My Wife is the Pirate Empress

Chapter 906:

Chapter 896 Naruto Chapter 177 The sentence given to Jiraiya

Naruto Chapter 177 Gives Jiraiya\'s Sentence

"Don\'t worry, this guy can be considered a strong person among the human pillar power. It is really rare to achieve the shadow human pillar power by his own strength, but he seems to have not developed enough of the power of the four tails. Otherwise, I won\'t be his opponent. Such a guy won\'t die so easily." Gan Shi Guiyu said with a cold smile.

At this moment, above the gray sky, there was a light rain, which wetted the windbreaker of Itachi Uchiha, Akatsuki of the dried persimmon ghost.

"It\'s raining already, go find a cave or other shelter from the rain," said the dry persimmon ghost shark.

And Uchiha Itachi smiled faintly, "Blood Song and Nagato are still waiting for our contact, don\'t forget."

"Let them wait a little bit. Once it starts to seal or something, it will be boring for a while to not move." Gan Shi Guiyu said indifferently.

The character of the dried persimmon ghost is like this, carefree.

Uchiha Itachi stopped talking, and just walked under a big tree, and the dried persimmon ghost shark also followed.

The strength of Uchiha Itachi is also very much admired. In Akatsuki\'s organization, the ones that the dried persimmon ghosts admire are Blood Song, Nagato, and Itachi Uchiha.

For others, the dried persimmon ghost shark doesn\'t care much anymore.

The combination of Uchiha Itachi and dried persimmon ghost shark, with a half-dead old man, continued to walk forward. Because the rain has stopped.

There is no reason to rest.

"Oh my God, I\'m a little tired, when can we catch all the tail beasts????" The dried persimmon ghost said helplessly as he walked.

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi said, "Catch all the tail beasts?? It will take a lot of time."

"No, Itachi? I heard that most of the tail beasts have been captured by us!" The dried persimmon ghost shark continued.

"Don\'t worry, otherwise it will attract the attention of the Five Ninja Villages too much." Itachi stopped under a tree. The village rushed up, and all Zhongren and Shangren ran up. We want to kill them, and we will die without strength!"

"That said, there are too many people in the Five Ninja Villages. Kill them one by one. We are all exhausted before killing them." The dried persimmon ghost said Lao Zi aside.

At this moment, Blood Song used the ring to convey the news of the gathering of Akatsuki members.

"This guy, came to us." Uchiha Itachi smiled. He has few friends, so Blood Song is definitely one.

"Oh, our laziness was found." Gan Shi Gui Sha said helplessly. The joke was a joke, but they still sat cross-legged under the shade of the tree and started the magical illusion.

Akatsuki has this ninjutsu, which is very convenient and even more powerful than the QQ group video.

Akatsuki\'s phantoms gathered on the fingers of a stone statue.

"You two, it\'s the latest." Xuege said with a smile.

"Oh, it must be lazy." Feiduan waved Death\'s sickle.

"Being lazy is not art." Dedalla said. This point, the scorpion of the red sand also absolutely agrees.

The dried persimmon ghost shark glanced at Uchiha Itachi, then he smiled and said, "We just grabbed the four-tailed man\'s strength, because he is very strong, so it took a lot of effort!"

The dried persimmon ghost said at this time, "Bloodsong boss, do you have anything to tell?"

At this moment, he quickly opened the topic.

You know, he quietly said so tired halfway, so tired and lazy for a while.

Blood Song glanced at the dried persimmon ghost shark. Blood Song knew about the dried persimmon ghost shark a long time ago. Then he said, "Four-tailed man Zhuli, it seems that you have already recovered. Then we will seal it and I will leave a shadow. Doppelganger, as for myself, there are other things to be solved."

Blood Song has already thought about it. He is different from others. He will also cut the four-tailed chakra into yin and yang parts, and one part will be sealed in the outer golem according to the original work.

And the other part of the tail beast Chakra, Blood Song absolutely used to devour the fruit, and directly used it by himself.

In this way, in the end, who will gain the power of the ten tails? ? ?

Even if the omnipotent Datongmu Huiye is reborn, only half of his power is left!

"Okay, this is the end of the meeting, get ready, seal the four tails, I want two or three days of effort." Bloodsong said.

Immediately, the members of the Akatsuki organization solved the magical body art one by one. In the room of Xiao\'s organization base, there was only Blood Song, Xiao Nan.

"You seem to have other plans." Xiao Nan looked at Blood Song and asked curiously.

And Blood Song also nodded. Of course he has other plans!

Heijue wanted to resurrect Datongmu Huiye, and the blood song resurrected Datongmu Huiye, with only half of his power. Then see how Heijue cries.

As for Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Daido wants to become a Jumeirui? ? ? Under the Blood Song Project, at most two are semi-finished products!

When the blood song was about to speak, he suddenly felt another chakra, and the blood song frowned slightly.

"What\'s the matter?" Xiao Nan asked.

"I feel that Jilai has also come. I want to use his ability to know where our base is soon."

"Jilaiya, teacher?" Xiaonan\'s expression was also complicated when he said the name. In those days, wars continued. Yahiko, Nagato, and Xiaonan started looking for Konoha Sannin to learn ninjutsu in order to change the war-torn country. After experiencing hardships, they met Sanren and asked for food. Jilai also gave them biscuits to eat. Xiao Nan folded a paper flower out of biscuit paper and gave it to Sannin, and Zilai decided to stay and take care of the three children. Three years later, Jilai saw that the three children were already independent, and left them.

Jilaiya is Xiaonan\'s benefactor. But Xiaonan also hates Jilai too. Because Jilai also abandoned them. Finally Yahiko died.

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Nan Mei asked, looking at Blood Song. At this moment, Nagato also walked in, "Blood Song, let me do it!"

"Did you drop your hand?" Blood Song glanced at Uzumaki Nagato. And Maelstrom nodded long, "Teacher Jilaiya will always come to trouble us, it seems better to kill."

Speaking of these words, Uzumaki Nagato\'s tone was also full of sadness. Because the most respected disciple of Zi Lai was him.

Jilai also told Uzumaki Nagato that he may be the reincarnation of the Six Dao Immortals and could change the world!

"Don\'t worry, kill." Blood Song said, "I will bring him back to life at the end."

"Okay." Uzumaki Nagato nodded.

Chapter 897 Naruto Chapter 178 (

Chapter 897 Naruto Chapter 178

Naruto Chapter 178: Master and disciple want to kill each other?

Blood Song took Nagato, and Xiao Nan was going to see Jiraiya. The blood song\'s domineering experience, learned from One Piece, now that the blood song is solely based on the experience and color dominance, the five old star who is proficient in the experience and color dominance is definitely not as good as the blood song.

Bloodsong\'s domineering color can clearly feel that Jiraiya\'s Chakra is already in Yunin Village, and soon he will come to Akatsuki\'s base.

"Jilaiya, Jilaiya, if you are alive, it may also have an impact on my plan, so I can only let you die temporarily." Xuege stood there and said, his eyes turned into a kaleidoscope. Lunyan, the chill of those eyes became more and more frightening.

Uzumaki Nagato also glanced at the blood song, with the knowledge of the blood song, it may not be another year or two, maybe he can open his eyes again! Reach the eye of reincarnation!

"You will also have reincarnation eyes." Nagato couldn\'t help but said. And Blood Song glanced at Chosen Nagato, "Do you still think that the reincarnation eye is the strongest eye pupil???"