Netheril's Glory

Chapter 47

Punk uses the master's hand to hold the archer girl who has been "tied up in all kinds of ways", avoiding the charred meat and broken stones. He goes back to the back of the stone wall which was used to "rest" at the beginning, where the other wolf and mcnaisie are waiting.


Punk throws the girl to the ground, then formulates a salute to mcnaisie and says, "dear mcnaisie, do you need to recover the vitality of this enemy?".

Although punk bowed his head, his perception has been put to the maximum. The whole person is in a state of alert like a tight bow string. This is another punk trial of mcnaissi. If mcnaissi can really absorb other people's vitality to recover quickly, punk should seriously consider whether to attack the semi disabled man at great risk after entering the secret passage I'm officially a wizard. Because it's like sleeping with your head in a lion's mouth to be around a mage who has the ability to absorb vitality for a long time - dangerous, crazy! Punk can't accept this dangerous situation at all!

Mcnaissie completely ignored the girl who had some signs of waking up on the ground. He looked at punk with a kind of inexplicable eyes, as if punk was an incomprehensible monster, which must be thoroughly seen through as soon as possible.

After a long time, mcnaisie opened her mouth and said in a hoarse voice, "my life element cultivation direction is" creation "rather than" acquisition ". Her vitality is meaningless to me.".

"I see. I'm going to do too much.".

Punk made a "respectful" answer. Although he didn't believe mcnaisie's words, he could continue to cooperate at least in the current situation. So he calmly raised his head and picked up the girl who had woken up.

The archer girl was raised in mid air by punk, and realized something bad. She began to vainly try to earn the bundle of vines, and constantly scolded and cursed: "pervert, put me down, you can't die well..."

However, neither punk nor mcnaisie responded to this "delicate" girl's meaning. Punk even went to the edge of the stone wall, and he pulled down the ruby necklace on the girl's neck. Due to the rude action, a bruised scar appeared on the girl's snow-white neck immediately. At the same time, with the sound of several low incantations, a lavender Dharma appeared The hand of the teacher also appeared in front of the girl's head

Punk completely ignored the tearful eyes of the archer girl. He did not hesitate to control the hand of the mage and began to exert himself


The whole stone wall was dyed black and red with the plasma. Then punk kicked it with his feet. A round object bounced on the ground twice and disappeared into a crack in the ruins

"We need to be quick, the hotel is just ahead"!

Mcnaisie coldly watched punk put the magic necklace into the pocket of the robe, and then gave a warning.

Yes, Lord menezi.

In fact, mcnaissi's Secret stronghold is hidden in the cellar of the hotel. The cellar, which used to hold only a few sacks of potatoes, has been magically expanded to the size of a basketball court.

Walking into this dark and depressing cellar, punk found that there are many magic runes on the walls of the cellar, which seems to have a good reinforcement effect. It has to be said that the official mage is a big hand. This kind of semi permanent enchantment can cover such a large area. Although the enchanted house looks simple, it is more solid than those flashy ones Luxury castle is much better, but There is some lighting here There are only two poor lights glued to the ceiling as lighting tools, which makes the atmosphere of "secret stronghold" in the whole cellar extremely abundant.

It was the alchemy puppet who was in charge of reception in the mage's guild that welcomed mcnaissi and punk. After a while, the little guy became more and more dull. He was doing some cleaning work. When he saw punk walking into the cellar, he was stunned for a long time, and then he yelled with a drake voice: "someone's coming! Someone's coming!

Fortunately, the reaction speed of the soldiers was not slow. Soon, two apprentice soldiers ran to the door and held the weapon shield tightly to welcome them. However, they were very excited when they saw mcnaissi, and then they were shocked by mcnaissi's "shocking" wound.

just used his own floatation operation to make complaints about his soldiers' "embarrassed" and obviously displeased, which made punk unable to help him out. He was totally unaware of how scary he was to let half body drift in the air like a ghost.

but the soldiers did not recognize their immediate superiors just because Maimi was less than half a body. So they learned that Mai Xi Xi had come back, and all the remaining loyal and loyal people had gathered in a room which could barely be called the living room. The princess was holding a tight pear with a rain. The heroic appearance of the speech on the stage.

Watching the princess crying with mcnaisie in her arms and the soldiers around her wiping their tears, punk just wants to ask if she can open the secret channel and run away. It's not too late to cry outside. But seeing the old mage crying like a child, punk quietly decides to keep silent."Sir, you..."

The princess tried to stop "only half" mcnaisie from getting up, but mcnaisie, who wanted to interrupt the sad "feast", gently pushed away the princess's arm.

"Officers and men..." Mcnaissie scanned the few soldiers with burning eyes.

“…… This battle, we failed, but! Our royal highness is still here. Our spirit of card Moss kingdom is still there. You are still "!

Menezi's words are sonorous and powerful.

, "would you like to follow me to the end of your life with your Royal Highness"?


All the soldiers stood at attention, with the greatest strength, the most powerful voice and the most standard posture, they gave the most standard military salute representing loyalty. The old mage around punk even broke his voice.

"Good You're all good, now! Let's leave konola city first, sooner or later! We'll be back! Back here! Back to konola! Come back and take back our glory!

Due to the lack of time, even mcnaissie can only make a brief oath meeting. With these "soul chicken soup", mcnaissie flexibly manipulates the floating technique to carry himself in the deafening roar of the soldiers, and the soldiers around him consciously get out of the way. He slowly comes to a seemingly insignificant wall full of calm and self-confidence.

And then There is no shining brilliance, no roar, only a dark hole on the wall, the most important thing is Including punk who has a system, no one can detect even a little sign of magic or traces of casting, as if the hole appeared there in an instant!

Until entering the cave, the punk who followed the passionate soldiers was still deeply afraid of mcnaisie's method. The official level strong man is the official level strong man, even in an embarrassing dying state! , the fastest update of the webnovel!