New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 53

However, the Liu family\'s decades of operation in Shandong still has some details. Liu Yuanqiao sent his servants to Beijing and was received by an inner court leader who was responsible for supervising the high-rise potential of the troops during the Wuqiao mutiny.

Gao Qiqian is a well-known eunuch. At the beginning of Chongzhen, he served as an internal servant and is famous for his knowledge of soldiers. He and Cao Huachun, Wang Dehua and others were highly valued by Chongzhen. In the fifth year of Chongzhen, the governor general enlisted Kong Youde to rebel. Now he is ordered to supervise Ning and Jin army to suppress the roving bandits.

The Liu family has always been the role of collecting gold flowers and silver for the royal family, so they have always had a good relationship with the inner court. After the Wuqiao mutiny that day, Gao Qiqian was ordered to suppress it. The Liu family donated a lot of money and food. It is because the Liu family donated money and food to Gao Qiqian and bought off the officials, there is no need to spend money to buy Liu Zeqing, That\'s why Liu Zeqing has a grudge.

It was also because of such a thing that the narrow-minded Liu Zeqing held a grudge, so he always wanted to find trouble with the Liu family, and finally waited for it in recent years.

Gao Qiqian was transferred to the governor Ning Jinjun outside the pass, and he also became the general army of Shandong and the bully of one side. He felt that he had the strength to compete with the Liu family.

Gao Qiqian is a eunuch leader. The common problem of eunuchs is that they are greedy for money. No eunuch has black eyes that can hold white silver. He is still very happy that the Liu family has been contributing money and food to him. He also wants to make this relationship a long-term one. This is called a long-term relationship.

So he immediately wrote a handwritten letter to Liu Zeqing to let the other party see on his face and turn fighting into friendship.

Liu Zeqing received this letter. He was so angry that he went crazy. He was a vicious man. He was very angry about Gao Qiqian\'s hand reaching out to him. He openly scolded: "you Gao Qiqian, a eunuch without eggs, who is far away from the pass and doesn\'t stop. You dare to take care of Lao Tzu\'s affairs in the east of the mountain. What are you?"

If it is the Apocalypse Dynasty, who TMD dares to provoke the eunuch, Wei Zhongxian will make him regret being a man.

However, it was different in Chongzhen Dynasty. In the whole Chongzhen Dynasty, no eunuch was favored and in power. Even if some eunuchs were very trusted by him, the emperor would never let him interfere in the government. At most, he just sent a few trusted eunuchs to supervise the army, and Gao Qiti was one of them.

Emperor Chongzhen was as suspicious as Cao Cao. He did not trust eunuchs or his courtiers. He only trusted himself.

Liu Zeqing didn\'t take Gao Qiqian seriously because he had a good relationship with Zhang Pu of the Donglin Party. Anyway, his backstage was the imperial court, and there were clean officials in the imperial court. These eunuchs were not in power, and these eunuchs couldn\'t mind his business.

Moreover, after Liu Zeqing became the chief soldier, he found that it is chaotic in Daming. The control of the imperial court has been reduced unprecedentedly. Whoever has a soldier in his hand is the uncle, who can do whatever he wants.

When the imperial court suppressed the Wuqiao mutiny, he dared not touch Kong Youde\'s elite soldiers at that time, so he hid in shuimen stronghold. He thought he would be demoted or punished, but in the end, the imperial court just gave a few words of reprimand, because the Wuqiao mutiny was caused by the imperial court\'s excessive squeeze on the army, Now the imperial court is also worried that the excessive exploitation of these generals with soldiers and power will lead to an alternative Wuqiao mutiny. Therefore, among the imperial court people, generals with soldiers are becoming popular. It is not an era when a small county magistrate could bully them.

Because the situation was very good, Liu Zeqing decided to start with the Liu family, and he started with the Liu family not because the Liu family offended him, but because the Liu family had money.

Among the several powerful families in Shandong, the Liu family has the least power. Who does Liu Zeqing do not attack the Liu family? Can\'t you start with the Kong family in Qufu? That is to give a water tank as courage, he did not dare to do so, so he had to start with the Liu family.

Moreover, Liu Zeqing knows that in the current Daming Dynasty, there is chaos everywhere. There are riots of Nigerians and barbarians in the south, building slaves in the north and wandering bandits in the northwest. Now military generals are becoming popular. As long as you have soldiers in hand, the imperial court will look at you differently.

He can go all the way up and become the general army of Shandong because he has thousands of servants who can fight and fight, all of whom are loyal to him.

After the expansion of power, naturally, the bigger the better. He hopes to become a bigger official and have more soldiers in his hands, but raising soldiers needs money and food.

The money he spent on raising his servants depended on embezzling the military pay of other officers and soldiers. It can be said that when one of his servants was full, five or six ordinary soldiers had to be hungry. This is the reason why the scale of his servants has not been expanded.

He now knew that Daming was declining rapidly, so he decided to master more soldiers. With soldiers, he could run around the world and do whatever he wanted.

The Liu family is so rich that he is ready to attack the Liu family.

On that day, he raised money from the Liu family, but he didn\'t succeed. He was really not angry because Liu Yuanqiao didn\'t refuse him. Who TMD bird him among the major families in Shandong? He just made this excuse.

Moreover, he also found that the Liu family looks very rich and powerful among so many aristocratic families in Shandong. In fact, it all depends on the weak relationship in the palace. Now the eunuchs in the palace are not popular and can\'t protect their Liu family. He Liu Zeqing doesn\'t attack the Liu family, and others will attack them.

Moreover, Liu Zeqing was very treacherous and cunning. He was good at observing the situation. He also saw that the two governors were very dissatisfied with the Liu family, so he wanted to use the power of the two governors to withstand the pressure in the palace. He took a chestnut from the fire, robbed the Liu family\'s property and copied the Liu family.

Moreover, he is very cunning. He has always claimed that he is willing to work for governor Zhu Dadian, but he is sure that once he hands to the Liu family, all the Liu family\'s money will go into his pocket, and he won\'t give Zhu Dadian a hair to them.

Moreover, they also found that the Liu family has some forces. It is said that the Liu family has hundreds of servants and is also a famous rich family in Shandong. If anyone dares to move him, their servants will teach each other a lesson. They are also famous in black and white in Shandong.

Liu Zeqing smiled with disdain. What kind of shit servants? They are called servants in war. All of them are generals who choose the strongest and bravest soldiers for training. All of them are equipped with horses and armor. They have become elite soldiers. Their names are servants. In fact, they are no worse than the elite soldiers in the imperial Shenji camp and warrior camp, Only for the convenience of mobilization and loyalty to the general, they are called servants.

These servants will only be loyal to the general himself. As long as the general is transferred, the servants will follow. This means that the most elite and core parts of an army will lose their combat effectiveness immediately.

As for the servants of the Liu family, to put it bluntly, they are just a dog kept in the powerful family. A dog is also called a servant. He is only a slave and dares to threaten him, so he is dismissive.

For the generals who have been on the battlefield and killed in the sea of corpses, the most despised ones are those who have not been on the battlefield, have not seen blood and have no actual combat experience. These people are useless. As long as he sends dozens of servants to rush up, he can break them down and kill them.

Liu Zeqing is now determined. He must destroy the Liu family and seize their property. Then he trained his family troops to further expand his strength. Now he finds that building slaves is aggressive. If he does not strengthen his strength, he will have no capital when the world is in chaos.

Zhu Dadian has always adhered to the formal line. His formal line is that he wrote many times to impeach Liu Yuanqiao for corruption as a tax official in Linqing and asked him to be removed from office.

But this is just an ordinary letter. He has no conclusive evidence to prove the corruption of the Liu family. More importantly, Liu Yuanqiao has been able to manage the tax customs well here. The senior officials of the Ministry of household are still very satisfied with the continuous and stable income and stable tribute of the tax customs.

However, even the senior officials in the Ministry of household have some headaches in the face of continuous impeachment. They don\'t know what to do and how to reconcile the relationship between the two sides.

Zhu Dadian\'s plan was that once the impeachment was successful and the imperial court ordered to deprive Liu Yuanqiao of his official position, they could immediately send officers, soldiers and Yamen to copy the Liu family and subsidize his family property to the local government.

The wealth of several generations of the Liu family has accumulated too much property and too much money and food. Many people drool and covet it.

In fact, Zhu Dadian also had his plan. This matter must be controlled in his hands. Although he saw Liu Zeqing\'s great efforts, he always said to help him and help him take the Liu family. As long as he took the Liu family, he was afraid that there would be no evidence in the future?

But Zhu Dadian politely refused. Why? Because he knew that this matter must be controlled in his own hands. If he came forward to take Liu Yuanqiao and take charge of copying the Liu family, the benefits would naturally be his.

If he puts Liu Zeqing in charge, it is estimated that Liu Zeqing will eat all the meat and drink the soup. He can\'t leave a piece of bones. Therefore, on the surface, he appreciates Liu Zeqing very much and puts him in important position, but he will never allow Liu Zeqing to intervene in this matter. Once he successfully reaches here, it is easier to invite God than to send God.

It can be said that the Liu family can hold on until now. It really depends on several big men fighting with each other and holding back each other. Otherwise, if one of them makes a move, they will be unable to carry it and will be finished.