New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 383

Wu Fugui also felt that he had abandoned himself and had no interest, which frightened everyone. They knew that if Liu Bu commanded his army and attacked the mountain, judging by the appearance of his army, one must kill another, and everyone was not an opponent at all.

They, the rich family members, are still sure to deal with Hong Chengchou\'s light infantry, but they are not sure to deal with Liu Bu\'s heavy cavalry, and they dare not do so at all.

They asked Wu Fugui for help one after another and shouted loudly that they were innocent.

Even Hong Chengchou felt that things were completely out of control. If Liu Bu\'s blood washed Qingyun Mountain, everyone would be dead.

No one could have imagined that Liu Bu would be so crazy that he was angry from his heart, evil to his courage, and even gave birth to a heart to die with all people. Is there any reason for this?

Hong Chengchou also hurried over. He saw that Liu Bu had ordered the troops to complete the siege, and his troops began to eat. Their cavalry ate dry food while feeding their horses. This is a typical preparation before the cavalry charged.

But they didn\'t know the difference between the enemy and the enemy at all. It was obvious that they wanted to kill all the people in Qingyun Mountain. It was estimated that his idea was to kill all the people in Qingyun Mountain, and then clean up the accounts inside. He didn\'t owe anyone money and had no hands and tail. Then he entered Yangzhou City on a large scale, plundered the people\'s wealth and made up for his losses, It can also be pushed to the opponent afterwards.

Hong Chengshou was an expert at playing tricks. He immediately changed his position with Liu bu.

There\'s really no better way to get away, so he\'s very tired. You know, although he has more than 3000 elite soldiers, these soldiers don\'t have heavy weapons. They all wear light clothes and don\'t even have iron armor. They\'re not sure about these elite cavalry against Liu Bu, and they all found Liu bu, After completing the siege, why didn\'t he launch an attack? It was waiting for their infantry to arrive. Let\'s see the dust and smoke at the foot of the mountain, and Liu Bu\'s infantry came one after another.

It seems that he has an idea, that is to wash Qingyun Mountain with blood and kill everyone.

Hong Chengchou was so frightened that he didn\'t expect someone to be crazy and cruel.

Hong Chengchou had to run over and said to Gao Wang, "Liu Bu is completely crazy today. If we don\'t try to stop him, there will be no one alive in Qingyun Mountain."

Gao Wang scolded angrily, "it\'s all you fucking bastard. If you didn\'t make trouble here, where would there be such consequences?"

Hong Chengchou said with a wry smile, "it\'s so far. Why do you say these things? We still want to find a way to get out? How to get out of this pit. Otherwise, everyone will come to no good end."

Wu Fugui said to him, "General Liu has lost his nature and is completely mad. Anyway, everyone has no way out. Just go one way to the end and forget it."

When Hong Chengchou and Gao Wang heard each other\'s words, they were all cold, because they were also experts in playing tricks. They immediately thought of a way to get rid of themselves. The way was what Wu Fugui said just now, that is, killing all the people, bloody washing Yangzhou City, and plundering Yangzhou city. Maybe they can recover the losses.

But this is already a rebellion, but even a rebellion is better than waiting to die. If you owe so much money, your family will die. This is the only way.

In history, many people who owe money have no good end, but there are few who are so cruel and rebellious, but they are not without. After we think about this section clearly, it is cold everywhere. Unexpectedly, at this time, when they lose all their money, they have become the victims of others.

They thought that they were going to die and would be killed by others. Many people scolded Liu bu. They scolded Liu BU for his despicability. They just wanted to find Liu Bu to be accountable, but now they have survived under the power of the other party.

They are all bold people. Even dignitaries like Hong Chengchou, governor of the five provinces, dare to force each other and find trouble with each other. However, in the face of Liu Bu, they have a feeling of helplessness, because the other party is a scholar and unreasonable when meeting soldiers. The other party doesn\'t talk to you about this at all, The immediate is to be prepared to solve all problems by means of violence.

They dared to fight with Hong Chengchou with their own swords and guns, because they knew that Hong Chengchou\'s equipment was average, but Liu Bu\'s soldiers were heavy loaded, and Liu Bu was cruel and ruthless. He didn\'t talk to everyone at all. He directly prepared to bleed here, kill everyone, destroy everything, and then let himself get out of the pit, Such a person can only be described as ruthless to the extreme.

Hong Chengchou thought through the other party\'s way to get out, and felt that there was only such a way. He said loudly, "if you want to live today, you have to unite against Liu bu."

Even Hong Chengchou said such words. Everyone of them was cold and frightened, because they knew one thing, that is, even people like Hong Chengchou thought they were doomed and disaster was coming. What good way can they do? Hong Chengchou might be able to break out of the siege with so many soldiers in his hand. If he opened them, they would really become victims. There was only a dead end.

Liu Bu did not pretend, but directly deployed in his Chinese Army account. When Zhu Dadian led his personal team to rush to the scene, he heard that Liu Bu had finished his orders and said, "just do it, and none of them will stay."

Zhu Dadian was shocked when he heard it. He asked loudly, "Liu Bu, what do you want to do?"

Zhu Dadian also heard that there was a great chaos in the place. After the accident was about to happen, he hurried back. When he was on the road, he heard the wind one after another, which made him very afraid. He also heard some rumors. It was said that Liu Bu was ready to launch a mutiny to wash Qingyun Mountain and shed blood in Yangzhou City, so he hurried to stop it, He knew that if Liu Bu really did this, not only Liu Bu would be finished, but also he would be punished and implicated. Anyway, he would come to no good end.

Zhu Dadian said angrily and bitterly, "Liu Bu, how dare you do such a thing? It\'s treacherous."

Liu Bu\'s face was very calm, but he was very cold and said, "everyone has no way back. Everyone is dead. It\'s better to fight."

When Liu Bu said this, although he was very calm, everyone felt his inner madness and anger. The more calm he was, the more quiet he was before the volcanic eruption.

Even Zhu Dadian felt that this thin and quiet man contained huge energy in his body, which would erupt at any time, which was the prelude to the eruption of the volcano.

Zhu Dadian said to him, "if you have no money, you can earn it again, but if you dare to kill these squires and raise troops to rebel, you will be dead. No one can save you."

Liu preached, "that\'s also death in the future. It\'s better to die in the future than in the present."

Zhu Dadian said to him, "you don\'t have to worry. You don\'t have to lose heart. There is a way to do this. You can earn money without money. If you commit such a heinous crime, no one can save you, including your family."

Liu Bu said with a tragic smile, "what else can we do? There\'s no way? We all just have a dead end. That\'s the difference between chronic death and happy death. It\'s better to make a fuss and die directly."

Zhu Dadian was very angry. He said: "You should believe me. There will be a way? Everything is not at its end. You can start all over again. You know, no matter how poor you are, you can\'t be poorer than when I was young. When I was young, I didn\'t even have a full meal and wear a pair of good shoes, but now we have everything. If you don\'t cherish everything in front of you, it will disappear and there will be nothing."

Zhu Dadian, with his own experience and painstaking persuasion, hopes that the other party can understand that today\'s happy day is hard won and should be cherished.

But Liu Bu didn\'t sell it. He said coldly, "I was born rich and couldn\'t stand hardships. If I couldn\'t be a master, I would be a ghost. Li Qingzhao is a female. He knows that I should be a hero in life and a ghost hero in death. If I can\'t be a hero, I\'ll be a ghost hero."

Zhu Dadian was completely angry and completely angry. He said, "you are determined to be a ghost hero and want to rebel? Have you ever thought about your parents? Have you ever thought about your grandmother? If you rebel and involve the family, is this what you want to do?"

Hearing his parents and elders, Liu Bu, who was originally arrogant and arrogant, held his tail and remained silent.

You should know that if this era is unfilial, it is considered an unforgivable crime. Even a person who has committed a great evil can also be a filial son.

It can be said that filial piety is the main theme of this era. If someone is unfilial, he will be abandoned by thousands of people.

You don\'t see many heroes in Liangshan, but none of them is unfilial.

As soon as Zhu Dadian saw that he mentioned the other party\'s parents, the other party dared not speak. It seemed that there was a door to the matter. He hurriedly said: "Think about it carefully. If you kill all these dignitaries today, wash Qingyun Mountain and Yangzhou City, and get a little silver, you know what the consequences will be. Just as the so-called quick plan will leave a disaster for thousands of years, have you ever been worthy of your parents? Have you ever been worthy of these soldiers and people who painstakingly follow you?"