New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 377

Hong Chengchou originally wanted to force the other party to take the initiative to open it, but he saw that the other party was delaying. He could see the other party\'s idea. The other party would have more confidence when Zhu Dadian, Liu Bu and other big men came back, or when the reinforcements in the city came.

You know, there are still many capable people in Yangzhou, but he is very afraid.

So Hong Chengchou winked at his men, and the soldiers rushed up and prepared to break in. There was a big iron door at the entrance of the cave, which was locked with a big lock. It was estimated that the lock weighed more than ten kilograms. It was originally a simple cave, but they only stored some firewood. Now, because there are a lot of treasures in the huge cave, That\'s why officers and soldiers guarded the door day and night and went to such an iron gate.

Since there was a door, there was a key. As soon as Hong Chengchou\'s men searched, they found a key from fan Ruoshui. They opened the big lock with the key.

Hong Chengchou also knows that so many rich people in Yangzhou have put their silver in the cave. Many people can\'t earn the silver in their lives. Even there isn\'t so much gold and silver in the Treasury, but now the silver has fallen into their own control. He can\'t help feeling a little excited.

The rich in Jiangnan are too rich. They are too rich. Hong Chengchou has thought many times about how to collect taxes from the rich in Jiangnan, how to rob the rich and help the poor, and how to dig out a sum of money from them to relieve the poor Daming, but he didn\'t expect to use this way.

He was thinking that Zhu Dadian, Liu Bu and others painstakingly arranged such a situation. It was not easy to pit so many rich and powerful silver, and all of them fell into their own hands. I don\'t know how they would feel?

It is estimated that they will have a feeling, that is, they can\'t eat mutton, but they have provoked a coquettish. Hong Chengchou is very excited and happy. So much silver will soon fall into his own hands and become his own. He handed the silver to the emperor. It is estimated that the emperor will look at him differently.

Who knows, when they open the cave door, if they open the cave door as usual, countless precious lights will come out, because there are too many gold, silver and jewelry in it. These things themselves play a bright light, but they attract people\'s eyes and make people unable to move their eyes.

After opening it, they can see a large number of containers, boxes of gold and silver and ingots of gold and silver. But now they open it and only see a large number of containers, but there are no silver and jewelry. Such a result shocked Hong Chengchou and turned pale.

If there are gold, silver and jewelry in it, it is officially controlled and controlled by him. Even if Liu Bu comes back immediately, the money has become the meat in his mouth. No one can pick the meat out of Hong Chengchou\'s mouth. Even Liu Bu and Zhu Dadian can\'t.

But when they opened the cave door, they were surprised to find that there was no money, nothing, no silver, no gold and silver, only some shelves for gold and silver. There was nothing in them and no one.

Seeing such a scene, all the people were surprised and shocked. Even Hong Chengchou was no exception. He opened the door of the cave. No matter how much gold and silver there was, Hong Chengchou would not be surprised, but he was surprised and panicked that there was nothing in it.

Fan Ruoshui and Tian tiger hurriedly followed in. They saw that there was nothing in it. Usually, as soon as they entered it, there were a lot of gold and silver treasures. Each gold and silver treasure gave full play to its unique light, which made people inseparable from their eyes. They wanted to take it in their hands and put it in their arms.

But now there was nothing inside and it disappeared clean, which surprised them very much. They were so surprised that they could put an egg in their mouth.

Silver is gone, and immortal Baiyun is gone.

Not only were they surprised, but even the soldiers who worked with Hong Chengchou were very shocked and dissatisfied. They said that the caves were full of gold and silver treasures? The cave is big enough to put down enough gold, silver and jewelry, but there is nothing in it. There is no gold, silver, jewelry or legendary immortals. If you don\'t know, you think you have inexplicably walked into a strange cave.

If the cave is full of gold, silver and jewelry, which is worth robbing, or even risking the name of rebellion, but there is nothing in it, it is shocking, it is frightening, that is, they can\'t eat mutton and make a fuss.

As a result, even Hong Chengchou was very frightened. What should he do? There was no money or silver at all. Hong Chengchou was a quick responder. He immediately realized that he had fallen into the trap and calculation of the other party and became the scapegoat of the other party.

Tian Hu and fan Ruoshui came in in a hurry. Seeing the situation here, fan Ruoshui softened his legs, knelt on the ground and cried loudly. He said, "real man! Real man!" he hissed, "I told you not to open it. You just want to open it. Now? There\'s nothing? Even the white cloud real man is gone. What should I do?"

Tian tiger was also a calm and calm man, but at this time, his face was pale and his feet trembled. He murmured, "my God! Where is my money?"

Then a large number of rich and powerful people poured in. They tried their best to stop these officers and soldiers from robbing their own gold and silver treasures. However, after they went in, they found that there were no gold and silver treasures at all, just an empty cave with some shelves of gold and silver jewelry, Then there was nothing, and everyone was stunned and frightened.

Originally, if Hong Chengchou\'s men took over here, they found that there were a lot of treasures here. They would be shocked and very happy. They would order their men to control the scene, but they found that they came here to rob at the risk of offending the rich people in Jiangnan, but they found that they didn\'t grab anything, This made them completely panic and completely afraid.

It also makes them completely lose control of the scene and have no interest in controlling it. If they take the risk of rebellion, they get a lot of silver, they still dare to rebel, but now they rebel, but they don\'t have silver, which is really frightening and frightening.

The first to howl and scream was these rich people. They shouted one after another, "silver! My silver!" they robbed heaven and earth and cried bitterly with anger.

They are really angry and want to cry. Why? Because all their possessions are here. In their imagination, they have now expanded their property several times. Fan Ruoshui\'s account book also tells them that their property has been several times more than when they first came. As long as they bring out the silver in dozens of days, they are the richest people in Daming, but when they open the cave, There is no fart in it. All fantasies and passions have come to naught. They are strange if they are not angry or crazy?

A rich man seized fan Ruoshui angrily and said loudly to him, "damn fan, tell me, where is my silver? Where is my silver? "

Fan Ruoshui was also completely flustered. He said, "where is the silver? The silver is here! It\'s here! You all looked at what we put here. It\'s all because these soldiers forcibly opened the cave when immortal Baiyun cast his magic, which surprised the immortal and made the immortal and silver disappear."

At this time, even if fan Ruoshui was stupid, he knew one thing, that is, it was strange inside and outside. He didn\'t dare to carry such a pot, and he couldn\'t afford it, so he hurriedly pushed it to Hong Chengchou?

Hong Chengchou couldn\'t afford such a big pot. He quickly threw it away. He said: "It\'s no wonder that I am handsome. I heard a report that there were demons making waves here to defraud people\'s money. I came here specially to investigate and found that it was true. All the money you worked hard to get and the silver you put here were taken away by thieves. It\'s urgent to find out where the silver went and who took it away."

Hong Chengshou was also stunned by the current events, but his basic reaction was still there. He immediately made a decision, that is, he must not carry the pot and must throw it out.

He refused to carry the pot, and he said: "How could it be that the silver was taken away? We stayed here day and night. After locking the cave, no one left for more than half a step. Even if someone took over the thatched cottage, how could someone take away so much silver? How many people and horses would have to be sent to take away so much silver? Therefore, marshal Hong, it is impossible for you to say that the silver was taken away by others , the biggest possibility is that immortal Baiyun was disturbed when he cast the spell, and the gold, silver and real people inside disappeared. "

At this time, the man was still thinking about this move and shirking responsibility. Hong Chengchou just wanted to kill the man with a mouthful of saliva. Hong Chengchou said: "You fools, don\'t you know you\'ve been cheated? Where is there a white cloud immortal? Where is there a silver hatch? It\'s clear that a group of fraudsters are cheating your money. Come on! Dig three feet for me and find out if there is a secret way here."

Hong Chengchou may be the only rational person on the scene. He knows that the other party is a scam. The other party is trying to cheat them of their silver, and he can be very sure of one thing. You have a lot of silver here, at least tens of millions of Liang. It is impossible to transport so much silver without sending a large number of people. You have to transport so much silver, It takes a lot of people and carriages or ships.

Hong Chengchou thought of the ship. His face was pale. He remembered that more than a dozen big ships of Liu Jiajun left overnight.