Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

214 He tried to get back to land.

Chasing the escaping tentacles, slashing them, choosing the bottom of the sea and finding an even thicker tentacle, slashing them, and in between, just a little while, Lotus Ya, who enjoyed the thought of chasing around a herd of Goldtoons, her first aim, to try and catch a few, returns to the shoreline packing her inventory with plenty of seafood and a little something of interest.

It was Lianya, who housed the knife in the inventory and dragged her body up with her hands on the edge of the shoreline, but the motion stopped for a moment at the sight that was spreading beyond that shoreline.

The first thing I saw was a bunch of armed soldiers as far as I could see.

Though completely lumbar, the appearance of Lotus surrounding the shoreline where she was about to drag her body up with a long sword and a spear was still too much of a sight to make Lotus wonder what the hell was going on.

The next thing I saw was Killier and Lorna surrounding the burning fire as usual.

This one keeps burning the remaining fish fillets in the net, but somehow it feels like I\'ve been surrounded by armed soldiers.

The appearance was as if they were criminals, but their gaze was geared towards Lianya and they had feelings to blame somewhere.

Nearby, there are two Shion looking at Lianya with her eyes shining for some reason, and Emil shining dangerously in a different way than Shion, although this one is shining her eyes.

These two were not surrounded by soldiers, but Baron Goldner, with a bitter face nearby, stands up in arms.

If I looked further away, I could see the residents of the city asking how they were doing with a frightened look across the soldiers.

Lianya often stays hanging on the shoreline due to a hanging procedure, and thinks about the situation in which she is currently placed.

"What is it?"

As a result of the thought, Lianya, who knew nothing, asks no one but asks that attitude and says so.

It was unexpectedly Scion who responded as quickly as possible to the behavior from the expectation that a person who knew the current situation would answer it.

"It\'s Lenya\'s nudity!

Quite a few soldiers took down their weapons and cocked them.

I see Scion with the eyes of Killier seeing something unfortunate.

Lorna blushes slightly for some reason and leans down.

Lianya cleverly removed her right hand on the edge of the shoreline and cheeked with the hand of the one she removed, holding her body with one left hand.

"That\'s not the answer I want..."

With that said, Lotus Ya reminds me that while I was undressing, Lorna was also looking at cancer.

Lotus Ya for a moment wonders what\'s so fun about looking at a man naked, but I also think it\'s nothing strange that a woman gets excited about looking at a man naked just as a man gets excited about looking at a woman naked.

"Welcome home, Lenya! Have you picked something unusual?

Emil asks with his eyes shining, but this one doesn\'t explain the status quo either.

When I say that the area of emphasis on research subjects over men\'s nakedness seems to be Emil, I can\'t even say that, but it\'s a story of no benefit to Lianya now.

"More explanation of the current situation…"

"Status quo?"

Asked Emil noticed there for the first time, but he looks around at the soldiers and the residents of the city who are winding away.

After taking plenty of time to look around, Emil said this to Lianya with a full grin after a little thought.

"Shall we turn it off?


Lotus Yaya sat there with one hand dragging her body up to the edge of the shoreline, wondering if that would be the case.

It\'s a dialogue that would normally seem like a joke, but in Emil\'s case, it can\'t be beaten from the bottom of his mind because he means it.

Assuming Lianya says a word, "Right," what we\'re waiting for is a real one-sided massacre.

Even as Lianya, I don\'t have a hobby of turning one city into a bloody pond hell even though it doesn\'t mean anything or depress me.

"So, what\'s the explanation?

"That\'s Lenya. If you had two beautiful girls burning and fish roasting in a square near the shoreline from the morning, a patrol soldier would come and see what was going on, right?

Referred to as a beautiful girl, Rhona leans even further and Killier lights up oddly.

There was no particular objection to the way it was called, so Lianya urged Emil to go ahead.

"So, if you ask me a job question, isn\'t there some idiot who jumped into the ocean alone?

"Well, I have something to say, sweetie, but I don\'t have to accept that rating either"

As a matter of fact, I didn\'t mean to be so much of an idiot as to be called an idiot if I were to say it from Lianya, but from Emil\'s point of view it was a very absurd act, a vivid representation of an idiot, etc. from soldiers and city residents.

Differences in perceptions around here can be described as differences in position and power.

"It\'s already a fuss from there. I hope the fool dies alone, but he says it would be tough to piss off Katru by mistake. Soldiers are gathered from all over the city and this is it. Me and Theon jumped in, I heard it was Lenya, and I rushed in with the baron."

"Besides, Lenya"

Scion, who is subtly roughing his breath, approaches Lotus Yay while his gaze is nailed around Lotus Yay\'s chest plate.

Although Lianya doesn\'t have to feel something dangerous about herself, when it comes to escape, she had to jump into the sea again, so she managed to escape.

"If we all get together, if we suddenly hear an explosion from the sea, if something kind of tentacle is moving in a big hurry, or if the water column goes up one way or another, don\'t you think that would be havoc if you were watching?

Said Lianya turns her gaze toward the horizon.

I didn\'t give a shit while I was diving, but I definitely felt like a fair amount of water hit up when I blew the bottom of the ocean, the ones that came out of the water when I was chasing Katru around running away, but I didn\'t even think about how that looked out of the city.

"That\'s again... I\'m sorry"

"No, well, I don\'t care there. So, Lenya, what kind of stuff did you pick?

As Lianya when she says that, there\'s no way she won\'t show you what she\'s picked.

Operate the inventory to select and pull small objects of comparatively large size out of the objects you were putting inside.

Screaming and twitching arose from the surroundings when I saw the tentacles of the child\'s arm or so appeared on the palms of Lianya, losing their strength.

"Is this Katru\'s sidearm?

"Probably. I\'ve never seen the main arm before. I can\'t say either."

"What are we going to do with this?

Unlike the pull around me, I feel intrigued and Theon puts his face closer to Lianya\'s hand.

It was Lianya who was only a little worried that she might continue to live for a while after the disconnection, or grow from the disconnection, but after leaving it for a while there was no sign of it, Lianya does not try to pay particular attention even when Zion starts poking at the cleavage end of her tentacles with her fingertips.

"I tried it, but it was delicious inside."

"Did you eat it!?

To my surprise Zion, Lianya makes me nod.

Lianya also noticed that the faces of the soldiers who are leaking out the conversation between them are probably frightened by emotions that seem to be fear, but that\'s why I can\'t help but break it if I try.

Probably because I thought it would be a hard idea to tell the inhabitants of this world to understand that I would try this hand of seafood.

Even though the passion for seafood is a substitute that even the original world was not understood by countries outside of Japan, it is Lianya, who I think cannot possibly be understood by the inhabitants of a different world.

"Slight saltiness for a sticky tooth. It was an interesting ingredient, wasn\'t it?

"Oh, really..."

"Lenya! Naturally you\'ll split a few for me, too, won\'t you? For research!

"You don\'t eat... I don\'t mind, but, well... there\'s something I want you to see"

For Lianya, who is only certified as an ingredient, Emil\'s request to give it up as a research material was less favourable.

But I want you to look at the other substitutes that have gone into the inventory. Lianya gives up that giving away some Katru tentacles as a price is something she can\'t help.

"What do you want me to see? Something... not wet. This, puffy."

Emil has a vault.

To Emil, who asks back for Lotus Ya\'s verbal butt as he happily holds a few tentacles that Lotus Ya took out of the inventory, Lotus Ya further takes that look out of the inventory.

They were rocks beneath the sea that were crushed while Lianya was capturing Katru\'s tentacles, smashing them with magic or slaughter.

On the surface, there was nothing to see because it was some kind of seaweed or shellfish like a small fuzzy bump that Lianyi had no idea of, but what Lianyi cared about was the fractured surface that was exposed to its appearance for the first time when it was crushed.

"It\'s got this side. It\'s kind of metallic."

"Hmm? Which one?

After finishing serving the tentacles he had divided into a void, Emil brings her face closer to where Lianya points with her fingers in her hand.

Killier, who had been closing in on me since when, came close with me.

"If it\'s an ore, it sounds like a lot of purity."

"Right, well enough to see and see, so I thought I might be able to pick metal just by crushing it properly and coming to the furnace... this, maybe..."

It was Emil who had been looking at the stone cross section for a while, but suddenly something occurred to her, Lianya ran her fingers to the stone cross section in her hand.

Letters settled as Emil\'s fingers glowed when something like some kind of letter was painted on the stone as it ran.

"Lenya, Magic"

"Use your own..."

"Just hurry up. Now you can use alchemy, right?

Emil\'s magic holdings can be described as enormous when compared to people, but it is definitely less costly to use Lotus Ya\'s magic when compared to Lotus Ya, which is almost infinitely transformed.

Even though it is still something else that cannot be activated on its own, Lotus Ya, who passed magic over the letters drawn by Emil, expresses a slight surprise at the feeling of magic being pulled out of her body.

That\'s because the magic was pulled out more slowly than I expected.

As Lianya continues to instill her magic as she learns just a little bit of fatigue, something like the letters Emil drew intensifies the light a little bit, eventually letting them drip off the surface of the stone and then the letters themselves flow off, accumulating in Emil\'s palm where she was waiting.

When all the letters flow down, all that remains is just a stone that has lost its metallic glow.

Meanwhile, Emil, who took all the flowing letters with his palms, lightly shakes the hand he took once.

When Emil opened his gripping hand, there remained in his palm a silver mass of gravel grain size.

"It\'s the alchemy of, hey, right now."

"Blacksmith, don\'t make me cry. So, what\'s that little one?

"Hmm... I wasn\'t sure until I tried refining it."

Emil, who watched as he rolled the silver grain that had just been refined over his palm, meets Killier, who is peering into its palm.

"Who are you?

"Oh, my name is Killier, and I\'m a traveler. Lenya and I had a deal a while ago."

"Oh, yeah. What do you think of this?

Asked by Emil, Killier looks difficult and arms up.

"I also tried to appraise it... I don\'t know why, but I found it to be a metal ore, but I don\'t even know what it is..."

I feel like it\'s been a very, very long time, but I was remembering that you were also getting such skills, Lianya.

I tried to appraise it myself before asking others, is it because I don\'t have enough knowledge of myself, the appraisal results are < Results: Ore of Metal? > It was the only way.

"If you\'re not mistaken, I\'d say it\'s Orihalcon."

"Good eye, man, I got the same view."


Lotus Yan asks the parrot back to a word he had never heard of, but the reaction around him was completely different.

Officials in Baron Goldner\'s territory, including the Baron, change their complexion.

Lorna and Theon also look at Emil with a slightly pungent look, but Emil and Killier, who spoke the name, were largely flat without changing their expression