Mysterious Magnate vs. Sweet Babe


"You?" Seeing Han Yong's determined look, Xuan Peng gritted his teeth and turned around to look at the glass window where the doctors were continuously monitoring the apparatus.

As long as the operation was successful and she could still be alive, it would be fine.

At the same time, He Siyuan knocked on the door to Xiao Menghan's office.

Just as she took off her surgical gown, her eyes met with a pair of deep eyes. Xiao Menghan was standing in front of the window in a black suit.

She Siyuan tried her best to smile at him. This man's aura was too strong. No wonder that patient couldn't take it. Even normal women couldn't.

"The operation was very successful. I just checked the rest of her body to make sure that there won't be any more dangerous blood clots."

"Is this good news?" Xiao Meng Han said in a low voice, but she was not angry nor surprised. She was only commenting on one fact.

This made She Siyuan unable to understand Xiao Menghan's thoughts, but she did not come here for this.

With a cough, She Siyuan tried her best to calm down. With the influence of a man who acted like an emperor in front of her, she slowly opened her mouth and said, "The patient's condition hasn't stabilized yet. If possible, I think I think of that man."

"You can leave now." Xiao Meng Han suddenly interrupted She Siyuan's words. Her words were very cold, and the words she said could freeze the air into ice.

Eh? What did that mean? She Siyuan did not understand. However, she knew that men loved to show their face. She might not be able to hold back her words.

She Siyuan smiled in embarrassment. She just wanted to see if the man in the operation room was him, so she forgot to focus on her words.

Xiao Meng Han turned her body towards the window, no longer looking at He Siyuan. He tried his best to calm his breathing, so as to not let his mood affect her, because he still needed her treatment.

"I will make him stay. You can leave. Remember, I want her to live a long and healthy life."

She suddenly saw from the straight and handsome back in front of her a great man who had sacrificed himself for love. She felt a little moved by this man.

Coughing, she covered up the fire and stars in her eyes. She didn't dare to look at Xiao Menghan's back even though she knew he wouldn't look at her.

Just as He Siyuan's figure was about to leave the door, she heard Xiao Meng Han's meaningful words coming from behind her.

"I want you to keep him because of the patient's illness."

"Of course." She Siyuan stuttered as she left the room.

Along the way, she felt countless pairs of eyes scrutinizing her.

Was it really for the patient's own good to let that man stay, or was it for some other reason? She asked herself again and again.

The answer didn't matter when she saw the man called Xuan Peng quietly waiting by the patient's bedside. She suddenly felt very envious of the patient who hadn't awoken from his coma.

The patient's name was Mo Xiaoxiao, and she was a very beautiful and charming woman. She had a very attractive body, and even though she had lost some weight, her perfect curves still caused the overly sexy He Siyuan to feel envy and jealousy.

Because She Siyuan has been engaged in medicine all year long and rarely comes into contact with the sun and dresses herself, she looks dull and boring.

Even when she was unconscious, her delicate face, small nose, curved eyebrows, and puckered cherry lips were filled with an endless sense of femininity.

Competing with a person would anger a person to death, but comparing a woman with a woman would anger a bunch of people to death!

In a trance, She Siyuan did not even notice the greeting that came from her side.

Han Qinghan had given him a phone number, telling Xuan Peng to stay unless he wanted to.

As for Han Yong, he wasn't able to stand guard here. He wasn't at ease with Xuan Peng, and even though Han Yong knew Xuan Peng's character, he wasn't someone to be trifled with.

But what if Xuan Peng wanted to be martyred by a love affair with Mo Xiaoxiao? What would Xiao Menghan do without Mo Xiaoxiao?

Han Yong didn't know that he couldn't go against Xiao Meng Han, because he knew the reason behind her actions. If it were him, he would have done the same.

Between life and death, did he have to watch as he suffered?

This was not something that Xiao Meng Han couldn't accept. When he saw the awakened Jing Xiaoxiao smile gently at Xuan Peng and saw her trying to raise her hand to grab Xuan Peng's hand.

Xiao Meng Han's eyes were filled with droplets of blood. Was this the feeling of having his heart at the end of its tether?

Xiao Meng Han looked at the little face on the screen that had awakened from its weakened state, and looked at Xuan Peng's eyes that were filled with gentleness and love. That was something that he had once possessed.

"Xiao Yan." Xiao Meng Han's trembling hand was extended out and he did not have the courage to stand in front of her again.

The only thing Xiao Meng Han could do was sit here and watch her gently act coquettishly towards another man.

There was still very little interaction between Xuan Peng and Mo Xiaoxiao.

As long as it was limited to his weak body after the surgery, the doctors wouldn't even have the chance to talk to him before Xuan Peng left the ICU.

The doctor is going to do an examination of Silent Dye.

Her expression relaxed a lot. In the past, she had always been holding her spirit and could not even sleep properly. Because she was unfamiliar, because there were too many uncertain factors.

Now that he saw Xuan Peng, he relaxed.

With Xuan Peng present, the uneasy feeling was gone. Especially when the man that made her feel nervous did not appear. Mo Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought of that man with a head full of white hair.

What was this feeling?

Mo Xiaoxiao's head suddenly hurt. As long as she thought about it, it would hurt.

He had to open his eyes because the doctor was talking to her.

She would ask if she was hungry, if she wanted to sleep, where did she feel the soreness and pain, and whether her mood would be calmer now.

He answered all the questions that He Siyuan asked before.

At the back, on the questions of leaning away from the body toward the private side, Mo Xiaoxiao hesitated until she was silent, and she found that she did not understand that this was the problem.

Don't worry, you'll be fine. I was just asking to make you feel relaxed, don't be nervous. Previously, you always tensed up, which was why your body showed such an abnormal repulsive reaction. She pulled up her clothes and covered herself with the quilt.

Seeing the slightly frightened face of Mo Xiaoxiao, He Sijie was momentarily stunned. She then continued, "Have a good rest. Is there anything you really want to eat? I asked someone to make it for you, but it's just a non-irritating, non-greasy item."

As he tilted his head to think, two words appeared in his mind: "Coconut juice."

The soft voice carried a pleasant aftertaste, and due to the change in her mental state, her voice carried a hint of a child's voice.

"Natural pure green drink!" He Siyuan looked at Mo Xiaoxiao. If only she had such a sister.

She was beautiful and gentle, just like a little girl who knew how to act coquettishly.

She was not surprised to see someone standing in front of her with a cup of warm coconut juice as soon as she stepped out of the intensive care unit.

Xiao Meng Han was really good to the point of being meticulous to her illness. If she were to be cared and doted upon by a man, she would be willing to die even in the next second.