New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 249

Who is Liu Yuanqiao? He is an octahedral Buddha. If he is easily baffled by others, he will not be called an octahedral Buddha and will not stand in officialdom for more than 20 years.

Liu Yuanqiao said, "since the governor has ignored the life and death of the people and made everything to death, we don\'t have to worry about it. Let\'s do it together."

Zheng Zhibao sighed: "in this way, Laizhou Prefecture and Dongsan Prefecture are in disorder. We spent so much money and food on disaster relief last year, and all our efforts were in vain."

Liu Yuanqiao said, "Governor Chen, his idea of doing this is very simple, but he is too simple to think about things and turns all the pressure on the people. He should understand that if the people are water, water can carry the boat and overturn the boat!"

Zheng Zhibao said to him, "Deng Bingwen is a loyal dog under the magistrate. You see, they can\'t wait to start collecting taxes."

They not only couldn\'t wait to start collecting taxes, but also asked Zhang Zhongwen to send a text telling them to lead the army immediately. This time, it was paid in full. They were afraid that they would not send troops in the name of defaulting on military pay.

After they sent troops, their military pay was not paid by the imperial court, but by the local government. As long as they went out, they were in a foreign land, unfamiliar with their land, and they could only rely on Shandong for food. Therefore, they could only handle it at that time. That is, because of this idea, they happily distributed food for three months.

Since the other party paid in full, Zheng Zhibao didn\'t have any good excuse, so he arranged for someone to get it. It\'s good to get some first. Although they have been paid by the Liu family and Zheng family, it\'s a bottomless hole, and they can\'t fill it out all the time.

Zheng Zhibao said, "Lord Chen, he\'s a good player. He\'s a wishful thinking man. He\'s in the limelight. He\'s promoted. Money and food come from the people and we die. All the cheap things are taken up. The loss is someone else\'s. It\'s great to be an official."

Born as a noble scholar, he claims to have read the books of sages, but being an official is so vicious that he doesn\'t care about the life and death of the people, which makes Liu Bu\'s only favor for Chen YingYuan, the governor.

Originally, the former Governor Chen YingYuan tried his best to provide disaster relief. At that time, Liu Bu thought that although this governor had been targeting their Liu family, he was doing it for disaster relief, for the people. He had the people in his heart. Moreover, he embezzled 100000 liang of silver from his father and didn\'t take it personally. He still took it in exchange for food to save the people, This is a good official, but now it seems that this is also an unscrupulous and desperate official.

He knows that the other party is such a person, so he won\'t worry about being used by the other party. He\'s still waiting for his father to find a way. Anyway, he also knows that with his father\'s behavior, he won\'t worry about being used by the other party. There must be a way to counteract it. Otherwise, he can\'t afford the title of octahedral Buddha.

Sure enough, Liu Yuanqiao immediately issued an order. He said, "go back and prepare 4000 troops and horses to start immediately."

Liu Yuanqiao said to him, "you mean we are preparing people like Musketeers and archers. Will our car camp not start?"

Liu Yuanqiao said: "the car camp stayed here to continue training. Lao Zheng, your navy also began to transfer to the south to transport food and grass for them."

Zheng Zhibao said, "4000 troops and horses were transferred, the car camp could not move, and the Navy left Denglai town. The troops here are seriously empty, and there is no defense here."

With a cold smile, he said, "the best thing is that the troops are empty. Since the troops here are empty, it is easy to provoke a civil commotion. Lord Deng, isn\'t he not afraid of civil commotion? Let him see the power of civil commotion, and let him see what water can carry a boat or capsize a boat."

After Liu Bu\'s father put forward the solution, he was not happy, but made him more worried. Chen YingYuan and Deng Bingwen completely ignored the life and death of the people. Even if they beat the bones and suck the marrow of the local people, they also wanted to please the imperial court and let themselves become more and more powerful. His father probably used the same means to fight back, and did not take the people as a matter, He also regarded the people as chess pieces, and everyone was his chess piece.

Liu Bu sighed and said, "in this way, the place will be completely chaotic."

Liu Yuanqiao said to him, "even if the place is chaotic, at least the power is still in our hands. If we obey Lord Chen\'s orders, we will have no other end except being killed by him."

Chen YingYuan\'s plan is still to calculate the Liu family. In disaster relief, he is still calculating the Liu family. The Liu family is the largest local power in Laizhou, and the biggest is businessmen. If you want to collect taxes, basically the first thing is to start like them.

The Liu family is a big family with a lot of shops and fields. If they resist the order and don\'t comply, it\'s the best. Chen YingYuan is really waiting for the Liu family to resist the order and don\'t comply. “

He had to follow his father\'s order and lead his horse team back to Jimo to prepare for the army.

When he left Penglai County, he found that there were chickens flying and dogs jumping here. As the loyal dog of the governor, Deng Bingwen also wanted to take the opportunity to make a profit. After the governor agreed to collect taxes, he immediately began to order his men to organize into a tax group and start violent tax collection.

For those who dared not pay taxes, they all took back the Yamen. Those who punished Li Jia were punished Li Jia, beaten and beaten. Within a day or two, the door of his yamen was full of punished people, and his tax collectors went out like wolves to collect taxes. They dared to break into the Liu family directly. If they saw anything valuable, they took it, which was called tax. In this way, I don\'t know how many families are directly forced to break down and die by them.

Dengzhou was the most serious place in the Wuqiao mutiny. The seven counties were basically occupied by the rebels. The rebels and the army fought repeatedly. Many people were killed, their fields were lost and their shops were lost. They barely came back after more than half a year of the Wuqiao mutiny to see if they could restore the place. As a result, they encountered such a deadly tax collection by the imperial court, It\'s driving people to death.

However, the governor issued an order and announced the decision of the imperial court, that is, he announced the expropriation of Liao Xiang and Lian Xiang here, and it was levied in advance. After these orders and official documents were issued, the people were full of complaints and everyone was furious.

However, it is the poor and ordinary people who have to pay taxes. Those who are officials, have fame, backstage and backers, do not have to pay taxes. In this case, the demands of the ordinary people are ignored, and they are severely threatened by the government. If they dare not pay taxes, they will be sent to the officials for treatment.

Liu Bu shook his head when they saw the chicken flying and the dog jumping.

Liu Bu is now in charge of Jimo camp, while Xiao Ning, a senior general under him, is now in charge of Dengzhou camp, which is also in the dispatch list. Their three camps have been transferred to eliminate the roving bandits.

As for the other Wendeng camp, after Zheng Zhibao\'s rectification, he appreciated Liu Zhongyong very much and let him concurrently hold the post of garrison commander of Wendeng camp. Of course, he held this post, but his main job is to assist Liu Bu in training the army.

This time Liu Bu was dispatched, but Liu Bu didn\'t get nothing. The imperial court also gave him a false title of guerrilla general and ordered him to lead his troops to listen to orders under the flag of hongchengchou, governor of five provinces.

This time, Chen YingYuan was very cunning. He was also afraid that the Liu family would disobey the imperial edict, work without effort and idle work. Therefore, he asked the imperial court for the imperial edict and order to ask them to set out. Most of them would be indifferent to the order of his governor, but if they didn\'t listen to the imperial edict, it would be disobeying the imperial edict and disobeying the imperial edict, He Chen YingYuan can take them at any time.

Liu Bu was not interested in exterminating the exiled bandits, but they were forced to go by the imperial court and the governor. This was a way to catch up with the ducks and put them on the shelf.

Even if the plan can\'t keep up with the change, Liu Bu\'s plan was to train his car camp here. As long as he trains his car camp, they will have the ability of strategic attack, that is, they have the strength to fight with the powerful forces in the world, but they are just recruiting enough people and haven\'t carried out adaptive training, I started to perform such a difficult task. To put it bluntly, it was to destroy seedlings and send heads.

At first, the imperial court ordered them to listen to orders under Hong Chengchou\'s banner, but the military situation was critical. At the same time, the imperial court appointed Shandong governor Zhu Dadian as the governor of water transportation and Fengyang governor. Zhu Dadian had no soldiers in his hands. He immediately requested that Liu\'s army be transferred to him as a reinforcement and went south to recover Fengyang.

It was also agreed by the imperial court and the military department. They immediately issued an order, that is, they ordered Denglai town to draw out 4000 troops and transfer them to governor Zhu Dadian\'s account to listen to the order.

Since the order arrived, governor Zhu Dadian urged them three times a day to send troops immediately on the grounds that the soldiers were in danger.

The cunning is the Shandong General army, and Liu Zeqing\'s troops are not among the dispatch.

The situation is changing so fast and so bad, which is very disturbing. Their home army has not been trained and has not completed their layout. If they rush to send troops now, they will easily collapse.

Now not only is Liu Bu going to lead 4000 Ding soldiers to send troops, but even Zheng Zhibao is forced to command his Navy to leave Dengzhou water city and go to the south to be responsible for grain transportation and delivery. It can be said that they have taken away the main force of Liu\'s army and completely destroyed their layout. They want to be alone and develop their forces silently. Such calculations are completely destroyed by the other party.