New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 352

In the past, Wu Xiuwen was the banner of a generation of deceiving the king. In fact, he is still a person in the Jianghu. Even a person who tries to cheat money takes money as the standard in everything he does.

However, after joining Liu Bu\'s group, his ideas began to be somewhat different. In the past, he would think that money is omnipotent, but now, some things seem more addictive than money, and more worthy of fighting and following, such as power.

When Wu Xiuwen saw Liu Bu coming in and out, he was very envious of his arrogant style. How good would it be if he could do the same? This kind of prestige is not what he used to have when he was a big brother in the Jianghu and a cheat king for a generation.

This is power, which is more intoxicating and yielding than money. For example, no matter how much money you have, you can only make these officials and squires look at you differently, but they can\'t be humble to you, Haba.

You should know that this group of squires are quite flattering and Haba to Liu Bu, who is in charge of military power.

As Liu buta gradually took over all the places, he began to garrison in all the towns under governor Fengyang. With the name of his Qi army, mountain bandits everywhere fled at the sight of the wind and basically dared not make trouble on his territory.

Liu Bu and his men are now extremely powerful. On the land, they are invincible. If the other party provokes them, even if the other party escapes into the deep mountains and forests, he will not hesitate to send troops to pursue and kill each other one by one. Even if they can escape to the sea, they will be pursued and killed by his fleet, You should know that Liu Bu\'s wife Zheng zining is actually a pirate leader. She has hundreds of warships under her hand, which is stronger than a big pirate and stronger than their Yangzhou Navy.

Even the Navy doesn\'t have such a huge warship, but they easily own it. It can be said that if they like, they can sling this so-called Yangzhou Navy.

They have such a powerful force, which makes them the most powerful and powerful on the sea and land. What\'s the point of Liu buta? He said directly to Wu Xiuwen, "as long as you help me do this and make the general satisfied, if you like any county magistrate in Jianghuai or Denglai, the general will get it for you."

After listening to this sentence, Wu Xiuwen was very happy. You should know that even the current Dynasty\'s Zafu was so imposing. Even if the current Dynasty\'s Zafu wanted to appoint him, a person without merit and origin, as a county magistrate, it was not easy to operate, but Liu Bu dared to take charge of everything.

You know, with the growth of Liu Bu\'s power, his army gradually stationed everywhere, and even governor Zhu Dadian treated him very politely.

You should know that Zhu Dadian now has the confidence to confront Hong Chengchou, governor of the five provinces, with the support of Liu bu. Otherwise, he has no confidence to talk to each other.

Hong Chengshou, the current governor of the five provinces, still depends on Fengyang and refuses to go. Anyway, his meaning is very obvious, that is, Zhu Dadian refused to go if he didn\'t get him a large amount of money and food as a starting fee.

It was not easy for Hong Chengchou to reach Fengyang, the land of heaven. In such a rich place, he could not leave empty handed. If he left here empty handed, it is estimated that people will laugh at him for returning empty handed to Baoshan.

Now the main forces of the wandering bandits have fled north or west one after another, all the way into Sichuan and all the way back to Shaanxi. The imperial court was very angry and angry, and ordered Hong Chengshou to send troops to encircle, suppress and chase them. However, Hong Chengshou still said that he did not dare to send troops without enough armour and food.

Hong Chengchou was a man who knew more about soldiers in the current Dynasty. Compared with those scholar bureaucrats and Qingliu people who didn\'t know the armour of soldiers and the sound of grain, he knew that the wandering bandits were actually a group of hungry wolves. Although they fled in embarrassment, they still had extremely strong combat ability. Once they were forced to hurry, they would bite back at any time.

So they must be well prepared before they can pursue the enemy. You know, if you fight hard, you can\'t resist if you push too hard and the other party fight back.

Hong Chengchou refused to leave, and Zhu Dadian couldn\'t help it. It can be said that if Hong Chengchou didn\'t leave for a day, Zhu Dadian became more and more dependent on Liu bu. It is estimated that when Hong Chengchou\'s army is willing to withdraw from the local area, Liu bu also extended his influence to all parts of Fengyang mansion to become a local power faction. As a local person in charge of military power, if he is not willing, Zhu Dadian, a governor, may not be able to do anything about him.

After the change of the civil castle in the Ming Dynasty, it has always been the full suppression of military officials by civil servants. Before the change of the civil castle, thousands of households in the army dared to slap the magistrate and the magistrate in the face. However, after the change of the civil castle, after 200 years of suppression, the magistrate and the magistrate seen by a chief soldier had to salute, otherwise it would be disrespectful.

However, with the gradual decline of the power of the Ming Dynasty, the people in charge of the army began to rise strongly. People like Liu Bu who controls the army and has real power have become people who can\'t offend.

In the past, civilian officials could suppress these military officials through food ring. If they were not obedient, they would not give you food. But today, these soldiers have become a tiger and a wolf. If you don\'t give him food, he can rob it and look good for you. Therefore, Liu Bu\'s power has grown very fast and expanded very fast. He stationed troops in Fengyang mansion, This is the richest place in Daming. It can be said that many people are very optimistic about Liu bu.

Liu\'s father and son, one as governor and one as commander in chief, are figures with real power. Many people can\'t help but sigh that Liu Yuanqiao in Linqing was already famous all over the world before, because he was very good at doing business and made the Liu\'s business rich and famous all over the world.

At that time, no one looked up at Liu Yuanqiao and thought that he could do so much business because he was the main business of the tax official of Linqing. As long as he was not an official, it was estimated that he could not play. However, Liu Yuanqiao beat these people in the face with his strength. After he was not the main business, he was promoted faster, and his career developed faster and more amazing.

Now people realize that the main task of the tax authorities is not his booster, but the rope holding him. Once the rope holding the tiger is broken, no one can control the tiger. Go up the mountain and down the sea.

Liu Bu quickly stationed troops in dozens of counties and cities within the four houses of Fengyang mansion. Although his troops were dispersed, his subordinates had many cavalry troops, which could quickly assemble. Moreover, here is also a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, with vertical and horizontal rivers. They can also quickly transport troops by boat.

Liu Bu\'s plan is to keep the point and not the line, and connect the points to form a line. This is to divide his troops into local garrisons and share local power. If something happens, they can also spread the police through the beacon and assemble quickly. Moreover, he has established a cavalry force, which has expanded to more than 3000 people, They can quickly assault and assemble.

It can be said that Liu Bu, a Fengyang general army, has been stationed in Fengyang mansion for only two or three months, but in the shortest time, he has suppressed various local forces and restored local order. Although he has not been closed at night, he is no longer a place where bandits and mountain thieves dare to make trouble. The local squires are very satisfied with this, So we can\'t meet some requirements of Liu Bu, let\'s say so? Liu Bu even became one of the most powerful figures in Fengyang mansion.

He is now stationed in Yangzhou, but the current governor of Fengyang is not stationed in Taizhou. To put it bluntly, he is a little exercising the power of governor of Fengyang. It can be said that no one can suppress him in Fengyang mansion except Zhu Dadian. Even governor of Fengyang Zhu Dadian can suppress him in name. Once he is a little unhappy, I\'m not willing to bird the other party. The other party has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, the gentry all over Yangzhou respect Liu Bu as if he were a God. Every day, a large number of people queue outside Liu\'s house to ask for a meeting, pile up in their concierge, and pile up a mountain of gifts.

Wu Xiuwen met Liu Bu many times and reported his work and progress to him. He knew Liu Bu\'s great ability now. To know that an army general like Liu Bu has thousands of soldiers, but Liu Bu has nearly tens of thousands of soldiers, and these soldiers are elite soldiers, not garbage soldiers in ordinary guard stations.

It can be said that everyone can\'t help shaking his head when he sees the ordinary soldiers in the guard station. They are all thinking about how to fight with such crooked melons and split dates?

But no matter who he is, as long as he sees the elite soldiers of Liu Department, he can\'t help but marvel. How can such an elite soldier, a man of Huben, not win the war.

It is because Liu Bu has such amazing power and energy that Wu Xiuwen feels very awed and scared. At the same time, he also has a feeling of meeting the Ming Lord. If he can invest in the command of the Ming Lord and follow him to start a career, he may make his generation\'s career of cheating King Wu Xiuwen shine a second spring and make another different career.

After Wu Xiuwen had these ideas, he became more motivated. Liu Bu had high trust in him and directly handed over all his rights to him. He was responsible for planning this action. Liu Bu\'s bottom line was that the income from this action could not be less than 5 million liang of silver.

Although Liu Bu said it casually, it also surprised Wu Xiuwen, because he knew that this was not a small figure, but an astronomical figure. The tax revenue of the Ming Dynasty was only a few million Liang.