New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 202

At present, the Navy that JianNu is in Lushunkou, Jinzhou is under the command of Kong Youde.

Kong Youde was born in about 30 years of Wanli. He was born as a miner in Tieling. He was good at bowing and horses. He was illiterate and blind.

In the first year of the apocalypse, after JianNu occupied Liaoshen, Kong Youde and his brother Kong Youxing went to Mao Wenlong, a general of the Ming Dynasty, to participate in the great victory in Zhenjiang, and then turned to PI island. He had a close relationship with his hometown Geng Zhongming. It is said that he worshipped Geng Zhongming as his adoptive brother. Later, people often called him Kong Geng.

Kong Youde was brave and good at fighting. When he was ready to fight, he climbed first. He was the crown of all generals and rose to the rank of general. Mao Wenlong took him as his grandson and gave him the name Yongshi. He was so grateful for Mao Wenlong\'s kindness that when he was the queen of JianNu fan, he still "always spoke about the current affairs of the great general without winning by color".

In the first year of Chongzhen, yuan Chonghuan supervised Liaodong and took the opportunity to execute Mao Wenlong. His former headquarters was under the jurisdiction of Deputy General Chen Jisheng. Kong Youde thought Mao Wenlong was "innocent and cruel". He felt very cold and reserved his mind.

As soon as they became generals in Dongjiang, they did not want to work under yuan Chonghuan, so they went to sun Yuanhua and went to Denglai with sun Yuanhua. Later, there was a mutiny in Wuqiao.

After the failure of Wuqiao mutiny, Kong Youde took refuge in JianNu. Kong Youde shamelessly wrote in a book to Huang Taiji: "Kuang benshuai has tens of thousands of armour soldiers, more than 100 light boats, artillery and firearms. With this armament, he works together with Ming Khan to advance both land and water. The potential is like breaking bamboo. Who dares to be the enemy of Khan in the world?"

This is not only a sign of loyalty, but also an invitation to credit. Kong Youde\'s arrival has fallen a piece of fat from the sky! What are the reasons why JianNu was beaten by yuan Chonghuan several times? The lack of sharp firearms, and the fleet and red Yi cannons brought by Kong Youde solved the urgent need of JianNu.

Therefore, Huang Taiji took his cronies out of Shengjing to meet him, and soon named him king gongshun and the other two kings (King Zhishun is still gratifying and King huaishun is Geng Zhongming)

Thick skinned like a city wall, which is the greatest feature of Kong Youde.

Kong Youde practiced good martial arts and once worshipped under Mao Wenlong. Mao appreciated Kong Youde very much, so he accepted him as his adopted grandson and gave him the name "Yongshi"... So Kong Youde not only became someone else\'s grandson, but also had a literary name: Mao Yongshi, Geng Zhongming was given the name Mao Youjie, and Shang Kexi was given the name Mao Yongxi.

Another thing about Kong Youde\'s thick skin is that he is a shoulder pole. He doesn\'t know that he is blind when he falls to the ground, but he takes a literary name called Mao Yongshi, which is also second. He dares to claim to be the descendant of Confucius. Later, he still holds this name, swaggers around and touches the ash of his nose.

After Kong Youde became subordinate to JianNu, he was one of the few generals who knew how to use firearms and water warfare, so he was appointed to take charge of Jinzhou Wei for the time being.

In fact, there are not many such talents even Daming. Although he is illiterate, he is a rare general.

Because jinzhouwei is across the Bohai Sea, that is, Denglai area, which is his familiar nest.

Kong Youde, he always yelled that JianNu should go south from now on. As long as they occupied Denglai area, they could cut off the canal from behind and encircle the capital of the Ming Dynasty from behind. However, JianNu was not accustomed to water after all. There was no strong navy. They didn\'t dare to do so.

But Huang Taiji is a very smart person. He is also very interested in such a plan put forward by Kong Youde. If it can succeed, it can also cause a great blow to Daming. Therefore, let him prepare for the Navy here. If it can be bigger, it would be better.

JianNu navy was established on the basis of Denglai Navy, who rebelled with them during the Wuqiao mutiny. When they launched a mutiny in Wuqiao and captured Dengzhou, the Navy also rebelled and burned, killed and robbed together. Unfortunately, it was not long. The imperial court soon sent a large army to suppress and destroy them. They were desperate and had to flee by sea.

JianNu had no navy or artillery, so Kong Youde came to join Huang Taiji. He was very happy. For the first time, he appointed them as prefects, which was a very high courtesy. You know, his seventh brother abatai is only granted Rao Yu now.

Kong Youde also felt that Huang Taiji treated him as a national scholar, and he should repay him as a national scholar, so he was as loyal to Huang Taiji as Mao Wenlong (unfortunately, Huang Taiji didn\'t like to accept grandchildren), and painstakingly recruited sailors for him to expand his Navy.

Kong Youde saw that Huang Taiji did not accept his suggestion and sent troops to the south from now on, but he had made a plan. When enough sailors were recruited, he launched an attack on Dengzhou, attacked Dengzhou from the sea, robbed them of money and food, cut off their sea food routes, and showed his hand here.

Who knows, his sailors just thought they were ready to go south, but they saw the fleet sent by the Zheng family to cruise. The Zheng family\'s fleet, but a large warship transformed from a 2000 material blessing ship, has as many as 40 guns, 10 main guns and 30 auxiliary guns. This is almost the same as the Galen main battleship in the West. Look at your own ship, He didn\'t even have a cannon. The other party didn\'t say to hit him. Even if he hit him directly, he sank him, so he was very depressed and had to continue to train sailors.

However, he soon received the message of the eyeliner, that is, the boat that Zheng family transferred to is actually Liu\'s invitation. They disagreed with Chen Yingyuan, so they withdrew and withdrew from the south.

When Kong Youde heard that the Zheng family\'s fleet had withdrawn to the south, he sharpened his hands and prepared to attack Dengzhou. However, he hasn\'t sent out these days. The Dengzhou Navy sent several small fleets to harass his Lushun Port, which made him very unhappy.

Today, he was very angry when he heard that the navy of the Ming army was harassed again. He ordered the navy of Lvshunkou Shuizhai to make every effort to give them a good look. This time, he had made a plan. Even if he drove the other party away, he would take advantage of the opportunity to attack Dengzhou and give them a good look.

Kong Youde, who was born in the Ming army, knew how rubbish the Ming army was. A group of farmers who couldn\'t even eat enough dared to challenge him to obey the king. He was very angry and immediately ordered his fleet to go all out and destroy them.

His men can have hundreds of ships. Basically, they have taken over the previous Denglai Navy. If they fight with the Ming army, they don\'t have to be afraid. The only drawback is Huang Taiji, who asked people to dismantle all the cannons on their ships and take them to the artillery camp.

However, this does not affect Kong Youde. He knows how much garbage and waste the Ming army\'s Dengzhou navy was. In the past, they were not strong when there were Denglai Navy, and now they are killing people.

It is said that a new Governor Chen YingYuan has been appointed in Dengzhou. He is also a dead man. He is mediocre and does nothing. He only knows how to keep his position. However, it is not easy for him to keep his position and continue to be his governor of Denglai. You can ask him if he is obedient to Wang\'s agreement.

Kong Youde took refuge in JianNu and was awarded the king of obedience. He was flattered. He always wanted to do some beautiful things for JianNu to show his value and ability, so he ordered the air group of Lvshunkou navy to go out and prepare to give a good look to the enemy.

Kong Youde, standing on the commanding platform above Lushunkou mountain, watched his Navy go out. He was very proud of this Navy, but it was a very powerful armed force. After he pulled JianNu here, JianNu looked at him differently. The navy was commanded by his trusted general and his fellow Kong Sifang.

He has given orders to the Navy. This time, after defeating the other side\'s navy, he will continue to pursue and kill. At least he will loot Dengzhou city once. If he is lucky to win the Dengzhou Navy stronghold, he will personally lead the Lu Division to attack Dengzhou, which is a gift to Tiancong Khan.

Kong Sifang led the navy fleet to the South bravely in the wind. He was also a veteran who had followed Kong Youde for more than ten years. He was also proficient in water warfare. He also knew how rubbish the Ming army was and how useless it was. He decided to show himself this time. He was JianNu. Here was a Jiala who was granted the flag of the Han army. He could manage five cattle records.

Who knows, when Kong Sifang led his fleet out of the sea off Lushun mouth, the mist dispersed in the morning, but he saw ten big ships waiting for him in front of him.

The other side\'s big ships, but the 2000 material blessing ships, are at least several times larger than his ships. What\'s more frightening is that the other side has been laid out in one word, even their hatch has been opened, and the cannons are stretched out from the window and aimed at them.

Although Kong Sifang has hundreds of ships, they have all kinds of ships, including centipede boats, Cangshan boats, building boats, and even flat bottomed boats for inland rivers, but there is no main ship refitted from Fu boats like the Zheng family.

Their main tactics are still board contact and fire attack.

When Kong Sifang saw the other party\'s huge ship, like a house on the sea, he immediately felt his legs weak. He immediately ordered his soldiers to quickly turn the bow and drive back, but the other party had begun to fire at them.

Waiting for them here is the Navy led by Zheng zining. She also commands the fleet she commands. These days, she has arranged a small fleet to harass the JianNu Navy at Lushunkou in order to provoke them and let them drive out of Lushunkou.

Then they waited outside. When the other side met them face-to-face, they had finished their combat preparations. At Zheng zining\'s order, ten ships, main ships and 200 artillery began to fire in unison, firing in unison and bombarding the other side.