Naruto: Time Control

Chapter 390 - 392

Poison Cherry Island.

On the shore of the island there was a large windless area, to which the cherry petals almost did not reach.

A large number of people were gathered here, each with a skull-shaped tattoo on his body, with two massive crossbones in the background and a wide inverted sickle above his teeth.

These were...

The pirates of Belous!

At this moment, there was a young Phoenix Marko, less than thirty years old, standing on the shore.

He stared through the telescope at the sea in the distance, " This is indeed the Black Pearl of John\'s Pirates...»

"Hey! Inform your father immediately!!»

Marco lowered his telescope and spoke to a companion standing nearby.

The other nodded and immediately ran deeper into the island.

There are not many pirates in the vast sea that can make the Pirates of Belous serious.

These are Big Mama, the Kaido Beast, and several other powerful New World pirates, including John.

"It looks like he\'s here because of us.»

Vista, who was standing next to Marco, put his hands on the hilts of his blades, gazing intently at the ship in the distance.

Joaz, who was sitting on a rock nearby, said rudely, " Hmm, this time we\'ll sink them to the bottom of the ocean if John dares to challenge his father!»

"Maybe John didn\'t come looking for a fight...»

Marco raised his telescope again, looking at John\'s Pirate ship: "John should be well aware that he will not gain any benefit from fighting us, he is not crazy, unlike the Kaido Beast...hmm?»

Marco suddenly broke off and turned the telescope slightly to the left.

Not far from the Black Pearl, another ship was sailing.

On closer inspection, it turned out to be an ordinary ship of medium size, without any identification marks.

It didn\'t seem to be a pirate ship, but rather a merchant ship of some sort.

Marco turned his telescope back to the Black Pearl of John\'s Pirates and noticed that they had adjusted their course slightly and were rapidly gaining on the merchant ship.

"John\'s pirates are going to attack some ship.»

Marco lowered the telescope and said, " I\'m not sure.

Flower Blade Vista, Diamond Joz, and the other Whitebeard Pirates nearby also spotted the small ship, quickly being overtaken by the Black Pearl of John\'s Pirates.

"These are not our people.»

Vista\'s hands were clenched on the hilts of his blades.

Marco folded his arms and looked at Vista, " It looks like a normal merchant ship...they were very unlucky to run into John\'s Pirates.»

The Whitebeard Pirates occupy some territories in the New World, but Poison Sakura Island is not one of them, and the merchant ship does not have the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, so it clearly has nothing to do with their allies.

The pirates of Belous are usually quite poor, because they very rarely engage in looting.

Usually they rob other pirates or the property of the World\'s Nobles, trying not to touch ordinary civilians.

But they are certainly not good-natured or heroes.

None of them were going to go up against John\'s Pirates because of an ordinary merchant ship, especially since Whitebeard himself hadn\'t arrived yet, and the distance was too great to be able to help.

Vista removed his hands from the hilts of his blades and shook his head, " If John is really targeting a merchant ship, then the crew can only bemoan their bad luck.»

Under the supervision of the Pirates of Belous.

The distance between the two ships sailing in the direction of Poison Sakura Island was rapidly closing.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

A dozen or so projectiles were launched in the direction of Yeruashi\'s ship.

The fire wasn\'t too massive, because John\'s Pirates didn\'t want to sink Yeruashi\'s ship, but just cause some damage so that he wouldn\'t be able to escape for sure.

After that, they would have caught up and looted the ship without any worries.


The explosions of the shells that fell into the sea near the Yeruashi ship created a lot of spray, more than ten meters high.

Marco and the others shook their heads as they watched.

Marco turned to the Whitebeard Pirates standing behind him and said, not intending to continue watching such a spectacle, " Hey! Come on, John\'s Pirates are coming! All the cabin boys must leave here immediately, this is not something you can deal with!»

At the moment when Marco was addressing the other Pirates, Belousa was behind him.

Flower Blade Vista, who was still looking at the sea in the distance, was very surprised: "Marco! Look! Looks like something went wrong!!»


Marco turned to look at the ships in the distance.

When the numerous splashes fell, he saw the whole and unharmed ship of the Yeruashi.

There was no damage on it at all!

But the most strange thing was the behavior of the shells, which were supposed to hit the merchant ship directly.

They simply froze in the air in front of the ship, as if they had collided with some insurmountable invisible barrier, and then loudly exploded one after another!


Captain John, who was standing at the front edge of the Black Pearl\'s deck, was a little surprised to see what was happening in the distance: "Ah, it seems there is someone strong on this ship.»

He drew his blade.

Apparently, the Black Pearl\'s attack was blocked by some sort of devil Fruit ability.

To do something like this so easily, the person on the other side must have quite a bit of strength.

But of course John didn\'t care, because he did...Captain John!

One of the strongest pirates of the New World!!

There aren\'t many people in the vast expanse of the sea who can make him worry!

John swung the blade forward sharply.


A huge dark brown slash sliced through the air.

This slash crossed hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, about to split Yeruashi\'s ship in two!

But at this moment.

A human figure appeared at the edge of the ship\'s deck.

The man simply raised his hand and gently pressed his palm against the large slash that was about to split the ship in two, and then simply clenched his fingers.


A huge brown slash in the shape of an arc, with enough force to cut several large ships in half at once, was firmly stopped by a small hand, like a boa constrictor that was grabbed by the neck by a hand, it struggled and wriggled violently, but could not escape.

As the man\'s palm clenched, the huge brown slash immediately shattered, shattering into countless spots of light that quickly dispersed into the air.


At that moment, Marco\'s mouth opened wide, and Vista froze in place.

Under the eyes of the Pirates of Belous.

Yeruashi slowly lowered his hand and looked at the Black Pearl, which was now about a hundred meters away, and then said indifferently to Captain John, who was standing at the bow of the ship, " Were you so bored that you wanted to find trouble out of the blue?»