Mysterious Magnate vs. Sweet Babe


She knew what Xuan Peng meant by his words. After so many years, ugly had always been covered up by all sorts of luxurious tags.

However, that ugliness was still there. It could not be erased or disappeared. It was time to face it.

Taking a deep breath, Xuan Peng said something that had been in his mind for a long time: "Aunt Hong, I feel that you and Xiao Ri are very similar in many ways. If you don't mind, I want you to recognize Xiao Ri as your adopted daughter."

She didn't think Xuan Peng's words would be true. She nodded and only added, "How about we make a pair of good things. Xuan Peng, you won't mind having me as your godmother, right?"

Xuan Peng was stunned. He was truly shocked, but he quickly reacted. He lowered his head, picked up a cup of tea, swirled it around his hand, and drank a mouthful.

The pair of heavy eyes reflected in the green tea soup were filled with a struggle.

After a second, Xuan Peng was like an old wheel that had stopped spinning. He swallowed the tepid tea in his mouth and then nodded at Qiu Hong.

Qiu Hong smiled. She said that it was a joyous occasion that was hard for me to come by after so many years. I must properly celebrate.

Without giving Xuan Peng time to go back on his word, Qiu Hong called a few of his best friends.

These friends were not sociable friends who would go shopping or drink tea. Many of them were women who had climbed into the high school gate with alcohol and alcohol from grassroots. They were worthy of Qiu Hong's trust.

Qiu Hong also called Yang Ziying, because Mo Xiaoxiao was her daughter-in-law, this was an irrevocable fact. Qiu Hong asked the waiter to remove the empty plate and replace it with a vegetarian one, then gave Mo Xiaoxiao a new dress, which was very conservative, a small lotus leaf suit.

Xuan Peng watched as Qiu Hong combed Mo Xiaoxiao's hair. He watched as she gently and benevolently painted his with a light makeup. He watched as the originally pure and sincere Xiao Hong turned into a charming and elegant woman. Xuan Peng regretted it.

He knew what Qiu Hong meant by 'brother and sister'. It was like a shackle had been placed on his and Mo Xiaoxiao's body, and it had also extinguished any of his fantasies towards her.

Xuan Peng slowly clenched his hand into a fist. The smile on his face was too deep. Xiao Yan, I also don't want to do anything that would let you down.

Brother and sister, let me stand by your side to protect you.

Xuan Peng let out a long sigh. He didn't want the dormant gossip to hurt him, and was even more afraid that one day, he would recover his memories and hate him for taking advantage of the situation.

Qiu Hong was blissful and moved, because she had dreamt of doing it for twenty years. Finally, at this time, it was round.

Silent Dye's silky hair slipped between her fingers. She slowly combed it and put on a beautiful hair ornament, wearing the light blue water drills she had prepared for Silent Dye years ago.

Qiu Hong took a step back and looked at Mo Xiaoxiao seriously. She seemed to have seen herself more than 20 years ago. She was so beautiful that the man who saw her couldn't move his eyes away.

"Xuan, are you enjoying it?" Silent Xiao Ran had obediently endured until now, when Qiu Hong finally came to an affirmative end.

He hastily stood up, turned around, and made a face at Xuan Peng. That small, exquisite face of his had a tinge of liveliness to it from this mischievous action.

Xuan Peng smiled, a doting smile coming from the bottom of his heart. His Little Rascal was always beautiful, always the most beautiful.

Xuan Peng stretched out his hands as he silently recited the name of Silent Xiao Yan in his heart. At the same time, he called out a new name: "Little Sister."

"Sister?" Mo Xiaoxiao widened her eyes in astonishment. She looked at Xuan Peng with suspicion, "Isn't that the proclamation? Little sister, do I have to call you little sister from now on? "

"No, I'm calling you sister. You have to call me brother."

Xuan Peng corrected Mo Xiaoxiao's strange thoughts. He told Mo Xiaoxiao that he would be the older brother. If anyone bullied her, the older brother would beat them up, and protecting the younger sister would be the older brother's responsibility.

Qiu Hong looked at Xuan Peng's serious expression with a hint of holiness that she should not underestimate. Qiu Hong hoped that he did not make a mistake in this move; it was not an excuse for Xuan Peng to stay by his side.

Xuan Peng didn't recognize three of the women who had come to the scene upon receiving Qiu Hong's call. However, looking at how precious and elegant they were, Xuan Peng understood in his heart that the husband's family wasn't ordinary.

Although three people had come, the gifts they brought were double and meant for Mo Xiaoxiao. One of them was a toy, while the other was a real gift for meeting.

Compared to those expensive jewellery, she actually liked those toys. Whether it was the Barbie doll set or the precious version, she was very addicted to them.

At the beginning, she had obediently sat between Qiu Hong and Xuan Peng for a few minutes before beginning to play with herself. She wasn't hungry, nor was she interested in these topics. She didn't even understand what they were talking about.

Yang Ziying was the last to arrive. She didn't bring any gifts with her.

Upon entering, she saw Mo Xiaoxiao sitting cross-legged on a chair at the side, fiddling with a Barbie doll suit. Yang Ziying's eyes lit up. She had met Mo Xiaoxiao before and was now her daughter-in-law, the grandchild's mother.

Mo Xiaoxiao only looked up at Yang Ziying and continued to fiddle with the things in her hands without any expression. She saw that Yang Ziying had no other presents other than the small bag in her hands.

Xuan Peng was a shrewd person, and he fully displayed the role of his godson.

Xuan Peng allowed the women's gazes to shift from Jing Xiaoxiao to him, and Xuan Peng moved back and forth courteously with his own pride. This caused the women to look at him in a new light.

They were all people who had been in the upper class banquets for a long time. They had sharp eyes, but in private, they did not put on any airs or care about anything.

This was the reason why they were together with Qiu Hong for such a long time. When they went out, they were dignified noblewomen. Privately, they were good sisters who could pick their teeth, cut their nails, and chat while drinking tea.

However, they had some sense of propriety when it came to Xuan Peng. They didn't do it too casually. They surrounded Xuan Peng to tease him; Xuan Peng was able to easily defend himself.

Yang Ziying greeted the others and sat across from Mo Xiaoxiao. As he watched her fiddling with the Barbie dolls, she didn't know that her hair was in a mess. Seeing this, Yang Ziying's heart ached.

Although the former silent dye did not pay too much attention to hair makeup, but their own clean clean.

Now, looking at the silent Xiao Ran, Yang Ziying thought of her son and grandson. How long would it take to break the Xiao family's curse?

Mo Xiaoxiao raised her head and looked at Yang Ziying warily. Then, she held the toys in her arms and looked at Xuan Peng. She rubbed her body against the other side of the sofa, pulling away from Yang Ziying.

"Xiao Yan, I have something for you." Yang Ziying lowered his head, took out a photo from her bag, placed it on the sofa, and then slowly pushed it towards Silent Red.

Hearing that there was something to put away, she immediately became happy, and the alert expression on her face also relaxed.

But when her gaze fell on the photo, her smile froze. She seemed to know the woman in the photo, not know her, not know her.

Just that chubby little rascal in her arms, who was it?

The Barbie in her hands fell to the ground. She didn't feel anything, so she just tried her best to mimic the pose in the photo, wanting to hug the little baby.