Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

153 It seems to be a pursuit of a hidden passage.

Grune runs through the darkness.

Not so wide a passage. That hidden passage is hardly meaningful because the lights are not lit, the magical lights that Lianya occasionally releases and affixes to the ceiling alone cannot illuminate the whole thing, and the speed of the fang king who goes further is lightly out of the illuminating range of that light.

Under the conditions of saying in the dark, the eyes of the people cannot reflect anything.

Lianya is being chased by the Rigidling Tooth King because he somehow perceives and runs from the Fang King, himself who goes ahead, and Leppard\'s standing footsteps around him.

If this was total darkness, both the Tooth King and Leppard were supposed to be blind to anything, just like Lotus Yaya, but the lights plugged in to such an extent that Leppard could barely be seen in the eyes of the Beast People, he says.

If you take the average of your combat abilities, you are undoubtedly an animal race that greatly exceeds that of the human race, but it seemed to be the same thing about eye performance.

"If that\'s what you have to do..."

At the end of Lianya\'s vision running, a small spark and metal noise occur.

At first Lianya didn\'t know what it was, but apparently the leading Grune was looking at the gap and attacking the Tooth King.

It is the identity of the sparks and sounds that the Tooth King is preventing or playing that attack.

Whether it was magic or tools at first, it was Grune who used something that exploded or burned, but the stray bullets devastated part of the aisle, causing the soldiers and maids at the royal castle who happened to be across the wall to scream, before moving the subject into the melee.

"Grune, it\'s Norinoli..."

"I hear the elves are better at night too, but it\'s a big deal"

I say to Lianya as impressed by Leppard, who is side-by-side.

It was simply coming from the slow speed that Leppard was only able to run with Lian Yanao.

Leppard, who fought in a force-oriented manner, was not so handsome as to say that he had leopard ears and tails but that he had heavy muscles all over his body.

Most of all, this is because of the damage done to the building itself, and if you can run while breaking the floor, you can run faster, but if you do it, it seems to be packed from Robelia, which is tight because of the cost of repairs.

I think Lianya will be able to run faster and reduce damage to the building if she even remembers to add or subtract force, but it seems like him if he says that he can\'t add or subtract from the area.

Compared to that, Grune\'s performance ran out of brilliant words.

Not only does it rush through at an absurd rate even in the dark, which should be almost out of sight, but it should be running on the stone floor with normal shoes and no footsteps at all.

Running perfectly against the preceding Tooth King, he is blunting the Tooth King\'s feet by diving into his blind spot.

It was no exaggeration to say that Lianya and Leppard were done without losing sight of the Tooth King because of it.

"Your father, you\'re fast..."

"You\'re lighter than me. Your strength may have faded a little, but you\'re trained every day... on the run."

Leppard\'s verbal butt was squealed very small and powerless.

Apparently, the word "everyday tea meal" spoken by the Tooth King was true without falsehood.

But the fact that his handsome feet were forged only to escape from his queen in one piece, I wonder what that is like as a king, Lianya.

Another one scattered with a tall sound and a spark.

Apparently, the next blow was something different from what it had been before, and Lianya felt something fly in, even though she couldn\'t see it towards us, trying to move on to evasive action.

That also seemed hooked on Leppard\'s perception, but this one spreads his arms to take that flying thing from the front without trying to dodge it like Lotus Yama did.


"It\'s Grune."

Leppard says no, no, I hear meat and meat hitting each other in Lianya\'s ear.

There was a mixture of the bitter sounds of Grune, though small in it.

"What\'s up!?

"That\'s the king of the Beastmen... tough"

Leppard laughed as Grune said with his little tongue pounding.

"You\'ve been countered by the attack you set up."

In Leppard\'s words, Lianya sees roughly what happened.

Apparently, you\'ve begun to get used to Grune\'s attacks, and Grune, whose fangs fought back against Grune\'s attacks and got that blow, has been blown away.

Lianya didn\'t think what flew was Grune, so she took evasive action, but Leppard took it when he saw it was Grune.

"I\'m fine. I can run myself."

Lianya can barely see the two of us even when she hears voices.

But soon we feel signs of Grune moving away from us again.

"Leppard, can the Tooth King speak elf?

"What? You can only use our people\'s language. There are too many species around us, and if you use a language, you won\'t understand it."

Leaving Leppard alone who keeps thinking and making a language specific to the Beast Nation in the first place, Lianya shouted as she became aware of the Elf language for signs of going away.

"Grune! If I signal, just for a second, you\'ll have to stop that stupid foot completely!

"... ok"

There was an answer, though small from afar.

I guess I don\'t understand the instructions now to the Tooth King or to Leppard running next door, but now I\'m aware of people\'s languages again before speaking to Leppard.

"Leppard, I have little idea what\'s going on around me."

"I\'m afraid you\'re running without crashing into the wall."

"I don\'t care about that. Let me know when you get out into a passageway that\'s not that wide in the straight line. If possible, if you know if the Tooth King is directly in front of me, please join me."


Seems like a samurai doesn\'t ask what you\'re going to do, Lianya thinks.

Leppard understood from Lianya\'s tone that he was going to act in some way to stop the Tooth King from acting.

"Then don\'t die... that stupid father!

"What\'s up?

Lianya, surprised by the suddenly poisoned Leppard, remembers the feeling of stepping on something soft in the next moment.

It was like a piece of cloth, but it was not that big and soon disappeared behind it.

"The Tooth King... took off his jacket while running"


"We\'re going to attack the hot tub as soon as we get there, before we can stop it."

While I felt my brain freeze trying to understand Leppard\'s words, Lotus Yashi thought it was the jacket the Tooth King had taken off and stepped on, almost like some other HR.

I mean, if we keep going like this, Lianya had no idea how soon we were going to reach the bathroom, which is our destination, but in the meantime, it seems the Tooth King is going to be completely naked.

That\'s not to say peeping, Lianya will be filled with feeling like going in, but if you try from the Tooth King, you will be caught up because Leppard knows the way to sprinkle that chaser on top of the state where the chaser was already hung up.

Then I would have liked to have gotten into the short circuit thinking.

It is a thought-provoking, truly masculine behavior depending on the thought of seeing what you see before you get caught, but it is not something that you have accumulated from the side where you can make them do it.

"... is that what the king does? That?

Lotus Yaya thinks it\'s definitely not a common man\'s place of business rather than a king.

Once in another country, it\'s also a bath with noble women in it, but perhaps even if it was protested by the Duchy of Triden for that reason, it\'s too far from the kingdom of the Beastmen, and when it comes to AC, it has no other hand than to use the transfer gates.

Even if you cut the sila without knowing it, protest and confirmation alone cost too much.

"Lenya, I withdraw the foreword. Kill him."

I wonder about that too, but I think it is necessary to add or subtract it because the ink came from my real son.

"Turn the next corner and it should have been a long straight line...... OK! I can see your back. Right in front of you, Lenya."

"Grune! Stop your legs!

Grune only goes out in front of the Tooth King for a moment in response to Lianya\'s voice screaming in Elf.

If you hit it properly, Grune\'s body won\'t be able to stop the Fang King from advancing.

The Tooth King strikes the Grune to tackle it with great awareness.

But Grune had no intention of comparing his powers with the stupid honest Tooth King either, and when he took something out of his nose and slammed it on the floor, he kept himself low and turned forward, rubbing through the feet of the advancing Tooth King and turned behind him.

What Grune slammed to the floor blows up vigorously in front of the Tooth King, who advances with his goal lost.

It was a thin thread entangled in multiple ways.

It was like a spider\'s nest, not a wall, not a ceiling, sticking around and blocking the passage.

Each one of them wasn\'t that thick, but when they popped into the nest of assembled and formed spiders, it pulled some of them apart, while stopping the tooth king\'s body on the spot.


"Lenya! I stopped you!

"Don\'t think they stopped me to this extent. Wow!

It seems that the progression is not even taken to the power of the Tooth King even if it is stopped, and when the Tooth King can help, the spider\'s nest is cut a thousand times with a bump and a noise.

But the time that was definitely stopped was too much from Lianya.

"Grune! Yay!

If the target is directly in front of you in a straight passage, even if you can\'t see the perimeter, just run straight through it and it hits the target.

If he did poorly, he threatened to hook up the Grune he was in front of, but Lianya kicked the floor with all her might, hoping he would avoid it well there.

Acceleration that is not comparable to the speed we have been running until then.

Not knowing the distance to the Tooth King, Lianya penetrates with her arms crossed in front of her face.



Lotus Yaya gave a slight voice to the impact that struck both arms, and the tooth king, who had received the assault decently on his back, raised his voice of anguish.

The shock of Lianya\'s assault and the nest of spiders weighing two people flies lightly a thousand times to release the body of the Tooth King, but already on its back Lianya\'s arm is eating up and the two bodies run through the aisle with little slowing down.

"Oh, come on, here! Stop!"

"Stop or be an idiot!

"It\'s a wall up ahead!

With the map of the aisle in his head, the Tooth King knew from his current location and direction of travel that if he continued, he would clash against the wall.

"So what\'s up! You\'re the only one crashing against the wall, Tooth King!

Lotus Yaya, pushing from the back side, does not collide directly against the wall because of the body of the Tooth King, even if the end of the direction of travel was the wall.

Instead, I was going to pinch the Tooth King between myself and the wall and definitely do damage to it and stop it.

"Or by the wall, my steel flesh can\'t even shake!

"Then I\'ll smash through the walls until I turn up the sound. But I\'ll keep smacking you, so be prepared!

"Yes, okay? Beyond the wall..."

The words of the Tooth King were interrupted on the way.

At the same time, the shock runs across Lianya\'s body.

Before he understood that he had hit the wall, Lianya took a step harder and used his full body power to slap both elbows into the back of the Tooth King.

Was it the wall or the Fang King\'s body that made the smudges and sounds?

Before thinking about it, Lianya won\'t stop pushing that body against the wall until she definitely looses her power from the body of the Tooth King from the idea that if she lets the Tooth King escape here, she might not catch him next.

"hey... no... at the end of this wall..."


It is Lianya, who is in danger that it will not be powerful enough, but it cannot be partitioned again once away.

The Tooth King, whose consciousness remains, will escape this fortunately as soon as Lianya leaves.

However, it is also true that an effective attack cannot be carried out from a state of intimacy.

If there is no other hand here than to keep pushing, Lianya keeps pushing the back of the Tooth King with her feet full of strength.

At some point, the smudging sound had turned into a slightly shattering sound of something hard.

Lotus Yaya, wondering if this had begun to break or crush some bone of the Tooth King because of the pressure, can put his strength into both arms just because of the stomach.

Then, as soon as possible, the pressure I was feeling on both arms disappeared as if it were soaking off.


Lotus Yaya accidentally raises a missing voice between them.

The light plunges into the passage, which was dark, and the body of the tooth king, which was pressed against the wall, breaks through the wall and falls to the other side, as if in slow motion, in the eyes of Lianya.

That was the moment when the wall, which could not stand the power of Lianya, was crushed.

At that point, the tooth king\'s body, which was unconscious, plunges into something that was almost on the other side of it with the shattered wall.

And Lotus Yaya\'s body, having lost what she pushes, clings to the forehead with the force she had been exerting until then.

Two or three steps to take a bump.

Lotus Ya, who walked on the body of the Fallen King earlier, meets closely with the person who was ahead of him.



To his surprise, Lianya thinks of dodging, but her body has already burst into the person with the momentum she has gained.

Reaching out both arms, the person seemed to try to take Lotus Ya, dressed as if she were a hug, but the hugging was a reckless challenge because of the momentum and weight difference of what she had done, and the two fell into the hot tub with a splash of hot water up in the form of Lotus Ya pushing them down as they were.

"Sorry! Are you all right!?

Once done and on something soft and tense, Lianya, who has stuck it out of her face, but hastily raises her head from the hot tub without even having time to enjoy its softness, wakes up a person who has pushed her down.

I thought it might suffocate me if I was bad.

It was a Scion with long dark hair spread all the way in the hot tub.

Without knowing what the hell had happened, Lianya exhaled relieved after staring at Shion, who was closing her eyes and making sure that there were no injuries.

I had a lot of momentum, so I was worried I might have let him get hurt.

And at the same time, I realize what the Tooth King was about to say.

It was a bath, the final point that the Tooth King was aiming for.

The feeling of warm water creeping into her clothes is not very pleasant, and Lianya puts on her face.

Theon thrust his chest a little bit.


"Lenya... well, what... I\'d be lying if I said I wasn\'t happy... I knew that, embarrassed"

Lianya turned away in a hurry, trying to see the Scion she was holding up again when she was told.

It\'s natural, but it\'s in the bath, so Theon was in what he called a state of being born.

I hadn\'t even hidden it with a towel, so the figure was firmly engraved in Lianya\'s brain, but if I blushed here or stared seriously the other way around, it would make me even more ashamed of Zion, and in an effort, Lianya gently releases her body from Zion by pretending to remain calm.

"Oh, no, that. I\'m sorry... I\'ll be out in a minute"

"Mmm... it\'s like an accident, I\'m fine"

Lotus Yao did not know what to give back to Zion, hiding his chest with both arms, and he lost consciousness while sinking in the hot tub, and when he caught the body of the tooth king who was bubbling, he hurriedly dispersed from the hole he had opened to the hidden passageway side.

By the way, Meilia and Lorna, who were bathing ahead of Zion in time, were in the middle of washing their bodies in the washroom at this very moment, and I was noticing Lotus Yan jumping through the wall, but on the contrary, I would just add that Lotus Yan had more of an eye for Zion\'s nakedness, and I didn\'t notice them at all.