Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

208 I hear you met with the Baron.

Lotus Yai wondered why she was currently in this situation when she suddenly boarded the city with Emil\'s special car, from the attention that it would cause chaos in the city, to the point where she stored her car in the inventory quite far away and walked into the city without a problem.

Apparently it is almost iron plate to say that there is nothing much to do with being said to be aristocratic.

"Welcome all the way, Count Knugi. I am ruling the locality. The one who calls me Lakes-Goldner. It\'s nice to meet you later."

Folds correctly and politely, bowed his head with words of greeting was a man with a face that stroked his head clean and wrinkled with a shaped beard that indicated his age.

He has a likable grin on his face, but the blue eyes staring at Lianya without alarm tell the truth that if he were just an old man, he would see an immediate and painful eye.

That was certainly important information as well, but Lianya asked it in an exhaustive tone somewhere because there were more matters she wanted to ask than that.

"Thank you for your kindness. By the way, can I ask you something?

"Why, my lord?"

"I was just asking to say hello, and I was going to take a moment as soon as I was done, but I wanted to get back to the question of why they brought me here."

Lianya asked that as she looked at her feet.

What is there is hard trampled soil, and if you raise your gaze, there is a blue sky there.

The perimeter was surrounded by a simple fence, and I could tell at a glance that its interior was a place where it was lumped for some purpose of use.

Outside the fence stands Emil, who seems amused, and Scion, who has a troubled look somewhere, who looks strangely calm and said Rhona.

Funny how each expression seems to represent their own thoughts, Lotus Yaya thinks.

"I would like to explain, my lord"

Lakes said so politely with his hands on his chest.

To that attitude, while feeling a bad feeling, Lianya prompts him to go ahead by nodding.

"I am beside you, Your Highness Zion, the son of my beloved Grand Duke."

Lianya nodded.

I didn\'t say anything special or wrong.

Even though I say so, the unpleasant feeling I\'m feeling is a little bit, but I feel like it\'s getting stronger.

"In addition, as strange as this body is, we have been able to guide the sword only to the children and children of Zion"


"With all due respect, I feel like a granddaughter about Theon."


If you look at Scion again with a questionable tail, you can see him smiling very lightly with his head on why.

While he leaked his sighs with what he was thinking, somehow, Lianya was understanding his current position.

"I mean that one. It\'s important to be a disciple and granddaughter."

Point to Theon, then to Baron Lakes, who is in awe in front of you.

"This is the worrying grandpa"

Finally, Lianya smiles bitterly pointing at herself.

"Is this the bad presumption bug?

"No, I\'m not saying that."

It was Lakes waving his neck and hands with laughter, but it was round from Lianya that his eyes were not laughing at all.

"All I want is to know who Lord Kunugi is."

"Isn\'t that enough to talk about? I don\'t know how dare you pull all the way to this training ground."

As Lianya put it, it was a training ground where the soldiers trained on a daily basis.

The hardened ground is a sign that many soldiers are heavily equipped and dawning in rigorous training.

"Sure enough words, but I hear Lord Kunugi is a samurai."

The sound I heard from my feet was a slight but slippery one from Lakes.

Lianya was sensitive to the fact that all that motion had changed to a position where she said she would set up his posture just standing.

"Are you powerless?

Lianya, who just came to say hello, has not lowered her usual sword from her waist.

Of course, it\'s stored in the inventory, so gear is possible in one operation, but the opposing Lakes didn\'t look like they were carrying a weapon either.

"No, because I am a swordsman"

If Lakes waves his right hand gently, an instant long sword appears.

If it had been Lianya some time ago, you might have been surprised by the sight, but now Lianya, with Emedra\'s witchcraft knowledge, could have quickly broken into saying that it was a witchcraft.

The magic trick is to attract pre-marked items to hand.

It wasn\'t that difficult of magic if you try it as a difficulty, but it\'s not the kind of magic that amateurs can use.

Moreover, from where the chant of the spell did not take place, Lianya has difficulty in believing that Lakes himself, who names the swordsman, exercised magic, presumably a so-called magic craft, to which magic was granted to the sword itself.

But when it was right, one question boiled down in Lianya\'s head.

"It\'s got a blade in it, isn\'t it?

There is naturally a cost to what we call the granting of magic to goods.

Until the detailed method, it was not in Emedra\'s knowledge, but it was clear to Lianya that it was never cheap.

Most of the time, the object is a real product.

It was not that none of the wealthy had anything to make in play, but that was only the exception, and it was the word of Lianya, who thought that the sword now held by the Baron would also be a practical product, but the response was indeed light.

"Yeah, I\'m in. Would you prefer a toy called blade pulling, etc.?

Apparently, Lianya also immediately understood that she was being provoked, but she was unwilling to be angry.

At any rate, if you think only of your identity, they will be considerably lower than Lianya, and those of your age will be considerably higher than you are now, but considerably lower than you actually are.

As a result, awesome people will be provoked, but if you try from Lianya, you say, "Oh, yeah? It ends to the point."

However, it is also understandable that this baron\'s behavior does not come from a glorious interest, but from the thought of saying that he is guided by Theon himself, so I cannot easily treat him in an evil way.

There were other problems, and apparently this baron thought that he knew a lot about his opponent by being able to cross his sword.

This idea was a common one for biological samurai and military personnel, but Lianya is a type of person who cannot agree with this idea.

Generally speaking, I don\'t limit myself to swords, but I have the idea of calling a blow special as the ultimate in a sense of those who make battle a business.

Lianyi and I have rarely come to that frontier, and we have no choice but to say that we must defeat multiple strikes, but for Lianyi anyway, what is called a sword was to defeat the opponent.

From around here, it\'s a difference in ideas and creeds, so I didn\'t have to say it very loudly, but the idea of telling Lianya that if she exchanges swords, she\'ll know something sounds like abnormal or psychic bullshit.

I don\'t want to get along with the early story, but the target has a name like the will of a samurai and a great name for his disciple, Zion.

It was hard to choose the option of ignoring these and running away.

"What is it, Lord Kunugi? No way. This grandfather\'s offer. Can\'t you take it?

Lakes asks Lianya, who shut up.

Lotus Yaya, lost, swims her gaze, and her eyes meet Shion, who is looking at this one.

Even if you don\'t know what Lianya is thinking, you know you\'re lost in something, and Lianya will try to put words to her that look worrying.

"Hey, Theon?

"Ugh!? Yes?

Lianya continues to smile bitterly as she replies to Zion, who was abruptly called out to wave herself.

"I\'m going to fight your master now, huh?

"Oh yeah... I\'m glad you\'re done to the point where you won\'t kill me"

Suddenly it is Lianya, who thought it was the same thing, but that looks at Zion with a slightly slight look on his face, which seems to have been the same with Lakes.

"If they don\'t feel like it, they won\'t. Is there anything more you can say to me?

"Huh? Huh!?

Said Scion wanders visibly.

I look around left and right as I accidentally ask for help, but Lorna pierces me with a clear face and Emil just laughs funny with Niyaniya, neither of which is likely to help.

Theon had no choice but to work his head desperately and let his face shine as if he had come to some conclusion to a statement he had thought about for a while as they all watched.

At the end of Lianya\'s gaze, which I don\'t think is strange while remembering a little anxiety and shaking her own story, Shion, who had long made a fist grip with both hands, shouted clearly and clearly with a strangely passing voice.

"I love you!

Almost at the same time, Lianya and Lakes cock their shoulders hard.

Is that it? and to the side of Zion tilted his neck, Emil struck his elbow with a sigh, and Lorna\'s flat hand struck out relentlessly at the back of Zion\'s head, holding him down where he was groaned and struck.

Lorna began to rock back and forth when she grabbed Sion\'s shoulder when she was hit and relaxed forward, silently grabbing the chest barn when she turned to herself.

From behind Zion, who is but remains, Emil whispers something absurd.

"It\'s good to say you\'re young."

Lakes, who has managed to regain his posture, manages to squeeze out words to follow this way, but Lianya is neither willing nor willing to deny it.

After a while, in the lost atmosphere for a long time, Scion, who was included in Emil to say something, escaped Lorna\'s restraint, squeezing her fist again, dyeing her cheeks only slightly whether it was the second time or not, and still she said clearly.

"Good luck, Lenya!

"That\'s not good enough."

Scion is shocked by eating waste from Emil without getting her hair in between.

Seeing how Scion is like that, Lianya reaches out her left hand into the void, twisting the edge of her mouth.

He grabbed the knife pattern from where there was nothing in its hand, and made the forged blade appear on the spot shining white in the sunlight.

"I don\'t really care."

Place your right hand on the pattern and place it in the front eye.

As if to echo it, Lakes holds the long sword once with both hands in front of his chest, stands it up, then puts his left hand forward, grabs the long sword with his right hand and defeats it to the right side.

"With the girls cheering, we have to fight"

"Ho, ho, you\'re a pain in the ass"

I don\'t want to hang out, but I can\'t get away with it, so the look on Lakes\' face, laughing at Lotus Ya\'s behavior, forcing him to create enough reason to fight, will be strong in the next moment.

Lakes stepped back from the spot to say Lianya had not moved a single step from the set position.

What the hell happened?

The three of us watching soon found that out.

"Leyer... I\'d like to ask you one thing to the extent that I won\'t hurt you badly..."

Shion feels roughly like he said, so please go to Lianya.

"It\'s okay. Unless you die, you can fix it."

As clear as ever. Emil took it at the end of the day when Lorna echoed the unfollowed words in her face to Scion.

"It\'s okay because you can heal like that when you\'re dead, okay?

"Because I\'m not saying it\'s okay. It is!

"Before that, I don\'t think you\'re going to say you\'re going to be cured, Theon."

Rhona calmly plunges back into her penetrating Scion.

Emil, the penetrated side, wonders what he shouldn\'t be.

"Huh? \'Cause I\'m gonna fix it so nobody finds out, okay? Because if I get information from Scion, I have the confidence that my family won\'t even find out, right?

"... what the hell are those people?

Lakes, hearing noisy conversations being exchanged outside the fence while sweating and other things floating on his forehead, throws a question to Lianya, who begins to think this might be a little too much, etc.

What an answer, I think Lianya said an answer that seemed unimpeded for now.

"You\'re one of mine."

"Well, I\'m satisfied."

If I get instant answers, I feel weird with Lianya.

I mean, that\'s all, because I\'m supposed to say that that noisy conversation suits me.

"I want to protest fiercely"

"When this game is over, let me ask you something."

"Well, let\'s just get started"

I felt like Lakes heard the chisel and the surrounding space roar.

The intimidation that has struck his whole body as soon as Lianya has set up increases the concentration even further to make Lakes\' heart and gall out of the cold.

At the same time, Lakes remembered until he couldn\'t breathe, slowly trying to breathe from the back of his belly as if against it, while he felt his long sword-grabbing palms sweat tightly.

"Whatever the circumstances. You let me pull the knife out of you, so don\'t think you can just do it, Grandpa."

Don\'t let the laughing Lianya barometrically pressure you, Lakes raised his tearing temper voice and slashed him to Lianya sharply and horizontally.