National Creation: I Added An Auction Group

Chapter 401:

Today\'s epiphany will definitely be of great help in understanding the original secret pattern in the future.

"At present, this world is absolutely unsuitable for any creature to survive, and it is impossible for any life to be born.

"After the evolution of the world, everything will return to normal!"

"You have to hurry, or the dragon veins will be drained too seriously!"

Chen Mang thought to himself.

The dragon vein nibbling will definitely become more terrifying, but the number will also decrease sharply.

Chen Mang also planned to form the most terrifying dragon vein army.

As soon as the Dragon Vein Legion comes out, it can definitely sweep the world.

"Next, we need to comprehend the rules!"

Chen Mang soon fell silent again.

The ten rules of the second level of heaven and earth are now only the first level.

Chen Mang wanted them to realize that they were the same as the rules of the first level, which was the fifth level of the God-Emperor realm.

This is not difficult for Chen Mang.

Because, he himself already has the rules of the God Emperor Realm.

Comprehension of other rules will also be much smoother.

It will take some time at most.

What\'s more, he also has the blessing of the Dao Enlightenment Rules, which is absolutely twice the result with half the effort.


Chen Mang came under the ancient Taoist tea tree in an instant, picked a few leaves and put them in his mouth. In an instant, he entered an ethereal state and began to comprehend the rules.



It was also at this time that the girl with heavy pupils and the little girl finally set foot on a new world after going through all the obstacles and slaughter.

Both are invincible supreme, and their hands are extremely terrifying.

Along the way, although there were dangers, they finally came here safe and sound.

This is a very vast world.

The breath of Canggu is permeating, as if forever.

But this world is very strange.

One black and one white, one dark and one bright.

On one side, there is endless aura, full of aura.

On the other side, the demons are monstrous, and the ominous atmosphere is filled with madness.

The two seem to be intermingling, but in fact they are fighting each other.

The sky is rolling endlessly.

"What world is this?"

The little girl was extremely shocked.

The double pupils of the girl with double pupils have already been opened, the runes are interwoven, and the divine light is permeating, as if she wants to see the whole world at a glance.

"The source of evil!"

The sleeping little tower suddenly recovered, with a very low tone.

"The source of evil!?"

The girl and the girl with heavy pupils asked curiously.

"It\'s too early for you to make contact now!"

Xiaota said solemnly: "I didn\'t expect that there is also a small hole here, and the aura of calamity penetrates here! At most, it can only be regarded as a small crack, I guess they don\'t know!"

"who are they?"

The little girl was even more curious.


Xiaota\'s tone was very low.

"Are they strong?"

The girl with heavy eyes asked calmly.

"For you now, it must be very strong!"

Xiaota originally wanted to hit them, but after thinking of the existence behind them, it changed its tune.

With that one who nurtures them, they are destined to be invincible in the future.

No one can stop their pace.

"The future will be cut!"

The girl with heavy eyes said proudly.

"The whole world will thank you then!"

Xiaota laughed.

"It turned out to be..."

"I thought it died in Immortal Ancient, but I didn\'t expect it to sleep here, guarding this passage unintentionally, otherwise this world would have been robbed long ago."

Xiaota sensed it seriously, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"who is it?"

the girl asked.

The girl with heavy pupils acted directly, scanning the whole world with her heavy pupils.

"Don\'t look at it, if it doesn\'t want people to see it, no one can find it unless your brother comes in person!"

Xiaota laughed.

"Then why do you know?"

The girl with heavy eyes asked lightly.

"Because I was young, I was fortunate enough to see it once, and I still remember its breath."

Xiaota sighed and seemed to be caught in some kind of memory.

"Are you still young?"

The little girl asked incredulously.

"Nonsense, all things in time, who is born directly and is old and mature?"

Xiaota said angrily.

"who is it?"

The girl with heavy pupils had no interest in bickering and asked directly.


"To be precise, Ancestral Spirit! Ancestor of All Spirits!"

Taking a deep breath, Xiaota said slowly.

"What is the ancestor of all spirits?"

The girl with heavy pupils was slightly shocked and asked.

"It is the source of spiritual energy!"

"The aura exists because of it!"

"As long as it exists, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will continue to flow, basically it will not be exhausted!"

Xiaota said with great emotion.

"Meaning, if the world does not have it, the spiritual energy will be completely exhausted?"

The little girl asked in shock.

"The aura of each world is limited. If it is overdeveloped, the aura will become less and less, until the end of the world!"

"The ancestral spirit is not absolute. It cannot restore the spiritual energy of the entire world alone!"

Little Tower explained.

"The Ancestral Spirit is so powerful, why was it hit so hard that it almost fell?"

The girl with heavy eyes asked.

"It\'s just good at hiding, not fighting!"

"As for who was hit hard, it\'s been too long, and no one knows..."

Little Tower shook his head.

"Why is there no legend about it?"

The little girl wrinkled asked.

"Hehe... People who know about it are basically dead. Even if they know it exists, who will mention it!?"

"If I hadn\'t felt its breath here, I wouldn\'t have thought of it, it\'s been too long..."

Little Tower shook his head.

"Good luck... Little Tower, can you summon it?"

The little girl\'s eyes were extremely hot.

"In my heyday, it wouldn\'t dump me!"

"To be precise, it doesn\'t care about anyone!"

"Because all the creatures who know it want to fight it..."

Xiaota sneered. pill.

Chapter 396

"Like us?"

The little girl said with a smile.

Generously admitted.

"It\'s you, not me!"

"However, you also have self-knowledge!"

Xiaota rolled her eyes.

"Hey, strange things like Zuling, maybe my brother likes it!"

The little girl rolled her eyes and said lightly.

"What do you mean?"

The small tower trembled slightly and asked calmly.

"Cut, don\'t think I don\'t know!"

"You have coveted my brother\'s merits for a long time."

"Last time when my brother gave it to Fairy Liu and to the ancients with heavy pupils before, you trembled so badly that your saliva was drooling!"

"If this treasure can be sacrificed to my brother, how about we consider your sincerity?"