Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 205: :Bug’s way of making money

"Unscientific Royal Beast (!

Jewel Cat is in a better mood.

"Others, don\'t you?" it asked.

"No more." Shi Yu said.

"By the way, is there any place that can produce more positive mutation stimulation to plants?" Shi Yu asked: "Special soil and special water sources are fine."

"The most important thing is that there is no danger. I can go with San Baobao."

"Meow?" Jewel Cat pondered for a while.

I can\'t think of it for a while.

Mainly, Shi Yu and San Baobao asked too much.

Ordinary locations are naturally a bunch, but for the ginseng baby, it is naturally a special blessed place with an energy level of seven or more, so that the ginseng baby has a chance to mutate into the overlord race.

However, there are very few such locations in China...with restrictions, even fewer.

"I\'ll look for it later, think about it, and tell you when I find it." Jewel Cat waved his paw: "Anything else."

"I will ask the clone to get you gems first."

"No hurry, no hurry." Shi Yu said: "Let\'s put it here first, and we will pick it up when the ginseng baby is about to evolve."

Shi Yu had to prepare a little bit more to participate in the baby\'s evolutionary materials. Just relying on a moonlight gem is definitely not enough.

With one material, I\'m sorry for the full-level mutants, although the mutants are not even lush and hardened yet to be taught to the baby.

But it is certainly correct to prepare more materials.

If you can\'t absorb too much, you won\'t use it then, but you can\'t miss it.

After all, who knows when the next evolution will be, this time it will naturally be done in one step.

"Other things are gone, but in a month, can you please go to the battlefield of the undead with me." Shi Yu suddenly smiled.


Jewel Cat looked at Shi Woo.

Shi Yu looked at the little red pupil, and said: "It has spiritual solutions and needs to burn 1w of extraordinary-level undead to advance. We plan to liberate it in the next form in a while, and it lacks a bodyguard."

Jewel Cat said: "Oh oh, no problem, battlefield of the undead, hum, that\'s where I used to kill."

"As long as the Immortal Phoenix does not appear, as long as there is no sudden danger of relics, even if the Necromancer is suddenly promoted to the overlord, I can protect your safety."

Shi Yu: "..."

Please, just say a few words.


After booking a moonlight gem at Jewel Cat, Shi Yu and the others came back contentedly.

In addition, I also booked the itinerary one month later.

At that time, the school should be on holiday, and taking the time to improve Xiao Chitong\'s strength, it is just convenient for him to participate in the martial arts conference and explore the relics of Emperor Wu.

With the gem cat leading the team to upgrade, if you are lucky, let alone 10,000 Transcendent-level undead, maybe you can kill a thousand Commander-level undead on the way, and suddenly upgrade the little red pupil\'s spiritual solution to the master level. .

Let Xiao Chitong become the first ace eldest lady in the team to master the proficient super-level skills.

As for the perfect level, there is definitely no hope. Even with the gem cat leading the team, 100 kings, it is not so easy.

In the near future, he must be running out of time. Except for the fossils that will arrive in a while, the experimental specimens of the Spongiformes from Huaxiajin Legend will also be sent over one after another. He will be busy for a while.

"So fast?"

When Shi Yu arrived at the dormitory, he received a call from the Fossil Museum of the Ancient Capital.

"Is it classmate Shi Yu? I\'m Liu Xingqun, deputy curator of the Ancient Capital Fossil Museum."


Shi Yu was hilarious, and looked at the bug that had just sent them back from the resource library next to him.

It means, don\'t rest, it\'s time to get fossils.

Eleven, Shen Baobao and Xiao Chitong waved their hands to the insects and went smoothly.

They don\'t follow along, to relieve the burden of the insects.


It suspected that Shi Yu taught it the purpose of teleportation, and that was it.


Next, the insects took Shi Yu around with exhaustion.

When they came back, they had a transparent container with a huge tooth in their hands.

This is the Tyrannosaurus Fang that Senior Li Lianping gave them for research.

This tooth is well preserved. It is said that it is dust-sealed underground, and there is not much leakage of energy. There is even a seven-level energy fluctuation, which is very incredible.

When the equipment arrived, the bug looked at it with bright eyes.

At this time, the bug was very excited.

Counting this, three dragon equipment, even if you can\'t beat the eleven in the normal state, can you not beat it with the equipment?

"Very happy?" Shi Yu looked at the bug.

Worm nodded frantically.

"It\'s too early for you to be happy, the Ice Dragon Beard, Sea Dragon Scale, Tyrannosaurus Fang... are all mine, not yours!"

Insects: Σ(°△°|||)︴

The insects paled in shock, with tears in their eyes, our feelings, as far as we are concerned.

I’m all yours, what’s wrong with the equipment...

"It\'s not good to rely on external forces too much."

"After all, it\'s an external force, and don\'t you think that if you really want to engage in equipment, you should make money to buy equipment yourself, and use it to be practical."

Shi Yu educated, he actually pinned his hopes on the dragon system of the three dominant races, what about his promise?

You are the dominant race yourself, even if you want to bring equipment, you must look for legendary and mythical materials.

In front of the dining table, on the seat, the ginseng baby probe holding the soda, deeply agreed, make money to buy evolution materials, use it to be practical.

The bug was at a loss for a while.

Isn\'t it necessary to continue to sell insect silk?

Shi Yu smiled and said, "Small, the structure is smaller."

"Your virtual and real phantoms are all superbly transformed. If you create a phantom that contains your one-strike power and seal it in some equipment, sell this guardian talisman?"

"If you train your space pocket skills to a very high level, who says that you can\'t open up a different space outside the body, so that it is suitable for combining insect silk, weaving a real space bag and selling equipment?"

"Isn\'t it more profitable than selling a single insect silk."

Bugs:! ! ! ! !

Shen Bao:! !

Eleven, Shen Baobao and Xiao Chitong poked their heads out from different places.

Good guy, Sanbao is a food wholesaler, and has the bug become an equipment wholesaler?

The passing eleventh thought for a while, do I have any ability to make money? It seems, I don’t have much ability...

To put it bluntly, you can also use hardened condensed weapons and equipment to sell.

But I feel that the space equipment and phantom equipment of the insects are much lower.

Little Chitong also thought for a while, and then gave up thinking, because in a short time, it only thought that it could handle the "cremation" business.

It can make the dead return to nothingness without any pressure, and the soul will burn it.


Here, Chong Chong thinks for a moment, his eyes light up, and he thinks it is OK. When it makes money, when it comes time, buy a bunch of restoration products and put it in the space bag. It needs to see that it is the Eleven’s introverted edge that stores more energy. , Or own space bag Krypton gold warfare to store more energy!

It, bugs, just want to make money now!

As long as you work hard enough to surpass these three dragon equipment items, it is not impossible to buy!

When Shi Yu saw that the bug had realized it, he smiled slightly.

Their pet beasts are all big money collectors, so they have to slowly cultivate their ability to make money.

What\'s the biggest reason for those quasi-legendary beast masters who have reached level 7 but do not have overlord-level pet beasts?

After all, there is still a lack of money.

Although money is not omnipotent, when there is money, it is not easy to be a dominant pet beast.

"Hmm!" The insect suddenly excited Actually, there is another way to make more money.

Shi Yu: "Huh??"

The insects are looking at the fossils, stop the ink, come and study the fossils, if we can bring the ancient creatures back to life, what do we need?

Technology advances in the fantasy realm of Dao, what if it can completely transform illusion into reality, and let the ancients descend into the modern? Selling Tyrannosaurus babies to make a fortune.

Shi Yu: "..."

"While going, there is that strength, is it not good to go to the Totem area to play wild monsters to buy the economy? What kind of Tyrannosaurus babies are sold."

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