered Leppard\'s question, Leppard\'s eyes just sat down a little.

I don\'t know what that change means. Flau waits for Leppard\'s next word with his neck tilted.

"You didn\'t say to capture it."

"I didn\'t write it. That\'s why Grune and Kurtz convinced me to do it right."

"You\'re asking me to explain how I treat Alberto!?

"It\'s the result of the letter\'s interpretation and everyday deeds. Different?"

Asked the other way around, Leppard remembered about Kurtz trying to answer it out loud, and in the end he didn\'t argue with just letting the unspoken sound cage in his mouth.

It wasn\'t that there were no verses at all that came to mind, because I knew before I argued that it would be useless to argue.

Leppard was also learning that even if he did, it was a waste of time and effort.

"Once you\'ve convinced me, I\'ll pass on the directive from the master again."

"Oh... now that I know... untie me... I don\'t think I\'m a sinner anymore, because I\'m not running anymore."

If Leppard asked him to include plenty of giving up on his voice, the rope that was restraining both Leppard\'s arms fell all over the floor just a glimpse of Frau.

It wasn\'t so tightly tied, but it was still a relieved Leppard who felt a little loose when his arms were free, but something cold runs on his spine when he sees a slice of rope that fell on the floor.

The rope wasn\'t broken, because Leppard was sharp enough to feel something cold, showing bright cuts and rolling on the floor.

"You... are getting out of fairy range."

"Rude. Frau is a pretty fairy, Mr. Silky!

As an indication of his unwillingness from the bottom of his heart, he swelled his cheeks and around his clavicle. Only the trick is Frau, who protests with a cute clenched fist, but the word of consent was not heard from anywhere.

"... you have an objection?

If I unwrapped the hand I was squeezing, arms in front of my chest and gently breasted, everyone in the room turned their gaze against the signs of intimidation that suddenly dominated between the glances with tremendous momentum.

It is everyone except the sleeping Kurtz and the Beastman Witch, who is trying to escape Flau\'s gaze by rolling his body while even Alberto, who is tied and rolling, remains in a potato worm state.

"I can\'t seem to get on with this, so why don\'t you ask the Count for his instructions by saying that the judgment around it is pending once?

Due to being directly in front of Frau, even if his gaze diverted, the intimidation was that of Grune, who sent out a helpship where Leppard, who was under Moro, could not speak up.

On a modest and quiet note, Grune, who doesn\'t try to stand out at all, has rarely joined the story from himself, apparently not so long ago, that the situation in which Leppard is placed seemed dangerous.

Flau, who had a slightly dissatisfied look on Grune\'s part, did decide that there was no indication that the conversation was going to go ahead as it was, and that he could not then pass on Lianya\'s instructions to the brave men, de-infrigating and untangling his arms.

"The Master\'s instructions are to dig a hole at the designated point."

"Is it a hole? How much is it?

Grune asked as he walked from the wall to next to Leppard, controlling with his hand what Leppard was about to say.

Perhaps Leppard also complained about the civil works he was instructed to do, but Grune thinks Flau won\'t pull it where he tried to complain more than it was Lotus Yaya\'s instructions.

Then there is no point in complaining about it here, and it is Grune\'s decision, having listened to the instructions in their entirety for now, to say that it would be more constructive to strive to alleviate working conditions and aims.

"It\'s like a little over a hundred meters deep. It\'s not a big deal."

"I think that\'s pretty hard..."

"Initially, we talked about digging holes to the port town the master was visiting. I think it\'s easier than that."

Leppard\'s face falls in love with what was originally planned and heard.

That\'s right, Grune, too. In contrast, I couldn\'t say yes. I stayed with a troubled grin.

And they both stroke their chests down saying they\'re glad it didn\'t happen almost at the same time.

Assuming you find yourself in a situation where you have to.

Because it was not difficult to predict that we would have had no other option than to engage in the task of continuing to dig long holes that would last until that port town.

"It\'s your job to flatten the bottom of the hole you\'ve dug so you can load it with stones and get it properly equipped."

"What are you gonna use it for? That\'s not true. Is there a ritual to celebrate Katru?

Until the stone is loaded, I wonder if it\'s our share. Blurry to Leppard, Flau keeps explaining properly that he doesn\'t even intend to hide it.

"Use it for transfer facilities connecting to port towns. Flau will take care of the transfer team and the connection to Katru. When the brave men have finished digging holes, ask them to create buildings on the ground."

"In addition to not being able to expose the transfer equipment to the wild, can we think of temporary storage facilities for supplies that have been transported in the transfer?

"That\'s Grune, he understands fast. Leppard should also be apprenticed."

Flau snorts at questions from Grune.

It seemed like a compliment for once, but Grune honestly wonders if it\'s a good thing to take.

Leppard, who was made comparable, tongued in a grumpy manner and was stared at by Frau and rushed to correct his posture.

"Keith uses his soldiers to start paving the roads connecting the equipment to Klinge. Don\'t worry, I\'ll ask MeliĆ” to arrange the pieces."

"I accept, though. Master Meyria is about to file a complaint."

To Keith\'s words, which I saluted, Frau throws his undressed robe appropriately on the floor as he takes off his black robe and returns to his usual apron dress.

"Klinge and the operation of the territory should be on track once and for all. I\'m not supposed to be so busy right now. However, it\'s a bad story to ask Sister Mayria to take the burden, so I have to let her through if she applies for an increase in the number of administrative personnel."

"More help from us, too!

Leppard raises his voice all the time thinking that practically the three of us are going to have to do it because there\'s no way Kurtz is going to let Frau do that much more than just four of us from drilling holes to piling stones if we let him go.

"Placing ordinary people around brave people just gets in the way without being able to go about working speed."

To Frau, who tells him to laugh with his nose, he controls Leppard again, complaining, and Grune thinks a little before telling Frau.

"You\'re certainly right about the work of digging holes, but I don\'t think the work of piling stones will make much difference to either us or our specialist workers. Why don\'t you just go over there and get more personnel?

"If I Grune, I\'m good at negotiating... but well, it sure doesn\'t seem like that task has anything to do with the brave or anything. I might be better at craftsmen.... Then I\'ll put in some helpers."

Slowly to those flaws, as if to sum up thoughts, Grune\'s fist pierces his flank to silence Leppard as he bites.

Perhaps Grune has tried to say something exonerating about our work if we\'re going to put help in anyway, but it\'s not funny that we went to Flau for bad things and were in a bad mood to cancel the help personnel.

Flau, who watched as boring as Leppard stuck his breath and collapsed after taking a blow with considerable momentum in the thin spot of meat on his flank, slapped his hands on his breasts after seeing Leppard completely silent.

"Yes, yes, that\'s all I\'m talking about. We don\'t have to do it now, so we\'ll all get to work tomorrow. You got it?

"As you say."

Again, sleeping Kurtz and Leppard, who took one blow and were extinguished.

That and all those in the room but Alberto who remained rolled together drooped their heads, and the discussion was open to conveying instructions from Lianya.