National Creation: I Added An Auction Group

Chapter 96:

"Little Mang actually caught the metal life!"

The people around were shocked and then ecstatic.


Chen Mang threw the silver tiger directly to the ground.


The silver tiger fell to the ground and roared wildly, obviously it was not suitable for the environment here, the sound of roaring was full of pain, and the body was twisting.


In the end, it turned into a pool of silver liquid and rolled on the ground.

Liquid silver can even make a roar.

Very peculiar.

"Can they only survive in the Silver Sea?"

The nine elders asked curiously, she knew that Chen Mang was doing an experiment.

"not necessarily!"

Chen Mang shook his head.

This is a kind of metal life that can evolve, and Chen Mang has a hunch that Yinhai can\'t stop them. .

Chapter 103


In the end, the liquid silver mass completely stopped moving.


Everyone was surprised.

Chen Mang did not speak.

This is just a slightly stronger silver liquid creature. It suddenly came to a completely unfamiliar environment, and death is normal.


Chen Mang frowned slightly. Although Yinhu died, he found that the unique vitality of Yinhu had not completely disappeared, and there was still a ray of vitality.

"It...isn\'t completely dead!"

Bai Bing\'s eyes flashed with a magical light, and exclaimed: "It... seems to be adapting to this world!"


For a time, everyone\'s eyes fell on her.

His face became extremely solemn.

This is horrible!

This kind of metal life is too scary!

This is only a slightly powerful creature, and it can adapt to the environment on the ground.

"Bai Bing is right, it is indeed adapting to this world!"

"The metal substance under it is melting and entering its body, which means that it is stealing the metal substance on the ground!"

Chen Mang spoke slowly.

Everyone\'s consciousness instantly enveloped the pool of molten metal, and all of them couldn\'t help but gasp.

"The catastrophe is coming!"

Ji Chen\'s face was extremely gloomy and extremely solemn.

He, who has always been optimistic, is also full of sadness at this moment.

Not only him, but everyone\'s faces became extremely ugly.

They also thought before that these creatures can go ashore sooner or later.

However, the most powerful ones.

However, now that an ordinary creature can go ashore, that would be terrifying.

More importantly, they cannot enter the sea!

Only extraordinary beings can enter the sea.

Moreover, after the extraordinary life entered the sea, it could not last for a long time, and the combat power was greatly reduced, and it was weakened to the extreme.

What is terrifying is that this kind of creature can also be integrated into the silver sea, and it is impossible to find it at all.

That is to say, life on Earth can only be beaten passively, and can only resist passively. Even if they are defeated, once they return to the Silver Sea, life on Earth will have nothing to do with them.

The good thing is that after these creatures come ashore, their strength may also be limited.

Fighting on the homeland, life on Earth can definitely have the home field advantage.

However, this is not a long-term solution.

For a time, everyone\'s eyes turned to Chen Mang, full of help.

Whether it can prevent or resolve the crisis at home, only Chen Mang is left.

"You don\'t need to worry too much about it!"

Chen Mang opened his mouth, letting people breathe a sigh of relief.

"Unless they use the world\'s good fortune to cultivate strong people, there should be no opponents of mine on the shore!"

Chen Mang said confidently.

"In addition, I feel that the world of creation arranged this silver sea around our earth, definitely not to destroy us!"

"This means that this world must have the good fortune we can seek!"

Chen Mang comforted: "Let\'s not talk about other things, if we can get the local fortune of this world, maybe we will get the reward that can adapt to the silver sea!"

"Little Mang\'s words are reasonable, but how to enter their world of creation, this is a difficult problem!"

The Valkyrie nodded.

This is indeed a problem.

They can sense the connection points of the Silver Sea World. The problem is that they are not recognized, which means that they have nothing to do with the Silver Sea local world.

"This is easy to handle, let the local high-minded creatures lead us!"

Chen Mang laughed.

This approach decided to work.

"Is it easy?"

Everyone smiled wryly. For Chen Mang, this might be easy, but for them, it was really hard.

"This is a brand-new and unknown creature. We study them, catch them, and let them accept us as masters willingly. As long as they completely surrender to us and go to their native world, it will be safe!"

"In addition, only the strongest among us are qualified to come to their native world and compete for good fortune!"

Chen Mang made an analysis.

"This is indeed a good way!"

"However, to do both."

"The first is to catch the life of high-intelligence metal, and the second is to make them surrender to us!"

"The first point, we can do it, the second point is very difficult!"

Ji Chen nodded, and for a while everyone couldn\'t help but be eager to try.

The dignified expression on his face slowly unfolded, and it turned into a frenzy.

"Father, you can be content!"

"If you want to get the price, there is no need to pay the price and risk!"

The Valkyrie couldn\'t help but complain about her grandfather.

Although he couldn\'t help looking at Chen Mang, his eyes were bright.

This is the mentality of the strong.

When something terrifying happens, everyone feels that catastrophe is imminent.

Chen Mang saw the good fortune.

If Chen Mang\'s plan is feasible, it means that Kyushu will not be afraid of Yinhai\'s invasion, and can even invade them to seek fortune.

Even if it is impossible to seek good fortune, in the battle of races, at least it will not be so passive.

Chen Mang\'s heart was also very different.

For him, surrendering a metal life is certainly not difficult.

With his strength, he can also swim in the Silver Sea.

The immortal body, even if they let the metal life kill him, it is difficult for them to kill him.

"."Boom, boom..."

At this moment, the pool of silver liquid on the ground actually gave out a heartbeat.


Everyone exclaimed, the speed is too fast.


The metal life instantly turned into a giant tiger, in addition to silver, there were also gorgeous colors, roaring in the sky.

Chen Mang found that the power was much weaker than it was in the Silver Sea.


Chen Mang swiped his finger directly, cutting the giant tiger into two pieces.

The silver tiger fell to the ground, and the breath was dissipating.

This time it\'s dead!


Everyone looked at Chen Mang curiously, but didn\'t say anything.

It must be reasonable for Chen Mang to do so.


Gently probed, the silver heart of the giant tiger fell into the hands of Chen Mang (Nuo Lihao).

With a slight squeeze, his heart shattered, and a drop of clear liquid appeared in Chen Mang\'s hand, exuding a mysterious aura.

"It\'s a kind of energy, extremely pure energy!"

Bai Bing exclaimed.

"Dare to take it?"

Chen Mang chuckled lightly, and then handed the clear liquid to her.

Her strength is the weakest here, and the clear liquid can naturally play the best role.

"Thank you!"

How could Bai Bing refuse.

If Chen Mang really wanted to harm her, he definitely didn\'t need that much trouble.

After taking the clear liquid, she swallowed it.
