Naruto: Time Control

Chapter 131

In a hotel in a small town.

Erase took a shower, got dressed and took the scroll, starting to carefully examine it.​​

It described the secrets of the Lightning Chakra Mode of the Third Raikage.


Not completely, but only in fragments.

This information was extracted from the brain of the Third Raikage, using special techniques of the shinobi intelligence department, but due to the fact that the information was extracted from the brain of the corpse, it was fragmentary and badly damaged.

Yeruashi didn't care much about the Third Raikage's Lightning Chakra Mode, this technique is undoubtedly strong in all aspects, but his Thunder Gate is even stronger.

He is more interested in the methods of controlling and manipulating the Raiton attribute chakra contained in this secret technique.

You need to know.

Shinobi Kumo are recognized masters of Raiton, and the Third Raikage has reached a peak in this direction, his control and understanding of the chakra of Raiton, go far beyond the same Orochimaru.

This deserves close attention.

The current Yeruashi has weak control of the Raiton attribute chakra, on the one hand, this is prevented by the Thunder Gate, on the other hand, this element itself is difficult to control.

"Here it is...A Hell Of A Penetrating Blow..."

Erase whispered, reading over the scroll.

The Infernal Penetrating Strike itself is a B-rank Nintaijutsu, but thanks to the terrifying physique and astounding control of the Third Raikage's Raiton attribute chakra, the power of this technique has reached the peak of S-rank.

In the scroll, it is written that when using the Infernal Penetrating Strike, the user's hand becomes a "vessel" for the Raiton chakra, which in the case of Yeruashi is covered by the Kusanagi Blade.

By pouring into the" vessel " and condensing a huge amount of Rayton, the user's palm is enveloped in a kind of Chakra Flow, which provides an extremely high penetrating and cutting force.

This technique has two key points. First, the infusion of a huge amount of lightning chakra into the user's palm, by turning it into a "vessel". Second, the ultimate cohesion of this chakra, which requires the highest control.

About specific methods of chakra control...

The first part of the information, which describes the use of the hand as a" vessel " for the lightning chakra, is quite complete and clear, but as for the condensation and control of this chakra, the information was quite intermittent and damaged in several key points, especially the last part, it was almost completely missing!

"Tsk, this information is of little use..."

Erase disappointedly shook his head.

He didn't know whether to blame it on the Third Raikage or the shinobi of the intelligence department that was engaged in extracting information.

But without the intelligence department, he wouldn't even get that. The shinobi who dealt with this issue did his best to put the Raikage's surviving memories on paper, but the quality was partially affected by too low an understanding of the specific issue.

And as for the dead Third Raikage, after learning that Yeruashi blames him for the poor quality of information extracted from his corpse, I'm afraid he might go mad with rage and return from the dead as an evil spirit...


The information about the "vessel" is relatively complete.

Studying the notes carefully, Yeruashi quickly realized that it could still be useful for him, because this method of practice applies not only to the hand, but also to the entire body!

Although this type of practice will not allow you to form an extremely powerful arm, but it will make the body more adapted to Raiton, which will increase control over it and perhaps even make it easier to open the gate!

"Two of the damaged paragraph...yes, it should be."

Erase tried to restore and Supplement damaged two paragraphs based on personal experience and survivor information.

All additions were immediately tested in practice, with the ability to reverse the flow of time, Yeruashi could always return his body to its ideal state and was not afraid of mistakes.

About half a day later.

He concluded that there was no problem with the add-on.

This section was much more difficult, because with the exception of missing words and sentences, there were several paragraphs completely missing. Even based on the context, it was only possible to roughly determine the content, but there was no question of specific details.

Erase activated fourfold acceleration of the flow of time.

He did this until lunch the next day, adding everything that was possible, as for the parts that were too badly damaged, they could only be restored based on a lot of practical experience.


Erase came from the state of fourfold acceleration and pulled the body, going to go get something to eat.

But suddenly he turned abruptly and went to the window, pulled back the edge of the curtain and looked in a certain direction.

He managed to make out the shinobi fighting in the distance, one side wearing Konoha protectors and the other vaguely familiar.


On a city street.

"Stop it!"

"Why would Konoha attack this city?! There are no Shinobi Ame here, but only innocent civilians!"

Yahiko parried the opponent's attack and exclaimed furiously.

But the Konoha shinobi ignored his cry, continuing to attack relentlessly.


"They don't care at all..."

Yahiko gritted his teeth as he watched the other party's silence.

Nearby, Conan faced off against three opponents at once, manipulating paper shurikens while she looked at Yahiko: "Yahiko, what should we do?!"

If you continue to fight, they will definitely lose, but if you retreat, the Konoha shinobi will most likely cut out the entire small town.

"Doton! The Shift Of The Earth's Core!"

Suddenly, one of Konoha's shinobi used a Doton, raising the ground under Konan's feet, which caught her off guard.

Another Konoha shinobi did not miss the moment, piercing her with a short blade, but Conan's body only turned into countless pieces of paper.

"Yahiko! This can't go on!"

One of the fighting shinobi turned to Yahiko: "Let's retreat, we're not able to stop them!"

Yahiko used the Switon to restrain the Konoha shinobi and said helplessly, " Damn...why this is happening...Konoha..."

Just at this moment.

A voice came from the side.

"What department do you belong to and what mission do you carry out?"

Yahiko looked in the direction of the voice and saw a figure with a Konoha protector, who appeared on the roof not far away, it seems that this person was only about fourteen or fifteen years old, judging by their appearance, they are almost the same age.


Despite the similarity in age, his demeanor was completely different from Yahiko, this young shinobi gave off confidence and calmness, and by the demanding tone, it seemed as if he was addressing his subordinates.

The appearance of Urwashi forced the battle to stop Yahiko frowned, wondering who this guy is.

Who is he?

Nagato and Conan also noticed the change and looked at Yeruashi in surprise, because the "Konoha shinobi" who had previously fought them were shouting in shock.

"Konoha's Silver Flash?!"

"What the hell..."

"Let's go! Let's leave immediately!!"

Cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the attackers, and extreme tension and fear flashed in their eyes.

Where did it come from?

Why is Silver Flash walking around the Rain Country?!

Seeing that the "Konoha shinobi" were running away, not going to answer the question, Yeruashi immediately understood the essence of what was happening and coldly said :" As expected, this is not a Konoha shinobi..."