National Creation: I Added An Auction Group

Chapter 98:

"Brightly and honestly swallow the silver sea fortune!"

"Valkyrie really deserves to be the leader of a million troops!"


The Valkyrie\'s proposal was instantly answered by everyone, which was extremely exciting.

They can all be very sure that once Kyushu is robbed, the other forces will absolutely stand by and watch, and gloat over the misfortune.

Especially now, with Chen Mang in charge of Kyushu, they were already overwhelmed.

Something happened to Kyushu, they would be very happy to see it.

What\'s the matter, they - naturally understand.

However, Kyushu is only one million extraordinary, and all other forces add up to - eight or nine million extraordinary.

Therefore, they really don\'t mind letting Kyushu finish the consumption first.

Such a situation can be imagined by everyone present.

This is also the situation they want.

Please help you do not support!

Good fortune has been laid, why do you divide the cake?

If you really dare to force it, then you have to ask Chen Mang if he agrees or not.

Chen Mang was silent.

At this moment, he thought of a stalk from his previous life.

Someone bought a lottery ticket and won a lottery prize. Before receiving the prize, he asked all relatives and friends to borrow money, so that after receiving the prize, he could confidently refuse to borrow money.

However, Chen Mang also wanted to know what kind of face all the forces would have when they learned the truth of the matter.




The voices of heaven and earth kept coming, but the high-level officials on the Kyushu side no longer felt harsh.

Because, there are endless creations waiting for them to develop.

"Development of good fortune!"

Chen Mang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Compared with the creation in the silver sea, he wants to seek the original creation in the local world of the silver sea!

Because for him, that is the real creation.

The clear liquid of metal life in the silver sea is of little use to him.

Of course, he will also charge some appropriately and hoard some.

He can\'t use it, but the skirt members can.

Use it casually to disperse wealth, gain a good reputation, get a lot of goodwill, and even exchange things for things.

"The Angel Legion should be here soon!"

"At that time, this place will also become their hunting ground!"

Chen Mang hoped that Mona could pack the Angel Legion as soon as possible.

At that time, the Angel Legion will definitely become famous!

"You have everything ready, you can notify me at any time!"

Chen Mang said with a smile.

If you frighten some strong people, you can get two million merits. Where can you find such a big business.

As far as Kyushu is concerned, it only needs to pay Chen Mang two million merits, and he can turn Yinhai into his hunting ground without a fight, which is also very profitable.

A perfect win-win situation!


With that said, Chen Mang\'s consciousness enveloped Yinhai again, slowly permeating.

What he needs to do now is to find a native creature.

Suppress, subdue, and traverse the native world.

Thinking about it, Chen Mang felt a little excited.

Along the way, Chen Mang discovered countless creatures.

However, these creatures were created by the world of good fortune, and Chen Mang ignored it.

The Silver Sea world is too vast, no less than Earth Island.

It is really not easy to find native creatures in the vast world.

"Finally found!!"

I don\'t know how long it took, Chen Mang was slightly shocked and found a humanoid creature.

The difference from being exposed to the sea is that the humanoid creatures at this moment are covered in silver, with long silver hair, silver skin, silver facial features, and silver clothing.

"What a horrible adaptability!"

Chen Mang was shocked.

The intelligent beings of the Silver Sea seem to have evolved the ability to adapt to any environment.

Otherwise, their bodies in Silversea and their appearances would not be completely different.

Moreover, when Yinhai first appeared, they dared to take the lead.

It shows that they are not worried about the environment in which the world is created.

"Can you conquer all the intelligent beings in this world!?"

It was the first time that Chen Mang had such a thought in his heart.

Because this kind of creature is really amazing and powerful.

The future of the created world is an unknown.

Chen Mang couldn\'t guarantee that he would be invincible forever.

Because he doesn\'t know what level of world the next world is connected to.

If the connection is a prehistoric world, he will still be easily hammered to death now.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to control a powerful subordinate.

If there is a war of ten thousand races, wars of gods, holy wars, etc. in the future, wouldn\'t it be a big disadvantage if the strength of his subordinates is not enough.

A metal creature with a graceful figure, it should be a woman.


At this moment, she just finished accepting the reward of heaven and earth creation.

From the emotional fluctuations from it, we can know that she is extremely excited and excited.


She wants to leave and go back to **** good fortune.

However, at this moment, she instinctively sensed that the crisis was coming.

Just wanted to respond but it was too late.


The invisible hand directly buckled it and took it away from Yinhai in an instant.


Chen Mang suddenly opened his eyes, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"Xiao Mang left suddenly!?"

Bai Mei Daochang asked in surprise.

"He should have caught a wise creature!!"

When Master Minghai spoke, his heart was trembling.



Really great creation!

Once Chen Mang surrendered that creature, it meant that the creation of a world was waiting for him.

"I can\'t wait!"

The ancestor of the Qin family was full of momentum and plunged straight into the Silver Sea. He also wanted to subdue a wise creature from the Silver Sea.

"Brother Qin, wait for me!"

Another old man followed and plunged into the Silver Sea.

"If you don\'t enter the sea at this time, when will you wait!"


Everyone who was stimulated by Chen Mang was a little crazy.

At this moment, Chen Mang appeared in his own cave.

In the cave, a young girl is looking around in a dazed and vigilant manner.

There is no difference between a girl and a human being, and she is even a very beautiful woman.

"Sure enough, what a terrifying adaptability!! After only a few seconds of discomfort, I completely adapted to my cave!"

Although he had already guessed it, he was still shocked when he saw the fact.

This kind of creature is really terrifying.


When the girl saw Chen Mang, she was a little frightened, and her mouth uttered syllables that Chen Mang had never heard before.


Chen Mang frowned slightly, and then condensed a ray of divine light, which bounced towards her mouth.

Divine light entered her body, and terrifying energy spread throughout her body. She was extremely frightened, but was quickly replaced by ecstasy.




The girl\'s breath is skyrocketing wildly, breaking through in one go.

Originally, she was in the innate realm, but she broke through to the extraordinary in one breath. Xi.

Chapter 106

The divine light lingered around, making the girl look a little mysterious, adding a bit more to her beauty.

At this moment, she was looking at Chen Mang in shock.

She didn\'t know what Chen Mang gave her.

However, just a ray of light made her break through to the extraordinary in one breath, which is too defiant.

She wanted to feel Chen Mang\'s breath, but found that the creature in front of her was not something she could feel at all.

Also, this supreme powerhouse, why should you arrest her?