Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 203: : Shiyu's Dragon Legion

"Unscientific Royal Beast (!

Master of Distortion...

Shi Yu didn\'t know what to say.

Last time, just after the evolution of November, Dean Hao contacted the Master of Misinterpretation and helped him to conduct the Intermediate Beastmaster Examination. The audience was a panda father and daughter.

This time, as the insects have just evolved, Headmaster Feng also seems to want to contact Master Misunderstanding to help him perform the assessment of the Senior Beastmaster?

Caught a person shoveling wool.

"It\'s not impossible."

Shi Yu said: "I really haven\'t done the advanced assessment yet."

Although the master of misinterpretation didn\'t seem to be very happy last time, the master of misinterpretation did this, and Shi Yu and the others were also taking care of it.

"Haha, good, I will contact the misunderstanding."

Principal Feng took out his cell phone and dialed the phone immediately.

The Ancient Capital Royal Animal Association, the assessment office.

The person-in-charge Master Misinterpretation received a call again accidentally.

"Principal Feng, what do you want?"

Principal Feng is much higher than Dean Hao.

Although he is now retired, he was also a legend in the ancient capital at the time, an old man.

"Haha, Master Qu, there is a student on my side who intends to take the examination of the Senior Beast Master, are you free?"

"Of course there is, come on, I will test it myself..."

The master of misinterpretation still wonders why the matter is.

Hey, just this little thing?


Even the principal has to come to find him personally, which student is so pretentious.


Distorting the big event frowned and found that the matter was not simple.

But again, he felt that he was thinking too much.

"Principal Feng, ask me curiously, which student is it?"

"You know this person, and he is Shi Woo, the top pick in our career appraisal."

When the words were over, the master of misinterpreter was stunned.

Damn it.

Shi Woo?

This kid, how could he get two levels in a row for four months?

Even if you keep taking drugs, it\'s not so fierce.

"Then I\'ll hang up first, let\'s go there." Principal Feng said.

"Ah..." The misinterpreter just wanted to say something, but the other side had already "dididi...".

After a while, the Royal Beast Association.

The corner of the misinterpreter\'s mouth twitched and stood outside to greet Shi Woo and the others.

He looked at President Feng and Gudu University who came together against Bai Xi, the president of the war club, and suddenly understood that the person who came was not kind.

The last time I came, it was also a big battle.

Serious people come to assess As for such a big battle?

"Principal Feng, Bai Xi, Shi Yu."

The master misinterpreter looked at the three with a stomachache.

"Master of misinterpretation, long time no see." Several people greeted.

Master Misinterpretation was silent for a moment, and said, "Actually, I gave Shi Yu the assessment last time."

Principal Feng and Bai Xi were taken aback, looked at Shi Yu, what\'s the matter?

They didn\'t even pay attention to Shiyu\'s intermediate assessment, and they really didn\'t know it.

"Student Shi Yu performed well last time."

"Although the intermediate assessment only requires that the pet beast can hold on to the commander-level combat power for a few minutes, but with the strength of classmate Shiyu at the time, it is no problem to defeat the ordinary commander-level combat power."

"So I thought about it, and the advanced assessment will be exempted. I have all the advanced certificates ready." The misinterpreter took out his certificate.

Three people:? ? ?

"This is not in compliance." Bai Xi said.

"The rules are all set by people, and the standards are met. Formalism is the least necessary." The master of misinterpretation misinterpreted.

"That\'s true." Principal Feng nodded.

The master of misinterpretation laughed, but the old man was reasonable.

Principal Feng said: "Then don\'t follow the rules, but you are here, you seal the pet beast energy value to 20w, the minimum standard of the king class and Shi Yu, just test his current strength."

The misinterpreter was dumbfounded.

Still fight?

"This..." Bai Xi also froze for a moment.

So, is it the advanced beastmaster assessment or the master-level assessment?

"20w, seriously?"

The master of misinterpretation was startled.

However, he thought about it carefully, if it was 20w, then he could hang Shi Woo and fight.

Shi Yu\'s abnormal Jiuli war beast only had less than 10w energy value three months ago.

Even if Shiyu breaks through, it will be impossible for the pet beast to break through together.

If it were said that the Jiuli Battle Beast had surpassed Shi Yu\'s level and reached the King\'s level, he would absolutely not believe it.

High-level beast masters, no matter how good their physique, are absolutely impossible to control the king race and king-level pet beasts. The strength of the pet beasts increases in the later stages. Therefore, the level of the beast masters is also in the later stages. , The harder it is to improve.

So the greatest possibility is that the Jiuli war beast is still about 10w energy value.

2 times the energy value gap!

Even if Shiyu\'s Jiuli Battle Beast skill is very proficiency, that\'s nothing, because his pet beast skill proficiency is not low, and there is not much gap between them. This time, as long as the tactics are properly arranged...

"It\'s not bad, right." The misinterpreter nodded.

"But 20w is indeed a bit high, 4VS1. Shi Yu can send four pet beasts, one is the master of misinterpretation. This is according to the standard." Principal Feng thought about it again and added.

What he wanted to see was the strength of General Mu Huiyin\'s Heroic Spirit possessing Shiyu and Shiyu\'s new favorite beast, Fantasy Butterfly. 1VS1 would definitely not work.

"It\'s easy to say." The misinterpreter thinks that there is no problem, so it is reasonable, otherwise it will be a little bullying.

"Student Shi Yu, your pet beasts are at the commander level, right." Just in case, Master Misunderstanding asked again.

"Three command levels, one transcendent level." Shi Yu said.

"Oh, that\'s good. Progress is fast." The misinterpreter showed a smile, and it seemed that he was careless.

After determining a different form of assessment, several people came to the dedicated examination room.

While walking, the master of misinterpretation communicates with the tauren king.

"Lao Niu, come to the test, this time you have a chance to show off your power!"

"It\'s still Shiyu, but this time, you have 20w energy quota!"

"This time it is bound to be impossible to roll over. It is a battle to wash away your humiliation."

Bullhead Beastmaster:?


In the examination room, the distorted master summoned his pet beast as he walked.

On the field, a crimson flame formed, and there appeared a phantom of a huge minotaur nearly four meters high.

"Still the Bull Head Beast King?" Shi Yu was taken aback when he saw his opponent.

Old friend.

"Roar!" However, the Bull Head Beast King looked at Shi Yu\'s expression rather unkind.

Haha, this time your grandpa Niu has 20w energy value!

You can let go of the fight a little bit, who else?

In front of Shi Yu\'s eyes, the energy value of the Bull Head Beast King was indeed sealed to "200001" by the Master Misunderstanding.

"Summon the pet beast." The master misinterpreter laughed.


Shi Yu took a deep breath and began to summon the pet beast.


As Shi Woo began to summon the pet beast, the breeze was blowing,

The summoning pattern turns into spatial ripples, one more than three meters, the body is mainly blue and white, with aqua-blue compound eyes and a pair of gorgeous blue wings. The wings are covered with a huge butterfly with bright white patterns. Slowly fly out from the ripples of space.

After the butterfly of fantasy appeared, he quietly stared at his opponent, the aura of being the overlord butterfly involuntarily exuded, and the aura was extremely deterrent!


The overlord\'s breath swept across, causing the hair of the Master Misunderstanding and a handful of red hair of the Minotaur King to sway slightly.

At this moment, seeing the butterfly of fantasy, the master of misinterpretation was taken aback for a moment, and then, after careful observation, his pupils contracted slightly.

He opened his mouth wide, raised his hand abruptly, pointed to the opposite side, shaking slightly.

The powerful breath of the fantasy butterfly caused the ginseng baby on the ground nearby and the little sword spirit floating in the air to be unnoticed, and all the limelight was snatched away by bugs.

"This is!"

Seeing this butterfly, the distorting master opened his mouth wide, staring at Shi Yu in amazement, and at Principal Feng in the auditorium.

Oh shit!

Isn\'t this the newly announced overlord race pet beast, the butterfly of fantasy? !

Damn, how could it appear here!

The master of misinterpretation is stupid.

"The fantasy butterfly of the Huadie Conference is your favorite beast?!"

The master of misinterpretation looked at Shi Yu, shocked.

As a matter of fact, there are not many known that the Fantastical Butterfly is the beast master of Shiyu\'s pet beasts, and only some core members of the association related to this incident know about it.

The legendary beastmaster might know if he wants to investigate, but even if it is a top master like the master of misinterpretation, if there is no channel, it is not so easy to know the truth for a while.

"Yes." Shi Yu smiled slightly.

The misinterpreter looked at Shiyu\'s lineup in a daze. Indeed, during the last assessment, the ginseng worm and the ginseng who were unable to intervene in the fight, and now there is only one ginseng, and the ginseng worm... then Has evolved into the fantasy butterfly in front of you?

Damn it.

The master of misinterpretation was taken aback, the middle-level overlord race·the commander-level fantasy butterfly?

He suddenly felt that this battle was not so stable.

You know, that exaggerated Jiuli war beast has not yet reached the overlord race!

And his bullhead beast king is only a low-ranking king race, and it is more than a big level lower than the fantasy butterfly!

There is a pit.

Also, he quickly looked at the little sword spirit, is this, a sword-like necromancer?

The sword spirit is a big category of pet beasts. If there is no large-scale formation of a new race, the race level is really difficult to judge, and the master of misinterpretation is silent.

On his side, the information is completely lacking!

"What about your iron-eating beast." The misinterpreter asked again, scalp in trouble. Next to him, the Bull Head Beast King also collapsed, with a bad premonition.

Own Beastmaster, it seems unreliable...

Shi Yu said: "Here."

Xiao Eleven crawled out of Shi Yu\'s pocket and onto his shoulder.

"Okay..." Seeing that Shiyu\'s four pet beasts were all together, a drop of sweat appeared on the forehead of the misinterpreter, and suddenly regretted taking this test.

The ghost knows that Shiyu has one more overlord race beast!

However, the problem is not big...

He believed in the tauren king.

Butterfly pet beasts are typically less **** and blue, that is, they have low vitality, stamina, and lack of energy. The Bullhead Beast King still has an advantage.

In other words, if you remove the advantages of the number of super-level skills and the advantages of the space system, this butterfly is not as powerful as the Jiuli war beast...

"You guys shoot first."

The master of misinterpretation spoke seriously.

At the same time, he and the Bull Head Beast King gathered their hearts and minds.

"Master of misinterpretation, because I haven\'t sent them to fight together in a real sense, so you bother a little bit."

Shi Yu didn\'t know whether he could beat an opponent with a 20w energy value and not low skill proficiency, but whether he could or could not, he had to misinterpret the master to react accordingly.

Theoretically, it was the insects evolving, the eleven plus points became stronger, the little red pupil broke through, his own breakthrough, and his possessions were also added. This is the first time everyone fought side by side!

"Then let me see your strength." The misinterpreter said that there is no problem: "Don\'t worry."

There are three commanders and one extraordinary. He thinks that he can still handle it, but it may be tricky and laborious.

Shi Yu stood on the ground and immediately said, "Then I\'m welcome!"

Space shackles!

He directly let the insects use the superb high-level space system skills, space shackles!

Before the team battle, control the people first, and then it will not be too empty. This is the basis!


When Shiyu\'s words fell, the eyes of the fantasy butterflies and insects flying in the air flashed slightly. Almost for an instant, an unparalleled sense of oppression appeared on the body of the Bull Head Beast King, making its complexion greatly changed, and the distorting master\'s complexion also greatly changing.

Because the Fantastical Butterfly made its moves too fast, they almost didn\'t react even if they had gone through a lot of battles.

Absolutely superb space skill... almost equivalent to an instant cast.


At this moment, a red flame erupted from the body of the Bull Head Beast King.

The giant axe ignited flames, and the surrounding heat wave began to waver. A superbly transformed flame axe directly turned into a shock wave and flew towards the butterfly of fantasy. At this moment, the master of misinterpretation and the Minotaur king realized that the butterfly of fantasy had used it just now. What skills.

Space shackles!


The bull head beast king\'s flame axe hit the phantom without flying far, and burst out of thin air, as if it had touched some invisible wall.

At this moment, the whole picture of the shackles of the space gradually became clear after being impacted. A huge transparent semicircular area directly shrouded the Bull Head Beast King, blocking it.

Ripples continued to be produced in the space domain, but even after a huge impact, calm was quickly restored, and nothing happened.

A superbly advanced middle-level skill was used by a pet beast that reached the minimum standard of the king level. It was... unable to break the space shackles used by the commander-level pet beast!

"How is it possible!" The master misinterpreter immediately widened his eyes.


The bull head beast king also paused to think.

"This space shackles..."

Principal Feng and Bai Xi also shrank their pupils.

The strength of this space is a bit outrageous...

Although it is said that the current bullhead beast king is only an extraordinary race and king-level standard, it has reached the threshold of the king-level at any rate, and has mastered the superb intermediate-level skills. The energy utilization rate is definitely not low. The 20w energy value is matched with the superb-class. Intermediate skills are absolutely crushing for the commander-level pet beasts.

However, the butterfly of fantasy is so easily guarded?

"Unbelievable, much stronger than I thought." Principal Feng murmured, can a medium-sized overlord race have this strength?

No, it\'s not that the middle-level overlord race is very strong, but this fantasy butterfly is very strong!

Right now, only Shi Yu knows what\'s going on. After all... the bugs use superb high-level skills, and they are also powerful space systems. Besides, its energy value is less than 6w lower than the opponent. Forget it, the gap is far less wide.

It\'s not that the opponent can\'t break the shackles of space, but it is estimated that he will have to use super skills or combos, but Shi Yu obviously will not wait for the opponent to break the shackles of space directly!

He did not further allow the insects to cause spatial shocks and attack, but chose to let it strengthen the strength of the shackles, took a deep breath, and planned to replace the output!

"The soul of the ashes, the collision of flames, the horn of fire!"

Opposite, the misinterpreter gritted his teeth and smiled, and decided not to let the little monster Shi Woo look down upon himself.

Anyway, his old bottom was almost touched by Shi Yu last time. Since that\'s the case, he came up to fight each other with all his strength.

The proficient fire-to-the-flame fighting spirit increases its attributes in all directions, the superb flame collision increases the explosive power, the superb flame horn penetrates the space, plus the absolute advantage of 20w energy value as the basis...


The bull head beast king exploded like a swell, and his muscles soared.

Crashingly penetrated towards the space shackles.

However, at this time, Master Misunderstanding accidentally observed the opposite side, and observed Shi Woo\'s actions...

He couldn\'t help but be stunned.

Opposite, under the breeze, Shi Yu\'s red cloak drifted in the wind.

He stretched out his hand, a large amount of black matter appeared out of thin air in midair, and soon a black long sword was condensed in Shi Yu\'s hand.

Shi Yu gently flicked at the same time, next to him, the little red pupil quickly turned into a red light, merged into Shi Yu\'s body, and began to possess!

At the same time, Eleven, standing on Shi Woo\'s shoulders, evolves in a posture of about 0.3 meters, enters the edge mode, and bursts out of hardening and lightning power to arm Shi Woo\'s body.


The next moment, the hardened long sword that Shi Yu was holding was black and red, as if it had just emerged from the furnace, and there was a light of thunder lingering.

The space seemed to vibrate, and the air buzzed.

Shi Yu\'s whole body began to become fuzzy and hot, and slowly, Shi Yu\'s pupil color and hair color all turned into a fiery red color.

With a sound of "Boom!", countless filaments of fire condensed, and an aura that was as fierce as the sun\'s flames turned into a flame wrap covering Shi Yu\'s body!

"Master of misinterpretation, the state is very familiar, I have done this in the professional assessment..."

"But now, the equipment is upgraded..."


Seeing Shiyu\'s changes, Master Misunderstanding was dumbfounded again, suddenly realizing something was wrong, his eyes burst.

What is this, what is it, a familiar, but unfamiliar style of painting!

At this moment, the Bull Head Beast King, who suddenly launched an attack on the shackles of space, also suddenly felt something wrong. From Shi Yu, he felt a terrifying and hot aura that was more powerful than the fantasy butterfly, because as a fire-type pet beast, it is very Sensitive...

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Bai Xi, the auditorium, was excited.

Principal Feng\'s eyes were also bright.

This is the sword spirit possession mode?

On the field, the bug sensed the state of Xia Shiyu and nodded secretly.

It’s safe to deal with XI, Shiyu, and Xiao Chitong alone, but when the three parties of XI, Shiyu, and Xiao Chitong work together, the power that bursts out, even if it’s full combat power, is not opponent.

The iron-eater knight combination is too strong.

No, this can\'t be exclusive to the leader. Another day, it will manifest the ice dragon and let Shiyu become a dragon knight. This is the correct way to open the little red pupil.

Because of this battle, Principal Feng and Senior Sister Bai wanted to see the Fantastical Butterfly and Xiao Chitong at the same time, so Shi Yu could only choose this tactic.

Insects fight auxiliary, own main output!

"Master of misinterpretation, we have made a move."

Shi Yu slowly raised the black and red long sword and swung it at the Bull Head Beast King who had already collided with the shackles of space.

At this time, the Bullhead Beast King in Uiji\'s body immediately shattered the space shackles, but the moment the space shackles were broken, the strong spatial shock effect of the counter-shock directly made it dizzy on the spot for a moment.

Bugs are too strong now, even if it is an auxiliary skill, it has a huge impact on the enemy.

However, it was not the space shackles of the insects that broke the eyes of the master of misinterpretation and the bull head beast king, but the sword that Shi Yu wielded.


An extremely dazzling light, like a strong red light rolling in a thundercloud, came out swiftly.


The sword light intertwined with lightning and flames about five or six meters high, like the twinkling light of exploding stars, instantly covered everyone\'s sight.

With an unparalleled horror atmosphere, with a shocking aura, he rushed forward.

The sword light crushed the earth and was extremely violent. This is Shiyu, with a near-legendary physique. Under the hardened arms of the full level, it is an explosive technique that carries multiple skills such as the staggered sword of super-level skills and the introverted edge of super-level skills.

The power of the three parties had a special reaction at this moment. The huge air wave shook the sky and the earth. In the air wave, the insects became so much stronger, and the heart was still shocked. As for the baby, it was almost blown. He flew out and was frightened directly, but fortunately, he stabilized his figure with the earth chain in time.

As for Principal Feng and Bai Xi, they were completely sluggish at this time, because this blow seemed to be enough to break the stronger king!

Not to mention the extraordinary race and king-level with a 20w energy value, even if it is a commanding race and the king-level with a guaranteed 50w energy value, facing this attack, I am afraid that it will be extremely dignified and dare not take it physically.

The entire examination room was shaking. Opposite, the Bull Head Beast King felt the suffocating sword power, his expression changed wildly.

Is this an attack that can be used by a commander-level opponent?

"Fuck me." At this time, the master of misinterpretation was also trembling in his heart.

I was frightened by Shi Yu\'s transformation and his attack.

Obviously it should be a familiar style, the style of the iron-eater knight, why is it so different from the professional assessment!

This time, it\'s not the sword light effect...

And Temeow is... a real sword light! Five or six meters big!

What did Shi Yu go through?

The light of blue lightning and red flames swallowed the Bull Head Beast King almost instantly, and in the mind of the misinterpreter, only the last soul roar of the Bull Head Beast King remained.

Stupid Beastmaster!

If I believe you in the future, I will be a fool.

In the future, the intermediate assessment will not give you 50w of energy for Grandpa Niu, and the advanced assessment will not give you more than 100w of energy for Grandpa Niu. I will play with you again. My name is Niu!


Soon the Bull Head Beast King was silent. The first second was still contending with the horrible interlaced sword that divided the examination room in two. The next second, the energy leaked from the whole body was instantly annihilated, and the battle spirit was almost instantaneous. It stretched out its limbs weakly, and screamed in pain in the terror wave.

At this moment, the master of misinterpretation had even forgotten to return the power of the Bull Head Beast King. It was one aspect that the pet beast called himself, and the explosive power that shocked Shiyu was the other.

"I just became a professional four months ago. Four months later, he already has the power to threaten the emperor."

Moreover, this is still the strength of the fantasy butterfly and the Jiuli war beast that has not yet fully exploded!

Throughout the battle, apart from giving Shi Yu and the others enough time to accumulate energy, what else did Fantasy Butterfly do to temporarily control the Bull Head Beast King? No! And the Jiuli Battle Beast did not explode at all, and it was still in a reduced state at all!

The master of misinterpretation was shocked.

Four months, professional to master!

This kind of growth rate is simply unimaginable in an era that is not in troubled times.

"This, this, this..." In the auditorium, Senior Sister Bai Xi was also completely stunned. Although she repeatedly overestimated Shi Yu\'s strength, but now, Shi Yu\'s performance really made her wonder what to say.

"That sword spirit, isn\'t it extraordinary?"

Principal Feng looked at her, although he was equally shocked, but at least he knew the true potential of the sword spirit. Although it was an extraordinary level, it was a heroic spirit of the high overlord race... But even so, isn\'t the power too terrifying, huge? The power is far more shocking than Lu Qingyi and his description.

After a sword, the examination room was in ruins!

The only baby who didn\'t participate in the battle cried and condensed a nutritious fruit, and ran to give it to Shiyu. It must become stronger, stronger, stronger! !

I don\'t want to be a medical participant anymore!

At this time, Shi Yu had recovered his black hair and black eyes, and took the nutritious fruit and ate it in one bite.

The reason why the Eleventh had to transmit thunder and lightning in the form of a reduced Jiuli war beast was very simple. If the Eleventh giant was transformed into a tens of meters and thunder and lightning broke out, it would form a staggered sword with his own power, he would not be able to hold it.

It will still be the same as the heroic relics. If you are in a coma for a day, it is not worth it. Therefore, when the thunder and lightning is passed on October, it is collected when you see it. The standard is just reaching the limit of Shiyu\'s body. If there is more, Shiyu has to lie down. NS.

"Sorry, the power is stronger than I thought."

"Master of misinterpretation... can I continue..."

Shi Yu looked at the front, still standing strong on the ground, but with smoke and scars all over his body, his eyes were confused, and the black-breathed Bull Head Beast King said timidly.

Master of Distortion:? ? ?

He just wanted to scold him, scolding Shiyu and the others for being too perverted, but considering that Headmaster Feng was nearby, he almost cried.

"Or, by the way, I will prepare the master license for you, too. After you break through the Beast Beast Space, you can directly get the master license, and the assessment is for granted."

Stop looking for him!

Principal Feng, Bai Xi, and Shi Yu were speechless.

This is not in compliance.

Next, Shi Yu successfully obtained the senior license.

With the cursing in the heart of the misinterpreter, they left the examination office.

However, despite the cursing in his heart, the misinterpreter looked at the back of Shi Woo and the others, but fell into deep thought.

"Outrageous little monster."

"The outrageous Jiuli war beast, the outrageous fantasy butterfly, the most outrageous is... that sword spirit." The master of misinterpretation has a long gaze.

Is that the normal power that can be exploded from the possession of a supernatural sword spirit?

Absolutely impossible!

The racial level of that sword spirit...the master of misinterpretation suspects that it is not even lower than the fantasy butterfly!

…If nothing happens, another legend will appear in the ancient capital in the future.

The son of Yin Chuanqi went to the Imperial Capital University in order to surpass such Shi Woo, and he didn\'t know if it was right or wrong...

"I will definitely not give him a test next time, I am tired." The master of misinterpretation cursed.

After giving Shiyu an examination twice, the boat of friendship between him and the Bull Head Beast King turned over.

"Roar!!" The tautou beast king also sent a roar of cursing in the Beast Guarding Space, the master of misinterpretation.

at the same time.

On the way back to the ancient capital university, there was silence all the way.

Seeing Principal Feng and Senior Sister Beast Ear Niang staring at him, Shi Yu said uncomfortably, "What\'s wrong..."

"Nothing, haha." Principal Feng laughed.

Interesting, the newcomer Lu Qingyi discovered is really interesting. He is now more and more curious about where Shi Yu can go in the future.

Is it possible to become the next titled legend in the ancient kingdom of Donghuang?

In the 11th inning, the first titled legend? !

Although the members of the eleventh rounds are generally very powerful and there are legendary beast masters in the round, the telepathic talent is after all a telepathic talent. It is really not easy to have a group of overlord pet beasts against the totem-level talents. No matter how proficiency the skill of these pet beasts is, no matter how high their race level is, and how strong their bloodlines are... what about it.

There are a few totems and patron saints that are not overlord races, and a few totems and patron saints do not have super bloodlines. Their skill proficiency, not to mention, can overlook most of them with superb super-level skills alone. Overlord level.

"I am looking forward to the exchange activities with Imperial University more and more."

Bai Xi put his arm on Shiyu and said with a smile: "Your strength is too surprising to me. It\'s a pity not to go to the gym. You can\'t do pigeons in this event. Let me tell you that you defeated Senior Sister Lu. The leading mentor of the Imperial Beast Master of Imperial Capital University is still in charge of the clubs and school teams at Imperial Capital University. Your current strength is completely invincible at the master level. How to say, you have to show off with them."

Shi Woo: "I will fight for..."

"Just half a month later, don\'t forget!" Bai Xi suddenly thought of something, the Butterfly of Fantasies was strong, but she didn\'t seem to see its two super-level skills, the master of misinterpretation was too weak...

Shi Yu laughed and couldn\'t forget it. At this moment, Shi Yu\'s phone rang suddenly.

When Shi Yu saw it, he was immediately stunned.

He glanced at Principal Feng and said, "It\'s Senior Li, I\'ll take the call."

"Is that old lady Li Lianping?" Principal Feng nodded.

"Hurry up, she is looking for you, there must be something good, she is the biggest rich woman in the eleven games."

Shi Woo: "..."

Shi Yu answered the call quickly. This was the first time he had spoken with Senior Li.

Before, he wanted to tell the other party about the bug evolution, but he couldn\'t get through the phone and only sent a message.

"Shiyu." Senior Li\'s laughter came over the phone.

"Senior Li, I couldn\'t get through when I called you before. Have you seen the message?"

"I saw it, sure enough, it awakened the Inception skill."

"Yeah." Shi Yu nodded, and several of the abilities of Insect were well suited to it.

Senior Li said: "It\'s no big deal to call you back this time, mainly because of this Pirate and your last experience."

"Since you have had the opportunity to enter the dream of Tyrannosaurus rex fossils before, are you interested in further research? Old lady, I feel that in the realm of fantasy, fantasy, and fantasy, researching fossils, there may be some magical results..."

Shi Yu was taken aback and said: "What do you mean..."

"I have a Tyrannosaurus tooth here. UU Reading www.uuká has a very high energy level, and it also contains fossil dreams. If you are interested, I will give it to you for research, or fossils of other ancient creatures. If you are interested in researching , I have some here, you can also tell me."

Shi Yu opened his mouth slightly and looked at Principal Feng.

You did not lie to me.

Although Senior Li is old, he is really rich.

The moment he heard the teeth of Tyrannosaurus rex, Shi Yu made up a picture.

In the fantasy realm of the butterfly of fantasy, there are sea dragons in the ocean that cause tsunami, ice dragons in the sky freeze the sky, and on the ground, there are Tyrannosaurus roaring, sea, air and land, insects, no, you will come up with a dragon army. NS?

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