Naruto: Time Control

Chapter 231

Just ... fell...

Hearing Yeruashi's words, Mei recalled that strange white glow that appeared in the sky not so long ago, and exclaimed in a daze: "Do you have something to do with that white glow? Did you fight someone in the sky?!»​​

Yeruashi picked up the fish and took a bite, checking its readiness: "Sort of.»

"As for these matters, don't you think...that instead of talking about something like this, you should be concerned about what information I can get from you?»

Mae froze in place, startled.

She knew that she could not resist, and that she was not capable of escaping from captivity, but she had no experience in such matters.

It was her first time.

Yeruashi took a bite of the meat and frowned, feeling that the fish wasn't ready yet, then returned it to the fire and turned his head to address Mei, " Is this the Land of Water?»

", this is the Land of Frost.»

Mae was surprised, but she answered the question anyway.

At this moment, many thoughts flashed through her mind.

The fifth Hokage doesn't know where he is...

Even in the case of a battle in the air, he still had to understand his approximate location.

There was only one way this could happen — if Yeruashi was fighting at a much higher altitude than she had originally thought. At such a height, from which not only the whole Country of Frost was visible, but also the whole country of Frost...Land of Water, Land of Fire and other countries!

But that doesn't make any sense!

At this altitude, it's probably not even possible to maintain life, let alone fight!

It's impossible to fight on the moon, isn't it?!

Shinobi is not capable of such a thing...

That would be God.

"The Land of Frost?»

Yeruashi cast a strange glance at Mei, there was no such country in his memory from his previous life, and since entering this world, he had never heard of it either.

He shook his head and asked: "Is this country adjacent to the Water Country?»

"No...she's at sea.»

It didn't seem to Mei that Yeruashi was hiding something or disguising himself, perhaps he really didn't know what country he was in, then there would simply be no need to hide anything...

A doubt appeared in Mae's heart.

Perhaps this is a consequence of the use of some kind of space-time jutsu?

But that doesn't explain the meteorite's fall.

If you think about it...Yeruashi seemed to have been sealed by someone inside this meteorite...was he really fighting someone at such an unimaginable height?!

"In the sea?»

Yeruashi frowned.

He originally thought that he was in the Land of Water and would be able to go straight to Kirigakure, but it turned out that he had fallen quite far from the Land of Water, in which case, where should he go?

Thinking that Nagato and Obito might be hiding in Kirigakura, Yeruashi decided to go on a trip.

"How long will it take to get from here to Kirigakure?»

"About a month.»

Mei thought for a moment and answered, and then she looked at Yeruashi warily and said decisively: "You want to get information about Kirigakura? I will never pass it on!»

Yeruashi shook his head and sighed, " Eh, I'm not very good at acquiring and gathering information, I can only try to look into your head...»

He stood up slowly and took a step in Mae's direction.

As she watched Yeruashi slowly reach for her head, seemingly about to open her brain, Mei thought of some of Kirigakure's media outlets and was horrified.

She involuntarily took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

Yeruashi lowered his hand, looked at Mei with a smile, and said, " Eh, I'm already starting to be afraid, you don't look like a real elite shinobi at all...»

Seeing that Yeruashi lowered his hand, Mei took several deep breaths, f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y calming her emotions: "If you wanted to use such a tool, you wouldn't have saved me at all, but would have done it at the moment of the meeting. With the help of such means, at best, you can get only fragmentary and damaged information.»

Yeruashi looked at Mei and chuckled, " You can still think straight in this situation, but earlier, for a while, you still lost your composure.»


A hint of shame flickered in Mae's eyes.

The fame and prestige of the Silver Flash of Konoha in the Shinobi world is so great that these uncomplicated threats and simple movements put enormous pressure on Mei, to the point that she lost her composure for a while.


How can there be such a perfect man?

Incredibly strong Fifth Hokage, who rules over Konoha and has an unshakable authority throughout the Shinobi world, in addition, he is still very young and incredibly beautiful.

How nice it would be if he wasn't the enemy....

Mae felt a pang of regret.

"The fifth Hokage should not be concerned about the extraction of information.»

Mei didn't get up, but instead looked up at Yeruashi while sitting on the ground: "You really just want information? Now I'm a prisoner who can't resist...»

Mei leaned forward slightly and said in a soft voice, at the same time, her cheeks were flushed, and the torn and burned clothes couldn't completely cover her body.

Right now, Mei didn't have the m.a.t.u.r.e charm from the original, but her graceful body and youthful charm were also quite alluring.

She doesn't want to die.

She wants to live.

In this battle, it is impossible to win, and in the current state, there is no hope of even escaping, in the current situation, the only hope for salvation was to seduce the enemy.

Then, when Yeruashi loosens his guard, she will give him a 'fiery kiss'.

Its Futton or Yoton can melt or reduce any person to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Yeruashi looked at Mei thoughtfully, "Can I get anything other than information?»

Mei leaned even closer to Yeruashi and raised her head, looking at him shyly.

"Of course you can...»

"It will be unforgettable...»

But suddenly, Yeruashi's finger fell on Mei's forehead, interrupting her words.

Mae staggered back and stared at him, stunned.

"You still have to work and work on it.»

Yeruashi squatted down in front of Mei and grinned, " The line of girls trying to do this is lined up from the Hokage office to the Konoha gate or even to the border of the Land of Fire, but a captive like you thinks she can get around them all? You still have a long way to go to have the slightest chance of that.»

Terumi Mei:"...»

After Yeruashi's words, Mei felt as if a sign had appeared in front of her eyes:

[Fifth Hokage: Hatake Yeruashi]

[Strength: SSS]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 15]

[Charm: 100]

[Difficulty: Nightmare]