Necromancer and Super Cemetery

Chapter 865: 871? Red Queen 2

Chapter 865 871 Red Queen 2

   Grand Duke Mora\'s terrifying aura made the Zerg Queen fear, and instinctively lowered her head.

   However, after Duke Mora\'s hand touched the Zerg Queen, he frowned slightly.

   Just now he searched the Zerg Queen\'s memory, which is not too much, but he didn\'t find any information about contact with the outside world.

  According to the memory of this Zerg queen, she was born in a hazy, and then grew up to fight with other queens, and finally became the leader of this tribe.

  It all seemed so logical, but Grand Duke Mora always felt that it was too deliberate, as if it was a script arranged by someone, and the object of his suspicion was Green.

   "Green, which side are you on?" Grand Duke Mora muttered to himself in a low voice.

   At the same time, in the foggy world on the other side, Green didn\'t know the suspicion of Grand Duke Mora about him, and even if he did, he wouldn\'t care. He now has a more important thing, which is the captured strategic cruiser.

  The strategic cruiser he named the Red Queen did not have any twists and turns along the way, and he drove back to the foggy world.

  Before returning to the world crystal wall of the foggy world, Green had already ordered Anubis to build a portal to his virtual kingdom outside the world crystal wall.

The virtual kingdom of Anubis is in the foggy world. As long as you directly enter the kingdom of Anubis through this portal, it is equivalent to bypassing the barrier of the crystal wall of the world. The next step is to enter the fog from the virtual kingdom of God. The world is simple.

   As the captain, the Red Queen saw a super-giant portal and immediately controlled the strategic cruiser to enter it.

  Because the Red Queen itself is an intelligent operating system, and also holds the authority of the captain, she knows this huge ship very well, and it is not as cumbersome to operate as it was in the hands of the revolutionary army before.

   More importantly, Green itself can produce the core of the sun, so that the energy of the Red Queen will have no worries, and it is completely possible to unscrupulously squeeze the limit performance of this interstellar giant ship.

   But before that, Green had to incorporate it into the Dao cemetery system.

   In fact, Green\'s heart is a little uneasy at this moment. He is not sure whether the highest-level war machine of the human race in this interstellar world can be included in the cemetery system.

   If it really doesn\'t work, he has already thought about letting the robots transformed from the mechanical core get on the ship.

  There is no problem with the loyalty of this kind of robot, and it is a living body transformed from a mechanical core. There is no problem with docking with the Red Queen, and it can establish a local area network through the Red Queen itself as the core of the network.

   Of course, this is only the worst plan. Green\'s most hope is that the Red Queen can join the cemetery system as an individual similar to a hero unit.

   At this time, it was noon. As the fog dissipated, the cemetery was no longer as gloomy as before. Under the bright eyes, the majestic cemetery became more majestic.

   However, at this moment, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped the entire cemetery.

   A behemoth descended from the sky, suspended in the air three hundred meters above the cemetery.

  Green flashed and returned to the cemetery. First, he checked the psychic balance of the cemetery.

   This time, I couldn’t help but to sort out the Red Queen, which requires a large amount of psionic energy balance, and the assimilation of this strategic cruiser also requires a large amount of psionic energy balance at a critical time.

Fortunately, with the complete recovery of the foggy world recently, the speed of the expansion of the undead empire has accelerated. In addition, the Lorenzo Kingdom on the main world has also fought several large-scale wars. eight digits.

  Green breathed a sigh of relief, these should be enough!

   However, the next operation made his heart more and more uncertain.

   Just scanning through the cemetery and clearing out some of the threatening things left in the Red Queen has consumed seven million psionic energy!

  Green looked at the numbers that were falling down, and his heart was about to go numb.

  Fortunately, his family was rich, and the seven million was less than a quarter, and there was still enough margin for the subsequent assimilation of the Red Queen.

   Immediately Green began to use magic to try to assimilate the Red Queen.

Although Green has been promoted to the Holy Spirit level now, the strategic cruiser of the Interstellar Terran is still too huge, and Green does not intend to completely convert it into an undead, because then many of the equipment on the technology side of the Red Queen will be affected by the breath of the undead. Erosion directly scrapped.

   So there are only two main targets for assimilation, one is the command system and the other is the power system.

   Needless to say, the command system, the Red Queen has the mark of the cemetery on her back, and the power system is a little more troublesome. The powerful nuclear fusion reactor, the high-density energy contained in it, has a very high resistance to the erosion of undead magic.

   If there is only one necromancer, even a demigod, it is difficult to assimilate it.

"Sure enough, do you still have to consume the psionic energy of the cemetery?" Green thought to himself, but he did not have any psychological resistance, and directly opened the krypton gold mode. After all, he accumulated so much psionic energy balance, and he was waiting for this moment. !

   Seeing the psionic energy balance in the cemetery dropping from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands, Green didn\'t feel distressed, but felt a sense of pleasure, which is probably the feeling of \'buy, buy, buy\'!

   For half an hour, nearly 20 million psionic balances were put into it, and the Red Queen finally gave in.

   At this time, the Red Queen was also completely integrated with the strategic cruiser, which was equivalent to the giant ship becoming her body.

   Immediately Greene glanced at the attributes of the Red Queen, and couldn\'t help being surprised!

   The level of the Red Queen has actually reached [lv15], which is already a high-level Holy Spirit level, and its strength is evident.

   And the main gun of the Red Queen, if using the charging mode, the power can even be comparable to the full blow of a demigod!

But this is not the most important thing. After all, you can\'t expect this giant ship to really go head-to-head with a demigod. What Green really values ​​about this strategic cruiser is that it comes from the interstellar world. outside world.

  Green hopes to gain more intelligence about that world and unlock related technologies through this strategic cruiser.

   Now the mecha unit under Green\'s command has almost reached a bottleneck. To break this ceiling, there are only two ways, either magic or technology.

   Magic has developed in the void for many years before it reaches its current level. It would be very difficult to expect another breakthrough. The only hope is to have a breakthrough in technology.

   The human-related technology in the interstellar world is a wealth that Green is quite coveted. If the other alchemy technologies are combined, I don’t know what kind of sparks can be created.

   (end of this chapter)