New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 56

"Suppressing bandits" Liu Zeqing said, "what can we do to suppress bandits?"

Liu Zeqing wants to be an official very much, but he doesn\'t want to bear the responsibility of being an official at all. As for the suppression of bandits, he is really not interested, because every time he goes to suppress bandits, the other party runs to the mountain to hunt down the bandits and kill some poor jingling, poor people who are dying and can\'t eat food. What can he do?

Every time they go to suppress the bandits, they are half dead tired, so when they come back, they can\'t help beating some autumn wind to the place, but this makes the local officials hate them. They are sued every time, and the local officials sue them, so that if he suppresses the bandits once more, his reputation will be worse. The more he suppresses, the worse he gets. It\'s a thankless thing for him.

Su You Fang said, "although you are a general soldier in Shandong, you have no right to manage the local civil affairs. You can not even ask where the Linqing is staring at the world. This is the site of Li Ruonan, the state of Linqing. Even if the title of the adult is too large, it can not be put in. But if you go to suppress the bandits, it will be different. It\'s a military, and has the final say."

Liu Zeqing also understood this. He said, "I think our goal now is the Liu family. The Liu family is in Laizhou. This is the territory of the east third house."

Because Shandong is the suburb of Beijing and the canal hub, the most special place here is that there are two governors and two generals in Shandong.

Xi Fu in Jinan is in charge of the affairs of the West three houses, and so is the Shandong capital department where Liu Zeqing is located. In the old Xi Fu management, he, the Shandong General army, can only manage the affairs of the West three houses.

As for the most affluent dongsanfu on the Shandong Peninsula, governor Denglai is in charge. Of course, the affairs of this area are under the control of his Dengzhou chief soldier, and he can\'t intervene.

If he is a person within Liu Zeqing\'s jurisdiction, he will first give the name of suppressing bandits, kill the bandits, send his head to the target\'s home, and then he can ask the other party about the crime of banditry.

But Liu Yong is not in his charge in Jimo County, Laizhou. If he goes, it is estimated that the Dengzhou general army will also have great opinions.

Since the establishment of governor Denglai, the imperial court has always put the three East houses under their control, which can be regarded as from Shandong Province. If Liu Zeqing dares to reach out to them to take care of their local affairs, it is easy to attract local dissatisfaction.

Su Youfang said, "Chen YingYuan is too busy to take care of himself. There is no air traffic control for us. His Dengzhou is in a mess and there are soldiers and bandits everywhere. If you take the opportunity to send troops to suppress bandits for him, he will not only blame you, but also welcome you very much."

When it comes to Chen YingYuan, Liu Zeqing still has a certain relationship, because Liu Zeqing was able to become the chief soldier in those years, but he also went through the back door of Zhou yanru and was a member of the Zhou school. Chen YingYuan\'s teacher was Zhou yanru, but Chen YingYuan thought he had a good background and despised Liu Zeqing. There was little contact between them.

Chen YingYuan used to be the chief envoy of Shandong\'s Xuancheng chief envoy department, and the governor of Denglai after adding the title of Youdu imperial historian. They are also a school.

Now Chen zuoyuan is being severely suppressed.

Since the opening of Denglai Town, it has been an important border town with countless troops. However, after the Wuqiao mutiny, it completely disrupted the place. Local officials wrote that the Wuqiao mutiny brought dust to the East three houses, slaughtered 300 Li, killed 100000 people and local erosion.

Therefore, under Chen YingYuan\'s rule, the local government has been completely out of control. The third East Government has become a mess. The territory is in chaos and bandits are rampant. Except for several counties, all villages and towns can\'t be managed.

Su Youfang listed these things one by one to Liu Zeqing. Liu Zeqing felt very reasonable and could do much.

Su Youfang said, "of course, Zhou Wentong is insidious and cunning. He is greedy for money and lust. He is so mean that he colludes with Jufeng thieves and extorts the money of the gentry. If such people don\'t destroy him, can they still wait to keep him for the new year?"

Liu Zeqing said to him, "let\'s let the court know about this scandal. It must be the anger of the court. At that time, the court will remove him and order Chen YingYuan of Denglai town to suppress the bandits. Chen YingYuan has no ability at all. At this time, I\'m willing to help. Should he refuse?"

Su Youfang said: ", if he refuses, you can also send troops, because you are the chief soldier of Shandong after all. Although the place in Denglai town is a little out of your control, the setting of Denglai town is not internal and external. You can\'t control how Denglai town deals with the establishment of slaves, but you deal with bandits and mountain bandits, that is, you have a duty to defend the land, so you must do it, No It\'s ultra vires. "

Liu Zeqing said, "yes! That\'s what I should do. As the general army of Shandong, I should be responsible for guarding the land and protecting the people. As for these bandits, they occupy one side, bully men and women, and harm the people. I hate them to the bone. I\'ll go out and kill them as soon as I have the opportunity."

Liu Zeqing suffered a dark loss from Li Ruonan, but he immediately discussed with his staff and immediately had a coping strategy.

In Linqing, he didn\'t dare to confront Li Ruonan openly. He was afraid that the other party would sue him. The other party was someone in the imperial court, but if it was different in the place, he knew that when he left Linqing, he would be nothing, but he was the Shandong commander in chief. Even if he left Linqing, he would still be the Shandong commander in chief, but now he is stationed in the anti Caocao in Linqing under the order of the imperial court, but the mountain He can still manage things in the East.

If he suppresses the bandits to the third east mansion, although it is said that he crossed the border, it is estimated that Chen YingYuan will not say anything. After all, I am working for you, and you can say anything. In this case, they will start with the Liu family in Fushan and swallow this fat meat by themselves.

Zhu Dadian, Chen YingYuan and Li Ruonan are all eyeing the fat meat of the Liu family, but they are afraid that others say he looks ugly, but Liu Zeqing won\'t have such scruples. Anyway, as long as he can get money, he doesn\'t care what others say.

What he Liu Zeqing is anxious to do now is to expand his army and make his army more powerful. The Liu family is the best and fastest way for them to get money, so in view of this, what does he dare not do.

However, this is a strategic issue, and he dare not say to do it. When he has no way, he immediately ordered his master and his staff to make a big deal of banditry in Jimo county first.

When they made the matter big and hot, they let the court know that the bandits were so confused that they were looting a city, and their county magistrate was so shameless that he colluded with the bandits to harm the people and plunder the people\'s money.

Under such circumstances, what they did was to send troops to suppress the bandits. There was no other way out. That was when Liu Zeqing\'s Shandong camp army came out. If his army was to move, he could be the master. What matters was he has the final say and he was in charge.